HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-08-09, Page 3°MARA 0
Golden Jubilee Year of
World's Largest Exhibition,
The Super Event of 1928.
14 -day period,' exhibits from
nearly every country; the first
public showing of 1929.motor
cars at Canada's National .
Motor Show; the Continent's
Premier Horse Show; First In-
nternational Air Craft Display;
the noted 2,200 Voice Exhibi-
tion Chorus; Band Concerts by
H.M. Royal Air Force Band
,(England), and other out-
standing musical organizations;
an entirely new Grand Stand
Extravaganza by .1,500 perfor-
mers on the world's .largest
stage, and the Premier Interna-
tional Sporting Event of the
The Third Wrigley
Marathon Swim
for a $50,000 purse and the cham-
pionship of the world; and an ama-
teur sports programme on land and
water attracting the recognized stars
of America and.. .but why at-
ttempt to touch upon even half the
high -lights of this, the greatest ex-
hibition in the world.
Why not come and see this Golden
Jubilee Year Celebration? Perfect
highways, reduced railroad and
steamship rates, ample accommoda-
uV�It \� President
Yea t i i R. v'• wATeRs,
General Manager
en your
Children Cry
f r It
A despatch from the north states
that the diamond: drill on the Area,
operating close to the Amulet beunnd-
ar3,, is now down about 397 feet, with
mineralization 'having been encounter-
ed. Tlie hole is headed for 500 feet,
at which point the management expect
to cut the ore body, It is further
stated that developments on the A>inu-
let are shaping up well:
Mining Briefs
The wires have been•humming, with
no less than three despatches coming
down from the Kirkland Larder -Lake
district and one from Rouyn, all within
the hour. The gist of one of
messages was . that It is uncle
that Lake Shore have reached a
of. 1,000 feet in. their- new provide shaft
are now cutting a station at that
The report continues ,that they
encountered a new vein running
aliel to the south vein and t
In crosscutting at the 300 -foot
Goodfish is reported to have p
up the extension of the vein the
encountered on the 150 -foot level,
to be well -mineralized and havi
width of approximately seven
Assays are now being. run. A in
man from that section who wa
town to -day stated that this co
should also be into their vein on
600 -foot level within a short time
shaft sinking the company picke
several veins. The workings at
feet; where the shaft is bottomed
the time, are also said ..to be in
The dope from Larder Lake
tained in a wire which states tha
the 500 -foot level Crown Reserve
cut into what Is believed to be
No. 2 vein, which had faulted w
worked by the old company.
was given as 34 feet, showing he
mineralization. No assays have b
made as yet.
Canadian Situation a Puzzle
go ma 1;13.46 to $13,59 and YSyl
valla,:from ,,$2.51•: to $2.58.
Average prices were higher for two
gold copper Stocks; Noranda rose front
$49.22 to $5'8.60, and Amulet thom
$4,14 to $4.62.
In the silver and miscellaneous
group the average ; price of Coniagas
fell, tl'Qm $4,42 to. $4.15,: and Beaver
from .99' to, .93, Mining Corporation
rose from $3.40 to $3,¢5,
Central Manitoba Mines Current
Arthur 13, Miles,president ' of the
Central ,Manitoba Mlnee, commenting
on the -current resources of the com-
pany, points out that those hairs bean
strengthened' by the option given pro
Grand Mines in the solo Claims, which
has netted $25,000 cash. Supplies at
the mine are suffiecient for nearly a
year, and are valued at $135,000. The
mill was operating on a basis now
where a surplus over all expenses
these maybe expected to accumulate each.
rstood i month from now forward.
depth • Canadian Bond Sales
t, and Canadian bond gales for the week
level. ended July 14th totalled $8,761,0.00; of
have which ''$8,490,000 were corporation
par- and $271,000 municipal issues. This
o --,.the brought the total sales •for ..the year
date to
$293,150,621, as compared
level, with $315,833,795 in the corresponding
irked period a year ago and $400,121,826 in
t was 1920. •
said of the total bond sales this year
ng 'a $271,278,000 have been corporation
feet. issues, while Government bonds rank-
ining ed second with $49,770,.000, municipals
s in third' with $16,706,626 and railway
mpany fourth with $9,296,000.
the Massey -Harris Company earned
• In $2.69 per share on its present com-
d up mon stock in the fiscal year ended
600 November 80th last. In view of the
for increase in sales and the new con- t
good nections made by the company this
year, the report for 1928 should show c
con- substantially better results. If notb-
t on ing untoward occurs before the har-
have vest, Canada will reap probably the
the largest crops in its history. This
here would further strengthen the hands
Width of farmers and enable greater num-
avy bers of them to equip their farms
sen with modern machinery, so. vital to
Ithe economic safety of agriculturlista
to -day
N oow�
Symptoms. That the Blood is
'Thin Should Not he Neglected
Weak, run-down, ,lacking strength,
.energy and ambition; lncrvous, sleep
less, poor appetite, digestion disturb-
are the symptoms ,named
by: a great majority of people who
have been benefitted by the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, The tonic
pills correct the condition described
and if you have any of 'these symp-
toms you:eltould give these pills a
trial, Their great value in cases of
this leind bi shown by the statement
of Mrs. James A. Tibbetts, Halifax,
N.S., who says: --"1 was completely
run down in health. , My blood' was
thin and watery, and my nerves so
bad that l "ad not sleep well at nigbt,
My appetite was poor and •the 1
exertion left me weak and trembl
When I' went out I would have a
vete headache, and would have to
down as soon as I got in the house.
A friend advised me to try Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. I soon found they
wore helping me and by the time I
had taken'
the sixth
box lfelt like a
new woman, and have .enjoyed good
health ever since. For this reeso
can highly recommend the pills
anyone run-down or troubled w
their nerves."
Not only do Dr. Williams? Pi
Brush Settlers
Below Demand
Ontario and Maritime Prov
inces Make Increasing
Ouebe4'.--Qana(*nand mand for Brit-
ish settlers has not been met 50 far.
tide year and by a considerable mar -
gip, declared Dr, W, J. Black, director
of the Canadian National Railways
Department of Amigration and Colo
ization, In making known, as he .sake
from- Canada for England July 2
aboard the Cunarder .Ansonia tha
1,400 new families were settled o
forme by this department within th
present calendar year.
Dr. Black, fornier Deputy Ministe
of immigration and Colonization a
Ottawa, spoke of the increasing call
from farmers asking for British far
workers. This demands,. he said, wa
particularly marked -ip. Ontario an
quite definite in the Maritime Prov
inces, the Canadian west being, ,also
1n need of more workers,
With reference to the apparent de-
sire of the Maritime Provinces to ab-
sorb many more British farm settlers,
trio C.N.1i.. director said that the need
n Ii was much greater there than last
to , year.
ith I The English-speaking settlers brought
out to Canada by the Colonization
nk1 Department of the railway had proved
emselves worthy of optimistic pre-
e1Firestone engineers fond
r that the Life of a tire depend*
sI ' as much upon the flexing life of
m the cords of the carcass, as
s ! Upon the toughness of tho
d 1 tread.
- To
extra t3treani;tlly
stamina, and long wear, Fire-
stone dips the cords of the
carcass in a rubber solution.
This saturates and insulates
every strand of every cord,
minimizing internal friction
and gives thousands of extra
miles. The Firestone Dealer
in your locality Will gladly serve
you, and save you money.
Hamilton, Ontario
Pills help the nerves. Their m
function is to enrich and increase the
blood, and as the blood supplies the
whole body, new life is given to the
entire system. Better sleep, steady
nerves, improved appetite, increas
vigor—all these can be yours by to
ng Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Beg
hem to -day. Sold by all medici
dealers, or, by mail post paid, at
este a box from The Dr. William
Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
airs th
dictions, it was learned from Di-.
Black, and they were apparently well
contented with conditions as they
found them. This, he felt, was due to
ed the rigid methods, of ,selection em-
k- ployed in the work of enlisting these
in ' settlers. There were, of course, said
ne Mr. Black, a few cases of disappoint -
50 merit over wages paid in Canada, but
a' that was inevitable considering the
large number dealt with.
The colonization director will spend
several weeks in Great Britain, it is
understood, studying conditions likely
to affect immigration to Canada next
f- year. He announced that he would
he attend a conference of officers of the
a, organization in London. R. L. Stead,
a secretary to the immigration secre-
h tart' accompanied him aboard the
a• Ausonia.
New York—Commenting on the
Canadian Exchange situation, the
ew York Times says:
Bewilderment has existed in W
Street .this week over the lack
large gold shipments from Canada
New `'York at this time, as a resul
the record discount of 3-8 of 1
cent. on Canadian Exchange. It
realized, of course, that the banks
Montreal have little of the metal
spare for export, and that added
penseinvolved In bringing gold h
from. Ottawa, but even so the pres
discount should be bringing large s
plies. from the- Dominion. A 1
shipments have been made since
first o2 June, but the total, less
$24,000,000, is smaller than wo
ordinarily come here in a few days
the face of such an exchange disco
as prevails at present. • As a rule
exchange rate would be. steadied
the shipment of gold or, if that cou
were not considered desirable by t
Canadian financial authorities, cred
would be 'botained which would c
rect the present situation. The d
count is attributed to the heavy mov
meat of Canadian funds to New Yo
based on the high money rates her
Noranda's "H" Ore Body Grows—
Smelter Recovery Up—What
Will Seven Other Zories
Show at Depth
Noranda management for some
little time past has been concentrat-
ing on proving the dimensions of the
No. "H" ore body, which, from being
a minor grade' ore zone at shallow
horizons, has attained foremost rank
among some eight ore bodies already
opened up in the mine. Proving full
dimensions 'is a big job, because the
zone is a big one. Drills from points
in the shaft and lateral workings have,
etrated the further reaches of ore
and west, and between 600 and
feet length, mostly In high-grade
erial has been indicated. This is
length so far, the width evidently
g 121 feet.
0 from these workings is going
the smelter. Officials won't' say
smelter results are, but the daily
tment is up to 800 tons. A2ixing
$50 material from the "H" ore
with the general run of mine
, which averages ' $'23 per ton,
very in copper and • gold is esti-
d to be better than $30 per ton,
h would mean an annual rate of
0,000. '
e second half of the smelter will
to operation next month.
at will the "H" ore body show
.1,000 feet?
at will the seven other ore bodies
between 1,000. feet and 606 feet
iso below 1,000 feet? These are
ions the future will answer, and
tock, which is no v more than
elow the recent high, will reflect.
°intents as they are reported.
Mining Stook Index
weighted index of seventeen
g stocks computed by the Do-
in ]Bureau of Statistics on the
N li).
Vandalism in England
J. L. Hammond In the Nation and
.Athenaeum- (London): (Modern e
flciency threatens to destroy t
beauty of English towns and village
while the wealthy will not spend
penny to prevent it). Private wealt
to -day looks coldly on such object
The new rich In the fifteenth century
built town churches ; the new rich in
he Industrial Revolution, ill as they
erved the towns, kept up the great
states. To -day the Iast family es-
tates are passing, and with them the
tradition that preserved these ameni-
ties. The newest rich have not in-
herited that spirit. The desperate et- �j� ��w►
forts that'are needed to save any
threatened masterpiece show how I
etibordinate a pinee"the,care of beauty
to 1 In Summer When Childhood
t of
ex -
• to
go in
and a
Castoria is a comfort when Baby is quest
fretful. No sooner taken than the lit- the s
tle one is' at ease. If restless, a few $10 b
drops soon bring contentment, No demi
harm done, for Castoria is a baby'
remedy, meant or . babies. Perfectly
safe to give the youngest infant; you The
' t tho doctors' word for that! I,1 mkinin
is a vegetfi ire pl'odac� mild Ydtk Cotlld mini°
use it every day. But its : in an base
onlergency that Castoria means most. week
Some night when constipation must, with 1
be relieved—or colic' pains--er other
offering. Never be without it; some! Gold
fiaother5 keep au extra bottle, un- Noran
O nod, to mailer? Sure there Will al. to 295.
108.5. r
of 3.926-100 W05 137.6 for the
ending July 12, as connpared
33.7 for the week ending July 5.
copper Stocks represented by
da and Amulet rose 'from 270.3
4. Eleven gold stocks fell frons
to 8. , our silver and nils-
Dons stoats rose from 85,3 to
ng the gold the stocks: averaged
y i behaved s,
$ q $23,39,
runt' iron?, $4,50 to $4.01, and,
nd Lake front ; 1.50
rose from, $8,26' to $5.45, Hol
ys bo Ca.storia in the house, It is! 108.3
eective for older children, too.; read l cellae
th0 book that comes, With it. 85.9,
pr ceS as follows:
re fell from - 25,07 t
a$ to $1.43
• Ailments Are Most "
Mothers who keep a box of Baby's
Own Tablets in the house may :Peel
that the lives of their little 'ones are
reasonably eafe during the' hot weal -
Stomach troubles,- cholera in=
fantum and diarrhoea carry off thou-
sands t(1 little ones every summer, in
most cases because the mother does
not have a safe medicine at hand to
give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets
relieve these troubles, or if given oc-
casionally to the well child they will
provent their coming on. The Tablets be
are guaranteed.to be absolutely harm- lik
less even toy the new-born babe. They sq
are especially good in "summer be- ing
takes in the 'imagination of the rich
(Yet an•anonymous donor has given
great sum to the Chancellor of th
Exchequer). What kind of man ca
he be who thinks that the nation wi
be much happier fifty years hence
the national debt 1s reduced by ten o
twenty millions, and that it will no
much more- miserable of buildings
e the Foundling disappear, if the
uares are buried under sky -scrap
flats, if Oxford and Cambridge are
oilt .. , and if hundreds of quiet
lages lose the last vestige of their
turesque and interesting past?
atural Resources in the West
Edmonton . Journal. (Ind. Cons.)
anitoba has come to an arrange-
nt with the Dominion Government
cerning its natural resources, leav-
the question of compensation to
settled. Alberta is not so eager
demand compensation.) What par-
ularly appeals to Alberta in this
g -hoped-for' return of the natural
curses is the prospect of getting
session df itself, so that it may
k out its ,own future on its own
ponsibility and initiative. Hereto -
it has never been mistress in its
house, and it wants to be. Mani-
, It is true, is getting control in
meantime, with a prospect of com-
sation in 'the end, and if there is to
compensation to one province it
naturally be a precedent for the
ere. But until further light comes
the. question, feeling in Alberta
Iikely be in favor of a less exact -
basis of settlement for the sake of
ng the rights of-self-deterntina-
- "Ah, it's love that makes the world
a go round."
o "Bunk! Don't you know you're
n drunk?" -
11 — P ---
if Emigration
✓ Marquis of Tavistock in the Man -
t • chester Guardian: It is abont time
1 that this country and the Dominion
realized that, human nature heirs
- , what it is, parents of a normally a
Ifectionate disposition will not sen
their immature offspring to the othe
• side of the world, nor will childre
Inormally be willing, while still 1
their teens, to say ,good-bye to thel
, homes for a long period of years and
I perhaps for lite. It is also high
;time that the fact was faced that the
man for whom an overseas home
Mutt be found whenever possibIt 's
not the rather scarce, trained agricul-
tural worker, but the wholly untrain-
ed urban dweller with na money at
all to contribute to the cost of his
passage. There are, of course, some
town men and women, who never will
make satisfactory emigrants, but
there are thousands, perhaps mil-
lions, of others who only need train-
ing. They are the real problem,
and it is something of a mockery to
talk about opportunities- overseas and
the cry of the Dominions for settlers
as long as their case is ignored.
Little did the barefoot boy of only
a few years ago shying scalers over
the mill pond realize that he was de-
monstrating the basic, element of the
modern airplane.
cause they regulate the bowels and
keep the stomach sweet and pure.
They are sold by medicine dealers or
by mail ,at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
World's Rest Enter
Third Wrigley Swim
Canadian National Exhibition
Will Witness Greatest
Swimming Event
Ever Staged
Practically every civilized country
of the world will e represented in the
Third Wrigley Marathon. Entries
have been received from Australians,
Poles, Austrians, Finns, Norwegians,
Italians, Hawaiians, Germans, South
Africans, French, Spanish, Swiss,
Armenian and English. To date no
Japanese, Chdnese, Siamese nor
Turks have signified their intention
to participate but even this is not too
much to expect.
The huge money prizes have at-
tracted the very best athletes of the
world in this division of sport;
Adrian of Australia, coach of the
famous "Boy" • Charlton; , Finlay of
Australia, winner of the King's Cup
in England In 1911; Vierkoetter of
clermanj, the present world's cham-
pion; Young, the conqueror of Cata-
lina; "Flying Fish" Summers of Cali-
fornia; Michel of Prance, who twice
swam the English Channel; Creegan,
who holds the Hudson River record
from Albany to New York, 150
miles; and scores o1 others who,
while not so' famous, have all won
noteworthy swimming eyeuts that.
called for speed and endurance.
Vierkoetter's troubles, caused by
the•apparent inability of his manager,
17rlch Ba,rranchee, to have his leave
of absence extended have now been
Settled and he will defend his title,
against the greatest field of competi-
tors ever gotten together. He Is nota
worrying unduly and says that 151
)riles sv..ita him egiialiy Ss well as al
longer distance. fie Is in a wonder -1
condition and shoulcl reheat his'
victory o1 last year in record time. i with an alkali: The best way, the
Rubber wrist watches are the latest
fad on southern beaches, but it takes
more than a. rubber watch to stretch
el 0 4/
pot voubles
Liao to Acid
Most Miles per Dollar
GUM•DIIP ,,pj TI :.: ES
The Color Bar in South Africa
London Economist: All who are
concerned with the permanent rote?¢
ests of South Africa, and not with
the actual interests of any given In-
dustry at the moment, will agree that
a foundation of low -paid, low -stand-
ard, uncivilized labor is not likely to
carry above it a really healthy coo-
iety. What then? Are we to have
a "white labor". policy, with color
bars and a steady ousting of the na-
tive by the white, however inefficient
the latter• may be and however elkie-
ent the former? No one seems able
to give a satisfactory answer to the
question, either where the adequate
supply of suitable white labor is to
be found, -or what is to be done with.
the displaced natives.
Keeping a band of hired Indiana
a at a point on a western railroad to
a; give 'travelers what 'they expect the
West to be, seems something like
d ; turning Westward Ho, into *est.
r i ward, Ha,- Ha! 1
n '.•u.-..
fi,1NCir: movers of Canada. Largest(
t�t;eedy padded vans, New Ecruipment-
latest methods. Two experienced men
1•every trip, All loads insured. • Beyond
compare for skill and care. Before yell
move, wri_t�,e us or Nvke, and reverse the
charges. Fend office Hamilton- Ontario
Canada. }%.tit th. Mover.
When the trainemerged at last
from the tunnel the young lovers
looked flushed and happy. "That tun-
neI," ho said, "cost £20,000." "It
was worth it alI," she whispered.
-- _
Minard's Liniment -Universal remedy
lyisay people,- two hoiirs after eat.
big, suffer indigestion as they call it.
It is usually excess add, Correct it
mainecl • for BO years the standard
with phs.siciaite, One spoentul in
'water noutrai,izas many 1111105 Its
'voltUne In stomach acids:, tend at Once.
Good breeding le tilts art et man:mite:11.°ft VaY,
bag men, by external signs, the inter,. 4t has re-
nal regard we have for therm
arises frets good sense, improved by;
Conversing with good coinpany.—i
28 teazles We:weapon, it craw, $12.00. Post
Paid. Other Tetescopes, Field Glasses
and Microscopes to choose from. Handy
to have anywhere. Send for list. .eibmixe,
optical Co.,—Ittil:7 123 8th Ave. West.
Dept. 16, Calgary, Alta.
Vacation !
When you are going on vaca-
tion take a bottle of Minard's
along. You'll need it for sun-
-burns. bites, etc.
Helped by Taking Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound
Grainlartcl, Sask.—"1 am glad that
I heard of that good Lydia B. Pink -
ham' s medicine and
1 will not be with.: 1
out it again. 1 was
so sick that could
not work at all anal
could not sew on
the machine. Ity
aunt told me of
Lydia E, Pink–
ham's Vegetable
am telling all of
friends how
anwerwi 6 ,,,good it is and wig,
Seek. eneebetwease
T+011 will never nee crude ethoda
when yen know thie, better thea,
And yeti 'will never stiffer from
acid When you prove out this ea
relief, Please do that—for. yirtir ow
Be sure, to get the genaine
Milk of Magnesia preecribed by
physicians for 50 years in orrecting
excess acids, Each bottle conteins
clirectitnts--eany drugstore.