HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-09-20, Page 4111 wEEK1 • 100 -Pc. Dinner Setts, Regular $30,00 for $22.75 3: Cut Glass Water Setts, Reg. $3.00 for + toysand Girls' Stockings, Regular 50c., for 25c Oil Cloth Mats, Sizes 18;t27", at each ... • • . • . ..... . ‘..5c 4. flannelette Yard wide, Regular 40e, yd. for . 25c WLert's Neck Ties, Values up to $1.00 for 25c 4' 4. .... • . 15c ...... . 10c 25c + 4. $1.35 4.4. 3 Jelly Powder, with Cup or Saucer ... . .... ..... . .25c 4 Jelly Powder, only • • 25c * :.'Groceryi • Specials 41' Pork and Beads, 2 Cans for 1 Dozen Jelly Powder with Plate, Only 4. •4. 4 Cakes of Palm Olive Soap, for *41' .1 Dish Pan with a big lot of soap, Reg. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4 4 .29c + $2.20, for .........$1.48 4. 4. New Fall Merchandise NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF THIS STORE HAVE WE HAD ,SUCH A COMPLETE UP-TO-DATE STOCK New Velvets•in all the Leading Shades • -it + e. New Santoys, Queens Cloth, Serges, Flannelettes, Etc. Pure Linen Towelling at Low Prices. A Full line of Sweaters, Underwear, Flannelette Blankets, Wool ff.. Blankets, Etc. . -r • 4* MAKE THIS YOUR STORE DURING THE FAIR DAYS. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW GOODS WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT • L NV!, M Phone 140 4. ,ZURICH. HERALD rhun Sm4•441,or 20.01, 190 ••••••••••am. i ., : ), ••• 140$.•J',.- An.-Ageqatt. Book and 'twenty dol- .. • lars cash therein, Finder .kindlly re- turn to Dennis Bedard, jr„. Zurich BLAKE Mrs, Alex. Denomme of Windsor, is visiting a few days with relatives and friends here. Miss Hazel Ducharme has return- ed home after spending two weeks with her sisters and brothers in De- troit. Mr, and Mrs. Willard Ducharrne left last Saturday for Detroit where they will spend a few :weeks visiting friends and relative. Mrs, Ed. Denomme, Sr., was a we- ek -end visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Mero and Beck -of St, Clair, Messrs Clarence and Victor of Lon don were guests with Mr. Russell and Gerald Sreenan last Sunday. Mr. ,A.ttaus Denomme left last Sun day for Detroit where he has secur- ed a position for the winter months. Mr. Len Denomme and Morris Dur and of Detrait spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. and Chas. Be- dard, also Mr. and Mrs. Norman Overholt, motored to Big Point over the week -end. ' Mr. Leon Jeffrey Sr., received a message concerning the death of lit- tle Dorothy, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wilur Dewey, of Rolling Port- age, the child died at the Winnipeg Hospital. MARRIED -In Detroit, Mrs. Bach el Denomme, to Mr, Fred Smith, both of Detroit. 4 DASHWOOD Mrs. (Rev..) Eifert of Detroit, vis- ited in. town -on Wednesday Mit. L. Hamacher and Mrs. E. 1. Restemeyer, are visiting in Detroit this week. Miss Ida .Routledge of Zurich a Sunday visitor in town. „ was Miss Myrta Hoffman of Y - 'spent the week -end wir ents.41. her par - Missionary cervi - In the Lutheran el es will be held.. day. - .turch next 'Sun, Mrs. G. Fish returned hor er and daughter Edna ending. air ,fe on Saturday after sp,. Beach., • .t• summer at Ipperwash Mr • wee' and Mrs. P. Kraft ,spent last in London. Mr. Erwin Mcisaac of Windsor; spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. Chester Gaiser •has 'returned home after a pleasant visit with fri- ends- in Detroit. Friday evening, October 12th, is. the date set for. the Monster Fowl Supper, at Calvary Evangelical Ch- urch. The looks very appealing and the public is assured of a sumptuous repast. In fact a bigger than ever attendance is anticipated, and those in charge are assuring the fact that there will be abundant luscious fowl for everyone that is good enough to buy a ticket and attend. This event is looked up to by a great many as an evening woth while, and every- body is cordially invited to attend, yes bring the whole family, as well as your neighbors and friends. After the big supper, a very carefully sel- ected and appropriate programme will be run off, which will alone be alinost worth the price of the admis- sion fee. Don't forget the date and share this feast together. Hymenial . A very pretty autumn wedding was solemnized on Saturday Sept- ember 15th, at 4.30 at the hesidence of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender when their daughter Idella May wos un- ited in marriage to Mr. Vernon A. .Schatz. The ceremony Was perfor- med under a bridal arch surrounded with .p.utumn flowers by Rev. F. B. Meyer, while the Wedding March was played by Mr. W. R. •Goulding the bridal party took their places. The bride was charmingly gowned in a dress of georgette with an emb- roidered veil caught up with a band of Orange Blossonis, and carried a bouquet of pink Ophelia Roses; Lilly of the Valley and fern. The brides- maid, Luella Schatz, sister of the groom was prettily gowned in, a. dress of beaded pink georgette, also earring a bouquet of pink Ophelia roses, The groom was supported by. Archie Bender, brother of the bride. During the signing of the register. Mr. W. R., Goulding sang very .beat!,-- tifully, "When you are Truly Mine." Following the ceremony a dainty Wedding Dinner was served in the 4. ..:11: The Store of Service and Qualit-_y f :., '144-4-#44-444.1-i-i-4-14-144-14-i-i-i-14-1-iek+++++++++++++-:-' • 41 . 4-4-i-tl-i•et-'-'.- 24444440006000.0049044380800681WOM080989 489004964960019 TIIE NEW D' TV! • 0 • Pontiar3 Six The low prima Six 'with Power and Speed 'as thrilling as its Rich New Beauty • • • EQUIPIPED WITH LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS, FOUR WHEEL BRAKES, AND WITH ALL THE NEWEST IM - 0 • • • 0 • GIDEON:, KOEHLER, Zurich Agent for Pontiac and Buick Cars PROVEMENTS MAKE IT THE BEST CAR VALUE FOR THE MONEY. • ASK ALL THOSE WHO DRIVE A PONTIAC! DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GIVEN 0(500*ateemacimeeeeeees • • 0 00000004400000100000 .,ctri ak 1.‘ette Complete with Oven No extra wiring. Hooks on any plug attachm't A PERFECT COOKER • SEE IT AT ADIO 1•4 175 ECTRIC .4 'TO k. -t" • T Versus' • '„, : •• :',.: .ri.:its '414c‘ Many h 1, - - - .--et a man as o sAt fits ''' '....'.-. hard.- .., . .-„ earne sawn r lieratase of the fatal lur / c hi,h interest;A r °I- lAlia A ;<", :. . rule to re 4 6421:e elfleral ,...., ,.. the, hit.' ..-Awe,inber .t. tt, "ter the interest I Ate grea.ter the rist. re041''' • ' i;-. " - • :4t . ' '1 • .7. ". ' e• :-....et • • fleeq '.;;';•':. • ;TV. 44 t'a' • • f • AIT YOUR SAVINGS INTO • /4, A SAVINGS ACCOUNT In the • - cl BANK OF MONTREAL EstablisheA There they -will ,earn a reasonable interest andI,e safe. • • ,a= -JP... • 44 dinig room beautiful decorated in pink and white to about 75 guests. The gift of the Bridegroom to' the Bride was a beautiful set of Com- munity Plate Silverware in Gros- venor design and also a Walnut ced- ar lined chest. To the bridesmaid, a mesh bag,. to the groomsman and pianist a combination travelling mir- ror. For travelling, the bride ,don- ned a brown lace dress with hat, shoes, stockings and gloves to match, and a Hudson Seal Coat. The bridal couple left on a trip. to Toronto, Thousand Islands, Montreal and De- troit. They will be at home after October lst. AUCTION SALE Of FARM STOCK AND' IMPLEMENTS • On Lot 22, L. R. E., Hay Township, On THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th Conimencing at 1 o'clock sharp LIVE STOCK ----1 heavy mare 10 years old; '1 heavy mare aged; 1 aged dr-iving horse broke single and double; 1 driving mare 10 yrs. old broke single and' double 2 cows 8 yrs. old due Dec. 27 and Feb, lst; 12 young cattle one and two yrs. old; 6 dozen cock hens one year old. IMPLEMENTS; ETC : -M -R. bin- der nearly new; M. -H. mower; M. -H. 10 -ft. hay rake new; M. -H. fertilizer and grain drill nearly new; M. -H. 3 - horse dist harrow nearly new; steel land roller; 24iorse culiVator, 3 - section harrows, churn, -scuffler, No. 21 Fleury plow, Bain handy wagon, new; 2 wagons; Bob sleighs; cow chains; 16 -ft. hay rack; sling ropes; 1 -horse wagon, gravel box; wagon box and spring seat, fanning mill, quantity of tile, 600-1b. scales, single harness, double harness, 4 collars; shovels, spades and numerous other aticles. TERMS OF SALE -$10 and un- der cash. Over that amount 12 month's scedit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent. off for cash on credit a- mounts. Thomas Turnbull, Proprietor. N. Turnbulll, Cerk. Oscar Klopp, Anctioneer. +++444+++++++++++640+*4.3,4-44-1-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-1.4-44+++.H.-• 4. 3 4. 4. 4. 4. 40+ 3 We -are making the following Offer to the Public +4' Changing of Oil per gallon .. 44. Greasing entire Car • 4. BE SURE AND TAKE ADVANT.A.GE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY. ABOVE IS GOOD FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY. • Commercial Garage Special Z $1.50 Above two items for only $1.50 Sped:: -'i Offer $1.00 0004100•8000000000•000••0••••••estosoeseiNtsesseosese h I i* KILLS HEALS t WARBLES I Nature's Remedy. Product of Rock I Oil and Other Ingrediedts THRUSH 1 MANGE FISTULA HEEL FLIES RINGWORM After the maladies are healed the kair grows. Does Not Smart Nor Blister NON-POISONOUS DEATH' TO' ALL GERM' LIFE See List of Other Maladies on Lithol Can LITHOL is Positively worth $5.00 of any man's money, hav- ing any cattle suffering from the above malladies: 4, 4. 4 ! "ATHOL Is sold for 81.50 L. Schilbe & Son 44o.oeeeeeiseeto0t4 00000•0000.000600000064.f • , Lennis 09Brein 4 4,. .... Gas $ Oils Greases '"Tires Accessories +444.44+444-14++++++-2-+4-4.--X*444•44.4-4-44+++++++++++++++441 1 Here's how you pay for neglect N under-infiabed tire soon gets into Jr2., real trouble - broken' side was, a punctured inner tube -- often a blowout. Under -inflation is one of the chief causes of premature tire failure. Tests have proven that every 10% drop from the cor- rect inflation causes a 20% drop in mile, • e ' ;•Fi: PP.} Cali at a Dominion Tire Depot and have your tires examined. You are never far away from DOMINI TI MOUSSEAU " .44 4 j) 101 the Spa .4t sy4 ld !.."" 544, due ala soli 13e? 14