HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-10-25, Page 5,:. October 25th Ii92a • W. 'MINUS ONO DUDLEY E. HoLME :a*RRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT IA.BY PUl3L1C, W. tlelo''FICE—Hanmilton Street, J+rrat oft ripe Square, GODERICI, Ontario. Spacial attention to 'Couneel AO Court WerkL yea IHolnae3 may be consulted at Cloder*eh by Phone, and Phone chargee reVersed. Dr. 'IL H. COWEN I►. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEM BLOCK—M./RICH ;Zyery Thursday, Friday,Saturday At >IAIi,TLEIB'S I3LOC;IC, DASH -WOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK COMPLETE PROTECTION LIBERAL DIVIDENDS Iii HESS — Local agent . The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada EAD OFFICE -- TORONTO E. E. W uerth—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 souarantee and Accident Insurance. ;Oldest and Strongest Co: in Canada rim YOUR !Wants, For' Saleo'Lost , Found, Notice, Etc: Ads nus col✓ FOR SALE Late 1924 model Ford Coupe,oin fair condition, has boaloon tiro on' rear, oversize cords on front, no re- asonable offer refused, good reason% for selling. For particulars apply to Gordon Zirk, ,Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable and valuable pro- perty in the village of Dashwood, on. Victoria Street, 124 acres of good land, fruit trees and small orchard, barn with hen stable attached, plenty good hard and soft water, frame house with kitchen attached, an ex- tra good celar, Well fenced. ' For fur ther particulars apply to Mr. Elmer Willem, R.R.1 Dashwood, Phone 103 -13, or to A. Weber, Auctioneer, Dashwood, Phone 3-57. FOR SALE A good kitchen range burns coal or weed, apply to W: L. Siebert. COAL 1928 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR GENUINE. i • Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahantas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE Y'OU.R. ORDERS . EARLY: TO 1 Case •& Son LOCAL NEWS naZUR1C11.41 ERR'U Mrs.Harness n H r essr�. visiting Ere s r . tt of � a � r 1; 'with her sister, Mrs. E. Qescb. Mr. and Mrs. E: Weido Were'Sun- day visitors in Blake. „IMrs. Arthur Sreenan of 'the Town Line, has Left for a two week's visit in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dumart of Kit chener, are spending the week. visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hy Yungblut. , Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brein, bridal couple, returned on Monday evening from their honeymoon tour around lake Ontario, and are getting nicely settled in their home just west of the Zurich Bakery. The ;Herald joins their many friends in extending con- gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. John- Charrette, of the Blue Water Highway, south, have left far Toronto to visit their daugh- ter. - Jos, Gelinas, Merchant .at Drys- dale wishes to announce to the public that they will take all kinds of fowl on Wednesday and Friday of each week as long as there is morket for the same, and pay the highest price;;, • Mr.° and Mrs. Wm. Ka.ercher, who have been Iiviiig for a goodly riurn- ber of years in Detroit, are spending the winter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Surerus, 14th con. Mr. Kaercher, who has not been enjoying just his usual good health, is taking this vicinity - Mrs E. Oesah motored oto.: dieter, on Tuesday; Mrs. 3), O.a'aelio w,as a'•visitor to Varna -for a few days the past week,. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. . Hess and fam ily of London were visitors with rel- atives here. A goodly number from the Jlillage attended the funeral of the late Jos- eph brenner at Grand Bend on Tues- day afternoon. 1VIerrsr. Fred and Laivre. Fowlie of London; Mrs. Fowlie and daughters Ethel and Frances of Bayfield were Sunday visitors at the Boole of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler. Mr. Wm, Steinbach, Mrs. Jacob Steinbach, Sr., and Mrs. Cove all of Port Huron are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Wagner. They also attended the funeral of the late Joseph Brenner at Grand Bend, on Tuesday. Sorry to report that Mr. Sol. IKip- ferwho has recently moved to Varn;t, is not enjoying his usual good health, as he has been ill the past week or so. Mr. Kipfer has made arrangeinents to go into the barber business in that thrifty little burg. Messrs. C. Fritz & Son are making large shipments of celery to the city these days, and by all appearance the sample of the product is very good, which `should meet with ready de- mand. Celery growing is becoming to be m'if,, a profitable industry in a vacation this winter, and we hope the change will do him good. Our sportsmen are enjoying some real sport the past- week or so by enjoying some real good wild geese shooting in the neighboring fields, as the geese seem to be quite-plentyful. Or perhaps -our sportsmen are able to outwhit these rather cunning cre- atures, anyway the product is the proof, and our; boys produce the go- ods, and elso enjoy ..the fine roasts that this fowl makes. • OSCAR ELOPP 'Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- . Zonal School of Auctioneering. Try e for Registered Live Stock, ;TAII Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice .. Valero for sale. Will seli anything A.nywhere. - Zurich . �+laone 18-93 or write. Licensed Auctioneer WOR HURON & MIDDLESEX ANL IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any auction Sale, regardless .io eizo or article to eell. I *elicit your 'business, and if not watisiied will make no charges for Services. D&ehzvoat3. .Arthur Weber phone 13-57 A••• 1•****tpii •••• Kiril Meet MARKET• Fresh and Salt Meats g Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS h S1DES Tualigbinit 8z= Beichert i •' Assess••••• +5s•saltoossoDe+>)iDo L. I "V POU T R. Y WANT E D Taken every day till 3 o'clock,p.m, :Do not feed Fowl ;same morning Wham brOught in. .chest Cash Prices eeCA FOR- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien' 1 I' PIMA 1314 Etuiels 1-.ad_,q garters volt TIRES TUBES AND • -L Storage Batteries p S. WEIN, Prop akar , ,8 ,P Wirrait SETVICE Country Hone Duro Water System capacities are greater Prices are lower. Duro givesyou more water ata lower price. Long -life, care -free service guaranteed. 5 A kitchen sink with running water under strong pressure --a mod- ern bathroom—an up-to-date laun- dry—plenty of faucets in convenient places — all available with a Duro Water System. Think what this means in comfort and convenience in your suburban or farm home. Duro systems can be used with deep wells, shallow wells, cisterns or springs. They may be driven from high line current, farm light plant or gasoline engine. Installation quick and easy. Duro-ize your country home. Let us recommend the right water sys- tem of the proper capacity for your requirements. No obligation. The Empire Brass Mfg. Co., Ltd. London, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. For Sale By: STADE & WEIDO JOHNSTON & KALBFLEISCH FADA 30 ---Ali Electric Built-in Speaker ENJOY YOURSELF LIKE A KING Once upon a time only royalty and millionaires dined to sweet music! Dinner music is now available daily from many stations! Just a fine beg- inning for thehours of music, spe- eches ---the whole marvelous wealth of Enjoyment, yours 'every evening with FADA? But even the cheapest radios claim these joys. Yes, they do, but FADA fulfills thein! No fussing and tink- ering to cox in far away stations with the particular program you want FADA long. range. captures your pfogram every time ---brings it in clear and loud -- no overlapping -- no noises ---just sweet, pure music as natural as life.. There are sound en- gineering reaeon why FADA is years ahead in all essentials of radio today! We will gladly explain thee. Hear FADA! We won't asst yotu to buy. We leave that to FADA! It will convince you? See our Leantiful FADA table and connate • models, $95 to $500. J Pa ,M '. Baer, • Zurich Messrs L. Schilbe & Son, Flour; Feed and Seed Merchants, are hav- ing a large and up-to-date seed clean ing outfit installed in part of their building, which will be a big asset to their business, as well as a big con- venience to the farmers who have such work to do. Mr. Samuel Deitz the efficient mechanic is the head mill Wright, and undoubtedly will make an ideal job of the installation. On Saturday of .this week one of our popular general merchants, is staging a Giant Reduction Sale of all general merchandise,. and the event is not only to reduce the price of the articles, but rather to reduce the • rather heavy stock that Mr. T. L. Wurm is carrying at present. And just a word to the public; We pract ically all need staples, especially at this time of the year, and when we 0 s.±► 4oiw*•*+i****,ti•`,�*•••.r*****i******�►*** +►****�r4 • Farm Irnplernents • • • • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, ANT) WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OF • MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST; AND THAT WILL • i GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. r• CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGSt • • AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS, Z LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District. •• r GARAGE SUPPLIE S • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND s CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO m PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME: DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tues, Gas, tires and Greases e • • • • 0 L. A.. gang Zurich ' • ••••••••••••••1a�s••de4 OC..*** •0.464.8. OA••••••p•4...4.44, • •: • • • • • • can purchase them at such marvel.. ous reductions, it would seem v'ry poor judgment not to take advantage of 4 this wonderful opportunity. Be ++'ft'+i•' "T"H";"I i+'i'•i•"•"'"'ir3+ on time en Saturday morning be one of the early- birds and get first choice + before the lines have been, picked over and the best gone. Come often to this big sale and bring all yournei- ghbors and friends along and you will all be happy. The Look -Out Committee led the E. L. C. E. meeting last Friday even - • Mr. Garfield Mr. Garfield Witmer, convenor led the meeting. Mr. W. Edighoffer ;A a very interesting discussion on 'Should houlcl We Have the Same of Dif- ferent Social Standards?". The me- eting closed with lunch being served by the Committee in charge. The amoral fowl supper held by St. Peter's Lutheran church last Th- ursday evening, was one of the big events of the season, and early in the evening the efficient staff of wait- ers and carvers were serving the hurt gry multitudes of people who were looking forward to this event with anticipation, and while nearly one thousand of people were fed, and well fed, there was eatables left to still feed about one hundred more people, as nine large raosted geese besides a goodly number of other good eats were after the program auctioned off,and easily found ready buyers. The program was a very interesting part of the evening, and the comics of Mr. Harvey McGee, comedian, who has become very pop- ular in this section, as an entertainer, held the large gathering• very attend- ive, and his numbers met with great applause, in fact he was called back on the stage as much as the third time. Some very good and interest- ing numbers were also given by home, talent. The tables were well sup- -plied with everything that a person could wish for, and the ladies of the congregation are to be congratulated for the splendid provisions made. Joseph Brenner of Grand Bend Passes. Joseph Brenner, one of the best known residents of this district and for a great many years proprietor of the Brenner House at Grand • Bend, died at his home on Saturday in his 82nd year. Mr. Brenner has been i11 for about two weeks before his death Was born in Waterloo County, and carne to Grand Bend summer resort 50, years ago and established the hater which bears his naive. During has many years in the business be earned for himself a wide circle of friends. For some years past he had lived retired from the active man agement of the hotel, which was taken over by his son, Ezra Brenner. He was the son of the late Jacob Breirn9r, of Waterloo. Mr.' Brenner is survived by his widow, Christina as well as two sons, Ezra and Maur- iee, both of Grand fiend, and one daughter, Mrs. 3. H. Hannan, of Al- 'berta. The funeral was held on Tu- esday afternoon of this weeyt, an•1 was exceptionally largely attended, Interment taking 'niece at the united church cemetery at Grand Bend, and Rev. Mr Coiling, the pastor, oftic- . Auto Tops, Buggy Toffs Wagon repairing Fainting Eto' Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZIJRIOII ( fated, i •+++ b+++••M+t++++++•++# USE CEDAR SHINGLES For new and olcl Roofs .`t AS THEY MAKE THE CilEAPEST AND THE BEST ROOF r iWITHHOUT ANY PAINTINGOR REP AIRING AND WILL OUT It LAST ANY OTHER KIND OF ROOP. t SHINGLES ARE NOW SELLING AT THE REMARKABLE LOW ,; PRICE OF— 5X (Red Cedar $1.50 Per Bunch 3X Red Cedar $1.35 Per Bunch g • WE WILL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS A CARLOAD OF 8 -FT. CEDAR 'POSTS AND 9 FT. LARGE ANCHOR POSTS. CALL FOR YOUR SUPPLY. F C•I • r`` A /!rte. �J PHONE 69 ZURICH +++++ ++++44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44+1111 rhiMiliAWAIWAWAIMMIliadWAWWWWWW1 1 Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL We have a full Line of all the1 requirements for School Opening 0444144••••••••••••••••••• All authorized. Text Books kept in Stock 1 ••••••*•*•••••••**••*o•*••* We keep a large supply of Scribblers, Note Books, Pencils, Pens and Ink. Fountain Pens from 15 cents up. •••ir••••••••••••••••*•*•*• WE HAVE ALL THE HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS REQUIRED... IN THE CONTINUATION SCHOOL, KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr, A, 3. MacKinnon., Zurich