HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-10-11, Page 44. '41.** 0 Specials + + + ZURICH ligRAILR •DaShWeiod Ot, Us:4,4144 BOXItife , • - 'BOOTS "AND/VEGETABLES-4r- who cherish the seroatiOntuf cobblisr, pot,4001, B, Hainan, J. real Hot Fowl Dinner whet your Remo, L Uttle.y, R, Schwalm; a..!tvetite and wend your way to. Osai.Green M°4tain Pototoes, C. Weida, wread Ev, Church, October '17th, :and.' 11 tba5ny an evening long to be renin elabered. Come, bring your friends /sear and see the Play "Our Awful. A, Beaver, M. Gellman, V, KlopPl Dooley Potatoes, Della Smith, M. riaberee, 0. Reichert, 1VI. Schwalm; Mangolds, W. Brown, D. Blackwell, P. Mittleholtz, E. Snider; Turnips, L. Haberer, C. Geiger, W. Battler, A. Gascho; Beets, E. Kochems, 1. Foster B. Meidinger, C. Surerus; Carrots,IC Greb, M. Bedard, R. Zettel, Dl- ar; Parsnips, C. Love, E. Stire, A. MacKinnon, P. Bess; Onions, C. Thiel, R. Schrag, D. Horner, L. Far- well; FLOWERS --Asters, A. Hay, C. ; Geior, 33. Thiel, Phylox, Heidern- ‘• Aunt" to be given by the Dasliwood', ± Dramatic ClUb, after the 'Fowl Din ner, Oct. 17, 1928, 1, Mrs. J. Kellerman returned home on Saturday after spending a few S weews with her daughter in Toronto ate 42; Mr, and Mrs. Harry Kraft spent -4 ia. 100P.C. Dinner SettsRegularr ., $30.00 for • 7 -Pc. Cut Glass Water Setts, Reg. $3.00 for '4' Boys' and Girls' Stockings, Regular 50c., for Oil Cloth Mats, Sizes 18x27", at each . .... Flannelette Yard wide, Regular 40c. yd. for Men's Neck Ties, Values up to $1.00 for 44. • Soda Biscuits, per pound Corn Flakes, per box „ , „ „ , .. . ..... 10c 2 Perk and Beads, 2 Cans for .... 25c, 422,75 4.. the week -end in Toronto. •to 4 "" + Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver and .,.$i.95 '* Mrs. P. Melsaac visited friends in 25c Stratford on Sunday. , • . •••••''• , 5c+ Miss Lavada Hartleib spent a few •. I .0 • • 0/•••• • • • • • • 25c * 25c •:* ..... ..15c 4. 4. .41 4. 4:4 Grocery Specials ... • . • • • .40 • 0 4. -3* 1 Dozen Jelly Powder with Plate, Only . • • . • . ........ ....$1.36 Jelly Powder, with Cup or Saucer ... • „ • . • ... .25c .4. 4 Jelly Powder, only ..... . ...... •• . • . ...... 25c 17, 4 Calces of Palm Olive Soap, for 29c '4 1 Dish Pan with a big lot of soap, Reg. $2.20, for $ 1 . 4 8 4. 4. 4. • New Fall Merchandise 4. • NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF THIS STORE HAVE WE HAD SUCH A COMPLETE UP-TO-DATE STOCK New Velvets in all the Leading Shades : New Santoys, Queens Cloth, Serges, Flannelettes, Etc. 4. Pare Linen Towelling at Low Prices. 2 A Full line of Sweaters, Underwear, Flannelette Blankets, Wool .1 4 Blankets, Etc. days in Detroit andWindsor'. an, W. Battler, D. Meyers; Zinnia, D. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Deiterich of. Weido, D. Gesell°, R. Foster; Mari- Shipka were Sunday visitors with golds, W. Klopp, V. Deichert, 3. Mar - Mr. ad Mrs. C. Stade. , shall; Calendulla, G. Ortwein, Olive Mr. and Mrs. F. Rabethge. of Ex- Witmer, A. Beaver; - French Marigol- eter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ds, H. 'Adkins' K. Heideman, V. Harvest Home services -will be ton- Masse Verbena, L. Willert; Cosmos, Nadiger on Sunday. 3, Horner, L. Gingerich, M. Haberer, ducted in the Lutheran .church next Pinks, L. Farwell, C. Weido. , Sunday. i * POULTRY -Cockerel, J. Horner, Don't forget •the date of. the big E. Flaxbard, 0. Battler; Pullet, E. fowl supper Oct. 17th. A play en- Flaxbard, L Willert, 3. Horner, 0. titled "Our Awful Aunt" will be giv- Battler; Pen of three, 3. Horner, E. en by a number of young people of Flaxbard, G. Melick; Pr. Pheasants, town. • ' H. Foster; W. Leghorns, W. Battler, DRYSDALE E. Stire, C. Weido, H. Adkins; Pr of Ducks, G. Bloch, V. Thiel, 0. Batt- er,Mr. and Mrs. Chapclelene, and'son 0. Masse; Pr. B.P.R., N. Druar, H. Foster, G. Bloch, J. Hamer; Any Lawrence, of Elkton, Mich., also Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tetreau of Felion, pet M. Foster, D. Dueharme, E. Sni- Mich, paid a social visit to relatives der, 0, Weido; Dozen white eggs; W. B friends in the village last week. arettler, M. Haberer, E. Flaxbard,' C. Mr. and Mrs. George Denomme SUPP. FLOWERS AND VEG.--Weido Dozen brown eggs, M. Hab- andspent a few days with their children ar, W. Battler, E. Snider, V. Thiel in Courtright and Detroit recently. Foster,-- Mr. Gerald Sreenan has gone to Foster; Diningroom table bouquet, Q. Hess, Detroit where he has received empl- R. D. O'Dwyer, L. Willert, H. oll. Garden Veg., H. Foster °relent for the winter. L. Willert, H. MacKinnon; Misses Arveni and Lucy Denome gr, M. STOCK---13acon hog, 0, 06. spent Tuesday with Mrs. Gilbert M. McAdams, 0. Battler, W. Miss B. Mousseau was to London , Battler, N. Witmer, C.. Gelinas; Hal - last Sunday. Battler; Spring colt, G. Melick, 0. Geoffrey. ter broke colt, M. McAdams, D. Man-: Rev. Father Brisson of St. Peters son, V. Thiel, G. Melick; Market lamlo, D. Manson, 0. Battler, M. Me - Seminary, London, officiated at High ., ing to the absence of the Parish Adams Beef Calf, 0. Battler, A. Hoff Mass in the Catholic church here, ow man, C Haberer, A. Deichert, Priest, Rev. Father Gerard who 0:07, UHIT---Coll. bf apples, M. Hab- Adkins, M. Haberer; Fall met with a pamftil accident on his -4- • MAKE THIS YOUR STORE DUING THE FAIR DAYS. WE .1: way home from Windsor last week, WaLL BE PLEASED TO SHOW GOODS WHETHER YOU BUY 3: OR NOT T. L WURM Phone 140 ;. ▪ The Store of Service and Quality .1- .+4.+4,4- ÷ 4- 4 4. -:- 4. 4, 4- 4. + + svaatecoaatatoseamegoecectoceseposeeeztaatewatessaaiseeeeee ate Ift9 THE NEW SERIES Poa.tiac ix The low priced Six with Power and Speed as thriliiug as its Rich New Beauty 21 EQUIPPED 'WITH LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSO1th1S, FOUR WHEEL BRAKES, AND WITH ALL THE NEWEST IM- . PROVEMENTS MAKE IT THE BEST CAR VALUE FOR THE MONEY. ASK ALL THOSE WHO DRIVE A PONTIAC! DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GIVEN 43? AID 2 411$ ,as - GIDEOM KOEHLER, Zurich Agent for Pontiac and Buick Cars- • • • • and is now in St. Josephs Hospital, at Chatham. Bead threshing is now the order of the day, unfortunately the yield is not so large this year. Miss Phoebe Gelinas of the Goshen line returned home Sunday after sp- ending a week with her sister, Miss Muriel, housekeeper at the Catholic Parsonage. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements At Lot 7, Con. 6, Parr Line, Stan- ley Township, 3 miles south of Ver- . na, on THURSDAY,. OCTOBER 25th: At 1 o'clock sharp consisting of • HORSES ---Heavy draft horse 8 yr old, about 1600 lbs; Heavy draft edit 2 yrs. old; Good. farin. horse 14 yrs.. old; CATTLE ---Roan cow due to 'fres- hen Nov. 21; Red cow, due Dec. 14; Roan cow, due Jan, 28th; Roan cow due April 24th; Red cow due May 2nd; Grey cow due June 5th; Red cow freshened in May, bred 8 weeks; 2 yr. old heifer due Jan. 20th; Aged cgow with calf at foot; 2 choice ste- ers rising 2 yrs; Choice heifer rising a 2 yrs; 8 spring ealves; 2 young cal - 4 f ves. Pears, Mild. Haberer, E. Schroeder, Gelinas; Bunches grapes, W. Klop Q. Hess, E. Schroeder. DOMESTIC SCIENCE -- Bran Muffins, R. Foster, A. Erb, S. Koeh- ler, I. Foster; Drop Cookies, Marg. Haberer, W. Battler. D. Smith, G. Meyers; Ginger cookies, W. Battler, A. Decher, M. Gellman, B. Grenier; Tea Biscuits, 0. Witmer, S. Koehler, R. Witmer, L. Deichert; Light cake, J. Horner, G. Meyers, G. Horner, 0. Witmer; Apple Pie, S. Koehler, G. Meyers, A. Grenier, A. Gellman; Home made Candy, A. Foster, M. Gasch, R. Foster, A, Druar; School Lunch, G. Meyers. M. Gascho, S. Ko- ehler, M. Kochems, Patch on cotton, Druar, L. Haberer, B. Mcidinger, W. Battler; Darning Cash. stocking, M. Foster, E. Kochems, V. Schwalm Quilt patching, R. Witmer, R. Fast- er, K..Kochems; Fancy cotton night- f gown, Ra Church, G. Clarke, G. Ko- ehler; Plain doll's clothes, L. Willert G. Meyers R., Foster; F4ancy tea to- 17InzasiasicOctober.tith, 3.92 aa,e • ... il pUMPING and carrying water is riot just hard work--ifts drudgery. e slavery! Who could be harifiy slid 'Healthy, Dim:T- ang and carrying tons of water each year? Why tolerate such drudgery when a Duro Water System will deliver fresh running water under pressure to your kitchen, bath- room and grounds fog lig cent§ per 100 'gallons? The low first cost' of a Dfiro Wales Sys - 'Item will surprise you. Duro gives satisfac- tory water service at lowest cost. And now you can have fresh running water under pressure at less cost than -ever before, gree us for complete details, no obligation, ' THE EMPIRE BRASS MFG. Co. LIMITED London, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver For Sale By: STADE & WE1DO JOHNSTON & KALBFLEISCH hour.400 gab.. per' Style No. 400. fi 4. X" a'4Z1rj'ra DYE t ratn tr.g.11 Iatet-tv. .wel, M. liaberer, D. Greb, L. flab- ' ' ealeteir**let******+.*******4444-atl-a-2-1-4444-44.4-1-4-444-14-1-4--1- erer• MANUAL TRAINING -Any model' 'n Wood, H. Foster, 0. Reichert, E. Flaxbard, Patch on auto tire, H. Foster, 0. Thiel, C. Weido; Model of Poultry house, E. Yungblut, H. 'Fos- ter; Horne Made Kite, F. Hess; 1'a - per cutting of animals, Mild. Haber - Gesell °, A. MacKinnen; Doll's a PIGS ---Brood sow dueiiJannery.tradle, I , L FosterQ. Hess, JJ, Hoff- • 7 store pigs, PcOLP,/ --About 80r • • 00• • • naii,; * " ' old; 25' yu1h3r,?1, NATuRni STI -1.1)Y ---Coll. of narn- IMPLEMENTS, TO: --M. H. bin; ed woods, O. Battler; C: ReiCliert, der 6ft. cut;, M. -H. drill 18 hoe M.- G. Bloch; Coli of beneficial insects, H. mower, 6 -ft. cut nearly new; Me -W. Battler, M. Foster, L. Farwell, H. cultivator; Deering rake, Noxon ColL of injurious insects, H. Mac - disc 14 plate; 4 -section harrows; Kinnon, A. Hoffman, H. Foster; Coll. walking -plow, Bain wagon, stock . f mounted nox. weeds, M. Foeter, rack, hay rack, gravel box, wagon W. Battler, D. Greb; box, Clinton fanning mill with bag- Drawing, Art and Writing -Map gar; set scales 1200-1b. cap; steel tire. of --Huron, G. Gingerich, H. Salmon, top buggy 'extension ladder 28 -ft: • M. Dialer, W. Battler; Map of Cad- • mail box (large) ; Portland cutter: ada, D. Greb, Q. Hess, R. Cliurch, R. • set of bobsleighs; double harness Zettel; Map of S. America, R. Ch- it • nearly new, set single harness, set urch, I. Willert, E. Gingerich, 11. • plow harness; sap kettle; wheelbar- MacKinnon,; Writing, Cradle Song, row; oak barrel, set siling ropes; 3 G. Wein, M. Gellman, A. Beaver, V. • 'doz. grain bags; DeLaval Cream sep- Decker; Writing "Lullaby" W. Bat- s • arator, Daisy churn, about 400 bush. tier, G. Meyers R Foster, T. Zettle a••••••••••ste0000111•00000•••••••••••••••e••*•••••••• • of oats suitable for feed; about 200 Writing, In Flanders Field, Marg. bush of barley, about 75 bush. of Haberer, R. Church, H. Uttley, L. barky and fall wheat mixed. Haberer; Writing, Burial of Moses, Household Effects -bed room suite L. Farwell, R. Church, P. Farwell, A. velvet rug 9x1g, linoleum 12x18, eon IHeidemen; Pear on branch in water goleum rug 93c12; Quebec heater ne- colors, M. Foster, Q. Hess, C. Thiel, a .1. Orral”.4.0l2100•14•••000100e10•10•01•11.111. Electric Rangette Complete with Oven No extra wiring. Hooks on any plug attachrn't A PERFECT COOKER 10 'AI oon ti a ,d SEE IT AT. • • .."A.:1)10 ELECTRIC Happy y new; thought range Lea.- L. Haberer; Tile pattern, B. Meiding- ther chair, parlor table, seetee, buff- et, 6 kitchen chairs, sink; rocking chairs, 2 feather ticks, 3 burner coal oil stove„ 10 yards linoleum, yard 4 4 4. Commercial Gara Sped, I 0 er We are making following f:ltffer to the Public Changing of Oil per gallon Greasing entire Car Special $1.50 si.00 Above two items for only $1.50 .1: 'El BE SURE AND TAE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY. ABOVE IS GOOD FOR .4 LIMITED TIME ONLY. 4 4. Lennis °Brein . . „,„ Gas Greases Tires 'oli • Oils Accessories+ or, W. tattler, T. Zettel, B. !+++++++++44+4.4.44+4+444.44473-e-ea+4+++++++++++++•++++4441 Daffodil, in water color, E. Flaxbard, E. Gingerich, E. Tuerkheirn, P. Far- gmoitioesiesallsofto:00. well; Potato in crayons, A. Beaver, wide; single 177011 bed, springs and D. O'Dwyer, V. Decker, D. Meyee,,e. mattress, sofa, pictures, forks, cha- - COMPETITIONS -Bareback riding inc whiffletrees, neckyokes num- erous other articles. Everything must be sold as proprietor has disp- osed of his farm. • TERMS -Grain, poultry, and all sums of $10.00 and under cash, ov- er that amount 6 months credit on approved joint notes, with a discount of 3 per cent straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. Wm. E. Foster, Proprietor. Wm. Johnston, Clerk. Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer. ZURICH SCHOOL FAIR The following ie a list of the prize' winters of the Zurich School Fab, which Was held last Tuesday aftere- noon, and which was one of the best of its kind held in Zurich. We no not give all the exhibits,only the ones winning within the prize mon- ies. race, D. Manson, R. Grenier, B. Mc- 4slams; Six namen knots, H. Foster. D. Masse; Bicycle race e E. Yungblut L Willert, 33. MacKinnon, 0. Foster: Spelling Match, 2nd cllass, F. Brown M. Schwalm, G Thiel; Spelling match 4th class, R. Church, G. Horner; E. Flaxbard; Weed naming Comp.,W. Battler, M. Faster, H. Stade; eed seed naming Comp., M Foster, 0. Witmer, W. Battler; Public speak- ing, Reta Horner, Violet Schwahn. Winn. Battler; Kite Flying Compet- ition, A. 1ViacKirinon, P. Hess, Q. Hess; School Parade, No.7, lst, 2nd, and 8rd; NO, 4, N. 6, No. 12, Special Prizes for champion pup - lis, T. Eaton Co., Winnifred Battfer 91, Harry Foster 67; Martha Foster 46. Races -Boys under 8, Allan Gas- cho, H. EdItin,.'Girls under 8, G. Ortwein, R. Mass, R. Brown; Boys 9 yrs„ Sahnon, E. Snider; Girls. GRAIN AND CORN -S rin ), G. Thiel, G. Meiclinger; Boys Th - grain and sheaf Robt. Buell; 0, A. O. oats David Blackwell, Welland Sm- ith; Fred Brown, Violet Schwalm; Sheaf, V. Schwatlin, F, Brown, D. Blackwell, W. Sinith; Barley 0.A.0 Laird Jacobe, J. Marskill, A. Iloff. Smith,1nnSheaf, A. Clausitis Schilbe, G. Jacobe; 8 -legged lace, N, L. Schwalm, A. narrntm, 0, Regier Geremette and A, Voisin, Q, hews 6yyeee jean Horner, L. :Far, and A. Stauous.. 6 AVIA 11, Q. Hess, P. Brown; Girls 10-11 V. Klopp, 0. Grenier; Boys open, A. Heideman, C. Surerus; Girls open, 0 Koehler; 0. Manson, G. Zettel; Tea - liters vice; Miss.L. Martin, Miss God - 'tine, Miss .Pepper; Trustees met, II 1 • • • • a alatte .00A14/&*3141.1068418941005608.114604 1 Nature's Remedy. Product of Rock Oil and Other Ingrediedts KILLS HEALS ' WARBLES , ' 11-110.1511 MANGE' FISTULA HEEL FLIES, , RINGWORM After the rnoltadies are healed the hair growsk. ..a. Dea Not Smart or Blister - NON -POISONOUS DEATH TO ALL aERM LIFE See List of Other Maladies on Lithol Can LITHOL hPositirelty worth $5.00 of any man's money, flay- ing. any cattle suffering fren: the albove malladies. 'ATHOL IS sold for 1,50' Scull e at Son ._ .. tkeetla.•414•41.44444464t.'.i.e•aet &3,& "a‘.4124at ZS-.arZaa3.741.:,'4