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Zurich Herald, 1928-08-05, Page 8
4UkICH HERALD The Store with the Stock Mid —Summer Clring SALE] Beginning Saturday, July 28th Closing Saturday, August 1 l th We look upon this Mid -Summer Clearance Sale as an Event to Our Mutual Interest. It enables you to procure your Summer Goods .and Hous_hold Needs at a great saving in price, and it also enables us to 4elear up stocks of Summer Goods still on hand. We both benefit. Our Sales are known as Real Money Saving Events. We can only List a few ,!ore of the many Bargains below,: SHC:' EARLY for best Choice, as Quantities naturally are limited. WE OFFER Clean Dependable il,,,00ds at this Sale. No cheap 'rash carried in stock at any time F '''r REMEMBER; , We , give coupons with all cash sales except sugar per 100 lbs, entitling you to Wm. Rogers Guaranteed Silverware or Dinnerware in Gold Band decoration Free of charge. GROCERIES Corn Flakes, at per Box Castile Soap, Large bars, 6 for Pearl White Soap, 11 bars for Brooms, 5 String for Jar Rubbers, 4 for ;Macaroni, 3 lbs. for Rose Brand Baking Dates, per pound Rice, No. 1, 3 lbs. for Sugar Crisp Cookies, 2 lbs. for 10c 50c 39c 25c 25c Powder, 1-1b. tin for 19c 10c 25c 25c SUGAR Redpath Granulated at ...... .. $6.50 Redpath Golden Yellow at $6.20 •!Dominion Granulated at $6.25 GET YOUR SUPPLY FOR CANNING NOW! SEE BILLS FOR THE BALANCE OF GOODS LISTED J. GASCHO & SONS P1-..iduL Wanted Phone 59 l�'b`rn-r++. -i-•Ih:F�••.'..-�r�=rh4'•:••�•����:�fi'o ��Y �y��•� •F••T �°dr•i••i •E•�•�: oL•; r•sv•; ANNOUNCEMENT + PFR 7 have beenappointed Adirect SO RIC]AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING L N for TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS GE fir WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. -rARISTOCRAT OF ITHE LOW PRI- ' V HIPPLT FOUR CED FIELD. SEE IT ;• DRIVE IT; COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE, A TRIED • AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY S y THE LOWEST PRICEY) SIX ON IIS IPPET IX. THE MARKET. A CAR WITH A SOUND REPUTATION r TWO MODELS, PROVIDED WITH yy 3•TS Knight THE FAMOUR SLEEVE VALVE MOTOR. IF IN NERD OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. A SATISFACTORY DEAL ASSURED, BESIDES: "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" ll Monsseau Zurich a4111••**all4090§1 6 ik0111f:PYWI*N 411111/NN Mf41411116.0 • a Harvest Time Will soon be here again and we would urge the / fanners in making these preparations not to ne- gleet to leave your order *for binder twine with us as we have the old and reliable GOLD MEDAL AND WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU TITY. ALSO A GOOD SUPPLY OF PLYMOUTH Xi CALLED FOR SIZES. BE SURE AND ROPES. ALSO THE FAMOUS LOUDEN TRACKS • GOOD -YEAR Tires for long Service w • • • • • I • • s • . • • • a • • 1 • WITH ANY QUAN- • ROPES IN MOST I SEE OUR SLING • AND CARRIERS. and durable 1 • If in need of new furniture, don't . forget; we have it! STADE ZURICH -- ONT. •••••••••••••••••••••4440••••••••••••••••••••••••••. We are Our Selling Summer Materials at Creatly Reduced Prices Summer Dress Goods, Ladies . Vests, Bloomers, Nightgowns, Slips, Hosiery, Etc., in some cases at Half Price All Men's, Boys' and Children's Straw Hats up to 35c at 15c. YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 J. W. MERNER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. A. Klein ds visiting at the home of Mr. Thomas Johnson. Master Stewart Koehler of Baden is visiting his Zurich friends at pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler vis- ited relatives at Kitchener and Bad- en over the week -end. Rev. and Mrs. L. Kalbfleisch and babe of Elmira, are visiting with relatives in the village. Misses Muriel and Mabel Preeter, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with fri- ends in town. 'Mr. Wm. Major, of Toronto, is spending his vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gascho and family attended a family reunion at Crosswell, Mich., on Sunday. Mr. Milton Heyrock of Detroit, spent Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. S. Rennie. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wurm and Miss Ida Routledge spent Wednesday at Port Stanley. Misses Bulah, Rosaleen. and Pearl Surerus of Kitchener, are visiting with friends in the village. Mr. Alex. Carrigan and children, of London, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Thiel of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz and family of South Bend, Ind., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess. Miss Elizabeth Truemner, who spent a week visiting friends in the village, has returned to her home in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Routledge, and family have returned to their home on Dutton, after spending their vacation at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Jos. Routledge. Mr, and Mrs. Emery Ruby and two children of Kitchener, are sp- ending their vacation at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, S. Ruby. Mr. and Mrs. A. 1?. Hess and Fam- ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Schultz of South Bend, Ind., were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bissett, Saltford Heights. Mr. J. Decher, Jr., our noted St- andard bred horseman, is' at present developing a very promising three year old filly which commands recog- nition and comment. Just the other day a local prominent horseman on the local track drove this prom- ising colt an eigth of a mile in ex- actly 15 seconds, which is indeed a marvelous speed, considering the lit- tle amount of actual training the colt has had, and goes to show with- out a doubt that it will be one more of Mr. Decher's string of "Good, Ones." In the Magistrate's Court On Saturday last an Ashfield far- mer was -fined $5 and costs by Magis- trate Reid, Godcrtr't for selling: sweet clover seed not grctc.ed in eon- travention of the Seeds Act. The offence was committed in March last the information being laid by a Gov ernniant inspector. For having liq- uor unlawfully a Wingham man was fined $100 and costs. For driving a car while intoxicated a Toronto man was sent to jail for seven .days; a Goderich man was tined $5 and costs for driving without proper lights, and for speeding another offender was assessed $5 and costs; County Traffic Officer Crich getting his snap in Hullett t .unship; A fine of $25 and costs was imposed in :a '<cirranir" case. LOCAL MARKET& Live Hoge cwt....,.., Butter, Ib. tee' Eggs ...• ..... ... ...22424-28'. Dried apples lbs 9' Flour Wheat ..... .. ... .1.6:®, Barley .... .. ... .. ..00i Buckwheat .. ... ..1.:00 Shorts per ton ... ... Bran per ton .,. (Corrected every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in 'Ontario- Atnount of Iusiaranee al Risk Olt Dee, 31, 1927, $22,965,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds 115.0,579,88 Raters $4.50 per $1,G&a for S years. E. E. Klopp—Zurich Meat, Msa Dealer is Lightaind Rods and ail kinds of Fire Insurance MILLINERY Fine Display i 1 OF. t elt Hats JUST ARRIVED AND WE ASK 1 ALL LADIES TO GET YOUR'S WHILE THE SUPPLY AND CHOICE'I5 GOOD. THE PRICES ARE RIGHT WE CAN ASSURE YOU, AND THE . QUALITY GOOD. ALSO, A SPECIALLY FINE ASSORTMENT FOR YOUNG- GIRLS OUNGGIRLS IN THE TEEN AGES. ifs CALL AT THE - HAT SHOPPE EARLY AND GET FIRSTCHOICE GIVEUSA CALL % V. _ N . SIEBERT' To Our Patrons: 'At this time of the year we find onr books carrying considerable accounts that are in most rases long overdue and should have been paid before this.. We are very pressed for money just now and are obliged,! to mail out accounts, and trust that our customers will appreciate the credit extended to them by acting promptly, as Ave are badly ih teal of thilt money to meet our obligations, —Trio rroprietolc, 4114+++++.1-1144++++++.44•14:144+4+++++41++++++++4414. I Seasonable Hardware th Spring is here and we can supply I e Public with Seasonable Hard- .ware at moderate prices 4.4. 4. A NUMBER OF, GOOD SECOND HAND ST,UVES VERY 4. 4, CHEAP, 4. 44 4. • We sell Ideal Incubators and Brooders 4. FENCING NCINGr 4. 'I' • A CARLOAD OF LLTNDYS' L17CKY TIE .IW1E '0`` RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN COIL, BARB, BRACE T AND ` STEEL POSTS, - " 7 i, • TIRES. AND TUBES `ill. + • A PULL LINE OF, GUTTA PERCHA TIRES. NONE SEWER + PAINTS AND VARNISHES + GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN ISENOUR 100% PURE PAINT, & ▪ AFULL: LINE OF CH'INAMEL, VARNISHES, AUTO•ENLM jS. it ALSO PULL LINE OF, MURESCO,W04 '41.., + FURNITURE 4' Fill Line of Furniture in Living RoomSuits, Dining Roam'' * Suits, Bed Room SSuit9, If itohe Cabinets. Reed Rockers, and Chair A number at'Eee _ :G�Ny Reda ec d Pte r erte . 'II. Good Supply of fatuous SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS AND T. 'F4 4. MATTRESS. BEWARE OP SUBSTITUTES. 4 4. • BRING IIS YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRON. WE' .j + I PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES.iiki i PULL SUPPLY DP KRAUSER SMOKE'a'" + CUR 4. JOhliSt011 80 Kaibflejsch 4.4 I Hardware it Furniture.f Phone 63 1 4 Auto Insurance FIRE AND THEFT TO PROTECT YOUR. INVESTMENT YOU SHOULD INSURE JOUR CAR AGAINST FIRE AND THEFT. YOU INSURE YOUR BUILDINGS. THEN WHY NOT YOUR CAR WHICH Fb 'S MORE LIABLE TO BE DESTROYED. O1 SY azag aloof 8agv'W AS $3.00 AND' THEFT AT $2.500.. .'“DO IT NOW!" Before you Invest----INVESTIGATEt Andrew, F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO4--SERVICE ANTI BAlr',BTY! Have You MADE YOUR WILL? tee. JUIN WARD Drugless Fraction eer and Optician ' MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 70 At this time of the year serlu; everybody is about to renew their: papers or magazines. We wiehtes advise the public that we are is many case's sole agents for daily. weekly papers and all ,magarinew and will give you reductions OO.nr, en moolat • of gLese iihat will estate prise you(. If you are about tib renew your reading shatter, ice.. come and see •nsq, and be ©onvit: ed, :Herald Offices ,, -:--*-----_.,� ----lir-,-a�--�►--+-----apt - T SUITS SUITS To the man who regards a well dressed !appearance, we recommend you to 'come and look over our fine range o NEW SPRING S ITNGS: WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR MONEY 'GLADLY' REFUNDED. DEID. ALL OUR 'SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIM14I'ELI WITH MILE BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED 41RATDE+ p READ AGENT FOR T1FIE WELL KNOWN MADE TO MEAS-• ORE CLOTIIES—CORNS :W. H. HOFFMAN �R�)�.. FF*LN. * Son, LBS, 'Ah1"A'' 'I'diiOBr , �'� R. RiU _ � , Dar; awl Night Plates . KKa, w, �Nn �'>aNl�ltal,�l�t D�tHC"I+�iMA9Ir