HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-09-20, Page 8Tfl.ie1to.re with the Stock ecial Display OF New fall Merchandise We have opened up a shipment of New Fall Goods and invite your inspection. ]DRESS TERIAL S NEW CALANESE LOCKNIT, A FINE FABRIC OF GOOD 'WEIGHT, GUARANTEED "NO RUN"' VERY SUITABLE FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, IN BLACK, MOTHER GOOSE, ALMOND GREEN AND AZURE BLUE. VELVETS IN 27 and 36-incher wide IN NEWEST: SHADES. ALL WOOL CLOTHS SUCH AS QUEEN'S CLOTH, SANTOYS, FLANNELS, POFLINETTES, IN ALL THE WANTED SHADES. Ladies Coats and Dresses WE. EXSECT A SHIPMENT OF LADIES COATS AND DRESSES TO ARRIVE ON FRIDAY. THESE COMPRISE THE NEWEST CLOTHS AND STYLES FOR THE FALL SEASON, AND THE PRICES ARE VERY MODERATE BE SURE AND SEE THEM! NEW SWEATER COATS 'CUR STOCK OF SWEATERS, UNDERWEAR,. HOSIERY FOR MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS IS NOW ALMOST COM- PLETE ' WE WELCOME FAIR VISITORS TO OUR STORE. LEAVE YOUR PARCELS AND WRAPS WITH US FOR SAFEKEEPING, i.ND WE ARE SURE AN INSPECTION OF OUR STORE AND GOODS WILL BE OF INTEREST TO YOU. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE OUR EXHIBITS AT THE FAIR SON,. x P-hoiie 59 ..+;-.:+++++++++++++++++++++++k-+++++++++++++++++++++4•++ •t ANNOUNCEMENT I �e have beeti appointed Agents direct for .t. .:_.,RICA AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OE 'NIL LYS OVERLAND LTD. %T raj i l- i , ARISTOCRAT OF ;THE LOW PRI- 'II, r -H. I `PJIT CED FIELD. SEE IT;, DRIVE IT; ' COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED ,'fig, AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY •II• THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON 4* WHIPPETk) THE MARKET. A CAR WITH A SOUND REPUTATION Wi t S J1 I1 d - I1 THE FAMOUR TWO MODELS, PROVIDED SLEEVERKET.TH 4. MOTO.R. IF IN NEED Of A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US ,'1I, 4, BEI -ORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. A SATISFACTORY DEAL 4. ASSURED, BESIDES: ,g • AWE GIVE YOU SERVICE" k s c dssea u Zuri▪ ch -g + <- + 4- ;.s,..;.+•r++ ++3 + i•+.'r-i• ;—,-4 '11•<II••k•+•II• ••II• -E•• •II•• •II••II•++•€••I'++dF+++•II + + 1 • 1 or 1 1 • eela - macs I ueec AND Stoves n • G to els OpO..YEAR Thes for long and durable Service NIGHTS ARE GETTING COOL AND WINTER WILL SOON BE HERE WITH US AGAIN. THIS PUTS ONE IN'MIND OF YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT. A NICE COSY AND WARM HOME ALL WINTER WITH LESS FUEL THAN 'THE AVERAGE HOUSEHOLDER LET US GIVE YOU ESTIMATES ON ONE OF THE OLD AND RELIABLE "HECLA" FURNACES, ONE THAT - HAS STOOD THE TEST AND STILL STANDS WITH THE VERY BEST -THAT MONEY CAN BUY, OR PERHAPS ONE OF C'UR QUEBEC' HEATING STOVES WOULD SUIT YOUR REQUIREMENTS BETTER. IF SO LET US GIVE YOU VERY VALUABLE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS, THE LESS EXPENSIVE WAY OF HEATING THE HOME. A CALL WILL r E APPRECIATED { sawe..aaa:amaie.av imn.a.e.aaa.a 1 If in need of new furniture, don't orget i ' e have t! O 0 UR QUEBEC 1ST " 1 ZURICHE S, - out. , Spec!aI ON ICI ACE RALEO Pric Men's fall weight Underwear, at $1.18 per Suit ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS, MEDIUM WEIGHT AT $2.95 ALL WOOL SOCKS AT ,. ...... . ............39c Pr. LADIES AND GIRLS SILK AND WOOL SWEATER COATS, AT $3.95 THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK OF LADIES HOSE, VALUES UP .TO $1.00,; GOING AT ... ... 59c LADIES 50c. VESTS AND BLOOMERS AT ... . ........35c J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST A goodly number from the village are attending Exeter Fair this Wed- nesday afternoon. ' • Miss Elda Callfas, who spent the summer at Grand Bend., has return- ed to her home here. Miss Edith Grob is spending a few weeks with friends in Stratford and Mitchell. Mr. Theodore Wagner of Water- loo, is spending a' few holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. Mr. Harry Weber, who spent a few weeks with his relatives at New Dundee, has arrived back in Zurich again. Mr. Herb Mousseau is making im- provements to his dwelling house by digging deeper the excavation of his cellar, and will then put in a good concrete floor. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keller, of!t the 16th Concession, Hay Township,` have purchased from Mr. Henry Schroeder the fine brick dwelling on Main Street, Dashwood, possession given after the first of October. Mr. Floyd Fink met with a pain- ful accident on Tuesday evening, he was on his way from Mildmay to Zurich, and when somewhere near Blyth his car took fire, and -by her- oic work on his part -the flames were soon subdued, and Floyd is now suf- fering a pair of badly burned hands. Much cooler weather has visited this part of Canada the last few days, and it gives us a reminder that the summer is practically past, and the good old Canadian winter will soon be upon us again. The farm- ers are taking advantage of the few dry days and hustling in their beans. The fall wheat' is practically •all in the ground, and some leas already made fine growth. A couple of oil drillers have land- ed on the farm of Mr. Ben Charr- atte, of the Blue Water Highway, and are trying to interest ;nen of the community with. capital, to finance the sinking down of a shaft with an endeavor to locate oil. A number of citizens are already interested, and a great many think there is oil in the bowels of the earth at this particular place. - A good oil well with a small refining plant would be a great boon to this section: and put the district in fine shape to 'handle the heavy tourist traffic of the sum- mer months along this noted pied. of Highway., In fact we would all look for cheaper rates on the gas for the old bus. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company • doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. 31, 1927, $22,355,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $1150,5790 Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years. E. E. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance F II MiIIinery Fine Display WE ARE SHOWING A FINE. DISPLAY OF FALL MILLINERY IN ALL THE NEWEST AND LEAD INS STYLES CHILDREN'S HATS IN FELTS AND VELOUR. WOMEN'S HATS IN VELOURS ,AND FELTS WE HAVE ALSO A FINE AS- SORTMENT OF DRESS ORNA- MENTS FLOWERS FOR DRESSES AND ,COATS. See Us about Your Fancy Goods Requirements COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE W� Call is always appreciated HAT SHOPPE THE PRICES ARE RIGHT AND THE QUALITY GOOD V. V. SIEBERT r tl 11111 ,dIOII1Y� ' it I [f ` �, a � ' \ ,;o e YPRoc walls and partitions will make your summer cottage much more attractive; comfort- able and fire -safe. Gyproc takes any decoration—a perfect material with which to line your summer home, Write for free boek; !'Walls ',;`hat Reflect Good Judgment," on home planning with Gyproc Rocboard and Insules. CANADA GYPSUM AND:ALASASVINE, LIMITEDua ax Tburselay, +aeptembe Atlik_, x f i•1 • y .}.++y2.}, }..1.r". 4_--. .},,{J1,r1�.RNy�I 7� y+ y .. ,.{4I _. ..sonable Hardware it 41 Fall is here and we can supply 1 4.t the Public with. Seasonab3.:ard Ile ware at moderate prices4,1 A NUMBER OA. 000D SECOND HAND ST'O'VES EERY ti. 15 CHEAP 4# .I. FENCING • A CARLOAD OF LUNDYS'LITCKY TIF ,WD,+IRJUST, AR-- * RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN COIL, BARB,BRACE AND Z±. STEEL POSTS. ,;,. 1 Ilt TIRES AND TUBES . ▪ A FULL LINE OF. GUT1A PERCHA TIRES. NONE BEETEsgiti +. PAINTS AND VARNISHES 1 GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN aSENOUR 1007 PURE PAINT, k .y A FULL LINE OF OHINAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO ENAME3:S + ALSO ;FULL LINE OF MURESCO, E'rcvr 4. FURNITURE4 • -P- . ail' Fill Line �t Furniture in Living Rowel Suits, Dining Suits, Bed Room) Suite, Kitchen Cabinets. Remit;r Chairs. Reed Rockena aad A nlum,ber of Rockers at Greatly ' Reduced Ps.' rice, .p. Good Supply of famous, SIMMONS BEDS, D8, SPRINGS ANI? MATTRESS. ,BEWARE OF SUBSTITUITE BRIN& US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRAN, PAY ,HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. FULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER .SMOKE CURE • Johnston 84 Kalbflejscth' Hardware & Furniture. Pho e +.+++++++++++++++++++0,+++,44++++++++++++++++++41+++•t* 44 • WEA 1 $5 00 PAYS FOR AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT POLICY. COVERS YOU IN 'HE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENT WHILE YOU ARE OPER- ATING, DRIVING, RIDING IN, ADJUSTING OR CRANKING ANY AUTOMOBILE. .ALSO PAYS $25 WEEKLY FOR LOSS )F TIME, HOSPITAL EXPENSES, NURSES' FEES, Dom: - CAR'S BILL, ETC. ALSO PAYS FOR LOSS OF LIFE, BANDS, FEET OR EYES EVERY AUTO OWNER AND DRIVER SHOULD HAVE. THIS INSURANCE. APPLY. TO: Before you Invest----INVFSTIGArrE8 Andrew F. Hess, - Zurieh MY MOT(FOI—SERVICE AND 8A;Pi@T,Y1 Have You MADE YOUR WI.LL? NEW BARBER Opposition is the We are all willing living at reasonable Hair Cuts at, .. Shaves at ..� life of Trade to work for a fees. ... 1.5e imaraamprommumalmmalmasamoRmiamaumaimmicana James Scott, For Service. Dominion I-Iouse, Zurich. JOHN W.A, rr I l Drugless Praction-. eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter PbDike, 7G' SUITS UMTS /To the man who regards a well dressed lappearance, we recommend you to come and look over our fine range of NEW FALLSUITINGP) *E GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR MONEY GL:ADL REFUNDED. ALL OUR SUITS ARF MADE AND TRIMMED WEI% fr .. . BEST OF LININGS AND 'TRIMMING, CALLED GtRA.DE 1 .s: READ AGENT FOR TUB WELL KNOWN MADE Tt'' AS-, URE CLOTHES-'-cORN1EL14 Fireproof r 1.; board or PSale gr Pre d C. Kaihfieisch y •. Zurich Out* H. HOFF M C13C`VANT TAILOIIIt► W; 14.8011il'll6t':A:1►I ► 1Foapia FMBAi_. AND J'UN1lltAti DIRIALVOREW Dar MIA Nislh PLLotatt Nec -