HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-09-13, Page 4Special! 1Special! ;•l. ySept.Frida S14th. • AND 4• 4• 4+ 4• Special! . • Saturday September 15th. I .i. 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• Oil Cloth Mats, each Et Boys and Girls Stockings Reg. 50c. all sizes up t� 11 at ;'rpt', `Flannelette, Regular 40c., Sale Price, Yard .•.•:25c 4Corsets, Regular Values up to $4.50; Sale Price a pair .-.....•.SOc SCHOOL SUPPLIES, A FULL ASSORTMENT One 5c. Ruler Free with each purchase of lOc. or more $' -i"rugi Silk, all shades, per Yard .. .. . • • • .. 60c 4 Ginghams, a nice assortment, per Yard Only .. .. ...... 4 '41 ' Soda Biscuits, per pound .... ......,...... .... ...... 15c ' Corn Flakes, per box ..... .... ..... ... 10c �3• 4. Rice, 4 pounds for ... ..............25c 1 Dozen .felly Powder with Plate, Only . + . • . • • •..... • • • $1.35 It 3 Jelly Powder, with Cup or Saucer ..... .... .2"5c 'g'5c 4 Jelly Powder, only ... .... ....... .. 4. Jelly Tumblers each ... .......... ...... .................... Sc 4 8 The Store of Service and Quality 5c 25c 'GROCERY SPECIALS T. L. WURM Phone 44 +'+++++++++A++o°+ F++++:..•g. 4.4- •1 -s1-4±4.444.4.344- :g.+4 ; 4 ; ;.•.i. •�®•••••••••••O••••O•••••• •'•®0* •••••••••••••••••4 • • • • ••• • Pontiac Six ••• ••• • • • • • • • • THE NEW SERIES The low priced Six with Power and Speed as thrilling as its Rich New Beauty EQUIPPED WITH LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS, FOUR :WHEEL BRAKES, AND WITH ALL THE NEWEST ‘.TM- PROVEMENTS MAKE IT THE BEST CAR VALUE FOR THE MONEY. ASK ALL THOSE WHO DRIVE A PONT.IAC1 DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GIVEN GIDEON= KOEHLER, Zurich Agent for Pontiac and Buick Cars • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • 1•*0.0.••SN••••••••00SOO•••••••••••••••••••••l•••00 Electric Rangette Complete with Oven We extra wiring. Hooks on any plug attachm' A PERFECT COOKER $30.00 Installed 5Eg • IT AT ,HESS. .RADIO ELECTRIC 1 � 4' sh,•Eggs, Live i?'ouIbrY;ry gi llitity. Why :For weekly,'quott. ibus.----,---LTWU City Produce Market Box 264.,-I?Adiener, Ont, BLAKE., Quite 'li 'number from this viu lxtity attended Ole London Fair this Week: Mr. s7'+tr'hn Thirsk returned h'oxne,l after:a 1pleasant visit with friends Exete4 and Hamilton, he also 'at- tended the Toronto Exhibx'tion. Ml`s. Margaret Stevens %f 7'u,ee- fieU t spent the past week With frien- ds on the Bronson Line,xaorth. • Mr. and Mrs. John Dick of brinlia visited at theho me of.111r. and Mrs, R. N. Douglas laser mak, Mrs. Edighoffea, accornpantiied by Mrs. Wm.Y ule; o,'f 'Pullartofi, :are visiting friends ism. iiVlfchigan Mr. Gordon -Manson of Dtiridas, spent the week end at the 'hi'me of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Manson Mrs Ross Johnston spent the week with friend lin ' ilirich. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cariiie and family called on friends in the vil- lage on Sunday' :evening. STANLEY 'TOWNSHIP Mr, Jack Ross of Detroit, was a holiday visitor 'at the home of the Misses Snowden. Mr and Mrs. -Robert Turner of Exeter, spentlast week at 'the Thome of their son M. •Jehh.Turner. Mrs. B. Reylil, who has 'been vis- iting her friend, Miss Susie West- lake, has returned 'to her home in Detroit Mrs. J. Cowie'of Port:Rope, Mich. who has been visiting her brother, Mr. Wm. Slack, left for her home on Saturday last. Miss M. Simpson, of Bayfield, sp- ent a few days with Mrs John Tur- ner. Dr. and Mrs. Roach, of Wyandotte Mich.,C Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Reyhl Miss Marcelline Bertram of Detroit, who have been visiting the Misses Snowden, left for their home on Monday. Mr. Robert Turner and family of Yale, Mich., spent a few days last week, visiting their relatives in Stan= ley. Mr. Roy Lemon and family, and Mrs. Robeert McKinley spent Sun- day at Forest. On Thursday, September 6th death came as a welcome relieve to one of the oldest residents of Stanley Town- ship in the person of Mrs. Bridget McClinchey who had reached the age of 92 years, she was one of the pioneer settlers of this townwhip and she knew well the hardships°and priv ations of the early days. She was born in Ireland, but came to Canada when quite young and she has seen our country grow from an almost un broken foreste to the fair land it is to -day For a number of years she has been blind and unable to get around, but her mind was clear al- most to the last. She is survived by three sons, John of Auburn, Hen- ry of Detroit, and William of Stan- ley with whom she made her home and who with his wife gave her all the care and comfort that loving hands could give her. The funeral was held on Saturday to Bayfield cemetery, Rev. J. Penrose of Varna conducting the services. Mr. Henry Erratt is visiting with friends at Detroit and Yale, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family, Mr.:,and Mrs. Blundon and daughter and .Mrs. Bannister of Forest, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson. HILLS.>GREEN Thomas Hagan of St. Paul, Minn. and Mr. Dan Hagan of Parkhill, cal- led on old friends in this vicinity. Edna Cochrane, who has spent the past couple of weeks at her hone here, has returned to her duties at Toronto. 'Mr. and Mrs Allan of Brucefield and hirs. John Turner and family of linton, were Sunday visitors with riiesrlls'here. Mother Angela, of Chatham, youn- est daughter of Mrs. A. Hagan, who pent a few days with relatives here, eturned to Chatham. Mrs. A. Hudson .of, Hensel', spent few days at the home of her dau- hter, Mrs. W. Carlile. Mrs. E. J. Troyer returned home n Sunday last after spending a we - k in Brigden. Mrs. E. Broderick and son Arthur pent a week -end With friends in De- oit :and other points. M. :Ashman, of ,St. Thomas, who as spent a few weeks 'at the home of r parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard C f g s r a g 0 e a tr h he 11� jo.> t� n�N ss0.; kla�f�. of ear Win- th0 i; ivtrss 3x & l+orrest h '+ left for Sault St, IYIalike, where she .has taken a positriah * one of the "senior csho- ols, Dashwood Wedding bells are ringing this week. , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther att- ended the funeral of the former's etitfiin in Buffalo. Mr. John Donehey has returned to Chicago, after spending the awn - mer with his grandmother. Dr: Taylor has purchased the home of Mrs. Goetz on Main St. Mr. Harry Zimmer of Buffalo is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Zimmer. , Mrs. P. Mcisaac and Miss Susie Hartman are visiting in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Merner of Zur- ich, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merner, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Merner. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hahn who sp- ent the past few weeks with relatives left for their home in Texas this we- ek. Mrs. Hy. L. Kraft is confined to her bed with an attack of quinsy. i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neeb and fam- ily and Mr. Roy Neeb, of Pontiac, visited their mother, Mrs. .Mary Neeb, a few days last week. Dr. Walters of London, is attend- ing Dr. Taylor's practice during his absence. Mr. • and Mrs. W. May and Miss Tillie Ehlers of Kitchener, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam O;estreicher. Mr. and Mrs. Schenk attended Tor onto Exhibition last week. Miss Pear Schade of London, who spent a few weeks under the par- ental roof here, left again for that city. Mrs. Earl Guenther and son Ray are visiting in London this week. Quite a number are attending- Lon don Fair this week. Mr. A. L. Chamberlain and dau- ghter of Port Huron, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid.. Mr. Morrow, of Toronto, called on Mr. J. C. Reid on Tuesday. Miss Laura Mae Reid has returned home after spending the past, week in London. Miss Kennedy of Harriston, has taken charge of the millinery depart- ment at J. C. Reid & Co. store Mrs. M. Hendry is visiting her co- usin Mrs. Reid. Taylor -Guenther Nuptials. A quiet wedding was solemnized at St. Paul's Cathederal, London, on Monday, September; 10th, when Miss Letta Ruth , daueiter of Mr: and Mrs. Charles Guenther of nasnwood, became the bride of Dr. Robert Hobbs Taylor of Dashwood. Rev. G. 0. Lightbourxi officiated. The bride was gowned in a brown: en- semble travelling suit. Immediat- ely after the ceremony . the happy couple left on a motor trip to, Mon- treal, Quebec and New York. On their return they willreside: ins Dash- wood. Their many friend's extend congratulations. AUCTION SALE Of' FARM STOCK AND. IMPLEMENTS On Lot 22, L. R. E., Hay Township, On . THURSDAY, SE'PTEMBER'. 27th Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp LIVE STOCK --1 heavy mare 10 years old; 1 heavy mare aged;; 1 aged dr-iving horse broke single and double; 1 driving mare 10 yrs. old broke single and' dbuble 2 cows 8 yrs. old due Dec. 27 and Feb. 1st; 12 young cattle one and two yrs. old; 6 dozen cock hens one year old. IMPLEMENTS; ETC: -M -H. bin- der nearly new; M. -H. mower; M. -H. 10 -ft. hay rake new; M. -H. fertilizer and grain drill nearly now; M. -H. 3 - horse disc harrow nearly new; steel land roller;. 2 -horse culivator, 3 - section harrows, churn, scuffler, No. 21 Fleury plow, Bain handy wagon, new; 2 wagons; Bob sleighs; cow chains; 16 -ft. hay- rack; sling: ropes; 1 -horse wagon, gravel box; wagon box and spring seat, fanning mill, quantity of tile,. 666 -Ib. scales, single harness, double harness, 4 collars; shovels, spades and numerous other aticles. TERMS OF SALE -$10 and un- der cash. Over that amount 12 month's scedit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent. off for cash on credit a- mounts. son, ;has returned to her home.I Thomas Turnbull, Proprietor. School re -opened on Tuesday last N. Turnbulll, Cerk+ with Alias M. Howald, :of Zurich, re- Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. •••I•••••••••••••••••••• 0•••••••••••••••0••••••••• I Litho! 1 Nature's Remedy. Product of Rock Oil and Other Ingrediedts1 4 WARBLES ° MANGE KILLS 10 1 1 HEEL FLIES After the maladies are healed the hair grows. Does Not Smart Nor Blister NON-POISONOUS DEATH TO ALL GERM LIFE Se© List of Other Maladies on Litho' Can LITHOL is Positively worth $5.00 of any man's money, hav- ing any cattle suffering from the above malladies. .LITEIOL Is sold for $1.50 HEALS THRUSH FISTULA RINGWORM 1 L. Schilbe & Son j toss sd +ipsoee +gogt o•;assi. t 0 0**40 041.01 i• 6 • • 4 4 • • t 4+ 4• 4r 4+ 4: E +. 4• 4• •II+ . 4• 4• 1 4• 4.. 4, .4. (1. ilsaiSdsto alltsmbo '.' J E , 192*;., 1+144•4444S+44'•.. oxnrnerciai ' Gara Speciai Offer } We are making the following Special` i.. � p ga $ Changingof �� per gallon .._.,_.. �....�..•..• 1.50 Greasing entire Car . .... ...�+�.; $1.00 Above two items for only $1.50 BE SURE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY. ABOVE IS GOOD) FOR. A LIMITED TIME ONLY. Lennie 09Brein Gas Oils Grosses Tires Accessories +++++++++4+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44+++++++4 F$+•I? -!44+•++++++F+++++++4 Offer to the Pub& Zurich Fall Fair Monday and Tuesday, Sept.fi+24th and 25th: SPEED CONTESTS ESTS FREE-4POR-ALL MILE HEATS BEST 3 IN 5 PURSE $150.0 list $75.00 - 2nd $35.00 3rcl '$25.00 1' 4th $15.04 Four to •enter 'and: four ,toestart. No entry fee,eacept owner. must he member of , ,Society& GREEN RACE MtLP HEATS BEST 3 IN 5 - PURSE- $50.001 1st $25.00 2nd $12.00 3rd $3.00 4th $5.0&.• Pour to •enter and, four to start. No entry fee, except owner; must be member of Society. For Horses whichhave not won public money prior to, Sep.. - her 1st, 1928. Horses which have won money at fall fairs, only are not debarred. ALL ENTRIES: MUST BE MADE WITH SECRETARY ON SECOND DAY OP ;FAIR, WALKING CONTEST Open, to all• Once around the race tracks. First. prize $3.M11_ in Goods, donated by Wm. Brown; Second Prize $2.00; Third Prize '$1.00. HORSESHOE CONTEST Entries to hold membership tickets. Winners eligible to compete-^ for Championship. of Ontario. 1st, $5.00; 2nd, $2.50 BICYCLE RACE W. G. Hess & Sons, once around the track, open to youths under 20 years, lst prize Bicycle Tire, value $1.50; 2nd prize, Bicycle Inner Tube, value $1.00. SPECIAL PRIZES .AND DONATIONS HORSES ' L. W. HOFFMAN, offers goods from his store to value of $3.00 for best halter brake spring colt exhibited by a boy fifteen years - old. or under. WESLEY MRRNER, offers goods frons this store to value of $3.00 for the best Gentleman's Outfit, open to farmers and farrners'sona. only. T. EATON CO., Limited, offer a handsome trophy, 17 inches high,,•. valued at $35.00, suitably engraved together with a cash prize. of Eight Dollars for the best General Purpose team of horses,. weight not to exceed 2,700 pounds, owned and exhibited by a. farmer living in this district. CATTLE BANK O:i+` MONTREAL, Zurich, tier $5,00 cash, for the best finished cattle beast, any breed, up to three years old. First prize $3.00 second prize $2.00. Open to fanners of Hay Township. L. L. iris U13M offers a pail of Dn. Hess Stock Food, value $3.50, for the best calf under one year old, any breed. HOGS JOHNSTON & KALBFLEISCH offer a :servicable reflector lanternn. value $3.25, for the best pair of bacon hogs, select type• FOUL fRY Dz. A. J. MacKIirNiitN offers $3.oc cash for best pen of two pullets, and one cockerel. The three birds must be of one variety. and must not be shown in any other class. F.KUITS AND VEGETABLES J. QASCHO & SONS offer goods to value of ;$3.00 to person winning, highest number of points in classes 18 and 19. First prize to count 3 points, 2nd prize 2 points and 3rd prize 1 point. L. SCHILBE, offers a 50-1b. bag of Maple Leaf flour for half bushel of potatoes, any variety, containing least number oE_. potatoes, same to become property of donor, OTHER CLASSES W. O'BRIEN Offers $2.00 cash, for butter in 1-1b. prints, six pounds,,. wrapped in parchment payer Appearance as well as quality tO count in making award. STADE & WEIDO offer goods froth store to value of $3.00 to the - person. winning the highest number of points in the Grain and Seed Class. First Prize to count 3 points, 2nd prize 2 points. and 3rd prize 1 point. WILLIAMS BROS. offer 100 -pounds of Choice Faintly Flour fog-; best loaf of bread baked from this well-known and populalt. brand of flour. Dr. P. J O'DWYER offers a cash prize of $3.00 for the best displag: of Ladies' Work. R. SIMPSON CO., LTD., offers ;goods from catalogue to value at. $5.00 or set of silverware valued at' $1.50 for the best text pounds of butter in crock, for table use. Wm. BROWN offers goods to value of $3.00 as first prize in Walk.•• ing Contest. W. G. HESS & SONS, BICYCLE once around RACE h track, open to youths under - 20, lst prize, bicycle tire, value $1.50; 2nd prize bicycle inn,e ::• tube, value $1.00. KENNY -WILSON FUN MAKERS, WILL GIVE AGRAND CONCERT IN THE TOW1 sk HALL ON TUESDAY EVENING, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE_ SOCIETY p/Iirth, Music and Story;, Miles and Miles of Smiles.. PUBLIC DANCE E - AN TOWN HALL AFTER CONCERT GOOD ORCHESTRA ZURiiCH x1.1:iLLEE BAER? IN ATTENDANCE A,, P. KESS, E. i5', ELOI'4 a Wi t' E4 A 1 " p...� a ? j . 1 . PB S, DE> Na. 4.