HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-10-25, Page 8The Store with the Stock eclat Display OF New Fall Merchandise We have opened up a shipment of New Fall Goods and invite your inspection. DRESS MATERIALS NEW CALANESE LOCKNIT, :WEIGHT, GUARANTEED "NO FALL AND WINTER WEAR, ALMOND GREEN AND AZURE IN 27 and 36-incher wide IN NEWEST SHADES. CLOTHS SUCH AS POPLINETTES, IN A FINE FABRIC OF GOOD RUN'" VERY SUITABLE FOR TN BLACK, MOTHER GOOSE, BLUE. VELVETS ALL WOOL FLANNELS, QUEEN'S CLOTH, SANTOYS, ALL THE WANTED SHADES. GAS.CHO & SONS ProduL.: Wanted Phone 59 .4*-&-1.-.-**1-r-r1-2--r•r-i-r-4.-.-+-r-rrt..rt-014÷.1.4•+++++++++++++++++-1.4.++ rr ANNOWsICEMENT We Have A full Line of Men's, Boys', Women's and Children's Sweater Coats, Un derwear, Hosiery, etc. in stock All at Reasonable Prices • J. W. MERNER YELLOW "FRONT. STORE PHONE NO..145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST i-Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Price and family of Waterloo, wee Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lei - bold, Babylon line. 1 M. Philip Eisenbach, and Miss Dorothy and Ruth Brenner were Sun day last visitors with friends in Kit- chener. • Jos. Gelinas, Merchant at Drys.* dale wishes to announce to thema.,ne tluit they will take all kinds of fowl on Wednesday and Friday of each week as long as there is morket for the same, and pay the highest prices. We have been appointed Agents direct for * AICII AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF $ TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OP WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. 'ET)*ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI - V BEEP PE T Fo-urt - CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; + C1/45MPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON t WITIPPET S 2s- THE MARKET. A CAR WITH A. ti• willys Knigh, TW 0 MODELS, PROVIDED. WITH T._ u THE FAMOUR SLEEVE VALVE 3: SOUND REPUTATION 4 * it MOTOR.. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US 4. BIWORE BUYING ELSEWHBRE. A SATISFACTORY DEAL 1+ "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" 11. M ASSURED, BESIDES: + '4. 4. 4- 4- * 4. ousseau Zurich + . + +. 4. q• 4. IP 4-1-1-44:444-1•44+++++++.14idejr÷÷44+++++++++++++4.4•44+++++++4+ 40111•111•0600111•0011111114111•4110611.06•11•11•11•41011•11H1000•011000••••111•11 • • • Thursdays. OctolIer Uth* 10* •'`V .1- • 4 • Seasonable Hardwarel .i.: Fall is here and we CAn supply t; • t the Public with Seasonable Hard- t • ware at moderate prices 4r.: A Nummue, OR GOOD SECOND HAND STUVISS VERY + CHEAP, ft FENCING. 4. + A CARLOAD OF LUNDYS'LUCKY TIE WIRE, JusT, AR- • 4. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest BusinesS- of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- Amoun6 of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 31, 1927; $22,365,735. Total Cash in Bank sin& Bonds •$150,579,88 - Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3years. t RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN COIL, BARBI, BEACH AND t sk•• * 7 . STEEL POSTS. ••• li 71- TIRES 'AND TUBES - I 4. +4 A FULL LINE OP GUTTA PEROHA TIRES. NONE BETTER A PAINTS AND VAR NISHES . I + ..* • GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT, & 4 al. A—FULL LINE OF CHINAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO ENAMELS 71. + 4. + + ALSO FULL LINE OF MURESCO, DM * *4. FURNITURE .1., ÷ " . + _ • + Fill Line at Furniture in Living ROOM Suits, Dining Roost Suits, Bed Room Suits, Kitchen, Cabinete. Reed Rockers and * Chaim. A number of Rockers at Greatly Reduced Prices. I Good Supply of famous •SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS AND 4 * ' I 47 4. MATTRESS. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES. * BRING US YOUR HORSEHAI7 R RAGS, OLD IRON. W PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. 4rP; 'FULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER SMOKE , Johnston &Kalbfleisch •-t Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 t liff-14.4-1.+444.10+1• The ideal fine October weather thE. F..Klopp--Zurich e• past few weeks has indeed been very welcome to one and all, and the farm Agent, Also Dealer ia Lithinind Rods ers are taking advantage of it by ' getting a goodly amount of their outand allAiwis of Fire insirancs -1 side work done, and those who have a silo to fill with cut corn are earlly on the job these fine mornings. A goodly number of farmers are busy! • • with their fall plowing, and as the 2 fall season is creeping along, we can. look for cooler nights and even an 'occasional frost. So far we have not 4-4- - been visited by a frost in this sec- tion, as we notice a most beautiful display of flowers in full bloom in the large plot east of the mill, and kept in shape by the various memb- WE ARE, SHOWING A FINE MiIIinery Fine Display Hecla Furnaces I AND Quebec Stoves NIGHTS ARE GETTING COOL AND WINTER WILL SOON BE HERE WITH US AGAIN. THIS PUTS ONE IN MIND OF YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT. A NICE COSY AND WARM HOME ALL WINTER WITH LESS FUEL. THAN THE AVERAGE HOUSEHOLDER LET US GIVE YOU ESTIMATES ON ONE OF THE OLD AND RELIABLE "HECLA" FURNACES, ONE THAT HAS STOOD • THE TEST AND STILL STANDS WITH THE VERY BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY. • OR PERHAPS ONE OF OUR QUEBEC HEATING STOVES El WOULD SUIT YOUR REQUIREMENTS BETTER. IF SO LET 2 US GIVE YOU VERY VALUABLE INFORMATION ABOUT 5 THIS, THE LESS EXPENSIVE WAY OF HEATING THE HOME. A CALL WILL BE APPRECIATED. GOODYEAR Tires for long 'and durable ers of the Zurich Horticultural So- ' DISPLAY OF FALL MILLINERY ciety, this is probably unusual for the middle of October. The recent nice warm rains also add greatly to keep things brightened up. November Rod and Gun. Replete with a fine collection of well illustrated stories, the Novem- ber number of Rod and. Gun and. Canadian Silver Fox News is one of the most attractive issues of the nat- ional sporting magazine that has ap- peared on the news-stands. All fields of outdoor sport and recreat- ion are covered in interesting stories and articles by such well known outdoor writers as Bonnyeastle Dale, A: Bryan Williams , Robert James and J. W. Winson. In addition to these the Guns and Ammunition Dep artment, edited by C. S. Landis, Out- door talk by W. C. Motley and Fish - A . ing Notes by G. P. Sladen are espec-Call isalways appreciated 1 Silver Fox News section edited by 3. HAT SHOPPE ially good this month. The Cana/Ban • • • 1 ••• • • • • • • 1 Service If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! STADE & WEID01 IN ALL THE NEWEST AND LEAD INS STYLES CHILDREN'S HATS IN FELTS AND VELOUR. WOMEN'S HATS IN VELOURS AND FELTS. WE -HAVE ALSO •A FINE AS- SORTMENT OF DRESS ORNA- MENTS FLOWERS FOR DRESSES AND COATS. Sae Us about Your Fancy Goods Requirements COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE R. Barr, also contains a selection of very timely and informative meter_ THE PRICES ARE RIGHT AND lab Rod and Gun and Canadian Sil- ver Fox News is published monthly by W. 3. Taylor Limited, Woodstock Ontario. ZURICH - ONT. 111.0.00•111111044040416110400040160•0111014111041001/00001040.114010.11% 1 THE QUALITY GOOD V. V. SIEBERT Write for Free Book Send for hand- some, free book; "Walls That Reflect Good Judgment." It gives valuable information on Gyproeandinte- rior decoration. Canada and M Limited Posta Canada,' t 1 \ikl \N 11 lli i r 111 \ --rwea II To 1 & reproofo- oil Odin with •7•r• 44, , 1 Fireproof WailbOard For Sala HS' rred C. Kalbileisch4 Zurich Ont. Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation The Canada Trust Company •Announce: INCREASE IN INTEREST RATE ON AND AFTER OCT., 15, 1928, FOR ANY TERM OF ONE, TWO, THREE, FOU OR FIVE YEARS ON ANY AMOUNT OVER 8100.09 PER ANNUM WILL BE PAID HALF YEARLY. 44. Per Cent. A SAFE AND CONVENIENT WAY OF INVESTMENT. FULL PARTICULARS GIVEN AND APPLICATIONS RECEI- VED BY: Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY mow° i—ONIRVICH AND WIRTZ Have You -MADE YOUR WILL? • At this time pi the year nearly everybody is about to renew their paperti ur magazines. We wish to advise the public that weare in many cases sole agents for daily, weekly papers and all magazines and will give you reductions en on moat of Ithese that will tmr- prise you. If you are about to renew your reading matter, first come and see us, and be convine- ed.—Herald Office. 301111' Drugless Praction.' eer anal Optician; MAIN OFFICE Exeter , Phone 70 SUITS SUITS /To theman who regards a well dressed appearance, we recommend you- to come and look over our fine range o T. NEW FALL SUIT1NGS 1 • • BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED' GRA i HEAD AGENT FOR TDB • WELL KNOWS MADE TO MEAS- , URE CLOTHES—CORNELL, WR GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR MONEY GLADLY REFUNDED. " ALL OW SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH U� tIN. Its HOFFMAN MERCHANT TAIKAIEL W. 11.004111114, Seth nlifiBAS /AND, FUNERAL toutaleireRad DeT, sail Ntglit Maid Rai 116, Ib4t-tft-+*.''*"11fr