HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-08-16, Page 1enn Vol. XXIX BA; up your ••• • I • Ailf,i+i»!,.'= • . . ZURICH, THURSDAY PAORN,ING, AUGUST 16, I928, 11 Community by buying Goods in the ho 4. • , :rt. .÷ Erm NFP" ve-r , .,•444. IF ,), 51 11!F. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR THE ADVERTISING OF THE. "NEW KOLSTERP BATTERY AND BAT, TERYLESS SETS "AND THE NEW4. esch has been entered. For having hq- h Zuric 4. 4. 4. 4. A. 4. 4. 4. 4. LOW PRICES4. • IN MAGISTRATE1ISTRATE COURT Reckless driving was the charge in four cases before Mag. Reid, God-- erich the past week. These were all .' from the southern part of- the County hi three cases the line was $10 and costs , but'the fourth case -the penal: ty 'was $25 and costs, the driver in this case giving a particular glaring example of lack o contrei of his car. County, Traffic Officer Crich has brought in a number of cases but no • doubt the fact that • he is 'known to be patrolling lessens the speeding considerable. J. A. Myers cif Hay Tp., was found guilty in two counts on. Monday last. Far. keep- ing liquor for sale he was sentended to two months in jail, but an appeal, eii:eter 11 Omith, Publig1141 ' 114.21 11 TOW bl $1.50 IN ARRB,A.NS, $2 MAX .8B.01:EAIIMUR e to • 11 n 41,411........4nannunsa.vnaminfouonnannunonnuounno......4.anasenonmumenaarnam a. paw I a mo of $100 and Posts. Evid- +1 •, re or not acquired under his permit he • ence WEIS heard at Dashwood on char va4 444,44,0,00444440.4 0,4 4;,,0,1‘,.04, tv, 04 0040.0004.0444,0womolimu ges against Wallace McDougall of molesting foxes and disposing of fur -.40 .. .... i bearing animals without a license, stPt^ . Game and Fisnerios .Act. As the the charges being laid under the- :: BARGAINr', 7) A 71'1 4 TiiS • - .0.111161:11 •e: evidence ;^,ho'.vcd that the alleged off ences took place in the county of • ,Lomhton, the chars:es were clismiged i Received a ship-ment of waterproof Robes which 1 at retailing tar be- -. . z low Catalogue prices, get yours at 4, .. 44 . . 3 Special Price $12,,50 large size 0 l' FRED :. _ Llih1011 .,1 44p*42.0*$ 0,.:,.,t4. 04 t 0 4:4644,7,4<kt it,i),z- eK1-00.45,4,6100044,?,0.444.0*0'64%;•'q, .. 011aG•OSIRIV.i) saw Srg LI' haT BROWN'S Boot Shag WINDOWS FORITP.ELL LN EN- ,-• TERESTING STORY Orr NEW 8 • ..• ,, af SPRING !FOOTWEAR VASHIONS . ,,,,, 9 THEY ARE AUTHORAITIVE AS THE .LAST ISSUE ay VOGUE cv THEY WILL TittloRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW g and Hort. I. . 0 1. I, Can. III,41; Gcon• Ar. STANDARD OF VALUE AT 'ME MODERATE PRICES. 0 •, and ort. J.. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Only the best of Materials is g , f,rttic,, G. Eng. Gram., Agi. and in Hort. I. need. Bring then!: tr‘ rr.e.-4. sod you. are assured o uattefaction ; g 0, On a .rev o u1t, however, Mc- Dougall was fined $10 and costs and' default of payment is serving ilfto- on days in jail. For peddling with- out a license in Hullett Tp., Harry and cot. • A young man out late at night and runningshort of gas roused the .ker e pump at Dayfield When the keeper rei.:usecl co get up and ace, omodate him, he broke the lock of thc pny.tp and took enough gas to' get ho•no with. I-7ov this he was sossed ;z„,•‘;;) and ct. • Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT'.• .SehoOl. Exaraina • Voris condintLed Zr Con - u ionSchool, Juno, l'2- ha(' gr2dsto:Ilitg in the svh,lects in- • " ‘-V• • • a_jr,..47,,,Ft • 1047140,01113.100•110.010/5.4140r,- .2,40.1y,010Z40.1%;00;110*.al cm/ma.. 40 Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Hess were on a business trip to Exeter on Monda.y. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mcidinger of Exeter, were Sunday visitors in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Haist were Sunday visitors at the homa of Mr, and Mrs. Harry G. floss. Zinn of Toronto, :s visiting at • the home of her sister, Mrs, Josiah Geiger, Mr. Jeffrey, of Harriotiville, was a.Sundayy visitor at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. C. Weber. Mr. E. A. Deichert, of Detroit, vis- ited. his relatives here the pad week. .Rev. and Mrs. Roy M. Geiger and family of Cheley, .who are upon summer';' va.ation, Nwite week -end visitors with the former's parents, Mr,' and Mrs. Moses Gei:?:er. •• Mr. and 244:S.. Otto now(C.rs and family, and Mrs. Mary Stoner of ICinde, Mich., 1.:pent fo,,v days with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Grob and Mr. and Mrs. Urban Nile, Mr. Earl E. Wei,io nlli:o;.ed to God erich on Monday eveni:•-,e7, daugh- ter Ppr";t1)7-, vto had beep idSitiqg at that piv.,!e mtulned with Mr. and Mr. C. Ir. Joy and son KemiAli,. of lcfnv York City, return- ed on Tuesday. from a inotor tour. through the States of ai4k; , an4 New •Yerlc., They ,:arried their .:!qiliinnont such ai report they bave 171.d aq ing; On Tt,,,:v.iny 2, „I 1.1 gwt 7th, The most popular Line of Diam- ond Rings in Canada WE HAVE THEM- Hess, The isweiler COA I NOW IN YARDS EIGHT CAR LOADS , OF HIGH GRADE FUEL Scranton kithradte Min chead. Alberta,. Solvay Coke IVIILLER CREEK SOFT COAL, ALSO POCAHONTAS Cazaitea.Z,Z1, ENSALL "1`,. Phones -Office 10V. Rouge 'fa The Business Built By SeA•Ic,i. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. ..1" Our Stock of Spring '43 , -! • 1. '7' ' r • ,Su thr,! Ladies' ot ana dard, N. 1,1n.. Agr. and Lu an c„. 0„, f4.1.1 4.!". 1. 1 annusereary. A - whi C11 V.: ;IS ;.• i ' 0 -AI t: sl Suitable for the 0, r-,• -; •:1 HI, L 17,f. , f'; C.9n. -^,„ 4.4. 4. 4. 4. • o 4. ki;L'e Agr^, 4o1 7.1" I papers oil the .^..^.02.,je.^".,•" Fing. .Agr. anal Book,' Hort. 1. 4onted ji!ex hdwrer, C. Eir; Gram., ,Can. Hist.1 E..F. Klopy ,..„,„petively,.i17 O Gi.,:',H, l'i.f.. a:!fi lot. 1.. 1 youkine• busian-, w-1 t7.,.,..,.. tb, I ;•;',. t 'd ''' i an'd we invite yo - and T..o,t, 1, • masical and vocal numbe-es, was ren. En:.f. G:1.!ni., (leo. g. a • .^.Y d, re. f iv: shrn‘n i- -,v^i'e serve 1... ....:!*.i:AU,SIIII, S. Eng. Gram., Can. Hist., TL, .secraary,,i. n,port, ,Mrs. L. -Geog. . Prang's, which. WRS v..^.ry iotersting 1Vierner, C. Physiog., Arith., Latin zuni of historical value, revealed that Gram., Agr. and•Hort. 1. approximately $5000.00 were raised Stephen, E. Physiog., Anti., Agr. by the Aid during the twenty years ner Foot- wear for Neu, oys are now Women, Ji -t Girls complete '43F G. Lyg. Grain., Cmi. Hist thi program, v.-hich in; ste d of `'^i• 4. 4- 4. 4. 4. + „1•4.„ 4. 4. 4. 1• NkrigrEll-IF; qAbik:4741,-, SUCES COST LESS. , ,..: WINDOW' DISPLAY ' 2 SEE OZE T* R . 6 BiltVill ,. I! .,,,,,,, k -c.• if:7,1;F ,. t e 6 sze oefopyit czli:s. it,, • ,1:1;c, t .,, .1 ,., ,17 k--,. 1., ;„, k,C oird,oliedeiDegosatmemeaocee 41,04,4104Er0-4sittOttg/44ttl.o,"' (f1 , Evangelical Clio eh Note s ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY CHRISTIANS 'Same one has truly said, there are three types of Christians. 1 'Rowboat christians who have to zibe pushed. 2 Sailboat thristimis who always •,,,,..re ,, go with the wind. . il• ' 3 Steamboat. • Christians who go whm.o they ought to go regardless of 4• wind or weather. Another class. or A1111 W Ci are all ready to , 1 type of christian is like the camel, 4.• who will drink, enough water at one time to last hiin for days. So some '44 ' altp christians think that one good ser - 4, . J. Show you all the NE litsr * * vice al worship will last them in- i.i. , ,. 41. definitely. The chu.rch provides a .1,• Spiritual banquet on Sun day and an STYLJL.JS in *‘ oasis at the midweek service of 4 • prayer. Use it diligently. Every slims ? . • 4 . : church nerds the attender not the 'El5P COATS abseniec^, pillars, not sleepers; 'wings not weights; booswrs, not knockers; mosincir• •, •supporters, .not spougors; soldiers, 4> 47 44. ' • En!. ,i"; • • '',EZES OATS, CAPs 3 The finest range of made- to-rneas tire EtaatpieS ever shown -40 • • TIrr. tk , ri,Trilrititt, Subjee,t -"The Extraordinary bles sin& which • thd church offers to. GAS011(14 4trial,re elit'',.01110 ,,. 00.14,70 '',V, 44 or, worici." / ; le W. It Dr01.01' Patstot 1 A 0+4+14.44,44030434,00444444411.0.44n.tisiAta-44*.iffiAokiwitliekatt.004,04414,00 4ft, ' ' ' • I not •]&<c$; 'workers not • dro IM:1; 11:011ilY (.,Si not wasps.. Which, kind 9 am SUNDAY SERVICES Wersh:p./D A•M. Thibject-"God!.s Saving.," .Hcaltli • 'among the Nations." 11. e..tri.-Bible School, or. E. Gasehry, Snperintendent. of its existaneo. Thi .speaks well the Ladies' tid oAy and to7 with the social and moral in- in.i,•nce which it has exerted, tho ex- isLence of the .Society is well d. EMANUEL GEORGE REICHERT PASSES Death came 'as an avenue to re- lieve. the suffering of Emanuel G. Reichert, of the South Boundary, Stanley Township, on Thursd'ay, August .9th, at the St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, aged ' 44 years, 9 months and 18" -days. Deceased' was born in Stanley, and Iived there prac- tie.illy ali his life, and was welt and faverabily known by all whom he eanin'dontact with. About three weeks. ago he nit with an accident while turning the corner of the Blind Line and the Zurich Road, when he was hit by an auto, and thrown out of his rig with the result that he had several fractured bones, • in- cluding the which did not .3eiln to heal,. and he was at once taken to the Hospital. where :(verything was den, that' -medical science could do, and .egardleSs of at times he show- ed he 1 wooAer Until; he !Pell :a^dirp oi Thurs- cloy itiorning„,Which .ended 11;,s much t,ulI ung i3dog 10.10-m- ho N survived by three sons and tiute .datigW'rs;. One brother, of clay and two sisters, Mrs. A. :Price. of Stanoy, and Nla•y .1)111 1, tivd mother 41 The rernains,, were broilet to his late hem, and (nterNI to te...t in the Luthn'an Cemetery at Zurich on Son-. •day; i,ernoon;- the futeral beilig ex- ceptuwally largely • attenikd, Rev. L. 7Kalbj eisch, o ihdra, officiatod. The family has the most sincere heartfelt sympathy of their many friends i±L the mum:pity. Ford Sedan -In gadcl mechanical condilk,n, Rubber good $156. 1923 Ford Coupe -4 new tires„Uphols%ering like new. .Sea • .14 Grey Dort Touring, ready for the road, only 825, 1924 Ford Coupe, Baloon Tires; a Reel Bargain. McLaughlin Touring, a real bargain at 825.00 0..FRITZ re, FORD D -L-5 =,, Tires 30x31 $5.. to $6. to!: SECOND HAND FORD 1' .;" T.LIALli' PRICE 0,40•,* 00.08000000gal*.mmulmme,00M4..4,442 Spring and IVO miner When you start out to -do y Our spring and summer lim.yind come acre WE CARRY A NICE ASSORTME NT OF CIINGITAll74 PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SH/RTINGS, COTTONA.Da FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE, A PULL N OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOIISECLEAINTING, REPAIRS A. SPECIALTY, A PEESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. RN *5 micaL, a4 OENE1L marmoH T 11 - 97 14, .441.144.,, '•••41:10.40 , =.t.77-an.t...44.1""..4.7i.AnnnWn•A.n.....,404.1.0-1r0.44.44...4...47;•*.t1;44nnonni.on4.:401411VAnnkr"4;Artnww-lrmnentrenrrnst4.414i.24447411;14r44;444-1:41474;44.•,,c,14,11.,'