HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-09-20, Page 1Vol. XXIX No 12 ZURICH; THURSDAY MORN Zurie.h Pall Fair.; Sept. 24 and 25th. Mr. Ernie Gross of Chesley was a LOCALS week -end visitor With friends in the Mr. and Mrs. F. W. 'Hess of Hen- Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. PfiIe of Hen- i.sa11 were Monday 'visitors in the sa11, were Tuesday visitors at the village.. home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun, and family of Forest were: Sunday visit- Mr. and 'Mrs. PhiilipSSippel, and ..ors at the Home of Mr_ Willi :m La- son Alvin , and ' Mrs. SipeI Sr., all mont. of Milverton, were Sunday visitors at the liome of IVIr. and Mrs. C. L. • Mr. and Mrs. Win.. Jacobe and Smith. They also visited relatives family of Parkhill,,. were Sunday on the 14th con., and the Blue Water visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Highway over the -week-end. Sol Jacobe. Hay Council held a special 'meet - Messrs. Galt, and ClaxeYcs 3ng last Friday evenings in The Hoffman of Galt, were Sunday aad Clerk's office and at this time arran hors with their parr- cements •were made to soppily the Mrs. W. H. HofE=riar•r_ Zurich Telephone Central with a Mx. and Mrs. Litt of Sebringville, new staff .of operators, and. the Co - were Sunday guests with Miss Pearl until saw fitto appoint Misses Mar- Hreier; at the E.`aanngene parsann- garet Schilbe and Lottie Tuerkheim as Joint managing operators. w*..o.....44'*.....470044 a.. a.........,...i4.ik.swi.[umr BARrGAIIS BARGAINS Qom► ® n Received. a shipment of waterproof • Robes white. 1 am. retailing far be- • 0 _�, n��,>ices_ yet YD'S at +6 40m Special. Price $12.50 large size • .41 FRED THIEL - ZURICH 00000000a( aaaaaSIe 0000000a Nev;'stF ' , In Fall Footwear BROWN'S Boot Shop WINDOWS FQI FELL AN IN- obaaaaaileadtaaaaa0009110 n Thu his TI RESTING SWORY OF, NEW, SPRING (FOOTWEAR FASHIONS . sally ARIg'r ASITHQRA'"'1VE AS THE LAST ISSUE 9r, VOGUE THEY WILL PAP:RESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW STANDARD OE V.LLDME AT .TRE MODERATE PRICES. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Only. the best a Materials is wed, Bring them tog sae, and you. are assured et Satisfaction wasps ;3s" d'It OOD SHOES COST LESS. HER OUR ,�;."� a hop wINDei I< P>t AY 'ieelli 1t 1 4Q dO 8aC :'0G+ 000itit<ki 1l'k0 60 i&.110111 4 ..r.44.4404/44•4cf1 *4,4,44Qr44alb*******4•40.04,4i€**4040•*0'P4.4 rs 0 0 w 0 a O 0 O 0 0 a 0 a 0 O 0 8 a 0 • 0 a 0 8 a a a 0 0 a NG, SEPTEMBER 20,'`1928 Chester ]til SmfthF Pakinclialk $1.15 N Tia.* fa AftivalaP. $L50 IN ARR,LArxs.42 Nita BE QHAYiel Get your Exhibits ready now! Miss Nora Siebert, who Spexzi kie vacation at her home here, returned to Detroit on Saturday. The annual 'Fowl Supper' of the Evangelical Church, Zurich, will be held on Wednesday, October, 24th. Mr. Harvey McGee, of Auburn, Ont. the popular entertainer, who delights his, audiences wherever he appears, has been secured to render the main part of the program. There .will be tons of eats on a dozen ,Of tables, and barrels of laughs. Local. -,talent will also find a prominent prace on the programme and their record is established. Wednesday- October 24th, is the date, and Emanuel Ev- angelical Church, is the place. Hur- rah! We're coming" with sbells on. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory- of our dear daughter Dorothy, who died two years ago Sept. 23rd, 1926. Gone is our Dorothy we loved so dear, Gone is the voice we loved to hear, T'is sad, but true, we wonder why The best are always the first to die. Your end came sudden, Dorothy dear It made us weep and sigh, But Oh! the saddest thing of all, Rou never said good-bye. Sadly missed by Mother, father.', and Grandpa and Grandma Thiel. Your New Radio Set You want the best radio for your money. Come in, see it and hear it -- then you'll-want-to.own a•Kolstei, E. OESCH, Agent Zurich, Ont. L51 l'Alt that you seek Wn Radio'' . - ib Evangelical Chilrch Notes ZURICH — ONT, Poisonus Self -Pity Get angry with yourse f, pa your- • .1 self on the back, commend, blame, love, or hate yourself, but do not ex- ercise selfpity. Pity is a glorious attribute when exercised towards others. Yea verrily, thus it is' like a mountain brook leaping, chattering ) sparkling, carry*ing laughter, refresh.- meat and health to all. But self - 1 4 5 Straw 3 Summer ride ear [Bathing S: Boy F Jt ]n, J6rs0ys I Boy Plkhaki Suits .A ALL •.. PRItiEW ,+i .)iF41.ie -p ;.^, :; .. C ,;/ytj. 4 rw t. iSe 4, .;fit 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 GASCHOO l IAi S,lhtr!k holo" attiNi* pity is like a stagnant pool, full of ugly scum and slime. It eats into your life like a corroding canker. One who is sorry for himself invites defeat and abuse and thanklessness. It is hard to love the selipitier and it is impossible to please them. When well, they think they are sick,, and when they are sick they are worse: Selfpitying troops win no battle. Don't courplain! Keep your chin up! The courageous and cheery soul is a star that shines and leads. Tuesday eve., 7 pins Jr. League Thursday 7:30, Prayer and Praise. Friday 7,30 p.m.—Senior League Friday £.30 p.m.—Choir Practice SUNDAY SERVICES Worship 10 A. M. Subject --Che 'Thrilling Message Of Departing Summertirne. 11 a m,—'bible School, Temperance Lesson, Mr. S. Greb, 'Temperance Supt., will have eh- arge of opening exercises. .Y. E. Gasehe, Superintendent. rorsbipi 7.30 P. M. Subject --- God's Unspealarble Boon to Malt Iter, "9i1. Y. :Dreier, P jstor Mrs. Earl E. Weido is spending a. few days at Goderich. - Mr. Kenneth Routledge of Oshawa is spending his vacation with his parents. A number from the village at- tended the Schatz—Bender nuptials at Dashwood on Saturday. . Mrs. John D. Woods of Bayfield is spending a few weeks with her dau- ghter, Mrs. T. L. Wurm. Mr. Chas. Silber of Detroit, is sp- ending the week at the home of his father, Mr. C. Either. Miss Amanda Prohl, Miss Susie Deichert and Mr. Edward Wegenast have returned to Stratford after at- tending the Keller-Deichert Nuptials. Thursday October 18th is the date set for the fowl supper of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, Zurich, more particulars later. Mr. and Idrs. Harry G. Hess were Sunday visitors at Goderich, and while there Mrs, I -less sang a solo in the Victoria Street. Church Tin Sun- dayevening: • NIr. Herbert Kalbfleisch, B. A., and son of Mr. and Mrs. Lous Kalb- fleisch, Hay Township left on Friday morning for New Cork city where he is attending University. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Barry of Dun- ville, who have spent the past week or so visiting at the home of Mrs. Barry's mother, Mrs. 'Helen Camp- bell, left on Monday , morning for their hoine. Mr.' and Mrs. C. Chalk and dau- ghter, Mr. and Mrs. M. Chalk and two children, ginseng growers of Brantford, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Leibold, Babylon Line. Mr. Dan Staubus, who recently went to Landon, where he obtained a position in a large ire mill as assist- ant miller, was a week -end visitor at his home here. Mf Staubus intends to move his family to that city in the near future, and is advertising his property in Zurich for sale. .lir. Walter Schnurr, who has con- ducted a blacksmith business in the village, in the shop formerly occup- ied by Mr. John Hipper, is closing the same, and having purchased a similar business at Clifford, Mr. Schnurr will move his equipment to that place the latter part of this month. We are indeed sorry to see Mr. Schnurr leave town. Keller—Deichert An interesting matrimonial event took place at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. Peter Deiehert, Sr., Hay Township, at five o'clock, on Wed- nesday afternoon, September 12th, when their slaughter Frieda Anna, became the bride of Edward Conrad Keller, son of Mr. and- `.Tis. Charles Keller, also of Hay. The sitting - room was decorated with a profusion of Gladioli and Asters, and Rev. 'r'nerkheim performed the ceremony before an arch of evergreen and streamers. • While the Lohengrin Bridal Chorus was played by Miss Edith May McBride, the bridal party took their places. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Jacob, was attended by Miss Susie Deichert, of Stratford, as bridesmaid. Mr. Edward \`7eganast supported the groom. The bride was beautifully gowned in powder blue crepe romaine With silver trimmings, silver hose, gloves, and slippers to snatch, and a white embroidered net veil in cornet style with a wreath of Orange Blossoms The bride's bou- quet was of Sunburst Roses shower- ed with valley lrihrs and maiden Hair Fern. The • bridesmaid, whose bouquet was of butterfly roses and Maiden. hair Ferri, wore a sleeveless gown of shell pink georgette over sill,. crepe, flesh hose, Week satin slippers and a rink mauve colt hat. The bride's mother wore black satin faced crepe with c mlrroidered georg- ette and wore a corsage of Sunburst roses acrid sweet peas. The gr'oom's mother wore black satin contoa crepe and corsage of Butterfly roses and sweet peas. Wedding dinner Was; served to about ninety guests at prettily decorated tables in pink and white dahlias and fern. ,.r, 3ace!, Deichert and Mr. Adolph Keller as- sisted the bride and grooms n :,er . ing refreshments, 'The. Zurich Jubilee Band and' the McBride Orchestra fur. sashed the evrm.i.ng'e prof; fan, The gifts to the bride and groom were adnrerbus omd costly. The bride and groom -wills be at home to their fri- ends on the groom's farm wcst of Dashwood after October 1st. The Herald joins their many friends in extending congratulations, Fair Week Specials ALARM CLOCKS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ONLY 98c LADIES WRIST WATCHES NEWEST STYLES FANCY SHAPED, GREEN OR WHITE CASES $9.50 BEAUTIFULLY BOXED On Display in Our Window COAL NOW IN YARDS EIGHT CAR LOADS r. F,, OF HIGH GRADE FUEL. Scranton Anthracite: Minehead Albert% Solvay Coke Hess, The Jeweller MILLER CREEK SOFT CEM ALSO POCAHONTAS C a telox H EN SALL ONT. Phones—Office low. Hauge Lash, The Business Built By Serr'icea. '. M •'i 4.4 , hili I.'g.,.1..g..Ii..i•II..: ++'•€••£'+i' '•i'•i : 4-7-4 fi'.I.+oo.g..g•.II".I.' +.1. 1-1141. LATEST ST LES In Fall Footwear .517 4 - WE ARE SHOWING MANY LINES. OF WOMEN'S, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR AT MODERATE PRICES, RANGING FROM $3.50 TO $4.50 A PAIR, INCLUD- ING PAT. STRAPS, PUMPS, OXFORDS, BUCKLE SLIPPERS;, AND CUSHION SOLES. , MISSES PRICES FROM $2.00 TO $2.95. - a MEN'S AND BOY'S WORK SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WITH OUTSIDE COUNTERS. REPAIRING DONE WITH THE BEST MATERIALS LAST THE. LONGEST: Men's Shoes soled, pr. $1.00 Women's Shoes soled, pr. 75e, $Sc, .I+' Rubber heels, pr. 35c to 50c pairs, 1 .......+.1e FORD COUPE—in good condition. $115, Terms GRAY DORT TOURPNG--4 new tires' less than buggy, with license. 3 STEEL TIRED BUGGIES. the price of o F RI Y Z & SON FORD DEALERS AGENTS FOR THE NEW FORD CAR. PHONE FOR A DEr - ONSTRATI •ON! SECOND HAND FORT) PARTS AT HALF PRICE .; yL.�y. �.'ta"i'y hOp04o.,�..�.,5,.�.'�"�"�"�"�"$'�"i'P: ,`F' i 'i a "a"�'�4p4'�"yc'.u..�"�t°•a h0.�"g"�'"a`•i"�'.: ;t'",^�a��. 4-` ..... Sumrner rose Fa When you start out to do you suumther and Autum buying con . Here WE CARRY A NICE ASSORTME NT OF 6IIti Raaf ]wr`" PRINTS, I3ROADCLOTFI RAYONS, SIURTINGS, CLYT +TONAD .'. FLANNELETTES, DTC. . SHOES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE, A • `ULL ASSORTMENT" OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING 1" IOITSECLEANINC,r, HAR.Xbk+b+ ii: REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND, R. N. ...4 " 9 A! R B +, (•;; y kms, dlbrlascn . QENERAL ANT PHONE 11 p•