HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-09-06, Page 4UlitIc144NERAL °:P.i'iursc ay,•laat►teznlier fth, 1928 '1•44.1.4.eietel+4, e ,,4,444 4u p.seseeee• '^f + .+4 , 41.444 esei-e<++i- iMroiy Kellerman reunion last week, -; LOuAL NEWS Miss Grace Kellerman retur'nnrt4 'lloronto after spending her vacation eciall ecial! 4 4. •E } Special! Friday Sept. 7th. AND Saturday September 8th. Oil Cloth Mats, each 5c Boys and Girls Stockings Reg. 50c. all sizes up to 11 at 25c Flannelette, Regular 40c., Sale Price, Yard .. ...... . ........25c 4Corsets, Regular Values up to $4.50; Sale Price a pair •..• •, ..5�e SCHOOL SUPPLIES, A FULL ASSORTMENT 4' One Sc. Ruler Free with each purchase of 10c. or more Fugi Silk, all shades, per Yard .. .. .. .. . Ginghams, a nice assortment, per Yard Only . , 4. 4 19c 4. GROCERY SPECIALS •'�fi� Soda Biscuits, per pound .... ...... ..... • , • • • • • • .. ..15c 4. Corn Flakes, per box . . ... ... .... .... . 'Rice, 4 pounds for 13. 1 Dozen Jelly Powder with Plate, Only ... ... • • • •.. $51:35 '1Oc .....25c I t, 4 Jelly Powder, only ... ..... . ............ 'a Jelly Tumblers each ... . . 4. .41. 4. PhsDne T. L. WURM .4. 4. The Store of Service and Quality .. 4•z..p _, , . , ,.......4.,.;,.•,4^ -Aon 4.-.1-4.4-4.4.4-.#•i'Y-� 4.4.•...1.4.4. 4. 3 Jelly Powder, with Cup or Saucer ...... .25c g... 25c ....5ac il9 eats®® Q0®06`.®ib63SQta306$• 30000o* t3 • THE NEW BERIES 0 Lane Six 3 The low priced Six with Power I a d Speed? as thrilling as its Mr and Mrs, R. 1+`..Stade And son Harold, spent Lison Day, with .fri- ends at Marisee City, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. V'lilfr'ed Laporte, of Windsor, are visiting with th'tiir rel- atives and friends here this week. Mr. Fred Woinosky, of Kitchener, visited his uncle, Mr Alec 'l•enulo, Babylon line recently. Mr. Ed, Appel of New Hamburg, and son Victor Appel of ralmerscon, called oh friends in town on Sun - do. Miss. 1Vlargnerite Prang returned to Detroit, after spending a week at her home here. Miss Eva Williams is spendin; her vacation in Toronto visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. R. H. Whiteside. \1r Ed..` Schnell left for Edington, Sask., on harvesters excu slon some time ago. • Mrs. Con. Schneuker and two sons Oscar and Claire of Milverto#, visit- ed a few days with 1Vlc. and Mrs. John Brenner, last week. Mrs. Emma Sanders of Muskegon, Michigan, is the guest of Mrs. Lizzie Schnell and calling on many friends in :the village Mr. and Mrs. Win. O'Brein, 1Mies Olive and Lee O'Brein, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'I3rein, were on a pleas- ant motor trip to different parts of Michigan over the holiday. Miss Alice Whiteside t et:i iced to her home in Toronto on Wednesday after a pleasant mon'th's visit at the Williams home. • •' Mr. Leonard Prang and sisters Misses Veola and Marguerite Prang visited the Canadian National Exlib- 'ition at Toronto. Mr 0..Steinberg, A. l3arnschier, and H. Karla of Detroit, called at the horse of .11r. L. Prang on Mon - day Mrs. Jos. Schwartz and daughter Eunice, of Detroit spent the week- end at the home of hez parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Janes bass. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Warm, Dr. ani Mrs. Routledge and Miss Ida Rout- ledge, motored to Detroit on Sunday and spent the -week-end with friends Mr. and Mrs. John D.Mackenzie, and son Mack, of Kincardine, were visitors with Mr. and Mn. T. L. Wurm on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pask of Claw- son, Mich., visited over the week -end with her parents, Mr. and lire. Wm. Bassow, of the Bronson. Mrs Bas - sow -has recently not beea enjoying his usual good health. Mr. and Mrs. • Arthur Meininger of Detroit spent the holiday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. F. Weseloh. Mrs. Thomas J. Gettus and son Richard of Detroit, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mts. Henry F. Weseloh. Mr. and Mrs. N. House and fam- ily of Detroit, were week -end visitors with their uncle, Mr. Alex. Rennie, Babylon Line. Mr and Mrs. S. E. Faust and tai o sons Harold and Carl of Mitchell, called on friends in the village err Sunday. • Mr. Lorne Dreier of. Chesley and Miss Pearl Dreier of Hanover, Were Sunday Visitors at the Evangelical parsonage. V'w e congratulate Mr. Newell Geiger of the village, and President of the local E L.c E. of the Evang- elical church for 1- wing last -week at n r Banner as 1 !Stratford c. I t rer. off the the best orator in the League Orat- ' oral Contest of the sandy Confcr- % encs. Mrs. W. J. Merner and children Jack and Mary. who had been visit- ing at Ehnira for a week returned to their home here on Sunday. Their eldest daughter, CS/there remaining at Elmira, where she will attend the • Hieh Sehool. • Bich New Beauty e �9 ®' • EQUIPPED WITH LOVEJO' SHOCK ABSORBERS, FOUR WHEEL BRAKES, AND WITII ALL THE NEWEST IM- 0 PROVEMENTS MAKE IT THE BEST CAR VALUE FOR e THE MONEY. ®! ASK ALL THOSE WHO DRIVE A .PONTIAC! e DEMONSTRATION GLADLY, GIVEN ,.,, ! e 10 GIDEON KOEHL ER. Zurich aaoib Agent for Pontiac and Buick Cars O • 00011989Fr3ffHLr9mi'�da818149`.'J0(90fi�5ii''..^sseciescre epao5z'avSUteal �ia(5eatp Eleclric a i. ,este Complete with Oven No extra wiring. Hooks on any plug attachm't A PERFECT COOKER {3 lnstalied SEE IT AT HESS RA;O:.ELECTRIC (6 SU ]1n 35•—'25 "7i# .'vu Mr. Henry Trt'ennrer of the vil- lageadv aes us tln.t 4on:!on, exchan- ged Fv B �.ci an Ancona rooster for hr .oriel: Minorca }Weston c , hich he lest got this •none i Mr. 1 •t:,•znrir wishes to ,advise the guilty party that he is not fond of.Anconas,•and would like very much to have his 1l inercn back again School re -opener on Tuesday morning with the following teaching staff: Room No.1, Mrs. G. Koehler; No. 2, Miss 0. M.O'Brein, No. Be MissF. Kalbfleisch. This staff of teachers have been serving 'very effi- cently for a number of years and are all three reengaged, Miss Kalbfleisch acting as principal. The new teach-, for the Continuation Room is Mr. Pidgeon, of Stratford, who has had several years experience in this lino of work. A real treat will be in store for the people of Zurich and community next Sunday evening, after the ev- ening church services when the band will give an openair sacred concert this will be interspersed with com- munity singing, also selections by the local choirs, and addresses by the var sous clergymen. The gathering wil take place on the spacious lawn of Mr John Hey, Jr., and no one should miss this wonderful community gath- ering and share in the program. Do not forget,-it'will commence imrned- iately after the church services, as. soon as possible. DASHWOOD Miss Tillie Miller returned to Tor onto after spending her,. vacation with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. A. Schroeder of'De troit„ spent the week -end with re- latives: Mrs,e:t Ferrol Ilaetleib and Rose Guenther returned to Windsor after spending their. holidays here. Mr. and Mrs, H. Eidt of Ingersoll visited in town on Sunday. C.IIrs. R. Gates and Albert, have re- turned after_ a pleasant visit in Sar- rir<r. Mr. Wirt. Zinsser has purchased Mr. H:edngard's property on Main Strer`i:, ufte a number attended Mel 1.1 at her home er°e. Mr. M. Mcisaac of Detroit visited his parents here on Sunday. His fancily returning with him. on i':1on- daMiss Enema r ETiernan of London, is visiting with relatives this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong of Detroit were week end visitors with friends here, Mr. Ir Tiernan of Walkerton, is spending his vacation with his par- ents. • STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Nelson er.eys and sons Ruskin and Stewart were visit- ors at Toronto Exhibition and at the Falls last week; Miss Norma Hood spent a pleas- ant visit at the honxe of Mr. Robert McLinchey on Sunday. Mr. Colin Campbell of Stratford, will take the services at Goshen, Blake and Varna, next Sunday in the interest of Tlce Lord's Day Alli- ance. Mr. and, Mrs.. Amos Lehman and daughter of. Stuoffville, Mr. and Mrs. George Lilley and Mr. Calvin Row- son f• Seaforth, spent Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dowson. Mrs. Margaret Erratt returned last week to Hamilton, after spend- ing a month's vacation oa the old home on the Goshen. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reid' of Sag - anew, Mich., are spending a weer with friends in Stanley M. and Mrs. Russell Erratt atten- ded Toronto Exhibition last week. The Sunday Schools of Varna, Blake and Goshen held' a: tin;oa• pie: nic at Bayfield on Monday. Our schools have re -opened' after the holidays. Mies Margaret Mey- ers of Blake is teaching at Goshen: school and Miss Hogarth of Exeter, is teaching at Babylon school. . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stopelifl of Sutton and Mrs. Oscal Wright are sp ending a few days with their moth- er, Mrs. Geo. Dowson. • Mr. John Cowen has sold' hi's 100 - acre -farm, being lot 3, hr the Lake Road 'East Concession, Stanley town- ship, to Mr. John Peerhal'e of the same township, for $5,10'0'. Mr: Pen- hale will take possession on Novem- ber -1st. • SCHOOL REPORT The 1ollowing • is the' report of the June Promotion Examinations held at S. S. No. 4, North Stanley on. June 28th and 29th: • Jr. IV to Sr. IV: Total 750, Pass 450—Bert Dunn 547; Maria Rohner 505; Percy Bedard (absent). Jr.. III to Sr. III: Total 800 Pass 480—Gordon Scotchmer 606; John Watson 594; Beatrice Houston 571. Sr. II to Jr. III: Total 650, Pass' 390—Keith Westlake 456. Jr. II to Sr. II—Donald Paterson 416; I to Jr. II: Total 450; Pass 270 —Bert Greer 370; Stuart Watson 337; Antionette 317; Belnedict Bed- ard (absent). Printer to Jr. I—Wilfred Rau (ab- sent) . Sr. Primer—Nelson Bedard (ab- sent). Visa Herbert, Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT • Repot o'.' June Exnniinations held in S. S. No. 41, 'gay. Jr. III Total 800. Honors 600, Pees 480—Doris Grein 589; Olive Witmer 50S; Martha Foster 543; Louis Farwell 51 8, Kenneth Greb 500; .Alvin Giugcrich 484. Jr. 11: Total +125; Honors 469; r Pass 3 ra Winnrietd Battler 522 (H); Glad`s Gingirich 508 (l); Or- lando Battler 474 (1.1.) ; Jots iloffman •380; Lorne Gingerich 378; Anthony Hoffman 321. rate ., Sr. I—(rr arc. Wein (P) ; Irene Fos ter (P) Roee Hoffman (P); Fred Farwell (P). Jr. Primer ---Neil Gingerich, Ruth Witmer. Beginners— (A) Lennis Ginger- ich; Elgin Kipfer; (B)—Leonard Hoffman, Albert Hoffman. Grace'E, Pepper, Teacher. HAY COUNCIL 'The regular meeting of the Coun- cil of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tues- day, Sept. 7th. All the members were present. Minuteeof the meet- ings on July 3rd and July 13th were adopted as read. The Township of Hay was divided into •five divisions for Weed Inspec- tion, as follows: Divisions No. 1, Concessions 1, 2, and 3, under W. W. Chapman; No.2 Con. 4, 5, 6, and 7, under C. Siemon 'No. 4, Con. 8, 9, 10 and i 1, under David Ducharme; No. 4, 12, 13, 14 and 15, under W. H. Haugh; No. 5 Con. 16, 17, L.R.E. and L.R.W., C. C. Schilbe. The petition of L. Jeffrey, Sr., and others asking , for the improvement of a drain affecting certain lots was received and that John Rogers, rival engineer, :Mitchell, be authorizedto make. a .survey report -and estimate covering the proposed work. The following nateswere struck and levied upon the rateable prop- erty of the Township of Hay for the year 1928, and that a bylaw will be prepared ref passing at the, next —Council meeting confirming the same County rate and County Highway rate 6.2 mills; Township rate, 1.5 in. Tp. road rate 3 m; Zurich Police lige rate .6 mulls; Dashwood Police Village rate 10 mills'; General School rate, 4 mills;; Special :Scheel Rate: TJ.S.S. No. 1, 3.9 mills; No, '2;; 2 in; No. '3, nn ; No. 4, 3.2 m; Nes 6, 3.8 ta; No. 7, 5.5 in; No.. 8 nn:; `t3. Na, 9, 1.4 mills; No. 1.9 ii n; No. 11 3.7; i r 0 Your Tires are just as important as your engine! CARE of your tires repays you just as well as care of your engine. It means thousands of extra miles — hundreds of 'dollars saved in a fe_vv seasol . 'And that is exactly the reason for Dominion 'Tire Depots -- not just to repair your tires when trouble occurs, but to inspect them regularly — to remove every cause of trouble and to correct every ,injury at its beginning. Wake -a Habit of calling at your nearest depot every week to have your tires checked. You are never far away from al E� x EPOf 223 H. MOUSSEAU * f++++++++.+++++++++ .44 r++g +++ p= ++++++++++.q..g..l.+. 4 1+ 4 We are now in a position Commercial Garage to do firstcIass . 4 Repair Work on any make of Car and f .'.;. HAVING INSTALLED' ALL THE LATEST AND MODERN EQ. +44 t•- + UIPMENT, WE ARE DOING THE VERY BEST OF WORK_ 44i: FLET US DO YOUR NEXT OVERHAUL JOB. 4 1 Gooderich Silver -town Tires THE TIRE FOR SERVICE AND LONG LIFE.. 4. WHITE STAR AND STAROLENE GASOLINE IN TWO GRADES ,3 1 STAROLEUM 'MOTOR OIL, SECOND T6 . NONE ON THE MAR- . KET TO -DAY. .. v t�: ire Cas Vials 4i• Grea's'es Tires Accessarjes,t 4- +++4++ ! ++++ +++4.+,, +,..y +4 4.+++++4£ a-+++++++++++44% 4• 0,aoeoi tM'lit" cross t! 'I4�+"'ti aroca,o4eaa r ?^.neoest400teaafSbidnOvotr300oselp 1 • 6'1 Nature's Remedy Product of Rock • • 9 • 0 0 to b 0 Oil and Other Ingrediedts KILLS WARBLES . MANGE HEEL FLIES THRUSH HEALS -. FISTULA RINGWORM _(ter the maladies are healed the hair grows. Does Not Smart Nor Blister NON-POISONOUS DEATH TO ALL GERM LIFE See List of Other Maladies on Lithol Can LI T•HOL is Positively worth $5.00 of any man's money, hav- ing any cattle suffering from the above malladies. TAITH L is sold for $1.50 Le Sciil Nae: 12; 2.7 au; IL No. 13 m; No. 14, 2 nn; No. 15 en; 1L No. 16, 3.9 m; Sep. No. 1 mg Grants to the various Road Divis- iona was imide .n' accordance with the ,schc.•dufe. The accounts covering Township Roads, Telephone and' General Acco- unts were passed as follows: I3ur.lington Steel Co. steel, 48.14; C. N, .1 R. freight on steel 6.94 E. It Weltin, repair - account 15,55; M. Wurart cuttingweeds 2.50; E. J. Walpar, pay list 52.60; E. P. Daters 4.75; " . Fischer pay list 15.70; E. Gabblpay list 25.60; E. Jarrett pay list 225.65; H. Brown pay list 53.50; M. Car.•riveau pay list 21.20; T. Ay- otte• pay list 13.75; A. Wein pay list 24.801 IA Daters pay is 441.65;. J. Oesch pay list 441.6455; D. Garcon" ette lenxdi g kuttnrns t1.0 ; Stade & Weido account 211.70; S. Bopp pay hat, 76.012;, A Pester, cement work, 2.5«QI,M B,. Hof neane pay net .45109; e & Son T. Kyle, pay list 35.70; G. E. Thome son pay list 65.55; H. II. Neeb. Rd - Supt., 26.00; Mrs. Cudmore, gravel 1.40 Bell Telephone Co, tolls Max 20 to June 21 131.61; M. W. litbnes, refund messenger 1.10; Bell Co. in stalling cable 101.16; Northern El-- ectric Co. materiol 72.93; Stronaherg Carlson Tel. material 81.57; Bell Co.. tolls June 20 to July 21 219.34; Stade & Weide account 19.20; L.:. Albrecht, salary 64.00; M. G. Delta; salary, .ete., 96.00; Ontario Ilespita3. re C. Rupp 39.00; T.' R. Patterson,, balance Back Creek Drain 680; Its Plaxbard, balance Talbot DrairA :i•,ii0y J. Albrecht, labor Town Hall 2.00t. By -Laws etc., Black Creek Drains,. 200.00;Contract Record, advertising; advertising tenders, Black Creek 11.20. . The Cannel adjourned to meet *- a,in on Tuesday, Sept4th,Z o g , p at 1;' y, clock p., m. A. F. Hese,. CIoels , n_