HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-10-11, Page 1Vol. XXIX NG'15 URI( H', THURSDAY MORNING ERA OCTOBER 11, 1928. Chester I Smftt�r P; $1.25 111 TOO as ,, $1.60 III ARREARS, $2KAY srrO'F Ngt Let the Ads. in the Herald be your guide in your Fall Purchases NOT[CE 1 ' To Members of Zurich E oragcullt '- 'lard Society: All members 'who re- •iceived prizes at Flower Show, please Beall on J. E.. Gascho, S eretary for prize money. Catalogues. of Bulbs,'. Shrubs, etc., also on hand iebr placing orders for fall supplies. AD orders, -must be in by Oct. 15th. Pr. A. J. MacKinnon, President. E. Gascho, Secretary. Emanuel Evangelical Church "Fowl Supper on Wednesday, Oct. 24th may be the last, but by no means the least of the season. "The last shall be first", so says the good book. Fowl will then be in prone condition. Enlarged accomodation is provided :for our guests from near and far. ' The tickets will all be numbered to avoid a jam. First comes first ser- '1:1414+0O4a@Olat ik++.004e00.4 74964+0♦ • • • I • BARGAINS • ved. . choice program full of lane ghs and thrills awaits you after the supper. A Bazaar of dainty, artis- tic anduseful handmade sewing will. be a feature of the occasion, also homemade candy, popcorn balls, etc. Here you 'ear .buy your birt=hday or Christmas presents at a good, hon- est figure. Piping -hot supper will be served from 5 to 8 o'clock. . All roads in Huron County and !beyond lead to the Evangelical dining hall at the euclosed sheds en October 24th. We joyfully ,await this choice time of fellowship and reunion and. 100 per cent. enjoyment. Mr. Harry Weber of the village last week brought to the Herald office some very interesting stlzlcks of wild red raspberries, that he found in the little swamp on the lot east of Mr. Henry Weseloh's property. The st- alks showed signs of real June time, with some berries in full mature, and ripe, read red, while the fia'or e 4404,4440.0A44.4641164liE�tAillli BARGAIN S Received a, -Ys ip ent of waterproof 4 Robes which 1 am retailing far be - I low Catalogue prices, get your's at 3 Special Price $12.50 large size FRED THIEL . ZURICH neee4f 6 s3ese .401701,30S 3itfille eleginl aRglittiee t In Fall Footwear 'AT BROWN'SBot Shop WINDOWS B` 1;EtR;11L AN IN- TERESTING. STORY Car NEW AUTUMN FOOTWEAR FASHIONS THEY ARM AU'?E°` QRATIVE AS THE LAST ISSUE OP VOGUE THEY WILL 11KERMS YOU WITH AN 'ALTOGETHER NEW STANDARD O!E VA UR AT THE MODERATE PRIMS. 5. REPAIRING NMAMY DONE Only the best of Materials is .used. Bring, trxemt4 tSsi mei and you are assured ©l Satisfaction ' E GOOD SHOES COST LESS. T SBE OUR ®i op WINDOW II LAY i oosso119dkemmeE! `eemzegegte€4epeetaimS Rzoti C1 ee °�ESSC�S 44 4,0A441r4,#�I^4`:.u0 40,40.9150,0 (41>o...44,0e4 e1,2'4i•24e 4. eir 4. 4. 4 .4 4. 4. 4. s • • • a(i • ••• i, 4 OASCRO4 neral er mizi w :,1 40.*OMS* isQi ► ftwo rj�. p ,„ ritt3r, Ys VEBOOAT3 ing from 5,00 to $35.00 MONS iii e 49 03 0 3 3 €8 a a 3 3 E8 0 3 • 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 was also excellent, and there was al. so some half grown as well as some.. newly blossom on the . same stalks.' We have frequently seen and heard of cultivated berries doing there un- seasonable stunts, but of the wild. raspberries fruiting so much out of season, is entirely a new one to us. iMr. E. Oesch our ever popular. barber, radio magnet, and Insurance agent, with a recent model of t''ee. famous Kolster Radio, was the cen- tre of attraction every afternoon for the past week, as' this powerful mach ine was giving us an .accurate rep- ort of the World's Series baseball games as they were played between the New York Yankees, who were the pennant winners of the American team and, played against the St. Lous Cardinals, the winners of the. National League. Strange to say the former team won the first four gam- es without losing one game, and the agreement calls for one team win- ning four games, so the New York team is now champion of theWorld,, a, distinction they have had for the past year also. 4 e'0 trg rot' •0 4 0 iJ 4 sh "IA+J Your New Radio Set You want the best radio for your money. Coxae in, see it and hear k - then you'll.want-to-own. a-Kolster. E. OESCH, Agent Zurich, Ont. "STE "Ali that you seek. in Radio" 1 1 Evangelical dduirch Notes ZURICH - ONT. The Joy and Power of True Brotherhood Did you give him a lift, He's a bro- ther, man? And bearing about all the burden he can, Did you give him a smile, he was downcast and blue? The smile would have helped him to • battle it thru, Did you give him your- hand, he was slipping downhill? And the world, so he toot, was using him ill. Did you give him a kind word and show him the road? Or did you just let him go on with his load? Were you brother to him in the hour of need? Do you know what it means to be losing the fight When a lift just in time would set everything right? 1)o you know what it io...)a is jt..:16 a clasp of the hand When a men has borne all you'd ex- pect hiin to stand'? :Did you ask the wny of the quiver- ing lip, The half surpreeeed sob ane the scalding tears drip? Tuesday, 7.15 p. in. --Jr. League. Friday 7..30 11,m. -Senior League Friday •8.30 pen. --Choir Practice SUNDAY SERVICES "Woirship 10 A. M. Subject ---God's Aviators: 11 &m, -Bible School, J. E. Gesell(); Superintendent. 1' Worship 7.30 P. M. Subject ---Rev. J. M. Calling of the United Church, Grand Bend, will preach, and Rev. W. Y. Dreier will ioY Brenner, of Grand igen., it be - ire in charge, of the Anniverary t .a,ry x be nen, sq of enrlrrodeiried Seeviei s pit' 'Greenway, towels, Botta prizes was given by� 4 Rev. W. Y. Dreier, Pal to Mrs. Ezra Brettner of Grand lleaid. Miss 'Inez Yungblut spent the. past week visiting at Auburn. Mrs. Jos Routledge is spending the week with her son Mr John. Rout- ledge, at Dutton. Mr., and Mrs. Geoage Beers of Buffalo are visiting at • the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber. Miss Helen Foster of Detroit was a -visitor for a few days at home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fos- ter of town. :Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel and son .Keith, Mrs. Geo. Thiel, and Miss Flossie Weber spent Tuesday in Lon- don. • Mr. Aaron Weber of the Bronson Line, has exchanged his 1927 Ford Coach on a new Ford with C. Fritz & Son. 'Mr. and . Mrs. Henry Volland and family of Tuckersmith, spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Rudy Gesell., Bronson Line. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Uttley, and daughters Beatrice and Mabel and son Douglas of Kitchener, were Sun- day'visitors with Mr. and Mrs Herb- ert t.:'ttley. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MaAlphine of"Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ide- Alphine and children of Galt and Mrs. Donald McAlphine of Woods- tock, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Goe. Thiel. 'Mrs, L. W. Hoffman and the Misses Vera and Leila Siebert enter- tained at tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert, on Monday ev- ening,, for Miss Mildred Hoffman, bride elect of this month. The tab- le was beautifully decorated in wtiitc and green with bridal party for'i Centrepiece. • Word has recently been received by relativer of the passing; away of Mrs. J. Cooper, at Tugsk, Sask., on September 18th. She was formerly Lizzie Fuss, a sister to Mr. John Fuss of the village, and her passing away will be of interest to many in the community, as she was raised in the immediate vicinity of Zurich, was in her 75th year, and for the last 30 years has been a resident of the Can- adian. West. Thursday, October 18th, is the date of the Fowl Supper given by the members of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. Supper will be ser- ved in the church shed from 5.30'to 9 o'clock. A splendid programme will be given by R. H. McGee, assis- ted by local. talent and the Zurich Jubilee Band. Come one and all and enjoy a real treat. Admission: 65c. Children under 10 yrs. 35c. Messrs. Harry Talbot and Robt. Dewar, who own fine farms on the Blue Water Highway, a few miles north of Drysdale, have each. sold ten acres off the lake front to a syndicate headed by Mr. E. Earn c."mbe of Windsor, for the handsome sum of $250.00 per acre. The Co- uncil .of Stanley Township is prepar- i:.g to open up the sideroad leading to the .property and the promoters have plans under way to develop it into a popular summer resort next summer. Fourtieth Anniversary is Celebrated. On: Saturday evening, September 29th, an interesting surprise party was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs ,lohn P. Rau, of 'tile village, in horror or their fortieth wedding annivers- ary, ' The family, col listing of five ns and one daughter were all pres- ent from • Detroit, Mich.,, It was niftily a family gathering as no one relatives 'atai close friends being invited. The speech and address was mad by their son Morris, he being s'i«:. oldest in the family and, the sift was presented by Miss Murlev, .tae being the yotmgest of the family. Thegift given by the family was a e.eutiful four -hundred day ruby jew ;.1 clock. covered with a glass frame. : hti honored date was a ruby anniv- orsary and .Some beautiful ,,o'ifts were r,+ceitved. A large. round, tree layer ,nnivorsary cake, deeoi'atecl• with ,shy, wits.alsei p esented. There we- ' forty people in all, and among i cin present, we're Mr. and • '\•Urs. J. 'olton, Mr.. and Mrs. J. Picotte and` 'Biwa Noreen Shanohon, all 'i'ron's T?e- t'oit,• frith., also Mr. and "oars. 1'1 .'unghh't, Zu ich. ."I`he rem ainin'?' of 1e attendance was relatives,' Every ,i:irig Was carried out as planned ,iutl a.good :time was had by all. They :a.yrd ten games of Bunco first prize ' ing won by Mrs. ,Toe Rau, it being beautiful hand einbroderied Buff, et set; Second prize WAS won by Mrs $12.00 BUREN 18 SIZE, 17 JEWELS In a Heavy Nickle Case An Ideal Watch For a Working Man. Let us show you this watch! Hess, Th. Jeweller COA 1 NOW IN YARDS EIGHT CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRADE FUEL, r Scranton Anthracite, iVIinehead Alberta. Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL ALSO POCAHONTAS • �9,ra.telC . HENSALL ONT., Phones -Office lOw. House : The Business Built By ScovIcen 4,++ +++: ++ ++•+++1+.+ ++++•Kt+ ++ ' H.+++0++++++ 14e+ + ++tom- t +g. .g , Men's Shoes soled, pr. $1.00 • Women's Shoes soled, pr. 75c, SS:5c. Rubber heels, pr. 35c to 50e pair., +++0.-++++•:-++++++++++++++++++++++++:•+++++++++++•+-,..--.7.. FORD COACH 1927 Model like new in every way. We have taken this car in on a New Ford Model A. + 1926 FORD 'COUPE, Can't be told from a new Car, Original duces and Tires 1 1923 'FORD SEDAN, Upholstering perfect, this car can be bought for the price of a touring: car., 4. 1923 FORD COUPE, Upholstering perfect, original paint and, in gocd running condition. GRAY DORT Touring, in good running shape priced at $as.n. This car can be used for a 4 -wheel trailer, 2 new tires arid' other tires fair, also Battery. .,i.. FORD TOURING With starter and new top and Curtains at $50.00. FORD TRAILER with license at a snap. • j RUBBER TIRE BUGGY in good condition, also 2 steel tire buggies_. ti 4, STY all F 47. 0 - WE ARE SHOWING MANY LINES. OF WOMEN'S, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR AT MODERATE 4` - 'PRICES, RANGING FROM $ 3.50 TO $4.50 A PAIR, INCLurk- ING PAT. STRAPS, PUMPS, OXFORDS, BUCKLE SLIPPERS, AND CUSHION SOLES. MISSES PRICES FROM $2.00 TO $2.95. zrzt MEN'S AND BOY'S WORK SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WITH OUTSIDE COUNTERS. REPAIRING DONE WITH THE BEST MATERIALS LAST THE LONGEST: +fi+ 4, AGENTS FOR THE NEW FORD CAR. PHONE FOR A. DE.M- .I. e• 0 FRITZ & SON FORD DEALERS ONSTRA T I ON! 1,44,44*4 tPti t hA SECOND HAND FORT) FARTS AT HALF PRICE ++++++++++++++++++++++.:0+++++4.44+++++++++4.+4,....1.÷. : .1; Bummer an F1. . When you start out to do summer and A.ti:tum buying Her you not WE CARRY A NICE ASSOME NT OF GINGHAM, S„ PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SHIRTIN'ta8, COTTON -AB FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE, A FULL ASSORT:W-1K OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING. [311: tRN'ri S REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. R. AL. DOUG/ A GENERAL ilM' 'OHAN HONE 11 97 ltte nil. 4`J