HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-08-09, Page 1• • VOI. XXIX Bail ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 9, [928, cheater M Smith, Punakilt ' 111.36 4; Weir ro Uliplarlitk *I.50 IN ARR15...1.11S% $2 MAT IiE QIIAIZONV your own CoMOrfunity-broyjmg.Goous in the home town • %fp HAY TowNiftip scHoLARskin, -.-- * • * +1 + For High School Entrance *. ,ti• ' The High School Entrance Scholar KO LSTER • .47.• • WATCH THIS SPACE FOR THE ADVERTISING OF THE "NEW KOESTER" BATTERY AND BAT- TERYLESS SETS AND THE NEW LOW PRICES I E Oesch Agent Zurich 4 -+ 8 4 8 8 -+48 • 43; ships awarded by the Council of Hay Township were won as follows: 'First of $27.50, Hugh McEwen, No., 10 Hay; total.608 marks.. Second of .$16.50, Elda Gingerich, No. 6, Hay; total 607. Third of $11.00 Richard Bedard, No. 7, Hay; total 605. These three scholarships are given annually. Three Suggested for Huron County Office The hoard of management of the 4.. Huron County Children's Aid Sod- -;**., +++4444 444444.„t.1: ety met in Magistrate's office the 'other day to deal with the ions for the position of superintend- , ent and inspector of the society.The vacancy was caused by the resignot- -• sion of G. M. Elliott, of Goderish, '4 BARGAINS BARGAIN ; who resigned after many years of -* 1, faithful service. 34 applications -a* -1* Received a shipment4of waterproof Robes which 1 am retailing far be- .: la alogue rices, ow et your's at t pg 4-1 Special Price $12.50 large size • FRED THIEL - ZURICH tit********************•••••••••••**********SIL • •••••••••••••••••••••••eoeseee0.400400001144000411440•0 Newest Fashion Thoughts I In Spring Footwear BROWNS- Boot Shop WINDOWS FOIL L AN 'IN - 1 TERESTING STORY OF NEW , AgOt- 0 49 THEY ARE ALIITEORVavE AS TEE !LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE II • THEY WILL IMPOiSS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW 'II I SPRING FOOTWEAR FASHIONS STANDARD OF VALUE AT THE MODERATE MKS& REPAIRING NEATLY DONE '.0aly the 'beet a maierigte the llseason of Wm. L. Keys., he was used. Bring tient tid ate, and you .aro assured of liatie2wation r . MIME GOOD SHOES •COST LESS. SEE klYint • .,:nr,d,e41 Mr. E. Peine of Detroit, is visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. H. Yungtaut. Miss Alberta Finlay of the Town Line has returned from Detroit, Mr. Janes Scott, the new barber, visited at his home in Blyth over the week -end. Norma,n Buchanan of Peter- hof°, renewed Acquaintances in town on Mlindak. • 1Mr. and Mrs Truemner and family motored to, Parkhill on Sunday. 11/Liss Tillie Miller of Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Sylv. Witmer. Little Dorothy Weido is spending a week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. were received and 14 of these were and Mrs. Fred. Turner, at Goderich. • Mr. Well. Hybein of Listowell cal- led at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' Garnet Jacobe one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Feldruppe and two children of Cleveland, Ohio, called on friends in the village on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe and son Laird, Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Jac- obe •and daughter Susie, spent Sun- day at Parkhill. Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich, and son Oliver from Toronto, were •Tuesday visitors at the home of Mr. Mr. Gerald Denomme of Detroit: Thomas Johnson. spent a few days with •his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Denomme. Messrs. Rejinue and Doret Corri- voted on by the bbard. It was de-. cided to recommend to J. J. Kelso, Provincial Secretary • of the Child- ren's Aid Society, the appointment of one of the three applicants receiv- ing the most votes. .As a result of the vote, Robert. Turner, reeve of Goderich; H. T. Edwards, tax collect or of Goderich; and J. J. Hayes, warden of Huron County, were re- commended for the position. • DRYSDALE • Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Bender of List- owell and son Roy and daughter •Lilly, visited the week -end at the veau were guests at the home of home of Mrs. B. Pfile. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corriveau last . and Mrs, Hartman Steinbach, .of Iretioit, aid Mr. Daniel Stein- bach of Holly, Mich., were the week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Stade Mr. and Mrs. Sovereign Ducharine of the 14th Concession spent Sun- day at the home of M. and Mrs. John Ducharine. The many friends of Miss Cecelia Laporte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3. B. Laporte, will be happy to learn that she is improving from her rec- ent very serious illness. • STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr.and Mrs. Arthur Peck, of Akron, Ohio, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dowson and other friends in this vicinity. Mrs. J. T. Keys of Babylon Line is visiting at present with her daugh ter Mrs. Austin Sturdy of Goderich Tenntship. Mn. Thos. Stephenson who under- =ent an operation in Clinton Hospit- al. Dad week is progressing favorably. A former highly respected resid- tail oaf Stanley Township passed a- ,. • 'may in Seaforth on Friday last in Brown's EDDI 1 Ininn wort the Babylon Line,. Stanley, comer 76 years ago where he contin- axed to live till about 12 yearss ago -token he and his wife quit the farm :and moved to Seaforth. Four ye- Aimutew EssoLvir 3 ars .ago ire suffered a struke from velitch he never recovered and which 110111104111101410011410119esseellOwitleeleasesmkeimilmaelleaGee Thad Ihtm aside from active We. Mr. Kelm -was a fine type of Christian 4**************4114********************************* 0 manhood, always a faithful attend- ii.SPRIN(; Is Here • 4 8 -And We are . all ready to.. * I Show yu all the NE r' tIOST STYLES in SHINS TellP (COATS BIOSIERY IMES •ki••" IMIRWIS • • • • *• The finest itwange of made -to -mess- :• • ure samples ever shown • • 4* Li- NV OFFMA21* • •41, oASCHOlt emu) lit SE ev * • ********************* • o******************w**** * '151 .:aft :a church services, he took an active interest in religious and social woik, he was also active tu public ate'wing served for a number of years in, Stanley Council. Besides his bereaved wife he is savived by A family of five children: Iti'm Jas. :smutf Seaforth; Mrs. Melvin Tal - ht :and Mrs. J. McAsh of Stanley; Art. R. Keys of Babylon Line and Mem. J. M. Keys. The funeral was lnIld on Sunday to Bayfield Cem- etery. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith and lam:illy spent the week -end visiting Mrs.. Smith's sister near Chatham. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH — ONT. SUNDAY SERVICES Worship 10 A. 'M. Wfll be omitted on August 15th and 1.2th. 11 SchoOl, • J. E. Ga4cho, Superintendent. Worship: 7.30 P. M. Rev. C. Schrag will. have charge of the evening •serViees. /.., V. Dreier. Pakitof •• Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weide were Monday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner, Goderich, they also took in the raves at that place. Mr. Edgar Brown spent Sunday evening the guest of' his uncle Mr. Wm. Finlay. Mr: Brown and Miss Finlay leave this week for two we- ek's vacation at Hayfield. At the meeting of Hay Council on Tuesday a resolution war palmed div- iding the Township of Hay into five divisions for weed inspection purpos- es: Div. No. 1 is composed of Cons. 1, 2, and 3 under supervision of Mr. W. W. Chapman; Div.. 2, Cons. 4, 5, 6 and 7 under Mr. C. Sibmon; 3, Cons. 8, 9, 10 and 2i: under Mr. David' Dueharme; Div. 4,, Cons 12, 13, 14, and 15 under Mr. W. H. Haugh; Div. 5, Cons., 15, 1:7, L. ME. and L. R. W. under Mr. C: C. Schilbe The Provincial Government is mak- ing the destruction of noxious weeds compulsory and Weed Inspectors The most popular Line of Diata,, and Rings in Canada WE HAVE THEM Hess, The Jeweller COAL NOW IN YARDS +Mt EIGHT CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRADE FUEL, Scranton Anthracite Minehead Alberta Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL ALSO POCAHONTAS H E N SALL ONT. Phones—Office lOw. Nouse Olt, The Business Built By Soorrirm, 4. 4. 4. 4. Spring FOOTWEAR 1 Our -Stock of Spring and Summer Foot- • wear for. Women, IMen, Boys and Girls are now complete ▪ and we invite you 40. AL, .1r 41.• 14, 8 + +. Ford Sedan—In good rnechaniczd condition, Rubber good $163.. 4: 1923 Ford: Coupe -4 new tires, Upholstering like new. .Sen. - it* 1.. + X •'5' 4. Grey Dort Touring, ready for the road, only $25. •! 4. ÷ 4. 1924 Ford Coupe, Saloon Tires; a Real Bargain., + Ir• ...r. -* --t., , 4.. McLaughlin Touring, a real bargain at $2.5:90 .. . + , ..b. ..*, I 3:: C. FRITZ & SON ,.. ...,,,.. have power to inspect air Ands am:i i : • .. enforce the Act. Noxious weeds :+ + ,. es 3Ox3$5. to $6. ti- Dri FORD DEALERS • are becoming a menace to the farm- Batteries -1. .E. ers and the rigid enforcement of that i 4- Act will not only beautify the land11: SECOND HAND FORD PARTS .AiT HALE PRICE' I but also help the farmers‘ to raise :t. - •*. more and better crops. * +44++++++++++++++++++.144-4-4-4-1-34++++++144+-24-31-t4* DIES IN THE LAKE AT GRAND . BEND -1 • ..David Kennedy, 14-year-eld son -6f Mr.. and Mrs. Alphin Kennedy of Tor onto, lost his life at Grand Bend on Sunday. Heart trouble is believed to be the cause of death,. as no wroter was found in his lung after recov- ery of the body, which occured a- bout five minutes after the lad, in company with his Mole sister, had rushed into bathing. Three doctors worked over the body for a long time, but without restoring any trac- es of life. Dr. O'Dwyer, of Zurich, and also Coroner of Huron County, decided that an inpuest was unneces sary. The boy had been working on the farm of Harrt,, Purdy, north of Hensel' for about a month and his parents and young sister carne up ov et the week -end to visit him and took him along to the Bend for an outing 'on Sunday with the above results. The boy was a good swiinmer and of • such athletic prowess that he had won the intermediate championship for his age at the exhibition at Tor- onto two years ago. His parents • feel that the strain of the athletie training had weakened his heart and this with the sudden plunge caused death. The body was returned to Hensell and from thoN taketta Tor- onto for burial, 4. ••••••••••••• Spring and Summer GOODS When you start out to do year spring and summer buying come Here WE CARRY A NICE ASSORTNT OF GINGHAM -S.. PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SHIRTING% COVEONADE FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE; A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING. HARNYISS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. . N. POUSLAS. • GENERAL 1WMVONA PHONE' 11 .,97 rElLAKE 4 1 •