HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-09-06, Page 1010 XX EX NO 1.0 uric, P.ii Fair 3 • ZURICH• THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 601928. lt.1.4444.4+4+ ++.44•4444.4.Dittntetete/s+.414.4./eiele++./..terateHefeHeiete+4.4. a. -le ei. 4. + -re 4 ee .e? 3 tet el + t? Lei, re .44 ae. 14. -A. ro• ..E. 4. •i'li. .Z:.. et- tcn --14.• 4E. .4 -4.. E Oesch Age ...4. -IP WATCH THIS SPACE FOR THE ADVERT1SIN6 OF THE "NEW KOLSTER" BATTERY AND BAT- TERYX-ESS SETS AND THE NEW LOW PRICES '33 t Zurich 2 Cheater Ed Brant* Pravifte Teter A.F.lbelent nv:, IN A RR ICA RS, $2 MAY JUCHARQRW gill Exhibits ready 110 PLOWER SHOW The animal flower show held by the Zurich Horticultural Society was held in the town hall on Satur- day afternoon and evening, and 'the number of exhibits, and considbring the puality of the same makesone truly say that Zurich is indeed bles- sed with flower lovers. Probably I there were not quite so many exhib- its as last year, this is probably due to. the somewhat advanced season, -4. but the quality shown in practically all lines demonstrated the keen inter- est manifested. Following is a list of the- prize winners; Annuals: Anna Hess, Mrs. L. W. Hoffman; Asters, Display -Anna Hess C. Fritz; Asters White --Dr. MacKin- non, Anna Hess; Dahlia Display -- Alice Johnston, Anna Hess; Dahllia. named -Anna Hess, P. Haberer; Dian- thus Plnk--P. Haberer, Mrs. E. Heide man; Gladioli Collection -MTs. E. Heideman, P. Haberer; Gladioli 6 Sp ikes--Anna Hess, P. Haberer; Glad- ioli single 'spikes -J. Gascho, Anna Hess, Mrs, L. W. Hoffman; Pansies -- P. Haberer, 0, O'Brein; Perennials -- P. Haberer, Anna Hess; Rore JDis- play-0 ()Trebl P, Haborer; Rose 3 named --0 O'Brein, P. Haberer Rose, Best Bloom -P. Haberer, 0. O'Brein; Snapdragon -Dr. MacKin- non, Mrs. A. Hess; Sweet Peas -P. Haberer Anna Hess; Yerbenia-Anna Hess, C. Fritz; Zinnias -Anna Hess, P. Haberer; Backet Cut Flowers -P. Haberer, J. Manson; Dinner table bourinet-Mrs. G. Hess, Anna Hess; Novelty -J. Gascho, Mrs. L. W. Hoffman; Begonia single --Mrs. G. Hess; Anna -Hess; Begonia rex-Alice Johnson, J. Gascho; Begonia double - P. Haberer; Fern -Mrs. L. W. Hoff- man, Dr. MacKinnon ;Slexthia-- Mrs. C. Wolper Anna Hess; Geranium double-Aliee Johnson, Mrs. C. Wal - pr; Geranium single --Mrs. Gao. Hess, Alice Johnson; Petunias -Anna Hess, P. Haberer. audgee-Mr. Hartrye Seaforth 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4 4* 4. -4* 4. • .4. I. 0 • 8 4, FRED TI -EL _ZUFZIO' • BARGAINS BARGAINS ; Received a shipment of waterproof Robes which -I am retailing far be- low Catalogue prices, get your's at Special Price $12.50 large size wee see see ecteseeSeee eeeee.eseeseeseeseseeeeeee Rtggpta..".3. iy,I.P.r.uulisartror.m....33.3a.....r.13‘,.,acapanstratormamesuannsiliotax• • eV/ ",,r• :TAV. 444.4,4 -.. M,11.1•10.111'14.(%7. .1114.11•1110.0111WIMINNIONIP dlifiSe Ruth Brenner visited -a few Weeks:. at Kitchener. Meesrs. Clayton tendesrs. Clarence Hoff rnan of Galt, were week -end visitors under the parental roof. : Mee Freaik Seibert of Detroit, was a holiday visitor with his parents here , Menrsr. Gordon and Garnet Wal - per f Detroit, were week -end visit- ors with their parents here. • Mr.: Bruce Rose of Detroit visited at hip home, Babylon Line over Sun- day and Mrs Wrn. F. Braun and family were week -end visitors •at the home of Mr. Wm. Lamont. 1VIn,. Rennie Weber of Hamilton, wEt$ ::.holiday visitor with his parents On the Bronson Line. On..11114elday of this week, Miss Euloine Geiger left for Creeinore, Ont„ where slie has accepted the pos- ition 6,8 teacher of a public school. S. Rennie of town received the -sad news of the death of her foarth daughter, Mrs. J. Winkenwed- er, of, Rostherri, Saskatchewan. The Varions Dirkaaers and Offic- ials .of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insuraeer Company at- tended '• their monthly meeting at Grand' Bend an Snttnalay. Mr and Mrs. Isreel Wilhelm and two daughters, Helen and Marjorie, of W.1verton were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.,C. - . .Sxn other zelatiVes. -M ' The 'heliday en..oaday- passed of 8epteinber Rod and Gun. veryqedetiy in the illage, as there f 0 • Containing a full summary of the . v were attractions in some of the neigh boring towns had some fine attract- ions, 'hence most of our- people at- tended these . sports. A goodly number of our younger people , are 'recently taking to golf playing, and .soon the neceesitn will demand that Zurich will be obliged, to Make provisions to have a golf course established. Mr. Jas. Campbell, his mother, Mre. Calembell, and daughter, Gladys and Mr. Helffman, all of Michigan, e Robert James contributes another sp I spent the past week at the home of 0 to irliii;t1 "Tele from the Wardroom 1 Mr. Wm. Lamont. The party ac- e , :neee". while the Magazine containcOmpanied by Mr. Lamont, motored ,c) i ?winy othci. interesting stories and I to Toronto and took in the Exhib- 0 ! [nett:roe aeticles. Canadian Silver ition thepast week. News also contains a Wealth of Monday and Tuesday, September ' aitereeting material relative to the 24th -and 23th, are the dates set for ,ea resent annual meeting of tile Cana- : Zuriche Big. Event, tamely the Fall • diten. National Silven, Fox 'Breeden; Fair. and with geed W e at h e r, this Association. Rod and Gun ' and year's fair should promise to be one Canadian Silver Fox News is pub- of the best ever held. Special efforts lished monthly by W. J. Toylor, We- have been made to make it a very odtock, Ont. busy afternoon on the last day, in fact there: will be something for ev- CARD OF THANKS . eeebedy to either do or see. So -I'm bereft family of the late gi-,..,,e,,,outtipe,yrilfithi, irupnoaelei.d atlo_ FIrnatrael Reichert wish to .iahlildliire thank the :neighbors and friends fol ne well as your neighbors, and enjoy groatlY so to bring the allele family along the kIndneeees, ti4ssiAanee• and sym- yeeeeelves at this glorious event. pathy ' shown during the illness and deparirce of the deceased. . Death of Fr:wirier Resident. .The doath, occueed on Sunday, Aug ust 26th, in London at the Ontario in Spiting Fechwear ROWNS Boot Shop WINDOWS FORETELL Alcf th TERESTLNG STORY QF NEW :3• , To SPRING FOOTWEAR FASHIONS Pe :• • open seasons for game in the various provinces of Canada for 192S, the September issue of Rod and Gan and Canadian Silver Fox News heralds the fast approathing hunting season. Some fine. etories of deer and wrote ehooting give a pleasant foretaste of the annual pleasures .of the fall trip. In addition to these there are also two eplendidstories of camera hunt- ing by the well known writer; Bonny caetle Dale, and Dr. S. S. Dickey. THEY AR It AUTEGRATIVE AS .131E AST ISSUE OF VOGUE 2 e450 THEY WILL IMPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW e 1•? STANDARD OEVALUE AT THE MODERATE '',RECES. REPAIRING le/RATEX DONE Only the hest al Materials 45 45 45 Lie 0 used, Bring theeig tel ree, and you: are assured eel's Satisfactizu. 3 4.? 1, Nwzaceara GOOD SHOES COST LESS. re s tent Step • SEE OUE• -9 -45 .W.D.q.DOON B-RSPILAY '.7.4timmeeksatiospimegestouve,wiaaeon.Gozetvatt '041,1prokettorpor ;,#4444,44.4pi.4.4v4. 44,4.00, iD4411.44• -41.(0.4.4 rA4 044, 044 .94 0 44444 4 • It) , 103 • ,fay .3 / , -4 • Straw Hats Summer nde"ear Bathing Suits Boys, Jerseysl Boys' haki S its ALL A B GAN PRICE Ileeaiital, of Miss Annie Woolley, i fernier resident of near Zurich. She. E angelical Church Notes h"er • , h , • e' rlie' t of after wineh le:Tr parents and elm moved to Heneall and Heed thine, Benedictory Living Cor nine years until five years ago, when deceased moved to Stratford In this twentieth century day we with her .3ister. A few months later ZUE:LCH ONT, molme*••••• must make good or make room. Do she took ill and was removed to Lon mighily what our hand finds to do. een Be and do oar best. • ;Live an indis- pensihk, towering life of spiritual • wealth and powerful- influence. Be an oasis to refresh the life of follow- pilgrimsa thirsty desert land. Be as a tree -loaded with luscious •* fruit Liv& a life that is loaded 4 .4 0 with benedictions. Don't be loaded OFie gattling gun with a death charge aeaor with that v•hich makes one top 4.4 ' heavy dna prevents one from walk- ing straight. It's great to radiate biniedictions upon others, for in God's arithmetic the more you give and • love and serve and help, the • ; more you have. We are happiest when we become foundations of hap. t •piness to others. Try it! Thursday 7.30, Prayer and Praise. Friday 8,00, Choir Practice SUNDAY SERVICES. Worship at f).45 a. in. Subject -e -•A Fearless and Shielded •1 Decipleship. 11 • hie School, . S. E. Gascho, Superintendent. • • • te.400+0040.4***44,4664*,,tAit ....+44*********4144044**4444444 Worship.: 7.30 P, Subject --The peril of nneonscio usness religious bankruptcy. E' W , Drier, Plostor don, where she had been until her deeth on Sunday, last. The deceae- ed woman was born in Colborne TownshipaHuron County and was a daughter of Mrs. Peter Woolley oed the late Peter Woolley, who paeeed ;away two 'years ago. Deceased w's ,in her 58rd year and while in Strac- ford attended Zion Lutheran Church. Besides her mother one sister, Mrs. Fred Leibold :of Stratford survives. The Tuner.' which took place on Tu- esday last was conducted by Rev. H. Gruhn whe conducted the services The pall -bearers being: Mr. F. Wieke,j. Neuechwanger, P. Deichert Sr., E. I)aters, V. Riehl and K. Lang ford. Many friends and relatives attended the funeral of the deceasod Wo Mat were: Mr. A. Leibold, De- troit; Mrs. J. Forden and Beatrice of Brantferd; Mr. and Mrs Ed. Datere, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Reichert and Wm. Reichert; Mr,' and Mrs. Petsv Deichert and Jake; Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Haberer and daughter; Mr. and Mrs P. Haberer;Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lei - ; old and family, Mr: 3. Neuschwan- ger all of Zurich; Mics. E. Rader and family of Dashwood; Mr. and Mrs. S. Nieklas Tavistock; Mrs. B. Diet- rich, Tavistock: , • Interment was made in Avondale cemetery Strat- ford. The Herald joins the many Zurich , friends in extending syyn pathy to the bereaved relatives Fr School Opening Only 380 PAGE WEBSTER LEATHER BOUND DICTIONARY WITH EACH ECLIPSE 14 CARAT GOLD TIPPED FOUNTAIN PEN. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED See them in Our Window, Hess, The NOW IN YARDS E I GHT CAR LOADS, OF HIGH GRADE FUEL SWAN nthrfaci Minehead Alberta Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL ALSO POCAHONTAS Coarl..,e010=e, H E N SA LL, VNT Phonos-Office 10w. -House, jeweller The Business Built By Service . 4144-44+++++++++++++++++++4.4i-5.eHeeeeene4.tate.44++++40anteteeeit.• 4. 4. 4. I ÷ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. **1. F Our Stock of Spring and Summer Foot- wear for Women, Men, Boys and Girls are now complete and we invite y®n Fee& Sedan -In good mechanical condition, Rubber good $150. 19= Ford Coupe -4 new tires, Upholstering like new. Grey. Dort Touring, ready kr tile road, only $25. 1924 Ford Coupe, Baloon Tires; a Real Bargain. McLaughlin Touring, a real bargain at $25.00 0. FRITZ° & SON FORD DEALERS Tires:30x3i $5. to $6. .See it* Batter $9 SSC07ND BAND FORD PARTS AT HAIR PRICK .4 eTr 0 0 0 0 4 0' 4, 0 4`§ .4. L. 43. 10Z. 4,„ 0' 41".. •-ak vro .t‘ Spring ar 3 d Simmei When you start out to do spring and summer buying -Here your come WE CARRY A NICE ASS'ORTME NT OF_ • GINGHAM% PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SHIRTINGS, COZTONADE FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOM AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE; 11., FULL ASSORTAIIE1:17 OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING REPAIRS A SPECIALTY, PRESIX GROCERIES ALWAYS ON RAND. F. N. .POUGLAS "EIVEIPML. giNEROHAND HONE119? . •BLA 112,