HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-10-11, Page 8411111lor StOre *.it4 the dial Display OF New Fall erchandise 'We have opened up a shipment of New Fail Goods and invite your inspection. DRESS MATERIALS NEW CALANESE LOCKNIT, A FINE FABRIC OF GOOD WIGHT, GUARANTEED "NO RUN" VERY SUITABLE FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, IN BLACK, MOTHER GOOSE, ALMOND GREEN AND AZURE BLUE. VELVETS IN 27 and 36-incher wide IN NEWEST SHADES. • ALL WOOL CLOTHS SUCH AS QUEEN'S CLOTH, SANTOYS, FLANNELS, POPLINETTES, IN ALL THE WANTED SHADES. III Pr dui,;,- Wanted Phone 5,9 '• ANNOUNCEMENT It' We have been appointed Agents direct for AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OR W.LLYS OVERLAND LTD. ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI - WH IP PE T FOUR CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; k.:OMPARE IT WITII ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED .AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY WHIPPET S i X THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON THE MARKET. A CAR ,WITH A SOUND REPUTATION WillYS Knight TWO MODELS, PROVIDED WITH THE FAMOUR SLEEVE VALVE MOTOR. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO. SEE US .BEFORE 13U7ING ELSEWHERE. :A SATISFACTORY DEAL ASSURED, BESIDES: "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" IL usseau Zurich 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4- 4. 6 -+•:.44.:444+++++++++++++-:,++,404-++++++++++++++++++++++++.4. , eeo46•43••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 • 1 2 8 as rA Furnaces AND uebec Stoves NIGHTS ARE GETTING COOL AND WINTER WILL SOON BE HERE WITH US AGAIN. THIS PUTS ONE IN MIND OF YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT. A NICE COSY AND WARM HOME ALL WINTER WITH Lt.SS FUEL THAN THE AVERAGE HOUSEHOLDER LET US GIVE YOU ESTIMATES ON ONE OF THE OLD AND RELIABLE "HECLA" FURNACES, ONE THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST AND STILL STANDS WITH THE VERY,BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY. • OR PERHAPS ONE or QUEBEC HEATING STOVES WOULD SUIT YOUR REQUIREMENTS BETTER. IF SO LET US GIVE YOU VERY VALUABLE INFORMATION ABOUT 'THIS, THE LESS i2:XPENZ'31VE WAY OF HEATING THE HOME. A CALL WILL BE APPRECIATED I • • • 0 • a • • 0 0 0 z to 0 0 0 0, GOODYEAR Tires for long and durableJ oervice If in need of new fu-rniture, don't , , . forget; we have it! . . : ST 4 -#E WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. * : .RERA ID Thursday, 0444 1./th, 194 A full Line of Men's, Boys', Women's and Children's Sweater Coats, Un- derwear, Hosiery, etcin stock All at Reasonable Prices J. W. ME -VER YELLOW FRO1N,TT STORE PHONE NO. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Chris Deitrich, of Dashwood, has purchased a used Ford _coach from C. Fritz & Son; and Mr. Wm. Fllingham. of Stanley, purchased a Ford Coupe. A most splendid showing of fur coats and also furs was the . result of the demonstratiou at the store of J. Gascho & Son on Tuesday of this week, the prices were very, in- ducing and the quality of goods is. second to none. A number of in- teresting and worthwhile sales .were made hi the venture, and it willlike- ly be the intention of having more similar demonstrations in. the futurs. The two big fowl suppers in the community next week, namely the Evangelical at Dashwood, on Wed- nesday evening, and then the one in Zurich put on by the Lutheran church on Thursday, will promise to live up to their good reputations and provisions are being made to accom- odate large attendances, we are told that more fowl than ever is being provided, and the people ,should not miss these glorious events, and at- tend them. Then a week lafer,. Oct. 24th is the date of the big supper put on by the Evangelical church at Zurich, which is expected. to surpass all former years, as bigger preparat- ions are being made and a system of numbered tickets will be used, and as the public buys the tickets, they Will be served in turn, this will ent- irely eliminate the usual jam of people that has been experienced on occasions of this kind. Back From Tire Convention. Mr. Herb Mousseau, the well- known and popular proprietor of the Dominion Tire Depot of Zmich, has just returned from Kitchener. On Oct. 2nd and 3rd, Kitchener was the Mecca for all the Dominion Tire Depot owners of Ontario and Queb- ec. The magnet was the Depot Owners' Convention at the Dominion Tire factory. The Convention was a course in tire care and repair for the sole benefit of the Dominion Tire Owners. The program included a complete tour of the big factory. It was a great opportunity for the men who sell these tires to see how they are made. Thenthere were exhibits o the latest vulcanizing and repair- ing machinery and accessories, exten sive lectures and practical demonetr- ations by the experts in charge, edu- cational moving pictures of rt.'ll.er growing , sales talk and entertainm- ents. The conventionwas' brought to a close with a big banpuet at which was present the Hon. Chas. Stewart, Minister of the Interior,and gave a •fine address on "Canada of. the future." • Western Farmers' Mutual, Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- Amount of Insurance at Risk om Dee. 81,1927, $22,365,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 Ratai--$4.50 per $1,000 for 3years. E. F. Klopp—Zurich /Went, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance 11•••••••••••••••114.aranr.J.W.V.11..Yremenamlnymeaboon...... Fail VIry Fine Display '1444.++++44++++++**+.1.444•44+f++++4.+++++++14.14+++4414.; 1 Seasonable HardNate I Fall is here and we can, supply f, the Public with Seasonable Hard.- t ware at moderate prices I A NUMBER OF! GOOD SECOND HAND STUVES VERY CHEAP t' • •*. FENCING * • A CARLOAD OF LUNDYS'LUCIEY TIE MIRE, JUST .Ald- $ RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN COIL, BARB, BRACE AND STEEL POSTS.4 TIRES AND TURES 4' 4 . 4 + : A PULL LINE OP CHINAKSI, VARNISHE'S, AUTO ENAMELS GOOD SUPPLY OP MARTIN rSENOITR 100X PURE PAINT', & 4 4 ALSO FULL LINE OF MURESCO, BM( 4 4 + FURNITURE I 4- Fill Line col Furniture In Living Room Suits, Dining •Ream + +,. Suits, Bed Roomi Suite, Kitchen Cabinets. Reed Rockers and i •.rt Chairs. A number of Rockers at Greatly Reduced Prices. a • Good Supply of famous SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS AND 4 + MATTRESS. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES. A FULL' LINE OP GUTTA PEROHA TIRES. NONE BETTER PAIN -TS AND VARIVISTIFIS BRING US .÷- YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRON. 4 4r - PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. FULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER SMOKE CURE 11 Johnston & lialhfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 I ,r++++++++:41+4.4÷144.464.4444+4*.e4.+++++++4•44++++++++441.4441 WE. ARE SHOWING A FINE DISPLAY OF FALL MILLINERY IN ALL THE NEWEST AND LEAD MS STYLES CHILDREN'S. HATS IN FELTS AND VELOUR. WOMEN'S HATS 1N VELOURS ;AND FELTS WE HAVE • ALSO A FINE AS- SORTMENT OF DRESS ORNA- MENTS FLOWERS FOR DRESSES AND COATS. See Us about Your Fancy Goods Requirements . COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE -)A Gall is Always appreciated HAT SHOPPE THE PRICES ARE RIGHT AND THE QUALITY GOOD V. V. SIEBERT Write for Pree Booklet, f.,waus That Reflect Good 'judgnaent," eon.. taioing interesting information on ' borneplanningSvith %Gnome, Rocboard • and Insoles. uron4 Ere Mortgage Corporation The Canada Trust Company nnounce: INCREASE IN INTEREST RATE ON AND AFTER OCT. 1.5,, 1928, FOR ANY TERM OF ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR OR FIVE YEARS ON ANY AMOUNT OVER $100.0U PER ANNUM WILL BE PAID HALF YEARLY. 44 Per Cent. A SAFE AND CONVENIENT WAY OF INVESTMENT. FULL PARTICULARS GIVEN AND APPLICATIONS RECEI- VED BY: Before you Invest-----INVESTIGA.TE! Andrew E Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO ;--SERVIC AND SAFETY Have You MADE -YOUR WI LL? 11.93.1M1.1,310~1111.611M.R. NEW BARBER Opposition is the life of Trade We are all willing to work fora living at reasonable fees. Hair Cats at ... ..Pc Shaves at 15t James Scott, For Service. Dominion House, Zurich. 111.1M1 MINNIMLIIM111111608111111, JOHN WA. Drugless Practical-- eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 7€ t 't To Ihenaan who regards a well dressed iappearance, we recommend you to SUITS SUITS 3. of Insulating Air Cells! CANADA GYPSUM min AtAnASTINE, LIMITE.D Canada Parb come and look over our fine range of NEW FALL SUITINGS ,Firet)roof Nvaliboarci For Sale ay 'Fred C. Kalbfleisbli - • 0'0, WE' GUARANTEE EATISPACTION OR MONEY pliailwr. • Itnislisrmrt. • • ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH WEE BEST OP LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE • HEAD AGENT' FOR THE WELL ENOWN MADE TO MIL - TYRE CLOTHES—CORNELL., *MERCHANT TAILOR.. W. H. HOFFMAN Sosh E.MBIJAME IAND„FUNERA.V DIRBOTOEfie Day a Mica Mae Ifes **1-41#.4-111-ite—itt-4-11,-*