HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-08-16, Page 5l'Utsfrayi August '16th, 192 smosuvr,ss CD3 1 DUDLEY E.HouirEs SOL1CITOR, Nor IAB'!( PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hanoilton Street, ,Fust -Off the Square, GODERICII, Ontario. 'Special attention to Counsel and Court WorkL 7Ar. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by ''Phone, and Phone charges reversed. •••••••••••••••••• Dr. HAL COWEN D. S. D. D, S. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOCE---ZURICEIL Every Thursday, Friday,, Saturday 11AETLEIWS BLOCE, DASIIWoaD • Every Monday, Tuesday and 'Wednesday WantsoilFor Found. • ' NOtice Ete Ads - IN, THU COL'Ulall ;11,111,C 111...11ERALD FARM FOR SALE One hundred aeres, lot 10, Con. 9, Hay Tp. Brick house, good bare Iand stable, plenty of water. Must be sold to close an estate. Apply to Alex. R :fohnson, Ex., RR. 3, Forest, On. STRAYED. From my premises, Goshen Line, a sorrel driving- mare. Finder kindly notify Sol. Geingerich, Zurich. 1.......00•0•MM.1•41.1•CM.00....ailiMaNdl•MINMWOMOant MU T U AL LIFE OF NEW YORK COMPLETE kROTECTION LIBERAL DIVIDENDS Z HESS — Local Agent The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E E. Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 Guarantee and Accident Insurance. Oldest and Strongest Co. in Canada a••••••••••••••••••=••••..••••••••••......... "OS OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat - lewd School of Auctioneering. Try sae for Registered Live Stock, tAll Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Parma for sale. Will 'sell anything Anywhere. • Phone 18-93 or write. Zurich. 4. Licensed Auctioneer !FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON- I or article !to I Aunt any auction Sale, reg-arclless tG 'elicit your ' business, and U in se . satisfied will make no charges for Services. Arthur Weber — Dashwood. "hone 13-57 i•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • :Zurich Meg I 11ARKET • • Fresh and Salt Meats 1 Bologna Sausages, etc, • itusIbint Cash Price for Wool : OASH FOR SKINS at. II1DES e 1 tosigibluis & Deichert I IPS•11•400*0011110600111100001/0110 L I VE POU LT R WANTED Itaken every day till 3 o'clock,p.naL 113 0 /3 o t feed :Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices —CASH FOR— Cream and Eggs • W. O'Brieni ' Phone 94 — Zurich 'Headquarters FOR TIRES TUBES mism Storage Batteries It S. WEIN, Prop , WS/MOOD 1MOTIOLt SKR woo FOR SALE A frame barn in Zurich, about 24x36 feet, fit for a driving sried.For particulars apply to Edward Daters, Jr., Zurich. NOTICE. TOWNSHIP OF IlAY VOTERS' LIST The Voters' List, 1928 for the Town- ship of Hay, County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies of the list, made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appear- ing by the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Hay, to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections to the Legislative Assembly and at Munic- ipal Elections, and the said list was first posted up in my office at Zurich on Saturday the 4th day of August, 1928, and remains there for inspec- tion. I. hereby call on all voters to examine the said list and i WT er- :t61 (.5i: omissions are found th6rein to take immediate 13rd-deeding to have same " corrected according to law. Dated at Zurich, this '7th day of August, 1928. A. F. HESS, Tp. Clerk, Hay. 31-IONEYI HONEY! Come along with your containers just a nice little stroll east of town, on the Zurich Road. Look for the "Beekist” sign. Prices are 10c a pound. Fifty pounds or more a special offer will be given. Edward Haberer, Apiarist, Zurich HONEY FOR SALE Choice Clover Honey. We will fill your containers at 10c a pound, for a limited time only. Act quick if you want the benefit of i this low price. • J. Haberer & Sons 3 blocks South of Zurich Hotel. NEW BARBER Opposition is the life of Trade We are all willing to work for a living at reasonable fees. Hair Cuts at Shaves at .. ..1 15e James Scott, For Service. Dominion House, Zurich. • FOR. SALE A good kitchen range burns coal or wood, apply to W. L. Siebert. FARM FOR'SALE Consisting of 50 acre grasslarre. on Town Line, Hay and Stanley, In Stanley Township, good well with 'windmill thereon. For fur- ther particulars appy to Oscar Koehler, Zurich. — - FOR SALE A 5 -Tube Adralo Radio (Set in A. 1. condition at a bargain for quicksale.-0. Koehler, 4.141•1010W•liaal*.144 CO L 1928 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR 'GENUINE / Scranton Coal ALSO CA.RRX Coke Pocahantas and Soft Coal, GOOD StTlPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARL3t TO Case & Son Miss Meryl Gelinas spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mrs, W. C. Wagner and son I,Aeon- ard, and Mr. Walter Schnurr were Wednesday visitors to London. Miss Edith Greb spent the week- end with M. Tr. and Mrs. Robert Love of Grand Bend. -• Miss May I3oyee is visiting at the home of her cousin, Miss Margaret McKinley. Miss Jean Maxwell, of St.—john, N. B., is spending a few days with Miss Sarah Manson. Master Bruce Boyce, of Louden, is spending his holidays, the' guest of Miss Margaret Lamont, "Stanlely." Miss Margaret Ducharme and Miss Donella Denomme spent Sunday at the home of their uncle, Mr. J. Gel- inas, Jr. Mr. H. Jezard and Mr. R. Martin, of Detroit were week -end visitors at the home of Wm. Leibold, Babylon Line. Mrs. D. McLinchey, who has been for several weeks visiting at the hom of her brother, Mr. W. C. Wag ner, has returned to her home in London. We have been reading these last few weeks about some people hav- ing tall raspberry stalks. Mr. Joseph Gelinas, Jr. wishes to inform us he has one stalk 8 feet 4 inches and a couple of other stalks over 7 feet in height. • • The repairs to the local fire hall are progressing fovorably; the south Wall wall which was somewhat de- labitoted, has been rebuilt and a brick chimney has been put up the centre of the building, this will be used in the winter time to keep a fire in the cold weather to keep the locat fire engine in good order for an emergency call at any -time. By keeping the engine in a frostless place, the chemical tanks can be kept loaded all winter, and ready an emergency call, at any time. A real attractive and almost frost - proof room has been fitted up by our two veteran carpenters, Messrs Chas. Hofan and Joseph Gascho. This room has double doors closely fitted and wall -board partitions, and even in the coldest winter days it should require but little fire to keep the frost out of danger. NO' HERALD NEXT WEEK. Almost daily we have been asked "when are you taking your holidays" and this week we are announcing that the Herald staffwill be off duty next week, and there will he no paper, so do not try and call us up to ask why you have not received copy of the Herald. We will be ob- , ligen to close our place of business for a little over a week, as the editor and his family have planned a little touring trip, first to the State of Michigan and their will probobly go south and tour around lake Erie by passing through the, state of Ohio, and also touching the states of Pen, sylvania and New York State, and returning by the Peace Bridge at Buffalo. iAn outing of this kind is a wonderful nerve tonic, especially when one is confined to indoor work the year around, and does not have the opportunity of enjoying the won- derful growths of nature outside; aF well as the fresh air, and we feel as- sured that with safety this trip will be just the thing for your publisher. The local onion growers are buisly engaged 'these days taking up their crop, which proves not to be so heavy - as et first anticipated. M.r. Willie McOlinchey • was 111 Buffalo on • a "dear hunat"'. recently. Ws are told the dear Season opens earlier there than at other points. Mr. and Mrs. 13.- F. Stade and son Harold; were Sunday visitors with friends in Emily City, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Prang, were •week -end visitors with relatives in Rev.Men- nonite church, preached a very M- it. C. Schrag of the local Men-. 'spiring Sermon in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening, and the attendance was good. Rev. and Mrs. .W..Y..Dreier, re- turned on Monday evening from • their two -week's vacation at Lillie, Mich., where they visited their son, Rev. Nelson E. Dreier. Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier, were :accompan- ied by their son, Lorne of Chesley, and daughter Pearl, of Hanover. Mr. Archie Davis of the Wickwire Print Shop, Exeter, was in town a few days last week and a few days the beginning of this week, and was setting up some work for that shop on the. Herald's new type -setting machine. Mr. Davis has had a vast experience with these machines and your publisher feels he is learning much by Mr. Davis' stay at Zurich, in fact, we do not think after this .mass of information we are recei- ving, that it would be possible to even get one letter in the wrong place in our setup., Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mousseau and daughter Norma, Dr. P. J. Dwyer and Postmaster W. L. Seibert, left early on Tuesday morning on a motor hike to Muskoka and intend going up as far as South River and are being ac- companied by Mr. J. •Preeter, of Kitchener. The main object of the trip is to de fishing as well as ex- plore some of the more difficult places that have never been reach- ed hy "white man." Anyway, upon their return we have the assurance that fish will be plentiful, and Mr. Klopp, our local fish man will be obliged to lay off for a week or get his customers elsewhere than in Zurich. So here's wishing. What might have proven an even, 4. rots lotsa 4.0...totommot4oto44444.44.4•••••••••••••o•••-4* • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * 4• • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••••••••••••••e••••••••oe ••••••eoe•o•oeeeeee•••04•• Auto s and Auto Supplies WE CARRY A -COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON THEO VARIOUS LINES . CORD TIRES $0x3% AT ONLY TUBES 30x33 AT ONLY 0.59 GOOD RUBI3ER CASE BATTERIES AT $15,00 1 SECOND HAND 1.1,.; H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP. 1 FORD TOURING CARS 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR, 1 GOOD TRAILER, ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING RE -BUILDING BATTERIES, FARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND CARRY JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST sm-ivico FOR YOUR MONEY PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR PUMPS. Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases AND L. A. Prang - Zurich • • • • • • • • 1 Auto Tops, Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing Painting Etc' Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH 1++++++++++++++++++++++++++ more serious auto wreck took place at the intersection of the 14th Con. and the Zurich Road last Friday ev- ening at about five o'clock, when Dr. IL II. Cowen was returning from the lake and -Mr. Schilbe was returning from his son's farm on the 14th Con. and as it was raining considerable at the time, consequently neither party saw the other one, until it was too late and the cars which were both new ones, this spring, collided, and were very much wrecked, espec- ially 1)r. Cowan's which was thrown over on its side and the occupants, besides the Doctor were Mrs. Cowan and little babe, Mrs.. E. E. Weido, Miss Beatrice Gascho and a little girl Triend. Mrs. Cowan received sev- ere cuts and bruises about the face, while Mrs. Weida received injuries to hcr leg, and the other members of the Cowan car were badly shaken up with minor bruises and bumps. Both cars were travelling .at a low rate of speed, otherwise a more serious ac- cident would have resulted. giatepairExpert speaks/#s mind "It isn't what you do today that causes the blowout!" —it is usually something you have done weeks ago. Under-inflation—careless parking that pinches the tire walls --hitting rough bumps on high. Balloons deaden the jar. But later—a blowout! These things can be avoided. To avoid them means dollars off the cost of running your car. Check up tire pressures every week—We will do it for you. Keep to the exact figures for the size of load of each tire. Ease down when driving over deep . ruts isharp ridges. Let us inspect your tires once a week. At least twice a 'season let us take them off the rims and look for inside injuries. Dominion Tire will stand a lot of abuse, but a little care will add thousands of miles to its life. e I I•.; -:r!.. TO E DEPT H. VSSEAV 4 4 USE CEDAR SHINGLES For new and old Roofs • AS THEY MAKE THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST ROOF ;WITHOUT ANY PAINTINGOR .REP AIRING AND WILL OUT LAST ANY OTHER KIND OP ROOF. SHINGLES ARE NOW SELLING AT THE REMARKABLE LOW PRICE OF - 5X Red Cedar $1.50 Per Bunch 3X Red Cedar $1.35 Per Bunch WE WILL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS A CARLOAD OF 8 -FT, CEDAR 'POSTS AND 917. LARGE ANCHOR POSTS. CALL FOR YOUR SUPPLY. 1 C. ICALBYLEIS C PHONE 69 i• ZURICH 1 ++++++.1.44444+++++++++++++++++.i•+++++.+*+++++++++++N.1411 rwwwwwamnivaiwimimmummammiwi 1 Zurich Drug Store 1 Stationery We Specialize in fine Stationery and have writing tablets of all sizes, fine boxed stationery, Cor- resprndence Cards, Greeting Cards andBirthday Cards. =OM We also have a large Stock of bulk Perfumes; Toilet Preperations of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS KODAKS AND FILIMS INC ar. IN▪ C 111E IMIC at tot to Dr a At J1 MacKinnon, Zuriclij t\l'iWIA,OallY11114"4116iliNVO la ; 41 *61311