HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-08-16, Page 8mai* voiro .1111ERALD The Store with 010,St6okl: LE p#/GES Ou all 1:1,1v.:, oil Ladies Dress materials SODie Cl;:igliams, Chintzes, Croons, Tveiii ng, Ladies' and Children's 1-1 oniery, kJ. ouse dresses. Ahzo Itieu's fine Shirts, odd lines and sizJs in o,‘,,iralls, underwear, etc-. et as supply your wants at ml; -- saving prices ii ifffriA 150 Bangs of Redpath Granulated Sugar to sell at $3.59 per cwt. Sugar :;es are au vancIng, now so get your supply Irt We Sum atly are Our erMaterials at * v • , 4 4, 04"1444444+144444444+++.f+44*+4444'41',,till'++++++++".4E Sellingi .1. Seasonable 'Hardware I Spring is here and we can supply ,,,, + •. he Public with Seasonable Hard- I t ware' at moderate prices . A NUMBER OP, GOOD SECOND HAND STUVES •VERY S' + + CHEAP 0 * We sell Ideal Intubators a -,d, I, rooders FENCING ,nt , ▪ ' A CARLOAD OF LUNDYS"LUCKY TIE :mazy JUST. AR., 41k? 4e. + Rt IVED INCLUDING WOVEN COIL, BARB„ BRACE AND : STEEL POSTS. + * TIRES. AND TITBES A PULL LINE OF GUTTA PERCAA TIRES. NONE REITER ..../. 4. . + 4i. ..r. - PAINTS AND* VARNISH + GoOD SUPPLY OP MA,IiTINSENOUR 1007 PURE PAINT, & "5'1 a - 4 4* A FIJIILINE. OF CHINAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO EN:Al-fiErs + ALSO 1k1ULL LINE OP MURESCO,' ET07-- "tk'" • ..b - 4" 4. FURNITURE • Fill Line of Furniture in Living Room Suits, Dining Ran ..:1... Suits, Bed Room. Suits, Kitchen, Cabinets, Reed Rockers and 41 4. Chaim A number ;cif Rockerri.r Gre-ailir—RelaTio'gra-PTIM: I t Good Supply of famous,-SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS AND .71; + 4, +' ISIATTRESS. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES. .44; 4 BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRON,, + t . PAY HIGHEST MART PRICES. 4+ 1 . PULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER SMOI£E CU '" Nsurance Co. It Jon8ton deo iiralbfleisch • 1: • 3 .efr ODSTOCK 4, 45; ornpany doing 4 Business of any I. Hardware 8c Furniture. Phone 63 t 7.4 c Summer Dress Gds, Ladies Vests, filoomers, Nightgowns, Slips, Hosiery, Etc., in some cases at Half Price All Men's, Boys' and thildren's up to, .35c at 15c. YELLOW FRONT STOR 'PHONE NO. 145 Straw Hats • +J. ITEMS OF LOCAL, INTERL:la Western Farmers' Mutual 1: Mr. Lloyd Denomme spent Sunday with Mr. Harvey. Golinas. Mr. Ro...wri; Williams was a ;Son. day 71. i itqr ilensall. • OF WO gest Mrs. Elmer Oesp seh end- : Canadian C Weather Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz were week.; L • end .visitors at Grand Bend. some it visiting her mother ,..t; Dashwood. Business in Ontario- • . +++++-1--4--:,÷+4-H-4,-:-T..+++++0,+++,-.44,++++++++ Little Dorothy Gascho rk a il;,..t.; 1 e , g . , • 4 riCt. GIW7:110. 0 1 . , A Mr. and Mrs. Fritz, of Tole(10,1 '''' 011ie, are visiting at the home Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. Phoii. ''•'-: ti :.), Me. John Deichort of the Villl.' pleasantly spoilt the week -end camp.' laamint of Insurance at Risk on Dec. ;Inn- nter Visitin her cousin 1+; /7- env- dare,•, • 4- • local ha,.! eommeneed nEMF 4'It oeen appointed Ag 4, trop o'f fall ing at Grand Bend. • 31, 1927, $22,866,785. Total Cash in tank and Bonds 1150,579,88 :;ates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3years. E. F. Klopp—Zurich 11..ratut.1....a.urammrdttir.sra.mucluorAtetritnamtmo=tnavacetrarateranarm. rVitat.1=1,127.,...tat.IXIItiv0=4.721M1=Itttri ttal..110.0136110.1,111.01173....el, al.211.1.... ZI(....srs. Dennis and Lucian enr.":- tdent, Also l',4,;..aler LidittniQ Rods vo!a.. 'ied on frit 'ids on the Cot, en , L. '-ay -t( ng. and all of Fire Insurance . .Ls..N, V 203 TLIE FOLLOW IN& L.I;sa re oort wain ky TRILL) AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF nnd 1.Irs. W. R. ., LA.% OVE ALIN D LTD. th, : ARISTOCRAT OF TUE I.L.,"11,, -t‘ L.) FIELD. SEE IT; Di4.1V.e. (17),,,,17" 1"1"." V;;..:6 ANY..7/1..)7G, AT THE PRICE A S • ox th'i.„•• mue w I'LlIjiVES PRODUCT OF QUALl.t. T I) LO WEST PRICED daught.-r, 0:' • ' tIttr M5.1; vt 1. t ' • .. way. - ... ........i. .....-, --.• - '.I. iie, 'MARKET. A CAlt . A : 'I A i i--,,..-..,, ;.,,,,,, mr. Fovoie ci .j.„.„ ,k,1 . ,,,. • SGEN...1 itEPUTATiON 1.. i I d ou Mrs. Gid, Koehler on xr 1 ,.._, , .." .,.,,' ir g I .„ .<1.. 'IWO MODELS. PROViDL.: , ; ,i, , _ 0 \ k i .1 , "1 :". IsUg id ':,-.. 4 .1 r° 'isil..1 FAMOUR SLEEVE 8. 7,:forol: IF rsr NEIN') 077 .,, CAR ARRANGE TO :Mr,' 11..4 ?: i ING ELSEWHERE, A SATISFACTOR f flP .t. , r4 ED, BESIDEsi: GIVE YOU SERVICE" :... IdIr011rf-lattl Zurich ...; . ...,. tt.:Yt 7 ATM David Hollinger and sell (m.; g...snatug.hter of Elmira visited 1i, ends and relatives in the -village len: community the past week. Messrs. Ziffie, Norman, Exias and wiveti., and Mrs. Walter 3effroy alai family, of Detroit, were week -.1: visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,'l... .I.1.... of the Blue Water Di uunie iolpp.ay JUST ARRIVED AND WE ASK ALL LADIES TO GET YOUR'S WHILE THE SUPPLY AND CHOICE IS GOOD. 1 Highway. • THE PRICES ARE RIGHT WE .e--•--.-...er---.-- _ . . • i CAN, ASSURE YOU, AND THE .,,,,,,_04304„004,beitzlivivoc;„04govoeva,g4,801sesos, ,,,,,,,,,,,, , 4 1 SACRED BAND CONCERT .... QUALITY GOOD, 9 iT.I, Thr- peoi)le of Zurich and vicinity] Y 4, ,-.1,74 ta• ki....,,,,,z1"5• t r-,-,* 1.,11:11.1r1 ,..,1 will be treated to something xeal on L'. ; Sunday ovoninp: in tho ,-;'ia- ,. N !:I .' ALS6 A SPECIALLY PINE YOUNG ,........m ef,L.,,,,& .i, i ...‘to. eve' popular LTubiiee : ,, - t 4 I. ASSORTUENT FOR A, -10. 1 at.s,,,ut S...r.'7, 1:iti.i.,.110.;," '! .":" •• d H153*" CALL AT Tall3 jilLs IN- Ticrii TE AGES, se:eetion... 11 4. ',, ,. •'..•,.. . -4.., : .(0,,//1. 11:,...‘,....i4er et.e,.... , ill, .1...,eiv,..." of iiy..., 1,.., , . . AT SIIOPPE F.A ,,,,tp.;„ .U., Litt' proeint.., :,.,•,.. -Li ..1,,.. /,,,y , , 0 pt.„1„.t,, ft, ,s f)1...., , .i , EARLY AND olny PIRS'POROICE 0 i ▪ and :there will be no poll -0 10e, 44. ,..11,-.1., i v., - t. ,Inn sel.. L•tion i ..e. 117/ 1'00 01.1 illi; I GIVE IIS A CALL & 1 .4.,1,4e,t11 evening. Be rum 1.11(1' . . .1 1. tit S) ):1 be here again , and w.) would urge the farmorAiu autking these prepAr,v6ioas not to ne- glect to Lave your order for bilL,kr twine -with us as ve lve the 'old and 6,A -t reliable rk IrOLD MEDAL AND WILL 13E PLEASED TO SERVE YOU WITH ANY QUAN- TITY. ALSO A GOOD SUPPLY OF FLYMOUTH ROPES IN MOST ti CALLEI) FOR SIZES. BE SURE AND SEE OUR SLING !.,! I • ALSO THE FAMOUS LOUDEN TRACKS AND CARRIERS. V. V.7 SIEBERT ROPES. GOOD.Y ;I.AR Tires for long and durabil Service 0 ...7...74."Irms./.70.0...‘ . V44.40414tiLly If in 11 of new furniture, don't rget; we have it! DF /E (7 ,4) 4URICH - ONT. so* .6046060**004.10110444~amtemot61144Y0 413 tB$14A come! Write for Free Bookie t, f 'Walls l'hat Reflect Good Judgment," con- taining interesting information on home planning with Gyproc, Rocboard and Insulex. 44 'LAO sura c PT RE AND THEFT TC) PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT YOU (OUR CAR AGAINST FIRE AND THEFT. HOULD INSURE YOU INSURE f OUR BUILDINGS, THEN WHY NOT YOU; CAR WHICH NORE LIABLE TO BE DESTROYED. 01 SV Ij110,1 sq,,neW AS $3.00 AD THEFT AT $2.50. "DO IT NOW!" Before you Invest-----INVESTIGATE1 iidrcew F. Hess, - Zurich ]1:Y MOTTO i—snavreE S.TY H aye You MADE YO R MU? 1‘7,,,Aztecoltamsehlvercmcmcomatunroiscpseransatenarmrs....manwnemaximoxemtntralratt.t.', twasaaccuralammasammamwarmsercare.cammetrakratartuorzetrmr.roater.rattllzttP MIN VT n Drugless Praction- eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 70 ' - At this time pf the year nearly: everYbocly is, about to renew their papers, or ma.gaZines. We wish tut: advise the public that we are in many eases sole agents for daily:, weekly papers and all otsgazinew. and will give you. reductions a.s. onnot of these ilhat will prisD you. If you are about to renew your reading matter, flint come and .see is, and be convin e&--Ecerald Officei. SITS 3 • 4' To the man who regards a well dressed Tappearance, we,, recommend you t come and look over our fine ran e of ions of Insglating it Cells CANADA GYPSUM AND ALADASTINg, LIMITED Patio Colloidal 44 74? F reproOf 'bord, ForSalo By Fred C. ICa1bileisell.4), Ole Zu.rieh Ont. - NSPRVH;G SU/TI GS , WE GUARANTEE SA.TISFACTION OR MONEY GLADIX REFUNDED. ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH • rrup BEST OP LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED CatADE HEAD AGENT rOR TEE- WELL. KNOWN /iTAIMA TO ItIMA8,-, trER CLOTHES—CORNELL. fleinICITANT TA ,LOR, W. a 1OKAN ad SOO, 1A1sERAL DiRnoiroRs, Day gala Sight Phew§ 110,6 1 41 V 44, fr F, 4 4.