HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-10-25, Page 4rte r '-4' +++++++++++++.4+x'441...++tip++' '+' ++ '+ :i. 4. iiiant Stock Reducing .+ ..., , 3s i 4.4, Commencing Saturday Morning I Oct. 27th, and ends on Saturday 1 4. Night Nov. 17th. 4. i t COMMENCING MONDAY, OCTOBER 29th, WE. WILL BE IN 4 THE MARKET FOR CHOICE DUTCH SETTS FOR WHICH WE 4 WILL PAY THE HIGHEST. MARKET PRICES, ALSO LARGE *. "E' •-„ ONIONS AND MULTIPLIERS. .'Ig. 4 4. t. )IUED APPLES, Sc. A POUND FOR WELL DRIED STOCK. Z. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, MEN'S 2 'FURNISHINGS, CROCKERY, ETC., WILL GO ON SALE, ON .+I. - SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27th at 9 A.M. 4 .� "' JUST THE TIME OF THE YEAR WHEN YOU NEED THIS -w o SEASONABLE WEAR. SEE POSTERS FOR MORE INFORMATION, BUT 4 L Pr• WU!M 4 The Stolee o STILL COME AND SEE. . fig - BETTER hole: 140 v:42.UR10Ei, f*RAI.D LOCAL NEWS 5. Koehl M erd an Son Harold were visiting at Toronto the ,past week. Mr. Wm. Thiel of the .Bronson Line, has purchased a 1927 Ford Coach from C. Fritz :. Son. Miss Grace Manson, nurse • in training at Victoria Hospital, London is spending her vacation with, her parents, on the Goshen Stanley,• Miss Marguerite Prang, Mr, Carl Klopper and:Mr. 0. Stendle of De- troit, spent the week -end at the home of Mr, Louis Prang. The public is requested to watch for E. •Oesch's add. of Kolster Radio Advertisement in Landon Free Press on . Friday, October 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kraft of De- troit were week -end visitors at the home of the former's father, Mr.' and Mrs. Louis Kraft of town. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw and daughter of Crosswell, Mich., • , were visitors for, a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Weber' and other friends. Mr. Newel Geiger of the village, had charge of the evening anniver- sary service .on Sunday in Main St. United Church, Exeter. The regu- lar pastor, Rev. Moorehouse holding services elsewhere.. ` Miss Lydia Faust, Mr. and •Mrs. W. H. Hoffman„and .Mr. and Mrs. L. Wi' Hoffman -visited .at Stratford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Mclsaac of Crediton, were Sunday visitors' at the -hone of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Melick. Mrs. J. Ort, mother of Mrs. Melick and Mrs. Mclsaac, and who ohas been for quite a time visiting at . ,. the home of 1VIrs. Melick, accompan- ervice and Quaiity L end Mr. and Mrs. Mclsaac to Credit- NOTICE *' 3.34400,.1..t.,0.;.tic ++:.-i. -s.,.., -++++:800 ,..i.s .r .*-14÷ o +++++++++ We are in a position to handle • ,D�ggti,+8060•i►®ti40•0096 e150•80 ••oee eaceesseeeGaaasee f good dutch sett onions, must be in • good condition, for which we will 1 1 a• TFIE NEW SERIES ontiae Six The low priced. Six with Power and Speed as •thrilhii]g as its Rich New Beauty EQUIPPEID WITH LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS, POUR WHEEL BRAKES, AND WITH ALL THE NEWEST t IM- PROVEM'rFNTS MAKE IT TT -TP, BEST CAR VALUE FOR THE MONEY. ,A.SK ALL THOSE WHO DRIVE A PONTIAC! DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GIVEN GJDF ON_ KOT HLER, Zurich Agent for Pontiac and Buick Cars a pay the highest market prices. J. W. Merner, Zurich. NOTICEa • • Highest market prices paid for Dutch Setts and Multiplyers. Must • be good stock, thoroughly dry and i put throughthe fanning mill. De-. • ° livery on and after Monday, October • 29th. Dried Apples wanted at 8d • .a lb. 3. Gascho 63 Son. • •- ; NOTICE The party who . removed a ..tire • pump from the car owned by Isiah Tetreau at Remp's auction sale, re- turn the same at once; and avoid fur- • ••• • • ••e • • • • • • • ••• 110 o •s••o••s•.•s•etDo6mso®tee s•e••emellfeinneoes•0ao•••••• Stop! look! listen! `1RICES NEW ''POW TO GIVE YOU SOME REAL ENTERTAINMENT FOR THOSE LONG WINTER NIGHTS. LOOK OVER THIS LIST, PICK OUT .1rOUR SET AM, ASK US FOR A DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR 1bWN ROME, FREE OF CHARGE. SOME 1 D,AL y,,,,C,AINS INTHIS LIST: ''Westinghouse, Phones complete, $22.00 " 4 -Tube Smiskr - s' $55.00 Ye f orest-Crosley -Tube. a Bargain at $85.00 MAtwater Kent, 6 -Tube, complete uta'; $115,00 AL. -Atwater Kent, 6 Tube Writing Desk $155.00 AileitApter, 6 Tube complete $150.00 HESS, 1 --Deforest Crosley, 6 Tube Console $190.00 1 --Westinghouse Batteryless, Console $265.00 1 --Westinghouse, I3atteryless, Console $255.00 1 --Westinghouse Batteryless, Table Model at $195.00 All erese sets are installed complete with the very Best equipment and are fully guaranteed by the dealer. SEE AND HEAR THESE SETS AT 4DIO ELECTRIC RRY G. I..., Radio Repairing .ith real Testing Equipineaitt • ther trouble. • FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres of good clay loam, being Lot 14, Con. 11 Stanley Township, 6 miles north of Zurich. There is on the premises•.16 acres of fall wheat, some plowing is done and the balance in grass. Go- od buildings, well drained and fenc- ed. Price $7000. Immediate pos- ession can be viven. For further Particulars apply to Mr. G. W. Elliott, Varna, P.O. 16-tf AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Implem- ents. The undersigned has received ins structions to sell by public Auction at Lot 21, on. 6, Township of Hay, 2?i miles east, of Zurich, on FRIDAY OCTOBER 26th 1928 At 1.00 o'clock the following: HORSES --General Purpose mare, carriage mare 7 yrs. old; Carriage mare 14 yrs. old; driving mare 5 yrs. old; driving mare 10 yrs. old, in foal 2 yearling colts, Grattan; 2 -yr. old carriage mare CATTLE --Fresh cow, due in Feb- ruary, heifer fresh; 2 -yr. old heifer fresh; 1 -yr. old heifer; 2 heifer cal- ves, collie -deg IMPLEMENTS -- Deering binder, Deering mower, Deering disc drill; M. H bean stuffier and puller; roller, hay rake, cultivator, disc harrow, gang plow; hay fork and ropes, hea- vy wagon, hay rack, sling ropes, pul- per, buggy, sap pails, set of harness,. 8 tons of hay, 10 cords of hard wood' FARM --If not sold before day of sale, 100 acres of land being Lot 21. Concession 6, Hay Township. 50.06 good bank barn, drive shed, good brick house, well .tetr•cod, and drain- ed, 6 acres of fall wheat, S acres of hard wood bush, good orchard, and good well with windmill. TERMS OF SALE -$10.00 and un-" der cash; over that ahount.4 montr's credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes ora discount of 5 per cent off for cash, Terms of farm made known on day of sale. Elmer _ Weido, Proprietor. Frank .Coates, Clerk. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer. Dashwood Mrs. Bond of,Goderich is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Moffatt, Miss Theda Hayter left on Tues- day for Windsor where she will sp- end the winter. • Mr. and Mrs, E. Guenther and family motored to Port Huron on Sunday. • Mr. Louis Schroeder. of Sudbury, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and family spent. Sunday in London, Mr. Felix Wilds spent last• week with friends int Seaforth. Dashwood Band attended the fowl Supper in .1.4eM on Tuesday evening .11 ' Rally Day Services were held in the Blake Church on Sunday, when the usual Rally Day servics, was talc - en by the children and was much en joyed by those present, Mr. Jini Johnston, who has been working on the road nearAtwood, spent the week -end under the parent- al roof. Mr. and Mrs'. Fred Turner and son Grant,. of "GGoderich, spent Sunday with friends in the village Mr. Allan Douglas and sister Mar- garet, accompanied by Miss Marguer ite Douglas of Hyde Park, spent Sun day with friends in the village. Miss Lydia Gingerich, R. N. of Seaforth, is visiting at her home on the Bronson Line. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waldo and daughter of Zurich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sohnston I Quite a number from this vicinity attended the fowl supper which was held in the Lutheran church shed, Zurich, last Thursday night. Mrs. McBride, of Zurich, is visit- ing at the honie of her son, Mr: and Mrs. Robert McBride, en the• Goshen Line. The W. M. 5, are holding: theix.an= nual Thankoifering services. in : the church next Sunday at the usual hour, when Rev. Mr. Walker of Dun- gannon will giye an address STANLEY TOWNSHIP ;Mr. John • Cowan, 'Who recently disposed of his farm on the Bronston Line, had an auction. .Sale of his stock and implements last week, he has purchased a house in London, where he will ,move shortly. • Mrs. Reid and• Mr. Joe Hackwell and children. .of Walton, spent. Sun- day at the home of the former's sis- ter, Mrs. R. McKinley. Mr. Frank McClinchey and his mo- ther spent a few days last week with friends. at Yale, and Marlette, Mich. 11Ir. John L. P•a rk, a former resi- dent of .Stanley, but who for the past has years resided"yn the West, was renewingacquaintances a- round round here last week. I . Rev. J. ' Penrose of Varna and Messrs J. A. Manson, 3. E. 'Harnwell and C. H. Keys att e nded a banpuct at Mitchell on Monde evening in con- nection with the M intainance Miss- ionary Movement. Mr. Art Keys vsited with friends at Yale, Mich., ov r the week -end. Mr. Herb Smithand family recent- ly visited with Mr . Smith's sister, Mrs. Hinds of near Chatham. -" Wedding bells - ill be ringing in our neighborhood is week. The Goshen Su day School held 1 its Rally Services ast Sunday, Mr. John Amrstrong, t e Superintendant presided. Under his earnest leader- ship the school is making real pro- gress and the teachers and scholars take a live interest in the work. e Y a i e a .S w th n h h DRYSDALE. Mr. Willard Corriveau has secur- ed a position in Detroit where he in- tends to spend the winter. Mr. Napoleon Denomme of De- roit is home with his parents for his h olidays. Mr. Claude, also Lawyer and Mrs. au of Detroit, spent last week -end ith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Rau. Mr. Morris Durand and sister Miss earl of Detroit, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mrs. Edward Laporte and family f St. Claire is spending .a week with friends and relatives here. Mr. ,and Mrs. William Ducharme are taking a few holidays with (ri- nds at Detroit, Windsor and' Bell River. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ducharme f Detroit spent a few days with their friends last week. Mr. Reline Denomme has rented Mrs. Rachel N. Denomme's farm ear St. Joseph. Mrs. Denomme and wally intends to go to the city to re - de. Miss Gertrude Ducharme has left for Detroit for the winter months. Mr. Lawrence Corriveau. of De- roit spent Sunday with his parents ere. Miss Lenia Denomme who spent st week in Detroit has returned to r home. COUNTY NEWS. Traffic officer McQueen' has been n duty:on the God'errch-Mitchell' sec on of the Highway for the past few eeks. He. says drivers' of motor ve- cles should carry their operators' chauffers' permits or licenses with em at,' all times. It not they run e chances of getting into needless ouble; Not hi many years has there been fall fair in 'S'eafo•th the equal of the one held this year. Not only d it excel in the number and qual- of the exhibits; both in the inside ow and the stock, but in the atter- Ince which was a record one. It as unfortunate that with the sue - ss of the fair assured, the weather - What might have proven a most rious,accident occured on the high - ay, 11A, miles east of Seaforth, the ther day, when J. Oldfield, Sr.,' and grandson Harry, were ailing so. ward in a buggy and coming on the 'highway they did not see the ✓ of `Mr. Laing, school.,teacher, and n of Mr. Laing of Seafo•rth. The struck them, separating the hood d seat of the buggy from the me, knocked over the horse and ew Mr. Oldfield and Harry out. Ort Tuesday last, at Clinton, a new t R w P 0 e 0 u si t la he •o ti i Or th th tr a di ity sh d wa se w ot uth to ea so car an fra thr 1_ ` l'wra^Jay, October 25th, 1928 deIaxt�nt opened in yha :]d el sag.• The teacher enters the deposit public school: The aehool ravings $y and u'esnitant balance iiia the eh l4's : stern as epairatatd through, the Pea y' pas book. A caarboxi copy of ani arf . a was i a a `s B _. k dy ka�to n u tirrated ix t ii t . on n n >rnade � m each. class ream. ,Under is. ,system on nd .sent to he Bank of eMontr al ; the Oil; 41 figs rat deposit to his a l- where the ledgers are kept, and ass room timelier each Tuesday thorn) withdrawis are made. . E THOSE WHO DEMAND THE UTMOST IN ELECTRIC RADIO $600'. VALUE Price complete $395 Terms if desired R A T T E R Y L E S S Tour -Ninety" Console, Oget the finest Batteryless Radio that can be constructed: To have it housed in an exquisite walrnit cabinet' hy Malcolm: To know that it is not an experimental set,. But a genuine "Rogers", the n-igiital'Batteryless Radio -with four years of proven performance behind it: with Tubes that are fully guaranteed: and yet get all this at a total cost of $395 . ab host )unbelievable. Any other comparable radio would enet $500 tea $600.. The new "Four -Ninety" has: Single dial tuning with • hrilliantly illuminated dial. Improved Electro - Dynamic Spealer to give the finest tonal reproduc. tion. Automatic Voltage Control, Rogers Output . Filter, Phonograph Plug-in Jack and other distinctive, quality features. We invite you to call and inspect this de luxe, Rogers--• atteryiess Radio ---tardy a limited number of which will be sold in this community. Or, if you would pre-. fer to see and test it at home, we will gladly arrange to install one,withoui obligation. Terms, if desired. T. L WIJM.. Z ;14.44444.3.44+4.....3+wF.0+.1rb�•ar*o .4 3+3.3++3•+++++++++++ i --i +++31 I Commercial Garage 1 4, Speeial 3e Offer 1 tf • We are making the following Special 4 4. Offer to the Public 4' Changing of Oil per gallon $L50 17 4. Greasing entire Car ._ $1.00 1 Above two items for only $1.50 IBE SURE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY. Ai3DVE I5 GOOD FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY. I LenflisO'Brein j. Gas Lata - Greases Tires Accessories it e•ilk• S•it000110DA00.0101y100000 M M0•r•••••••e•••••• Litho) Nature's Remedy, Product of Rock Oil and Other Ingredied.ts KILLS HEALS WARBLES THRUSH MANS FISTULA HEEI. FLIES RINGWORM After the meJadies are I,oaisa the Lair grows. Does Not Smart Nor Blister NON-POISONOUS DEATH TO ALL GERM LIFE See List of O&LerMaladies on Lithol Can LITHOd. is Posiiti+vaaty'worth 35.00 of any man's money, hie" - tug any cattle suffering from the above' malladie . Ld for1.0 L Schiff ,• • .,. 660 M,M•M•M• 04.1 silt10 1 !1