HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-10-25, Page 7tockin IMPINIPPW17'. Madam l If your husband or your brother chews tobacco, ask him to try Big Ben, the famous plug chewing tobacco, for every piing of Big Ben carries a "Poker Hand," and in exchange. for four (4) sets of "Poker Hands" (Nos. 1 to 52) you will receive. FREE one pair of Kayser Pure. Silk Full Fashioned Stockings." These stockingsare excellent quality, conform to the leg, and retain their shape, Sixes, 8H, 9, 93 and 10; in Patio (fawn), Hoggar (flesh), and " Sonata (grey),. Big Bente is mighty fine tobacco and men , certainly enjoy it. BIG B PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO Save the "Poker Hands" "I understand that your wife thought of taking up law before she married you." "That is so. Now, however, she's content to lay it down." --- A. grasshopper's ears are to be "found on its legs. Men's eyes are sometimes to' be found" on girl's legs. When your Children dry for It Baby has little upsets at times. All. your care cannot prevent them. But you can be prepared. Then you can • do what any experienced nurse would do—what .most physicians would tell you to do—give a few drops of plain Castoria. No sooner done than Baby is soothed; relief is just a matter of moments. Yet you have eased your child without use of a •single doubtful drug; Castoria is vegetable. So it's safe to use as often as an infant has any little pain you cannot pat away. . And it's 'always ready for the crueler pangs of colicror constipation, or diar- rhea; effective, too, for older children. Twenty-five million bottles were bought last year. 004 tiftve PHILLIPS For Troubles due to Acid.• iNDIoESTION p.Cin sTOMACM HEAITTSURN HEADACHE GASES •HAUSEA� FINANCIAL NE` S Investments by Canadian Banks Re- duced by $8,000,000 During August Investment holding of . Canadian chartered banks' during August this. Year showed a decrease of approxi- mately $8,000,000. The total at the end of August amounted to $500,455,- 034, as compared with $508,404,722 at the end of July. As compared with February of this year,however, a decrease is shown of nearly $54,500,-, J00. Investments of the' banks conies. under three main 'groups and CoM- posed the following:—Dominion, Gov- ernment and Provincial Government securities, $316,124,572; Canadian mu- nicipalities and British and foreign public securities other than Canadian, $123,333,000; Railway and other bonds, debentures and stocks, $60,997,462. The Dominion and Provincial Govern- ment holdings were reduced from $317,812,592 during August, rt down $1,700,000; Canadian municipal and British and Colonial securities other than Canadian, were reduced from $125,969,848, down $2,600,000; Railway and other bonds, debentures and stocks were reduced from $64,622,828, down $4,300,000. - Due for Bumps New York—One of the large Stock Exchange houses, in commenting on the inflation which has taken place in the stock market, has -selected at ran- dom twenty-one issues gusted on the Stock Exchange Mit finds that at cur- rent prices they are from 90' to 625 per cent. above their 1929' low figures. The percentages ofn,dvance, as enumerated by this -firm, are as fol- lows:—British Empire Steel, 366 per' cent.; Callahan Zinc and Lead, 90 per cent.; Chardler-Cleveland, 127 per cent.; Chicago & Alton common, 102 per cent.; Chicago & Alton preferred, 103 per cent.; Loft, Inc., 91 per cent.; Mexican Seaboard, 573 per cent.; Middle States 011, 130 per cent.; •Na- tional Acme, 175 per cent.; Norwalk Tire & Rubber, 110 per cent.; Pathe Exchange, 237 per cent.; Pathe Ex- change A, 249 per cent,; Pierce 011, 625 per cent.; Robert Reis & Co., 93 per cent.; Standard Plate Glass, 122 per cent.; Standard Plate Glass pre- ferred, 111 per cent.; Superior Oil, 200 per cent.; "Van Raalte, 300 per When Foy Sours About two hours after eating many people' stiffer from sou' stomachs. They call it indigestion. It means that the''stomach nerves have been over- stimulated. There is excess acid. The way to correct it is with an alkali, which neutralizes many bines its votume in acid. The net 'way is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia --just a tasteless dose in Water, It is Pleasant, efficient and harmless. It has remained the stand' and with physicians it the 50 years since its invention. \ It is thequick method. Results come almost instantly. It is the ap- proved method. You will never use o another when yeti know. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Bach bottle contains full diree- tiondrugstore: cent„ Warner Brothers Pictures' A, 408 per cent„ and Western Electric instrument, 99 per cent. .Ontario's Toba000 Output *,Ciro following table gives the esti mated area and production of tobacco for the, years 1922 to 1927, together ;with the annual 'average for the period. ,]',,kite all. special crops, these, figures are ueoful only for coMPark- son purposes; ' Years Acres Pounds Per Acre 1927.:., 34,555 39,520,980 1,144 1926,... 19,992 25,557,724 • 1,278 1925.... 1.2,119 15,315,934 1,204 1924.,.. 12,399 14,525,471 1,172 1923.... 8,630 10,797,228 1,251 1922....' 9489 10,031,870 1,202 Annual Average- 1922-27,. verage-1922-27,. 16,247 19,458, 202 1,198 The above figuree_eerve to indicate the phenomena] . growth: that has taken place in the tobacco industry recent years. This is attributable primarily to the recognition in : the world -consuming 'markets of the su- perior quality of tobacco grown on, explorer. London Boy Finds Treasure Of Roman Coins in Back Yard' London. ---•Gerald. Grimsdell, 9 yearly old, is the envy of every- boy in Lon- don. He dug up buried 'treasure in his own hack yard, a wealth of .coins hidden by some:old, Roman before the time' of Christ, Gerald, home en holiday from school, thought it would be fun to dig for treasure. When Gerald got down four feethis spade struck an, old earthenware pot in beat dime novel fashion. It contained 652 old Roman coins of considerable ;.value. .Under British law finds of this kind must be reported to the Coroner, who holds an inquest to determine whether the fled is "treasure trove." This was done and the coins were turned over to the British Treasury. Some will go to the British Museum, but 80 per cent. of the selling value of the coins will be returned to Gerald, who -says that when bo grows up be will be an the plantations 11 'Southwestern.' On. - tarso, where soil' conditions are ideal. Another important factor has been the preference given Empire -grown' to- bacco on the British market, which 'works out at approximately 50 cents per pound. Farm Property in Ontario Valued at $1,813,000,000 Tho value of farm property in. the Province of Ontario, including land, buildings; implements and live stock, at the close of 1927 aggregated $1,813,- yet afraid to eat, becar,se of the pains E YOUAFRAID OF YOUR MEALS? Proof That the `Stomach is Weak and Needs Toning Up. Are you one of the many^°sufferers who cheat meal time? Hungry, and 780,891. This compered with $1,764,- '448, in the previous yeah. •• No More le Sales and discomforts that follow. When the stomach is out of order the whole system suffers, and as the blood be - The Standard Stock. Exchange has comes thin and watery it becomes in 'Sassed a ruling that issues over $5 creasingly difficult to correct the cannot be traded in other than 5 -point digestive disorder. There is no tonic jumps. This : means Teck, Sudbury for the stomach that is not a tonic for the whole body; thus a blood -building Basin, Sherritt and a few others wont tonic such as Dr. W Iliams' Pink Pills, be getting milled around to such an not only relieves indigestion, but adds to the general strength. Mr. D.. J. Shaw, Selkirk Road, P.E.I., has proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in a severe case of indigestion and relates his experience for the benefit of other sufferers. He says:— "I suffered from indigestion for a num- ber of years. My case was so bad that words fail to describe it. My appetite was gone, constipation was present, and my nerves were all on edge. I could not sleep wed] at night, and the wgrld was a dark spot for me. I tried a number of remedies, but without any benefit. Then Dr Williams' Pink Piuis were recommend- ed, but without much faith, after so many failures, I decided to try them. After taking three boxes I noticed a change for the better. Then I got three boxes more and found 1 bad a genuine remedy. I continued the treatment, took moderate exercise, could take plain food without suffer- ing as formerly, and proved that these pills make a good blood, and that this good blood willrestore, the stomach and nerves. Anyone suffering from stomach or nerve troubles will make no mistake in giving Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial." Dr. Williams' Pink fills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. Write to -day for a copy of the free booklet "What to Eat and How to Eat." extent and should prove beneficial to the: board. A few days ago "Frencby" from Kirkland Lake wrote a note say- ing the 'raining board locket's -like 'a one=cent sale. "Unless your husband has non- skid collar buttons he's prone to discover flaws In your housekeep- ing" WHEN YOUR BABY CATCHES A COLD In spite of all precautions little ones will take colds—especially dur- ing the changeable days of our Fall season. When the first symptoms appear—sneezing, redness of the eyes, running nose—Baby's Own Tablets should be given at once. They will rapidly break up the cold and prevent more serious compliertlt,ns. Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the home always feel. safe. In fact they' are like having a doctor in the house. They are a gen- tle but thorough laxative that sweet- en the stomach and regulate the bowels, thus driving out constipa- tion and indigestion and relieving the baby of the many childhood ailments which are the direct result of a clog- ged condition of the bowels or sour stomach. They are absolutely safe —being guaranteed to contain no drug at all harmful to even the youngest babe. They cannot possible do harm —they always do good. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or• will be sent by mail at 25 Dents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. Phrases From the Sea In the days, when New Bedford was a famous whaling port the conversa- tion of women as well as men was in- terlarded with, sea phrases. Even the girls spoke on "cruising about' on "short allowance,". and :getting "rig- ged out" with new "canvas" for cloth- ing A housewife asked her son to hand her the "bight of a clothes -line." Down on Cape Cod if a lass was kissed by a young Man she did not particu- larly fancy quite likely she would push him away ,with a "Sheer off,' or ,I'll split your mainsail with a typhoon!" A reputatiibn'of over thirty years is at stake• every time a package of Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea is sold. So highly is this reputation prized that the makers have authorizer) your grocer to replace any package free of charge that does not satisfy you in every particular. a -B ISSUE No. 42—'28 W.r,YaAT� S.,7w.'Lf11.'N11.,M.ax3Wne3W'W'np'i.,i:s Soul -Saving Drive r By Slogan Stirs British Attention London.—The "saving of souls by slogans" movement is drawing sup- port from every walk of British life.l Piccadilly Circus at night and all other public places in London where there are large gatherings now see the Gospel silently proclaimed by sandwich -men. One of these is a wealthy London stock broker. The movement was started by Com- mander Galwey, a retired naval oaficert who set out from Worthing to work his way north with a banner. A win- dow cleaner, unknown to him, also had set out from the north -country to tramp south and the two met half way. That meeting was the origin of the unofficial slogan -carrying move- ment. One of the most zealous supporters is H. Aveling Baker, a stock broker. He is a picturesque figure, with a patriarchal white beard, and he pur- sues his policy of passing on the mes- sages of the Bible even in his every- day business life. Clients who visit his private office cannot escape a bold, blue and red poster on the wall, bear-' ing this injunction; "Believe -in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." "It is a wonderful, lovely work," says Baker. "Those who take part in it receive not a penny and some are as poor as church mice. We have taxicab drivers, window cleaners, sol- diers and sailors and all manner of simple working Men who are •prepared, to give up a day's work to carry the Word at some great gathering. Peo- ple often laugh, but we can bear ridi- cule. ".I have tramped the slums at Mid- night and have come to no harm. I have seen drunken men go down on their knees to say their prayers. Our policy Is never to obtrude ourselves on the public. Carrying a slogan Is the most inoffensive way of preaching to the people. Those who wish can ignore the message, but time and time again it goonIia; e." r rr, : _ "A dog's ', is., der,,, of his n 1 ,� , *would m` lard a s °� r1 .• .. And , says � acid, ail appsoiR ,.twfi; bod Veterlhsrles u .ci4"410 If11atl''CItA niton • bin!" The Orange Pekoe is something extra -a special al tea 13 In dean, bright Aluminum Migration : of Hunnan Beings Plymouth Western Morning News: It has to be remembered that in trying to solve this problem of migration and and homes overseas for our sur- plus population we are dealing with human' beings. Men and women differ widely in temperament and ad.aptabil- sty to circumstances. What �t T R O N G H E A R T POLICE DOGS, would be astonishing would be to ►7' i;edigreed, registered. Write _ for 11-Ult, oOngue:t. urt Strongheart Kennels, co - have them all ready to submit to righ whatever conditions they had to meet. Classified Advertisements RUG YARN T RIO1 5 PER POUND UP, TWENTY - A one saxnplea free. Stocking & darn i4liJls. Dept. 1, Orillia, Ont. STEOZZOHE&RT POLICE DOGS Minard's Liniment for aching Joints. Jack: "How did you come to marry a girl you didn't particularly care for?" Tom (gloomily) : "I attribute it to the fact that she wanted me worse than I didn't want her." ATENTS List of "Wanted Inventions" and Full Information Sent Free on Request. THE EAMSAY CO., Dept. W. 273 Bank St.. Ottawa, Ont. !CHALLENGE you that 1 will teach you, by mail, in one lesson, the simplest, shortest method all for it.00 Not telepathy, You can read one's mind to a dot, by only looking In the eyes of partner, chum, sweetheart, etc. Praised by New York, Boston, Mon- treal Police Chiefs; colleges; Thurston Blackstone, etc. If fake, let them, arrest me. II..HONIGMAN, Dept. T,w.S. 6116 Clarke Street - Montreal, Canada C ticnra Talc. The newest Member of the Cutleura fondly for the newest member of your family The Ideal Baby Powder 2 5c. Their teeth are at a tough- ness which makesthembold their keen cutting edge un- der every usage. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONTREAL . VANCOUVER, IIT. JOHW, N.D.. , TORONTO c nirnals Minard's heals bruises, sores, sprains, saddle boils, distem- per, etc. Shake it your happiest holiday. Your friends and relatives will be happy too. White Star ships offer a most enjoyable trip both ways. Special .6'ail sags to lEngland— reiand—Scotiand-- France—Belgialila Montreal-Glasgow-BelfasrLiverpool Laurentic Now. 24 2Xatifar-Plymotetlr-Cherbourg-Aufturrp Peeaanlancil Dec. 2 • Lapland Dec„ 9 Halifax -Glasgow -Belfast -Liverpool egina Dec. 15 2]alifax-Queenstoura,Live0ooj klalitaic Dec. 10 Tor complete information, Phone, write or ean.1 McGill Building, Montreal, P.Q. 55 Flag St. E., Toronto, Ont. 224 Portage Winnipeg, Men. 108 Pr. William Ave,St., Saint John, N.B. St. Paul Bldg., Halifax, N.S. 53 Dalhousie St., Quebec, Que. 259 MOTHER Of T :INS HELPED Restored to Health by Taking Lydia, E. Pinkhaln's Vege- table Compound Mitcbell, Ont.—"I had little twin babies and for quite a while after 1 was so weak I could not do rtty work because of pains all the way up my legs at the back. I also had headaches and got very little Esleep. I took Lydia . Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound; and soon I was able to get up and do my work. I have taken three bottles and I am fine, do my work without trouble and am gaining in weight and strength. I will gladly recommend the Vegetable Compound to anyone." MRs. F. STATION, Box 220, Mitchell; Ont. Headaches may be swiftly and safely relieved by an Aspirin tablet; A most efficient remedy, and there's no after effect; its use avoids much needless suffering. Try it next time; see how soon its 'soothing influence is felt. Just as helpful when you have a cold; neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, lumbago. just be certain you get real Aspirin—the genuine has Bayer on the box, gnd, on every tablet. All druggists, with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the hear Attpdrin Th tbo trade maria (registered In antral/0 indicating Bayer Matutarture. While ft le veil known that Aapirin means Sita,, a',:Iluiactnrr., to assure the public against halt . tope, the trnbiets,wili be dimmed with ih[•lr " r Crops" trademark.