HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-11-08, Page 1URIC Vol. %XI% No no Let the Ads. in the Herald be your guide ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, 'NOVEMBER 8 1928. • Before Yeti Buy ----Hear This Set ming :finers in ratio bas ewer been ;offered/ban tUew ,p is Radio. A'Angie saw of beauffid appearance. See it and bear k and you wolf want taailt. Elmer Oesch ZURICH. ONT. KOLSTER ''•• ADIO •',l. &at 7o' seek in Radio -4N••••••M•••••••••NAM+N • ••NN BARGAINSBARGAINS s 4 Received a shipment of waterproof Robes which I am retailing far be- low Catalogue prices, get your's at 7,2 Special Price $12.50 large size 4 4 ` ♦ FRED THIEL s ZURICH 61•66 I E A Olintor Obsith,Anorsdist KS 4 T444M fix;, X1.5! INLRiL5ARS.tn MAY a t in your Fall Purcliases IN MEMORIAM WURM---Anna= M. Wurm, Three years ago, November 10th, 1925, out dear sister Anna paused .away. Somewhere, Anna, we shall' find you, When His great will is done; evall stand once more beside you, When he calls for us, to come. Loving. Sisters and Brothers. SCHOOL REPORT The following report is based on the mark's obtained in a contest for October. * absent for several days. Sr. IV--Emelia Rader 204; Otto Becker 163; Pearl Wiegand 159. Jr. IV- *Edward Gagstetter 128; *Melton Walper 95. Sr. III ---Dorothy Rader 139; Har- old Rader 123; Jean Weber 116; El- more Gagstetter 103. , Jr. III ---Elgin Rader 156; Lorne Rader 110; *Herbert Miller, 113; *Harold. Schwartzentruber 86; Emil Becker '83; *Hilg. Miller 63; Vernon Schwartzentruber 48. Sr. II --Frieda Becker 145, Donald Oestreicher 143; Vernon Becker 134, Glen Walper 125, *Delton Schwartz entruber 104. Sr. I ---*Elmore Rader 88. Sr. Primer ---Kenneth Weber 72. H. W. Brokenshire, Teacher Newest Fasbion Thoughts 1 io Fail Footwear Alt BROWNS Boot Shop WINDOQD$ yQM E AsT irr TEREST11>!O STORY OF NEW AUTUMN FOOTS EAMIXONS ,. THEY ARID A,UTIRON AS TRE E L AST ISSUE OF VOG IU E TAY Wil<.L TOZT WITH AN .ALTOGETHER NEW r STANDARD OF VALVE AT THE iiODEEATIO ININCEL BEPADDBO NRATLT DONE Onlythe beet of lart•riade lit it Sim to tae, and lea etre . art �s,fantie1 wed. "xis I WEE GSD SHOES COST SEM OM 1' Brow%% Beet Shoe \WitW. D>ES8S7 t SCHOOL REPORT Report of S. S. No. 6, Hay, for the month of October. Sr. III ---Martha Foster 974; Olive Witmer 955; Doris Greb 872; Alvin Gingerich 661; Louis Farwell 655; Kenneth Greb 631. Jr. III --Gladys Gingerich 960; Win nifred Battler 943; Orlando Battler 814; Sr. II --Joe Hoffman 509; Lorne Gingerich 361. Jr. II --Grace Wein 759; Anthony Hoffman 511; Irene Foster 505; First Class --Rose Hoffman 460; Fred Farwell 240. Sr. Primer --Ruth Witmer 393; Neil Gingerich 320., r' Jr. Primer--Lennis Gingerich 303,. Leonard Hoffman 134; Albert Hoff- man 28. No. on Roll 21. Aver. att. 20. Grace E. Pepper, Teacher. Miss Ida Brill was a week-end'vis- itor with friends at New Hamburg. Mr. Thomas Turnbull of Grand Bend, called in the village on Tues- day.( Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wurm enjoyed a.;pleasant motor trip to Jarvis on Sunday. Tray Council met for its regular monthly meeting on Monday. A full: report of the minutes will ap- pear in next week's issue. • Mr. and Mrs. Dan Staubus, who have recently moved to London, were wekk-end visitors with relati- ves here. • kr. Peter Melsaac of Dashwood, has treated himself with a new Ford Coupe which he purchased from C. Fritz & Son. 011141110110180110114101101110010114004100.00041100001110411100011161.110 i10410••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • •• • • • • i • NEW• OVERCOATS • 4 .a 4 .44 4 4. ices Ilangrng from,s: •• $5.00 $35e00 SUNDAY SERVICES Worship 10 A. M • Subject ---Thanksgiving. •• • ,w .- LIII `4P OA/SCGHOU OW MAO qop 4•4444f'a.**0 h4l!'+fs SCHOOL REPORT Report of S. S. No. 4, for the month of October. Sr. IV --Clare Surerus 191, *Napol eon Geromette 67 Jr. IV-*Olevia Masse 109. Sr. III ---Della Smith. Jr. III -Norman Geromette 266; Emmerson Erb 220; *Laura Masse 1513. Sr. II --Dorothy Gascho 267; Alice 7$b 232; Jr. II -Gertrude Thiel 20S, Dennis Masse 146; Elzer Masse 8'3. TWA CClass--Claire Geiger 294; (Grana Ortwein 283; '*Rets Masse 1.1:23; *Gerald Masse 99. Peiiner-Adelore Masse. Average attendance 12.5. L. Martin, Teacher= d angelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. How to• Live Nobly Trane day by day. Do not live a wwee'k., month or year at a time. Don't :date all your happiness into the fut- ure. Don't let tomorrow's troubles Amar to -day's joys Tomorrow is gol de -m tested, don't make it blue. Life :at its best needs a touch of grief and pain and distress but you can trans- form it into beauty and blessing and. ride -into your haven on the crest of the roses. Live a truly famous life this your name may never adornthe hall of fame. Be great and grateful Be as deaf and blind and as ones- eutful as you can, to the meanness and brutal heapedon you by roan. "Be rich in gentle smiles •and . sunny; A jewelled soul • exceeds .a•- royal crown The kiehest,man sometpmes has little . money,. A millionaire is oft the poorest man in town. Special Sale OF LADIES' FANCY WristWatches 1 $8.50 to $25.00! Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and dau- ghter Mae, were visitors at the home of theformer's brother, at Hamilton over the week -end. Z A goodly number from the vil- lage and vicinity attended the fowl supper held by the United Church at Grand Bend on Monday evening, and report a very worthwhile event. Mrs. Lydia Pfile and daughter Pearl, were at Hensall for a few days last week, while Mr. W. H. Pfile of that place was attending a large S. School convention at Galt. Rev. and Mrrs. W. Y. Dreier were va4itors during the past week with friends at Waterloo, and who accom- panied them on a motor trip to Buff- alo where Mr and Mrs. Dreier visited with their daughter at time city. Mr. Sol Zimmerman is • gre'a'tly im- proving the appearance of his Iot by moving back westward the rather large barn which stood at the north- east corner of the lot, and is pu'tting• the same on a . good concrete found- ation. .EVERY WATCH BEAUTIFULLY. ENGRAVED WITH YOUR IN- ITIALS. SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW • Hess, The Jeweller COAL - . NOW IN YARDS EIGHT CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRADE FUEL Scranton Anthracite Minehead Alberta. Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL; ` ALSO POCAHONTAS C a z .te1v .• 'HENSALL GNTaQ Phone -Office ilw. Nous DIA The Business Built By Service, 1.4. 4. ►I +++++++++++.14++++.4.4444.4.14++++.1.+++++++44444.4444* ;: ex 4- .s •, ++ LATEST STYLES . 4' ♦ 4, it ♦ In Fall Footwear 1 4' ;i; WE ARE SHOWING MANY LINES. OF WOMEN'S, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR AT MODERATE .r 1: PRICES, RANGING FROM $3.50 TO $4.50 A PAIR, 1NCL11'D .g. 1NG PAT. STRAPS, PUMPS, OXFORDS, BUCKLE SLIPPERS,. + AND CUSHION SOLES. MISSES PRICES FROM $2.00 TO 4. 'i' $2 95 4 + MEN'S AND BOY'S WORK SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 1Vlerrsr. C. Fritz and Gid. Koehler + WITH OUTSIDE COUNTERS. + REPAIRING DONE WITH THE BEST MATERIALS LAST THE .i. LONGEST: cia 4. Men's Shoes soled, pr. $1.00 Women's Shoes soled, pr. 75c 85c. 4, +Rubber heels, pr. 35c to 50c pair ♦ to.1.44 -1•4•4-1,++++++++++++++4,6•+++++++++++++++444-1-:-1-1-1‘ 1.44.4. •4-1,+4.4.+++++++4++++ t +"+++++++++ +444-.'. 4 1.1-+ „♦, FORD COACH 1927 Model like new in every way. We have 4!.• ,l, 4 taken this car in on a New Ford Model A.. Z .y 1926 FORD COUPE, Can't be told from a new Car, Original duce 40 - and! Tires Z returned on Friday from a trip to i} 1923 FORD SEDAN, Upholstering perfect this car can be hougF t .'!^ Oshawa, Morristown and Guelph, ?'0, for the price of a touring car returning with a new Pontiac sedan' L 23 FORD'COUPE, Upholstering perfect, original pair.t and sax. .�,g auto, which has benn sold to Mr. good running condition. Thomas Robinson, of the Goshen acSAY BORT Touring, in good running shape priced at $25.810. This ear can be used for a 4 -wheel trailer, 2 new tire* am Line, Stanley Township, and we g • know Mr. Robinson and family will t other tires fair, also Battery. be delighted with their fine purchase + FORD' TRAILER with license ata snap. f ; f? the sinking of the test well for oil on .•t• RUBBER TIRE BUGGY in good condition, also 2 steel tire Integies;. Operations have commenced for the farm of Mr. Ben Charrette, a • fi few miles south of St. Joseph, and 4. FORD TOURING With starter and new top and Curtains at SWAM 4 D FRITZ & SON ek we trust that the venture will be a'll, will surelyboom FORD DEALERS ♦ successful one, as it wi + ♦ this part of Ontario if a good flow of .l FORD CAR. PHONE FOR Al. DEW- oil would be found, as well as swell * .AGENTS FOR THE NEW the pocketbooks of the syndicate Who .1. are behind this prospective move. + Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. --Jr. League. Thursday 7.30 --Prayer and Praise. Friday 7.30 p.m. -Senior Ledague' Friday 8,30 p.m. -Choir Practicer .,, Mr. Peter Haberer brought to the + Herald. office a fine sample of ripe , 44++++++++++++++++++++0,444444 ,i.1.+,i4+++++++++++0,444^`44 If i.,4+++++44444+.„44. strawberry which Mr. "Haberer raised ONSTRA iI ON! SECOND HAND FORD PARTS AT HALF PRICE in his garden, IV -tieing, of the ever - bearing variety, and looks almost as 'f it were true to its name, when we thing of November 7th and still able to go out in the garden an pich delic- ious ripe fruit as Mr. Haberer show- ed us, surely we are living in a land; worthy of mention, and Mr. Haberer advises that up till just recently they' were enjoying an occasional dish of this beautiful fruit, which maintains a beautiful colo as well as size. The members of the Zurich Branch of the Womens' Institute stet in the Council Chamber on Monday ev- ening, November 5th with a fine number present., The meeting was opened by Miss Pearl Wurtz after singing "O'Canada" they all joined in repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mas ter Ross Johnston favored the meet- ing with an instrumental number, to which the gathering responded with a hearty clap. Miss Pearl Wurtz_ then gave a reading on Thanksgiving followed by a piano solo by Mrs. 0" - Dwyer, which was well received. Rev. W. Y. Dreier then spoke on A Bible Baseball Match, and ended with a bible contest. This was cer- tainly enjoyed by all. Quite a num- ber of business matters were then' transacted and the meeting was brou ght to a close by singing the Instit- ute Ode. it 114.,113. --Bible School, T. R, Ganeho, Superintendent. Worship. •7.30 P. M. efd' Ct • Subject ---Patriotism: !tli/Pl4 IC4Ft N+Yad�t 'Rev., W. Y. Dreier, Pautot 1 Summer and Fall �OODS When you start out to do your summer and Autum buying come • t 'Here WE CARRY A NICB ASSORTMB NT OP GINGWANA,4 . PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SHIRTING'S, COTTONAD ,FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE; A FULL ASSORTMBN'T1 OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING. Ii..4:RICiS8 REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 6.97 IFILARC,Fe •