HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-10-25, Page 1Vol. XXIX No'17 RAL ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING OCTQBEfl 25, 1928. Chwarter Smith. Puildisidik $U8 4 'row* 14 ailv4441% $1.50 IIkRJiA,$2 MAY BB OR/Me= Let the Ads. in the Herald be your guide in your Fall Purchases Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs of Clin- to, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John England. Mr. Kenneth Koehler has went r to Toronto where he has taken a posit- ion. I NOW ON DISPLAY S5E IT ---- HEAR IT The actual Performance of Radio ls the Best Basis of Selection. . We 'will be glad to let the Koister speak lior itself; Prove its. superiority by Leesults.. Have a, demonstrationt..... Call on Me. E. OESCR AGENT, ZURICH in RadiO. All that you seek 1,11,•••••• *46 .44440104,44-0 ••••04, • •••••••••••••••••4111111001111r I BARGAINS BARGAINS I 4 3 Received a shipment of Waterproof Robes which 1 am retailing far be - 4 low Catalogue prices, get your's at • Special Price $12.50 large size :FRED THIEL - ZURICH '.••••••••••••••••••04•4••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1411. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44 ••••••••••••••••••• Newest Fashion Thoughts 1 lit Fall Footwear • ALT. BROWNS Bo®t Shop I WINDOWS POREAMILL AN lrbi- TERESTINO SO Y OF NEW Fr, 1 • 0S , • AUTUMN FOGTIAidsrATI FAMEIONS' "."'••`4•7 TIM ARE AUTHODAtITVE AS IRE !LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE TREY WILL IILPRIGIS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW .1 IREPAIMIXO =AT&T DONE Only the best et Materials is STANDARD Off VALV1 E AT THE MODERATE enurtms. il peed. Bring them t� sae, rad yea ASO .ansured et Satisfaction I I WERE GIOOD SHOES COST -LASS. SEX tOUR I. Brown But Shop IWIDiDGW. IIRSELAZ • 40111104100 .-3.••••••044.4144**44.4040414444••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4c. "YOUNG :I -. , 2 • - , '410 : ” 4., -E. Gascbel, Superintendent. .4, zi.le- „4.. 11,7 OFP 1,,,I • • Worship; 7.30 P. ME, AiglInr 4* Subject --The measure and value of .4, ' ,.. f'7771';••77c.. 9 41 friend who inspires and iru- '40 OASCHO'S Of.AIR MAUD • MOT er E. -018 us., ..,, 3 • . ' . _ _ _ _ _ ilk,, „ _ , _ _10""440.4,0,4v10100017 i Rev. W. Y: Dreier, PaStor 1,,* ....**04444040e0)*64101•4141va)Maftioisc fitekft,A.0400,04‘ • I • 4 • , shaping tomorrow for weal or woe. • if Thou wouiclest live to the utmost ••of thy power then love God and bless • mankind. • • * leauty'and outcome of life de ME 4, • sunrise as an approaching friend • • • • pends upon whether we are armed to begin each day Aright; welcome the • 4 who acquaints us with golden oppor- tunitles for kingly service. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lautenschlag- er and three daughters of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and . Mrs. Louis Kraft. • • Mr Milf, Schilbe is taking down the barn on his property, and we• under- stand wishes torebuild it into .a private garage, and also put up a few sheds for the storing of coal. This will be a big convenience to the people of Zurich to have a coal yard right in the village. The Kalbfleisch - Planing. Mills at this time, of the season find themsel- ves very busy, and have found it necessary to increase their staff con- siderably in order to meet the dem- ands of the customers. They are do- ing a large amount of work for the building of the large sanitorium at' London. And it is only through the practical workmanship, and reason- able charges considered, that they are able to do this work, which olso means a lot to the working men of Zurich. For You, Dear Reader: ..1011MEMPAIMOIMillanail•mail.M111111, Mr. Ig. Weltin of Dashwood called on Zurich friends on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, were on a business trip to London On Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Bender of Detroit, were visitors the past week, with relatives here. Mrs. Ed. Apple, of New Hamburg, paid a pleasant visit with her Zurich friends the past week. Dr, and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and Mr. E. Oesch motored to Fergus on Sun- day. Mr. Jacob Weido and son Percy Were Sunday visitors with Mr. J. Weido's sister, at Seaforth.' Mr. and Mrs. S. Gottschalk of Sea - forth, were visitors with Zurich fri- ends the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brenner, of Stratford, are spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flaxbard. Mrs. Jacobs of Detroit, spent the Readers of the Heraldare invited past week visiting her two sisters in - to assist in making these columns in- teresting to all. We appreciate very much the co-operation we are receiv- ing but yet there is always more room for improvement. Let us have the names of any visitors you are en-' tertaining ; or, if you or any of your Mrs. Genttner of Dashwood, is sp- ending the winter months with her friends are taking a trip we should - appreciate it if you would- let us lindw. Many people at home and at Miss Elda Callfas of London, was a distance read the Personal mention a visitor at her home here on Sun - columns with interest each week. day. With the co-operation of all our read ers It will be still more interesting. IN MEMORIAM town, namely, Mrs. Jul Block, and Mrs. J. Fuss. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Greb of Kit- chener, attended the funeral of the late Joseph Brenner, at Grand Bend on Tuesday. daughter Mrs. E. Oesch of town. In memiry of our beloved Daugh- ter and sister, Louise Howald Hutch- inson, who died October 23rd, 1922. Six long years from us has passed. Since death"s cold hand did take you But ne'er a moment in that time Did our fond thoughas forsake you, The flowers we placed upon your grave, May wither and decay, But the love we have for you, dear • Louise, WBI ever fade away. Parents, Sisters and Brothers. Evangelical Church Notes • ZURICH 7-- ONT. . Thaught Crispo Neter accidents are oftei.,?. caused by n loose nut, and perhaps more of- ten ?by a tight one. ,Orie silleworni willproduce enough niatefial for a woman's complete outfit in 24 hours. ' I move that we ,give the poor worm shorter hours est we face over -production and ruin :the market. Faults are thick where love is thin. 'We are trustees of the future, J• The church life centers in, and rad And B develtrue brotherhood and ,... ,e ility of chai'acter but to be of value 4 .4. iates frore the public worship. It ops stab- . it /aust-be attended regularly and .41 " d in ls tho you were a ' '• ,. , . '; . ' ' . 4 sPhaalctie?hloPladteer. Are you in your place'? t . , C Tuesday, 7,15 'p. m. --Jr. League. Friday 7.30 p.m.—Senior League 4> Prices Ranging from i SUNDAY SERVICES .4, Friday 8,30 p.m.—Choir Practice Worship 10 A. M. . Subject, "The rising river of• Spir- $5400 to $35 400 : anal Life" • • It a.m.—Bible School, Mr. John Harnmann of Tavistock, visited the past week with his cousin, Mr. Henry Truemner of town. Sorry to report that Mr. Whitney •Brokenshire is on the sick list and unable to resume his duties as school teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Dix of Fergus, are spending the week at the home of Dr.' and Mrs. Cowen. They being the grandparents to the Doctor. Mr. and Mrs. George Hargraves, of Listowell, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Truemner, of the 14th con., spent a. few days visiting friends in Elkton, Pigeon, Kilman- augh, and Sebewaing, Michigan. • Mr. and Mrs.' C. R. Gies of Water- loo, and •Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Filsin- ger of Kitchener, were Sunday visit- ors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rau, Mr. and Mrs. • Morris Rau, and Miss Murley Rau, all of Detroit visited with their parents here the fore part of the week, arse taking in the funeral of their uncle., th late Joseph Brenner at Grand Bend, on Tuesday. Mr. Bruce Klopp, who is engaged in high school teaching at Gore Bay, Manatulin Iseland, is spending a few weeks with his Zurich friends. Sorry to learn that Mr. Klopp is not enjoy- ing his usual good health, hence his physician advised him to take a few week's rest, and Mr. Klopp thought the hest place for such rest would be in Zurich. Hymenial A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Evangelical parsonage, Zurich, on Wednesday morning, October 17ht when Mildred Matilda, .only da- ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Hoffman of Zurich, was united in marriage to, Mr. Albert Leroy O'Brein, son of Mrand Mrs. Mm. O'Brein, of Zurich. Rev. W. Y. Dreier, was the officiating clergy- man. Thebridal party were unatten, ded.. The bride looked charming, gowned in a beige, rosewood colored, silk Crepe with hat and shoes to match and corsage boupuet Of oph- elia She wore a going away coat of beige, trimmed with beauti- ful brown fur, Immediately after the cereniony the bride and groom left on a motor trip to Toronto, Hamilton, Kingston„ the Thousand Islands' where they crossed over to the United States, again fringing lake Ontario on the American side and touching Clayton, Oswego, Roch ester, Niagara Palls, N. Y., Niagara Ont, On their return they will reside in Zutiqb. their native town. $12.00 BUREN 18 SIZE, 17 JEWELS In a Heavy Nicicle Case An Ideal Watch For a Working Man. Let us show you this watch! Hess, The Jeweller COAT, NOW IN YARDS EIGHT CAR LOADS •e• 7.•7 OF HIGH GRADE FUEL Scranton Anthracite Minehead Alberta Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL. ALSO POCAHONTAS Caz-Ititicna. • H E N SALL ONT. Phones—Office low. Rouse MIE, The Business Built By Soreices : ,, ,+,.• : . 4.. . . 4, 1 LATEST - STYLES1 I . In . - Fall . F ootwear 1 + • •10 -:• elig• *:* • WE ARE SHOWING MANY LINES. OF WOMEN'S, MISSES t 411*, l• AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR AT MODERATE PRICES, RANGING FROM $.3.50 TO $4.50 A PAIR, INCLUM :F. INC PAT. STRAPS, PUMPS, OXFORDS, BUCKLE SLIPPERS. + AND CUSHION SOLES. MISSES PRICES FROM $2.00 TO $2.95. OY'S WORK SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION at WITH OUTSIDE COUNTERS. ONE WITH THE BEST MATERIALS LAST THE +" LONGEST: MEN'S *AND B REPAIRING D Men's Shoes so led pr. $1.00 Women's Shoes soled 75 ar: , pr. c„. 4C. Rubber heels, pr. 35e to 50c pair. • +++++++++ +++++++++++ ++1++++ +++ +++-:-++-:-.++++++++++++ x ';...t FORD COACH 1927 Model like new in every way. We •have t; '•:- taken this car in on a New Ford Model A. +4 + 1926 FORD COUPE, Can't be told from a new Car, Original ducat += + -1.. and. Tires ,t + 1923 -FORD' SEDAN, Upholstering perfect, this car can be bought * . for the price of a touring + 4" 1923 FORD COUPE, Upholstering perfect, original paint anti in 'ft + good running condition. * T.: GRAY DORT Touring, in good' running shape priced. at $25.110. '1*.' + This car can be used for a 4 -wheel trailer, 2 new tires and r + +.4 other tires fair, also Battery. I .. • •*-: + FORD TOURING With starter and new top and Curtains at $50„00., .gt, .§. • FORD TRAILER with license at a snap. i it + RUBBER TIRE BUGGY in good condition, also 2 steel tire buggies,. + F .0 RITZ & SON it. FORD DEALERS it. AGENTS FOR THE NEW FORD CAR. PHONE FOR A DEM- 2, + +se ONSTRATI ON! + SECOND HAND FORD PARTS AT HALF PRICE' + +. st. • Summer and Fall GOODS When you start out to do your summer and Autuni buying come Here WE CARRY A NICE ASSORTMB NT OP GINGIWISq. PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SR1RTINGS, Co FLANNELETTES, ETC, SHOES, AND RUBBERS, ,HARDWARE A PULL ASSORTMENT OP PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING. IJARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND, R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL WIEROHANT PHONE 11 or 97' ISLA