Zurich Herald, 1928-08-30, Page 2No one dreamed 50 years ago that such a fragrant
beverage as "SALADA" Orange Pekoe could be
produced—pure as science can make it—fresh,
superb in flavour -43c per half-pound—and all
tdack tea. A treat indeed for tea lovers.
ie.--"-- . - • ien•egestiaz . lktit ii:.: IS
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tea- eieneeeatene
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Copynght t9'24, NEA SeiViCe Inc
inevitably be aroused. Leedon might
talk. Even in that excited moment
fay escape, I realized that, matters
would not be as easy ae they would
have been had not Thomassen come to
blackmail nia, Nevertheless I thought
that they„woald be easy enough.
was,;celfol. But thane'l was a
thief. And ii thee le a I ool. But I
did not look at future difficulties thee..
I was wondering if the White Eagle,
reading ,Thomassen's identity in the
morrow's papers, would appreciate the
fact that. I had deliberately made him
an instenment of justice. I thought
that be youldi the French are notable
for their romantic imagination. The
White Eagle, if he knew all the facts,
would appreciate them, and admire
BEGIN. HERE TODAY lock as a key was turned in it. And
John Ainsley, a man of education so I raised my voice, drowning the
and breeding, becomes a master crook sealed.
"Damn it, Thomassen," I cried,
"you can't get away with thee.
Indeed, I admired myself. I had
extricated myself from a nasty situa-
tion with credit. Certainly! I con-
sider that ray execution of Tharnassen
—it was an execution—is the most
highly commendable act of my life. I
had kept my word to a murderer, but
I had also kept faith with myself. My
respected forbears might condemn my
mode df life, but they would forgive
me this chapier. Fee' I had risked my
own life rather than let Thomassen go
free. 1 ask no praise for the things
I do; but this time, in the matter of
Thomassen, you must withhold your
censure. You who understand may
forgive. ' •
(To be,continued.)
--preying upon other thieves. In a
ranging with a "fence" to dispose of a
box of jaw which he stole from the
His blue eyes, slightly bloodshot,
White Eagle, a crook, Ainsley is o turned upon me with a glare of sneer -
heard by Swede Thomassen, a murder- ing wrath.
er in hiding., "I can't, eh?" he demanded. His
Thomassen comes to Ainsley's
apartment and demands half of the hand. wentto his hip pocket. He was
jewels. He makes himself completely in his shirtsleeves. p .
Inpretended fear
at home in Ainsley's apartment and I beaked .away from him until. I reach -
waits for the money. Ainsley tele- ed the window. And as I did so, the
phones the White Eagle, telling him White Eagle, followed by that cern-
that the man who robbed him and a panion of his who had masqueraded
partner will be dividing the jewels at as a hunchback the last time I saw
9 o'clock in his—Ainsley's—apart- him,Lotier, entered the room.
raent. Then he tries to hold Thomas-, uttered an exclamation of simul-
sen in his apartment until the Whitea
1 ated surprise. Thomassen whirled
Eagle arrives.
sew the intruders. His gun leap-
. ed from his pocket, but the White
And Thoinassen was shrewd enough Eagle fired first. I heard Thomas -
to realize that any attack upon mei sen's death -cry, and then I went
would be better deferred until just.as through the window, smashing the
he was leaving. My servant, despite glass. I dropped to the ledge below.
my instructions to her, might come to , 1 broke the twine that secured the
the apartm.ent. Electric-lightiaspe-:, clumsy effigy in place and hurled it
tors, the janitor—some one like this to the ground below. Arid as it fell, I
might call, and if I were not present' emitted a shriek, the despairing cry of
to receive him, embarrassment a man hurtling to death. And then
arise for the hiding murderer. i my effigy thumped upon thesground.
I had persuaded him that he shouldThe books with which I had weighted
stay here until ten o'clock, so I felt ! it made it sound like a human body.
fairly confident that he would make;
i I heard an exclamation from the
no attack upon nee until shortly before! room. Clinging desperately to the
that hour. And the White Eagle was • ledge, I looked up. The White Eagle's
due at nine.
* * *
We dined, the loathsome Thomassen
and myself, off viands that I prepared.
And at a quarter to'nine we had fin -
face appeared through
glass. Ile looked down; in the sha-
dows below he saw a dark mass; he
took it for me. Perhaps you who read
meme,irs understand now why I
ished and were smoking after -flannel had. to wait until after dark. In clay-
ci arets in my bedroom. I had ad- light my handle of books and pillows
vised sitting in here, because it was
the most secluded room in the apart-
ment. And Thomassen, as the hour
for his departure approached, began
to yield. to the strain of the situation.
A murderer contemplating another
murder—I was certain that he in-
tended 'to kill me and take all the An -1
i the ledge, swung to the win ew-si ,
and before Lotier could cry a warn-
derson jewels—it did not seem absurd,
i I was upon the White Eagle, had
to him that one room should be 15551ng,
I wrenched his revolver from his hand
conspicuous than another. It was the i
land dominated the situation.
farthest room from the entrance door, "The alarm will be raised in five
and anything said or done was less
likely to be heard in my bedroom. In -
initiates," I told them. "But unless
deed, he thought that I was
playing, :you give me two minutes' start, I'll
into his hands.
At just before nine o'clock I started l shoot."
1 The White Eagle stared at me. His
deep-set eyes were bewildered.
an argument. I said that he had
"Nom de Dieu, why this? It is you
taken the more valuable of the jewels
who telephoned me to come here. I
and that we ought to divide them
again, From his pockets he produced know your voice. Why?"
1 sweet the jewels from the table,
his share. He was glad for the die -
stuffed them into my pockets, art stamps or coin (coin preferred, non
pute. He wanted to work himself up,
backed to the door. "It is too long a it carefully) for each number and
cold-blooded though he Nvas, to a point
h • in murder wou
and overcoat would not have deceive
him for a moment. But it deceived
him now.
He uttered an ejaculation of feeta-
cious delight. He turned back into
the room. And like a cat I rose upon
A Smart New Frock
o8n1,1119127 31, 1928; and 32 days' on May
Newspaper advertising in 80 lead-
,' Mg Otters for the first six months of
1928 was per cent, leers than for the
' same period of 1927, and 7 per cent.
less than In 1920.
Periodical advertising in National
publications In the first seven months
Favorable Results Reported at Prop- of 1928 wail 2 per cent. less than: ha
ertles of Alexandria Mine, B.C. 1 the first 'sevea months of 1927, and
Prince Rupert.—Officias of Alexan- , 1 per cent, more than in 1926.
dr% Mines have just reached here I Pages printed in newspapers of over
after a visit to the properties o
f the
company in Smithery and Hazelton
districts. The Hyland Basin property
in the Babine Range has some surface
showings of high-grade silver -lead -gold
ore, yielding sensational values. An
engineer and crew are working on the
property surveying preparatory to car -
The management have high hopes for , ronto for the week en e
rying out a development program.
The Velvet property, In Hazelton I amounted to $123,642,941, an increase
district, has such favor n'e showings of $27,113,540 over the corresponding
this property.
that twelve adjacent claimshave been period last year and a decrearse of $6, -
acquired, increasing the Alexandria's 930,544 when compared with the prey -
acreage by 600 acres. Development bus week of this year. Comparisons:
W'k ended 1920
series of veins from 6 to 10 feet wide, Aug 9th .$123,642,941 $96,524,401
well mineralized and carrying com- I Aug. 2nd 130,573,485 89,052,441
to date in the Velvet has disclosed a ''
mercial values in silver and lead. July 26th 124,540,688 94,607,144
Consolidated Smelters are reported to July 19th 136,581,568 104,430,981
be negotiating for a property adjoin-iMond Will Revise Smelting Facilities
ing the Velvet and their engineers are Sudbury.—There will beh revision
in the field. a both treatment and capacity of
smelting facilities of the Mond Nickel
Portland Canal properties of the Alex- Company in connection with their pro-
posed expansion program at the Brood
Good progress is being made at the
andria Company. No. 2 tunnel is re- i Extension Mine, according to an oftl-
grade ore. cial announcement. At the present
time officials of the company, J. F.
ported to have encountered good
Also, the engineersa-reports from Robertson (smelting manager) and L.
this company's holding in the Sudbury J. Ingolsfrud (chief engineer), aro on
d' t • t shove distinct mineralized a tour of the west, examining the
smelting pland of western copper min-
ing companies. Details ofpro-
posed revision have not been an -
Production Basis nounced and no action with regard to
sinelter changes are likely to.be
100,000 circulation;
(Average for June)
Dailies Sundays
1928 31 104
1927 80 108
Toronto Bank Clearings Show
Bank clearings in the city of To-
st 9th
We recommend
after careful 4nvestigation we
believe the diversityeof this
Company's holdings in the
principal mining areees 7,an-
ada, combined with the best
of management and engineer-
ing talent, will make it one of
the great dividend earners of
the future.
In our opinion it is one of
the most outstanding mining
spechlations now before the .
Detailed Information vvIII be malled
on Request. Use the Coupon.
zones running throughout the proper-
Howey Making Headway Towards
Additions to physical assets of until next year. Oliver Hall, formerly
Howey Gold Mines this year to date mine manager, took over last week
have been substantial, and the ques- the position of general , manager of
tion of a mill is coming to the fore- Canadian operations of the Mond
front, An offifficial informed the !Nickel Company, succeeding Dr. C. V.
Northern Miner that by the ,late fall , Corless, who has resigned.
Howey should be in a position to de-
Vigorous Fight Waged In Western
cide just what tonnage mill would be
Ontario by Two Gas Companies
required, and it is likely that heavy
machinery will be moved. into the Hamilton. ---In Western Ontariii,
property over the snow during the there is said to be a gas war on for small boy." His Aged Mother (inter -
coming winter. The tonnage of ore supremacy between the United Gas & rupting): "What was that, George?
developed and in sight in the mine is , Fuel Company of Hamilton and the Murder?"
large and will run better than 37.1Dominiqn Natural Gas Company, also
Construction of a 1,000 -ton mill is re- , of Hamilton. and district. The United Dad—How did you come out with
garded as the most economical plant. Company is endeavoring to invade the your exams? Son—Passed 'em just
‘nlialttei Ethieliciyuiar"eeTr.e) cars ahead.—(Cinche
The compact formation of ore zone " district embracing Paris, Galt, Brant -
will, it is estimated, enable the cont- I ford, 'Woodstock, Ingersoll and other
pany to produce at a cost of 34 per Points and supplant natural gas with
ton or less, and this Nwould leave sub- artificial gas.
stantial profits on a 1,000 -ton opera- Officials of the Dominion Natural
Gas Company stated that the issue
At the close of last year the com- was fought out before the Council in
tion, -
pany had 1,721 lineal feet length in.' Galt, which body ' had previously I
ore and since then ore bodies have . passed a resolution to do away with
been extended 25 to 50 per cent. in . natagel gas. because of its sulphurous
length and have been proved con- odor and make a new contract with!
siderably wider. Some 900 feet east the United Gas & Fuel Co. of this
of present workings drills cut through city. Officials of the Dominion Conn
10 feet of $100ore in a zone 160 feet pany seated that they had discovered
wide. On the 500 -foot level the ore '
is opened up for 300 feet, averaging
14% feet wide, the grade being $7. At
125 feet, 150 feet of ore 15 feet wide
has been opened up, better in grade
than the mine average. The eastern
face on the 250 -foot level continues in
good ore. At the 375 -foot level east
excellent ore is being developed some
140 feet east of the present face on
the 500 -foot level, suggesting that a
much greater length will be shown
at 500 feet.
Results to the west of the shaft have
been not nearly so encouraging. The
rake of the ore body is towards the
east, and workings have 6,000 feet to
go before reaching the boundary. A
diamond drill machine is being de-
livered and under contract preying of
cre farther east will be pushed more ea.
rapidly. Some 500 feet of drilling will
be done in this way and will help
greatly in speeding blocking out of
There is a porphyry area south of
the workings, located by drills, and a
crosscut is going out to prove this
section. A drill is also working north
of the workings on the surface to
prove favorable ground. It will be
carried to 800 feet at least, The com-
pany is proceeding with underground
develoPinent at the rate of 1,200 Net.
per month.
Herne, Fletcher & Co., Ltd.
Metropolitan Bldg.,
Imo lo 4mia amL .1•1 4,•• Em. •-•••• to. mem
Such large quantities of natural gas
recently that they were able to give
the Galt municipality officials a writ-
ten guarantee that by January 1, 1929,
a large purification plant, costing
$250,000, would be established and in
operation on its lines at some point
near London. This will enable the
company to mix its gas with that from
its wells in Haldimand County, and 11
will be virtually odorless. All centres
now served in that district will be
'assured of a supply of pure gas.
Minard's Liniment—A reliableenst ald
The Father (admonishing his chil-
dren): "Well, I can tell you. there is
one thing I never did when I was a
This chic frock Is suitable for
all daytime wear and is a very be-
coming style. The skirt has an
inverted Plait at the front and Is
joined to'the bodice having a vest-
ee and collar cut in one. The long
dart -fitted sleeves are finished
, with shaped cuffs, and there is a
shaped band at the hips. No. 16381
Is in sizw 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42
incises bust. View A, size 36, re-
quires s% yards 39 -inch, or 2%
yards 54 -inch material, and % yard
'89 -inch contrasting; View B re-
quires 3% yards 39 -inch material,
and 84 yard contrasting. Price 20
cents the pattern.
Write your name and address plain-
ly', giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclos• e 20c in
dear Due," I answered. address your order to Wilson Pattern
id seem more sthrY, mY
a shall tell Service, 73 West Adelaide St. Toronto.
justifiable. Even men like Thomassen
have their queer code.
I laid my share with his upon a
table. As I did so, I heard the faint-
est of sounds, the mere eliciting of a
"Nevertheless, one day you
Patterns sent by return mail.
it to me," he threatened.
From the doorway I laughed at him.
"Perhaps, Monsieur le Duc. Meantime
—two minutes. And read tomorrow's
papers; perhaps then you will under-
Then I went "erough my living -
room, through the front door, and took
the stairs three at a time. Outside, I
hailed a taxi. As we drove into the
park, I saw the White Eagle and Lo -
tier emerge from the building. But
there was no other taxi. They could
escape, but they could not catch me—
for both of which facts I was, extreme-
ly glad, for it had not been my plan to
jeopardize the White Eagle.
* * *
I had merely intended to see that
justice was done to Thomassen. The
promise -exacted from me prevented
inc from executing that justice with
ray own hand. And I have explained
the obvious reagens why I could not
call in the police.
How had I known that I woulct not
be the victim also of the White Eagle's
d t know -n, I had taken
Minard's Liniment for Blistered Feet.
To -morrow.
Why shouldst thou 1111 to -day with sor-
About to-morroa
My heart?
One watches all with care eiost true,
Doubt not that he will give thee, too,
Thy part.
—Paul Fleming.
rage? I a no
deliberately tho' ehanee that 1, too,
would be killed. Why? Have I not
said that when I surrendered honesty
Ibeast like Thomaesen to estape the I clung to honor? Could I,'permit a
handy just penalty of his dreadful crime?
packsCould I aid in such eseape?
Had,' expected t,o regain the Ander-
son jewels once the White Eagle set
his eyes upon, them?
In answer to that I eau only any
thM I had prepared myself to ate in
defence. For the money that
Here Is et treat that can't
be beat! Benefit and pie*
' sure in generous measurel
PeDOeitliitiint Fig
o t Is fe. And
Newsprint and Periodical Advertising,
Less Than Yeah Ago—Statistics
Vital to Industry
Mill stocks of newsprint at United
States and Canadian points amounted
The Guest—"I say, waiter`, I believe
it's bad form to speak disrespectfully to 5.9 days' average production on
June 30, 1928, and 4.1 days' on June
of one's elders?" The Waiter"o I
rk tit
e police
'ave 'eard, sir." The Guest—"Thea I 3°,
transit, amounted to 30 days' supply
444 01641.14 •
chicken. " I Publishers' stocks, on hand and in
will be silent about this •
wiraiiiiagimial.Weeseamiahrobit'avitth, bre,
It removes the hazard of staltWaYew
it allowe freedom of action of the
eyes. Gives greater comfort M
reeding. Dote not Imprison ,the
bye behind a ,blutred field.
A British levetition,
Mk Veue Eye enscIsitst.
DON'T suffer headaches, or any of
those pains a tablet of Aspirin can
end in a hurry 1 Physicians prescribe
it, and approve its free • use, fpr. it
does not affect the heart. Every drug-
gist has it, but don't fail to ask the
druggist for Bayer. And don't take
any but the tablets that are stamped
with the "Bayer Cross."
Ili the trade mark
(registered in Canada)
indicating Bayer Manufacture. While it
Well known that Aspirin means Sayer manm
facture, to assure the public against imitations.
the Tablets will be stamped with their "Bayer
Cram" trade mark.
The jar at left is filled with
Gum -Dipping solution. The
other jar is empty at first. One
end of the wick—made of
cords used in Firestone tires—
is placed in the solution, floe
other in the empty je.r. Solu-
tion penetrates entire Ier.grdl of
the cord wick showing that
Gum -Dipping saturates the
This exclusive Firestone pro-
cess insulates every fibre with
rubber, reduces internal friv,tion
and gives thousands of extra
miles. Firestone tires cost no
more than ordinary tires. 1tbur
Local Firestone Dealer will glad-
ly serve you, and save you
OF CANADA lineman
Hamilton, Ontario
Most Mlles Per Dollar
Bade the Oeily
With fruit- ratan?
creamy fillings/
Orange, Chocolate, Vanilla,
Strawberry—thick layers of
delicious pure cream between
two crisp, Biscuits.
in the store or
on the 'phone,
always ask for