HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-10-11, Page 5:r4it." OatOber 110, 19. a PKI NESS '19:11)3." , ants, For Gal1ed-411st, • pus TOUR DuptiEYE.Iforimt s iwti-istER, SOLICITOR, NOT •-.4!, TARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE,—Ilantilten Street, Just off *be Square, goranien, ontario. special attention to Councel and Court Worki, $r. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges revc,srsed. Pound, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COY-MIER NOTICE .Will the party who removed the pails of honey from a crate that we lost between Hensall and Zurich, kindly return, same at once to avoid 'further action. J. 'ditherer of4 Sons, Zurich Dr. IL H. COWEN L. D. S. D. DENTAL SURGEON M DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICI1„ Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday IIABTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASEIW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday an Wednesday „..imemeoisomm. MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK COXPLETB PROTECTION ' LIBERAL DIVIDENDS P..„ HESS — Local. Agent FOR SALE A good kitchen range or wood, apply to W. L. FOR SALE Late 1924 model Ford Coupe in fair condition, has boaloon tires on rear, oversize cords on front, no re- asonable offer refused, good reasons for selling. For particulars apply to Gordon Zirk, Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable and valuable pro- perty in the village of Dashwood, on Victoria, Street, 134 acres of good land fruit trees and small o r0ha rd barn with hen stable attached, plenty good hard and soft water, frame house with kitchen attached, an ex- tra good celar, well fenced. For fur ther particulars apply to Mr. Einer Willert, R.R.1 Dashwood, Phone 103 -18, or to A. Weber, Auctioneer, ,Dashwood, Phone 3-57. The Imperial Life • Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E. Wuerth—Agent . ZURICH Phone 11-81 Suarnntee and Accident lusuranee. 0100# apd. Strange:at CO. in Canada ; • OSCAR ' KLOPP ..t raduate Carey NI. Jones Nat - nal School of Auctioneering. Try sue for Registered Live Stock, tAll Breeds). Terms in keeping. Vith prevailing prices. Cboice Warms for sale. Will seli anything Anywhere. - Zunch. ; phone 18-93 or write. • Licensed Auctioneer WOR HURON Sc MIDDLESEX All IN A POSITION TO CON - duet any auction Sale, regardless as :to isize or article to sell. volielt your business, and if not Isatisfied will make no charges for Services. Arthur Weber — Dashwood, 'Phone 13-57 • .111•••••••••••........0,....../...M•••••••••••••.)6.•••••••••••. voliDesemeoeseeggiotoormeeeeeee lurid Owl • Fresh aiad Salt Meats Ec4ogna. Sausages, etc WIN•Womm*"............criam.......wriasamM SI) Highest Ch Price for Went 00 CASH FOR SEINS 6..3:11DES ungblut SLi Beichert 1100811,111.10101104'ioneedeseesseest L I VE POULTRY WANTED Vii,ren every day till Se'elook,p.m, Illet mot feed Fowl same morning when, brought in. %best Cask Prices P—OASIE FOR—, Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien' Z' • ' Phone 34 r..• Zurich' 1 ZURICH -.1.1 ERALD Mr. Fred Kerr of Crediton WaS a visitor in town on SatordaY• Miss Alice Johnson is visiting he sister, Mrs. E, Stoskop Kitchener, Mr. Augur Patterson'of Dash- wood, purchased a used Ford from, C. Fritz •& Son, Ford Dealers, Mr. J. W. Ortwein, of Hensall, was a business visitor in .town on Tues- day. Mrs, Louie Wein of Crediton, is spending a week at the home of Mr• and Mrs, Will Wein, Babylon Line. Mrs. J. Brooks, of Thedford vis- ited her mice, Mrs, 3. E. Gesell°, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wurm, Dr. and Mrs. Routledge, and Miss Ida Routledge, spent Sunday in Diitton. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess of Hen- n% were visitors at the home of Mrs. G. Hess and Miss Anna. Mr. Clarence Hoffman of Galt, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman on Sunday. Mr. W. X. Finkbeiner, of Strat- ford called in the village on Satur- day. AIr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun, and two sons of Forest, were Sunday vis- itors with relatives and friends in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Weido and little Dorothy, were Sunday visitor's at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Turner, Goderich. Mr. Henry Koehler, who has been visiting for a few weeks with his sons at Baden and Kitchener, return - burns ed to his home here on Sunday. coal Siebert. • Mr. Henry. Eilber, of. Crediton, and Secretary -Treasurer of the Hay Tonship Fire Insurance Company was in the village on Thursday even- ing last presiding at the business meeting of that Company Miss 'della Howald and Miss Edith Clark of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry How- ald over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie of Hen - sail, were Tuesday visitors at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. S. Rennie, COAL 1928 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR • GENUINE NE Coal ALSO CARRY • Cote Pocahontas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son oriv. itacito' PADA "4" SPEAKER It looks as good as it sounds and sounds as good as it looks. .. Ask for a Demonstration. , JOHN HEY, Jr., DEALER Zurich, Ont. The Sympathy and Service Com- mittee had charge of the E. L. C. E. meeting on Friday evening. Miss Olive O'Brein convener led the meet- ing. The first part of the meeting was memork work, this was a change and was greatly enjoyed. After this the leader read us from our League paper. Miss Lylyan Martin then read the scripture reading, this was followed by the discussion on "Does Following Jesus Make any Differ- ence"; led by Mildred Geiger. This discussion was lively and proved in- teresting to the large crowd present. Mr. r. Smith of ile-neal Was a Week -end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brein. Mrs. Smith who had bean staying in "Zurich for, a time, returning with him. • Mr. Wellington Johnston is mak- ing some improvements to the rear of his dwelling and butyl/ex shop in theform of rebuilding some of the smaller additions. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel. Koehler and family of Kitchener, and Mr. and • Mrs. Ezra Koehler and members of their family, were Sunday Visitors with relatives in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Gesell° of -the .Bronson Line, and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schwartzentruber, of. the Gos- hen Lint, .south, are attending the funeral of a relative at Tavistock this week. Mrs. Mathews of Los Angles. Cal., and her daughter, Mrs. Win. Stod- dard,. of Seaforth, were Thursday. 48itors at the •home of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cacho. Mrs. Mathews be- ing an aunt to Mrs. Cacho. , • The annual Foreign Missionary Day will be observed at Emanuel Evang- elic,al. Church, Zurich, next Sabbath evening. A free will offering will be received and Rev. J. M. Colling, of Grand Bend, will bring the message. We bid you welcome. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hansel, bridal aouple, who have just returned from their honeymoon trip, are spending a few days at the home of the brid.•'s parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier before leving for their new home in Buffalo, N. Y. The auction sale of cows and cat - 11e at the Dominion House, Zurich on Saturday, brought out a very large attendance, and fairly good prices .were 'realized, which goes to show that a good article is always worthy of a good price. Mr, Arthur Weber welded the hammer as salesman. The annual meeting of the Zurich Branch of the Western Ontario Bible Society will be held in the town -Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday evening, 'Oct. ldth, at 7.30 p..m, Rev. R. J. Bowen, who for a number of years 'had Charge of the work in Western Ontario and who is Well known in Zurich, will be the principal speaker, All are cordially invited to this mr ding, LOCAL" NEWS Mr, Russell Preeter of Kitchener, was a Sunday visitor with Zurich fri- ends., Miss Margaret Stelck, R. N.,, who spent a few weeks visiting hex' mother and other relatives, left last Wednesday for California, where she is following up her profession. Mr. John England of Zurich, Mr. and MrsFred James and faun] of Y.! • London, were Sunday visitors at the • CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS, home of Mr and Mrs Will W i • Plif• m. '••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••00 ' * • • • • • • Farm implements WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND. WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL • GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST, Babylon Line. • 2 The officials and Directors of the ft. Hay Fire Insurance Company held a t business meeting at Voisin's Hotel • last Thursday evening, when some 11; important business was transacted. • Mr. Clayton A. Hoffman of Galt, • spent the latter part of the past we- ek with his parents her, owing to • the District ;reachers' Convention in that district, there was no school, and "Dodo" undoubtedly thought it a prefernee to visit his Zurich fri- ends, than to attend the Convention. A goodly number from the village and surrounding attended the big :fowl supper at Crediton on Thursday evening last, at the Evangelical church. This event is usually the largest of its 'kind in the community as approximately 1300 people enjoy- ed the wonderful meal that is served on occasions of this kind be these people, and needless to say there was plenty for all. Persons who have Victory Bonds falling due on Oct., 15th must take payment of same as the Dominion Government is prepared to pay off the $53,000,000 due on that date in full out of general funds on hand. Why not reinvest yours in good old Huron & Erie Debentures which now pay 4% per cent. per annum, half - yearly. Your investment will be safe and convenient, and you are dealing with a corporation older than the Dominion of Canada. I will be pleased to receive your application. A. F. Hess, Zurich. • PRESENTATION A very pleasant evening was sp- ent at the home of Mr. and MN. Norman Turnbull, on Monday Oct., lst, in honor of their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turn - hull, who are leaving their farm home on the Saublo Line and retir- ing to Gran,1 Bend. Mrs. Andrew Turnbull acted as chairlady calling the people to gather and explaining the reason for the occasion. The following address was then read by Mrs. Sam Hendrick, after which they were -each presented with a hand- some chair, and their son Oliver with a gold watch chain. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull: W wet here this evening to spende haveasoe- ll hour with you just on the eve of your retirement from active farm life. Von have spent a long lifetfine in 1:s community. You haveseen all the changes from the time of the bush trail and the oxen, to this day of. e7oetricity, the autoiand the plene. As the time went by you ;f1,Vt'i old friends pass away and and others of the second, the third and even the .fourth generation take their places all around and about the farm where you have spent all your days. You have boon success- ful in business. You have had rich experience in life and we, your near- est neighbors, have always found that you both were not only ready to rejoice with us in times of good fortune, hut also ready with symp• athy, help, advice, encourogement; or caution, as their needs arose a. mong us.' We cannot know nor ginto tell what this and your exam- ple has meant to each and all of us, but we felt that we could not let this occasion go by without making to you our appreciation. And 80 we wish you to accept our little gift, sincerely hoping that you may live many years to enjoy their charm- ing comfort. And to Oliver, we ex- tend our very sincere regards and best wishes, and may this small to- ken be as links that bind you to us in the years to come. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull both resp- onded saying, how much they apprec iated the great kindness shown them. An address was then given by Rev. Mr. Coning of Grand Bend. Lunch was then served after which the ev- ening was brought to a -close T.)y the singing of • 'Blest be the Tie That Binds" and the closing prayer by Rev. Mr. Colling. INNI111104INC1621111111.11/111WPAI He* I, FOR 1rlitit TUBES AND Storage • BatteriesliL 1 OOET Q" 4 -envier & WEIN. Prop, rs DOMINION OF CANADA REFUNDING LOAN BONDS MATURING 15th OCTOBER, 1928 • BANI( OF MONTREAL, at all of its Branches in Canada, will accept T the above bonds for redemption at maturity. For the convenience of oWners d- the bonds, the Bank of Montreal will accept the bonds at any tiro.e prior to October 15th, and will make payment either by issuing a cheque or by placing the amount to the owner's credit in the books of the Bank, nlay be desired. A • 0 • • • 6 • AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. • • • LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL • • • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE 5UITLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAMI, DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. • BUILDING BATTERIES • YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED • We have the Agency for this District. GARAGE SUPPLIES Tires, Tubes, Gas, Es and Greases • L. A. Frang - Zurich ••••••••••••••••••••••eb•%, 44000 0.0,60 04...04 000 46 4• ,2"0. 4911312919,..4113=MEERS6vars.110111=112.306111= Auto Tops, Buggy Toys Wagon Repairing Painting Eto. Secoild Haiided _Buggies HESS - ZURICH ,1,,Hei•+4.4-•4.4..e++++++++4 4••• USE CEDAR SHINGLES For new and old Roofs AS THEY MAKE THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST ROOF i WITHOUT ANY PAINTINGOR REPAIRING ANI) WILL OUT t LAST ANY OTHER KIND OF ROOF'. .,. i. SHINGLES ARE NOW SELLING AT THE REMARKABLE LOW PRICE OE - 5X (Red Cedar $1.50 Per Butch I. 3X Red Cedar $1,35 Per Bunch I„ + WE WILL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS A CARLOAD OF 8 -PT. L + CEDAR 'POSTS AND 9 FT. LARGE ANCHOR POSTS. + + ;T. 1./. CALL FOR YOUR SUPPLY. C HvALBFLEI CH PHONE 69 .÷++.t.+++++++,14++++++.1••31.144,+++.1.4-"iti•+1^.1444.•4047.+RIE 01 1:21 ZURICH rmaNviwahammeihimmmwewahrml Zurich Drug Store nit SCI1 We have a full Line of all the requirements for School Opening 00••••04.t....04,4,0„.04,04.4).4,04.4. All authorized Text Books kept • in Stock ••••••••••••••••••4,4•44000•• We keep a large supply of Scribblers, Note Books, Pencils, Pens and Ink. Fountain Pens from 15 cents up. 4-04.70.•••••••••••••••••••• WE HAVE ALL THE HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS REQUIRED IN THE CONTINUATION SCHOOL KODAK'S AND FILMS Dr. A 3.bahinon, .Zurich WilmowelommkftemmemmmemAi4- 4 1 1