HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-09-27, Page 8L'UR,ICH-$1IiRA.D The Store with the Stock SpeciallJisplay OF New. Fall Merchandise We have opened up a shipment of New Fall Goods and invite your inspection. DRESS MATERIALS NEW CALANESE LOCKNIT, A FINE FABRIC OF GOOD WEIGHT, GUARANTEED "NO RUN"' VERY SUITABLE FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, 'IN BLACK, MOTHER GOOSE, ALMOND GREEN AND AZURE BLUE. VELVETS IN 27 and 36-incher wide IN NEWEST SHADES. ALL WOOL CLOTHS SUCH AS QUEEN'S CLOTH, SANTOYS, FLANNELS, POPLINETTES, IN ALL THE WANTED SHADES. Ladies Coats .and Dresses WE EXPECTA SHIPMENT OF LADIES COATS AND DRESSES TO ALIVE ON FRIDAY. THESE COMPRISE THE NEWEST CLOT AND STYLES FOR THE FALL SEASON, AND THE PRICES ARE VERY MODERATE BE SURE AND SEE THEM! NEW SWEATER COATS CUR STOCK OF SWEATERS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY FOR .MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS IS NOW ALMOST COM- PLETE ' WE WELCOME FAIR VISITORS TO OUR STORE. LEAVE YOUR PARCELS AND WRAPS WITH US FOR SAFEKEEPING, ',ND WE ARE SURE AN INSPECTION OF OUR STORE AND GOODS WILL BE OF INTEREST TO YOU. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE OUR EXHIBITS AT THE FAIR J. GASCHO & SONS Pr3duLt Wanted Phone 59 0'4.7: • i- :4- .+•€•'•- • 'R'-,r•r-r r-4-42•-r•s fi t• 3 t i-ry iii•»F 1.2.4•+•4.8•+ 3o•t ++++++•I•• ++-F.4.• ++ ANNOUNCEMENT t t We have been appointed Agents direct for � Tr �.JRICFI AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF 1' TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OP 44.. + e WiLLYS OVERLAND LTD. 4.+ ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI -+1, .VH11PPET DOUR CED FIELD. SFE IT; DRIVE IT; + COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED 'I' AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY 4• VET QTHE LOWEST PRICEY) SIX ON P• VIITAPPET 1J I THE MARKET. A CAR WITH A T. SOUND REPUTATION mi • Vl illyS �1 I �t 4. THE FAMOUR d TWO MODELS,PSLEEVE VALVE WITH ROVIDED + 14, MOTOR. IF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US T 4 BEI'ORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. A SATISFACTORY DEAL + -I• ASSURED, BESIDES: + ' `LVE GIVE YOU SERVICE" + II. Moasseau Zurich ..;. + alp* • *WO r••WI• MO0.411••'0••N••••M••N•NNONNN••; • Hecia Furnaces 1 AND Quebec Stores• 1,1 NIGHTS ARE GETTING COOL AND WINTER WILL SOON BE • HERE WITH US AGAIN. THIS PUTS ONE IN MIND OF YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT. A NICE COSY AND WARM HOME • ALL WINTER WITH LESS FUEL THAN THE AVERAGE w HOUSEHOLDER LET US GIVE YOU ESTIMATES ON ONE OF THE OLD AND RELIABLE "HECLA" FURNACES, ONE THAT HAS STOOD • THE TEST AND STILL STANDS WITH THE VERY BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY. OR PERHAPS ONE OF OUR QUEBEC HEATING STOVES WOULD SUIT YOUR REQUIREMENTS BETTER. IF SO LET • US GIVE YOU VERY VALUABLE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS, THE LESS EXPENSIVE WAY OF HEATING THE HOME. 1 GOOD -YEAR Tires for long and durable 1 Service A CALL WILL BE APPRECIATED If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! • STADE & WEIDO 1 ZURICH -- ONT. Special Prices ON Men's Fall weight Underwear, at $1.18 per.. Suit ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS, •MEDIUM iVEIGUT AT *2.95 • ALL WOOL SOCKS AT .... ... 44 ,14 .39c Pr. LADIES AND GIRLS SILK AND WOOL SWEATER COATS, AT . «.. ...... ....... ...., ..53.95 THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK OF LADIES HOSE, VALUES UP TO $1.00, GOING AT ... <b.a. 59c LADIES SGc. VESTS AND BLOOMERS AT ... J. `Al. M13RNER YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. George H. Pfile of Dashwood, called on some of his Zurich friends on Tuesday. Messrs. C. F. Pfile and John Gray- beil of Dashwood were in town on business on Monday. Mrs. Noah Sararas and daughter Pearl of Kitchener, were Tuesday visitors in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston, of Kitchener, called on friends here and at Bayfield the beginning of the week. The concert given in the Town Hall on Fair night under the auspices of the Agricultural Society, was in every way a success and of the high- est order, and the large and spacious hall was packed to utmost capacity, and through this medium the Society will swell their treasury by about $200.00 What seems to be a recorrd break er ben stock was found by Mr. Wm. G. Hess of the village, in the lat of his neighbor, Mr. Moses Geiger, when they found and counted 157 well filled bean pods on one stock of beans. If every pod should yield six beans, there would be 936 beans from this one staick. We feel safe in saying that Mr. Geiger will have little trouble in receiving a good price for these beens for seed pur- poses, that is if some of our prom- inent bean growers hear about the wonderful yield of this particular stalck. Higher Gasoline Tax Premier Ferguson of Toronto the other day announced that gasoline tax in Ontario next year will be five cents a gallon. and any lingering hope that the government might stop at four cents is dispelled by the Prem ier. There has never been doubt that it would be two cents. The gas tax is statutory, the present levy hav ing been imposed through legislation in 1925, and the proposed increase consequently will be a matter of am- endment to the Gasoline Tax Act, in which the tax is specifically set forth as three cents. On the other hand, the scale of fees for motor licenses, in which there is to be a cut by way of offset to the higher gas tax, is 8 matter of regulation, the Highway Traffic Act merely providing that there shall be "a fee". A previous reduction in license fees was made effective at the beginning of the cal- endar year, and it is considered like- ly that the higher gas tax will be- come effective eith on January, let, or on November 1, the commence- ment of the fiscal year. The date could be fixed by order -in -council, pending action of the Legislature in February or March. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company ding Business in Ontario -- Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. :l1, 1927, $22,365,745. Total Cash in Bank and Bonn's $150.579,88 Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years. E. F. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer is Ligkfniau Rods and all kinds of Fire iasiiraace • Fall Millinery Fine Display WE ARE SHOWING A FINE DISPLAY OF FALL MILLINERY IN ALL THE NEWEST AND LEAD INS STYLES CHILDREN'S HATS IN FELTS AND VELOUR. WOMEN'S HATS IN VELOURS ,AND FELTS WE HAVE ALSO A FINE AS- SORTMENT OF DRESS ORNA- MENTS FLOWERS FOR. DRESSES AND COATS. See Us about Your Fancy Goods Requirements COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE rA Call is always appreciated HAT SHOPPE THE PRICES ARE RIGHT AND THE QUALITY GOOD V. V. SIEBERT fireproof WaiTboard For Stile 'DP Fred C. Ka.lbfleiaeh' • e Zurich Ont.; .44 Tbstriollayi September 01 04 18* 8s9nabk Hardware,. Fall is here and we can supply th•e Public with Seasonable Hard- • ware n moderate prices • • A NUMBER QF. GOOD SECOND HAND STUVES CHEAP, FENCING A. CARLOAD OP LtTNDYS'LUCKY TIN JUST, AR- RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN ((OIL. BARBS BRACE AND STEEL POSTS. TIDES AND TUBES A FULL LINE OF GUTTA PERCHA TIRES. NONE HEWER PAINTS AND VARNISHES GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN iSENOUR ioox PURE PAINT, * A FULL LINE OF CHINAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO ENAMELS ALSO ;FULL LINE OF MURESCO, BM( VERY FURNITURE Fill Line of Furniture In Living Room) Suite, Dining Romig Suits, Bed Room Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. Reed Rockers and Chain. A number of Rockers at Greatly Reduced Pres. 1 Good Supply of famroun, SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESS. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES. ' t BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR;. RAGS, OLD IRON _WS 4. PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. ? FULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER SMOKE CURB Johnston &C Kalbfiejscji Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 +++++++•F+++4.4.4 E••tr+ t+0.1.4t,14-1•+•F.I,;..,I..F.'F.I.+,g„F,p,+.fr•i•t,++++t J $5,00. PAYS FOR AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT POLICY_ COVERS YOU IN -HE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENT WHILE YOU ARE OPER- ATING, DRIVING, RIDING IN, ADJUSTING OR CRANKING ANY AUTOMOBILE. ALSO PAYS $25 WEEKLY FOR LOSS )F TIME, HOSPITAL. EXPENSES, NURSES' FEES, DOCT- OR'S BILL, ETC. ALSO PAYS FOR LOSS OF LIFE, HANDS. FEET OR EYES EVERY AUTO OWNER AND DRIVER SHOULD HAVE THIS INSURANCE. APPLY.TO: Before you Invest INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTT0i-811RVICS AND DAINTY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? NEW BARBER Opposition is the life of Trade We are all willing to work for a living at reasonable fees. Hair Cuts at .. ... .. Ze5c Shaves at .. . ,.. 15c James Scott, For Service. Dominion house, Zurich. JOHN WARD Drugless Praction. eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 70 SUITS SUITS fTo the man who regards a well dressed lappearance, we recommend you to a come and look over our fine range of NEW FALL SUITINGS WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR MONEY GLADLY REFUNDED. ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH ?MR BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED ORADR I HEAD AGENT FOR THE WELL KNOWN MADE TO MEA9-..,I uan • CLOTHES—QORNRLL , ;W. HRHCFFM'iN MERCHANT TAILOR( • V. R. HOF?*AN M Eicift sicsAsi AND YUNRBA Dib n `z Day, and Nigh/ Pito*, Ne, tRti,