Zurich Herald, 1928-08-05, Page 6Virlilhaer
C l lit 199 NEA Sel?vice. nc•
I was rich. For the fust time since
that day when, starving, I had tossed
an airy farewell kiss to honesty, I was
able, if I chose, to take up again a
place in the sunlit world.
Yes, I whom you know as John
Ainsley, the master rascal of my day,
was so silly as to think that I could
step from the shadow into the light
as easily, as swiftly as I had passed
from the light to the shadow. I
thought I knew life.
I thought that a man could change
his character as easily as he changed
his clothes. Well, I was to learn dif-
But on this spring night I built my-
self air -castles. I had been down to
a certain section of the city and had
closed a deal with a "fence," a man
who bought from thieves their loot
gift to her, Enraged at her request,
he had struk her, Her parents had Leedon was the fence with whom
returned later; before she died, she my deal was pending.
had told them the facts. ' "Doesn't Leedon know better than
It was one of those shocking crimes
that periodically snake us wonder how
far man is removed from the beast.
It sent a whole city into mourning,
and made detectives out of a hundred
thousand citizens.
And now the police had discovered
that Swede Thomassen, a notorious
jailbird, was the murderer. The drag-
net was spread, and the authorities
were confident that the man would be
apprehended win a clay or so. I fer-
vently hoped sq; I would have killed
him myself and known no compunc-
I had read the sordid story of Swede
Thomassen's career as the paper gave
ehill at the sound. Then I mastered
niy panic. Some neighbor might be
callin gon me, though this was im-
probable in New York. Or some one
may have rung the bell by mistake,
It was incredible that the police should
suspect the quiet -living gentleman who
dwelt on the fourth floor of the walk-
up apartment bulletin, And certain-
ly the White Eagle did not know
where to find the man who had so
deftly tricked hint 'a few nights ago,
So I put on a calm front as I opened
the door,
My caller stepped swiftly inside. "I
come from Leedon," he said,
Ina recent memoir of mine I have told it, And I saw that he had begun as
how I outwitted Armand Cachet, thea cheap gangster, had graduated into
notorious French criminal known ss petty theft, had thenbecome a high -
the White Eagle. He had stolen from wayman, and was now a red-handed
Marcus Anderson, the miIloinaire, a murderer. It was at this stage of my
casket containing all the Anderson reading that I began to congratulate
jewels. I had stolen the casket from myself because I was so different from
Thomassen This difference made me
to send anyone here?" I demanded
The intruder was in my living -room
now and in the electric light I could
see- him. A big, burly, gross -looking
man,* with light red hair, belligerent,
blue eyes and a prognathous, stubble -
whiskered jaw.
.. "I didn't slay Leedon sent me; I:
said I came from him," he answered.
"What deo you mean?" I asked.
"I mean that Leedon, for old tines'
sake, was hiding men when you were
dickering with him today. I over-
heard you talk. And I decided that
Cantina ,of Rheims, $6,
Flies Over His Cathedral'
Rheims, France,—The venerable
Cardinal Lueon of+Rheims has just
experienced the thrill of his '86
years by flying le an airplane over
the famous cathedral and the sur-
rounding country.
"I should not have risked it
twenty- years ago," he said on land-
ing. "People might have criticized
me and gossiped on the ground that
it was not dignnifled. To -day every-
thing is different, and one must
keep up with the times'.
"It is worth It. How beautiful
the old cathedral looked from the
sky," be added.
half of three hundred thousand would
just about fix lie up. Don't try to
draw a gun; I've got you covered
through my pocket," he declared.
(To be continued.)
A local paper recently published
this advertisement: "Experienced
Salespeople wanted, male or female.
No other need apply,'
Sunburn? Use Minarcf's Liniment.
As You Hike It
By Weare Holbrook, in "Answers"
Mr. Plimsoll poised a piece of bacon planting its forepaws on his chest
and licking his face.
Then Mr. Plimsoll began to under-
stand. The warmth of the morning
on his fork and sniffed the June air
that came in through the open win-
I had whited a few days before at- Coche. the great success that I was. For "What a day!" he sighed. "This sun had brought out the fragrance of
tempting to dispose of any of the other thieves visualized, in their mo- is the sort of weather that makes a, the chicken. The paper wrapping
jewels. Anderson, unaware of his loss, merits of ease, future thefts; I visual- fellow get out and tramp in the of the lunch box already bore the out -
had sailed for South America on the ized a life of righteousness. , woods.' ward and visible signs of an inner
And now,with three hundred thou- "What woods?" asked Mrs. Plim- grease. The dog was hungry.
morning after the theft. But the pro- "Here," said Mr. Plimsoll generous -
fits of this latest venture of mine had Wand dollars to be mine next week, my sell.
?seen so tremendous that I wished to i,lans became clean-cut, definite, not 1 "Any woods," he replied recklessly, ly, "take it all!"
use more than ordinary caution ir here chaotic hopes. It would be nim -1 "where one can feel the• living earth He held out the box, and the dog
realizing thein. I wanted to dispose or ale. 1 would go to Australia. I would undr foot and smell the fragrance of muzzled • it eagerly. Meanwhile, a
the lot at one transaction. I was sick a stout man had strolled out from a
of stealthy trafficking. I was a gentle- A I 1 roadside coffee -stall and was watch-
man, no vulgar trader, and I would ing Mr. Plimsoll suspiciously.
"That your he asked.
watch -
rather n, accept less for the lot from one "No," replied bog?"Mr. Plimsoll.
man, than make more by peddling. "'� ,
ar : "People don't feed strange dogs
So I had shown this fence the cam-
offee Anderson collection;unr and ou had ,, without a reason,"observed the stout
offered me three hundred thousand i ` { day lil.e this he announced. man significantly. "There's been sev-
-•��.� i here lately.
there two or three years. Then
I would return to rneeica. would
go to that city where I had been born
green, growing things:"
"Darling," said Mrs. Plimsoll, "I
wish yoni wouldn't talk with your
mouth full."
Mr. Plimsoll pushed back his chair
and stood up.
"It's a crime to stay indoors on a
Upstairs, he found his plus -fours a eral dogs poisoned round
trifle snug about the waist, but strug- I think that anybody that would poi-
son a dumb animal ought to be
Mr. Plimsoll straightened up and
retreated a few steps, clasping the
lunch box to his bosom like a shield.
"Are you insinuating—"
"I ain't insinuatin'—I'm tellin'
you," interrupted the other, advanc-
ing and seizing him by the collar.
Mr. Plimsoll wrenched himself free
and sprinted own the r
road deeper-
dollars, perhaps a fifth of their real
value. But even that amount was too
huge a sum for him to hand casually
across a counter. It would take him
a week to raise the money. And in
seven more days I would be independ-
ent, freed forever from the necessity
of crime!
So I thought. I even congratulated
myself that I was of such different
clay from the ordinary criminal. For
your everyday thief is potentially a
murderer, and worse. Devoid of im-
agination, he steals because stealing
seems easier than working. Trapped,
he kills.
Oh I was a philosopher, as I sat
in the window of my living-rooni and
looked out upon Central Park, with
its freshly green grass, its newly
leaved trees, the lovers walking along d
the shady paths, or drifting in their
boats on the little pond.
I was unique in history. I was a and brought up, and where my family
criminal who could rid myself of clam- was known and respected. I would
inality at will, who could eut myself join my father's clubs; I would enter
off forever from the ways of wicked- into the civic life of the community.
nem. I felt more than savage wrath; I would even—and this was the com-
I felt contempt, as I tossed away from i pelling force behind my plans—marry.
"Half of three hundred thousan
would fix me."
me the evening paper with its glaring
. It was a sickening story beneath
the headlin). It told of the discovery
by the polio.* of evidence indicating
the identity of a brute who had shock-
ed the city three days ago by the wan-
ton slaying of a child.
The child had been alone in the
apartment where she lived with her
parents. A burglar had entered, and
It was spring; only a few days ago
I had felt the urge to lead the normal
life of men of my age and tradition.
I wanted to take a pretty girl motor-
ing, to dance with her, to squeeze her
hand, to kiss her, perhaps to make her
love me, to love her, to marry. I could
possibly do all these things now; but yawned invitingly. Stopping beside an air of brisk energy.
t honest, I at least it, he shifted his burden and glanced "Well," he said, rubbing his hands
eyes encountered the old, inquiring Mrs. Plimsoll did not look up from
,gaze of a policeman. Mr. Plimsoll -was her sewing.
overwhelmed by an unaccountable "What's the matter?" she asked.
sense of guilt. He tucked the box un- "Did you forget something?"
der his arm again and walked rapidly Mr. Plimsoll looked at the clock
down the street. and realized that he had been away
The best course, he decided, would for exactly forty-five minutes.
be to ride out to the end of the "No," he replied defiantly, "I didn't
tramway line. From there he could forget anything. I've had a good stiff
far-off Australia, who -would, o walk into the open country. And - he walk in the country; that's all.
me? All danger from the police would could leave the lunch box in the car Covered about nine miles altogether."
when he got off. "In forty-five minutes?" inquired
have vanishedwould
in that time. anMde- Boarding - the car, Mr. Plimsoll Mrs. Plimsoll.
predationsowould have ceased, and the found it filled with clamorous Boy Just then the bell rang. Mrs. Plim-
poliee would have assumed that the Scouts,
went to the door, and returned
mysterious criminal who had baffled At the terminus everyone got off..
them so frequently, had died. I would Mr. Plimsoll breathed a sigh• of satin-
be running no risk of entangling an faction as he made his way through
innocent maiden in my peccadilloes. the crowd and thought of the lunch
I would invest my money in my box under the car seat. It was a
hone town; I would choose some sweet relief to be ilei of it.
and lovely girl for my wife. I am „Hey, mister!" a voice sounded be -
personable; I have the Ainsley man -
hind him. Turning around, Mr. 1"lim-
neo. Other men win charming wives• soli beheld a small boy struggling
Why could not I do so? with the lunch box. "You forgot
I bad created an Eden for myself;
I had peopled it with a lovely Eve, and yep parcel!" the 1�'1 exclaimed. breath
with our children. And into Eden lessly.
came the snake.... One Boy Scout had done his good
The doorbell rang; my servant was deed for the day.
gone for the day. I was too cautious Clutching the box, Mr. Plimsoll i
to' keep any curious;person around continued on iris way. As ho ttudg-
iizy apartment all the time; so the wo- ed along 'the pavement leo. became
man who prepared my meals and kept aware that he was being followed.
my apartment in order alv:':xys lest. He looked back nervously. A large
shortly after-dinner. So . must an- dog wag trotting close behind hint.
saver the bell myself, Mr. Plimsoll stopped; the deg stop -
It, was the first tuner that it had ped also. It sniffed hopefully, writh-
ever rung save in the daytime, when ed for a moment in an ecstasy of tail
tradespeople called. I felt a sadden wagging, and then pounced upon. him,
gled into them gallantly.
"Well," he remarked gaily, "I'm
"It's a good thing I thought of this,"
said his wife, producing a largo box
wrapped in tissue paper and tied
with ribbon. "Here's a little lunch
for you."
Mr. Plimsoll looked at it in dismay.
"Before the forenoon is over you'll
Only teas grown 4,000 to 7,000 feet above Oa level
are used hi f"SALADA" Orange Pekoe [Mond—
the flavour is therefore richer, more fragrant and
much more delicious than other teas. Only 43c+
per -Ib.—Buy it at any grocery store.
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WA. ,7 r • u\. i•.�..
, rjj37SUSPiS¢h� jS` irnr -( I? .�• ain•a,..�n�: r' -sr-aAIN, A•r..n tc i-�n ., _. Al A,
Among the natural assets of North
America none is more noted than the
St.- Lawrence -Great Lakes chain, form-
ing collectively the world's largest body
of fresh water. Every student of Cana-
dian exploration and settlement is
familiar with the unique role played
by this waterway in Canada's early
development. Its modern contribution
to the economic life of the Dominion
to Canadian industry and commerce -
to -day is furnished by the series of
cities and towns aligned along its
course. According to the last census'
there were roundly 2,800,000 people in
Canada living in cities with a popu-
lation of 10,000 or more. And nearly
60 per cent of this aggregate was
accounted for by the numerous cities
which are situated along the St
'is equally remarkable, though it cannot
be measured by financial figures such
as those., for the annual wheat crop,
gold output, lumber cut and so .on,
which so vividly reflect the productive
value of the prairies, mineral regions,
forests, and other great natural sources
of wealth.
Perhaps the most striking testimony
to the vital relation of this waterway
Lawrence -Great Lakes system and which
owe their progress largely to the
industrial and commercial advantages of
such a Location, The towns and cities'.
strung out at varying intervals between
Quebec and the head of the lakes aro
credited with more than half of the
total value of Canada's annual produ4i
tion of manufactures.
A Strange Argument .
be glad to have - a few pieces of, d
Vancouver Province (Incl. Con.):
chicken and some Potato salad and ateIy, with the stout gentleman in (In his campaign speeches .for the
a dozen sandwiches,'' said Mrs. Prim-- pursuit. The latter was not built British Columbia election which took
sell. for speed, but he had remarkable en place recently, the Premier has re
"Is that all?" he asked hopefully. durance. peatedly suggested that he and his
"I put in some hard-boiled eggs," The chase continued for more t3iaii Liberal. Gcverninent are the only peo-
ple that can make a bargain with
Ottawa about the P.G.E.) Mr, Din-
ning, in reference to another railway
matter, that of the projected C.N.R.
hotel in Vancouver, takes the position
"that both as a .matter of law and
otherwise the position is one to be
adjusted by the Canadian National
Railway and not by the Government."
mossy stone. It was a pretty little In other words, Mr. Dunning says he
added his wife, "just in case you a quarter of a mile, when Mr. Phial -
wanted hard-boiled eggs." soil finally eluded his pursurer by
Ab, Mr. Plimsoll mused, hard -boil- dodging behind a high fence and
ed eggs! What would an outing be doubling back across some allotments
without them? Nobody knows, for in the direction of the city. A mom -
nobody has ever had a chance to rind ent later he saw a sight which, made
out. his heart leap with jay.
"Ho, for the open road!" he said. It was not a robin redbreast, or a
He had no definite destination in babbling brook, or a violet behind a
mind. That is the way of the gipsy
raver—and he was ready to rove.
But his first impulse was to get rid
of the lunch. It cramped his style.
He could not picture himself as a
care -free vagabond, lugging a pack-
age full of sandwiches over hill and
dale. What slid Martha think he was?
Around the corner n Large dustbin
yellow taxicab. Mr. Plimsoll hailed is going to keep the Canadian National
it and sank gratefully into its cush-
But he still had a sense of the fit
ness of things, and just before reach.
ing home he roused himself reluct-
antly, stopped the cab, paid the driver
and walked the rest of the way with
if I were ne ones , was over his shoulder cautiously. His heartily, "iiere I am again!"
honorable. I could ask no girl to en -
finding the girl alone, had killed her tangle herself with a man upon whose
apparently for the sheer joy of killing.
The crime had been justified not even
by necessity. The child could have
ebeen bound and gagged if the man
had feared that her outcries would
cause his capture. But the little girl,
seeing the intruder, had asked him not
to take a locket which weft her mother's
collar a policeman might any day
place his heavy hand.
But in the few days that had elaps-
ed since I felt the urge of spring, my
circumstances had changed. I was
rich; if I left America and stayed
away awhile,.then returned and gave
out that I had amassed a fortune in
h doubt
with ,the pinch box. It was soiled
and misshapen,. but still intact,
"A taxi-driver gave it to me," said
Mrs. Plimsoll, with one of her sweet-
est smiles. "He said you left It in
his cab."
Since that day Mr. Plimsoll's
enthusiasm for country "hikes" has
declined noticeably. He still walks
from the sitting -room to the front gar-
den and back everySunday morning,
but the old wanderlust has left him.
,Stay at thc•
Royal Cecil Hotel
Cor. Jarvis and Dundas Sts.
Every Room With Private Bath.
Rates $1.50 up -- Garage at Hotel
3 Minutes Walk to Shopping
District, -
out of politics. If he takes that stand
in reference to railway hotels in Hali-
fax and Vancouver, he must logically
THERE is nothing that has ever
taken Aspirin's place as an antidote
for pain. It is safe, or physicians
wouldn't use it, and endorse its use
by others. Sure, or several million
users would have turned to something
else. But get the real Aspirin (at any
drugstore) with Bayer on the box,
and the words genuine printed in red:
ie the trade mark
(registered in Canada)
indicating Bayer hfaniifacture. • while it is
Weil known that Aspirin means Bayer manu-
facture to assure the nubile against imitationd,
the Tablets will bo stamped with their "Maier
OMB" Lade Yaatki
take it in reference to the much -more
important question of the sale or lease
of the P.G.E. to the Canadian National.
It is an entirely proper attitude for
any minister of state, and it contrasts
very wholesomely with the entirely
improper attitude of Premier Mac-
Minard's Liniment for Insect Bites.
"How clo you make a Maitesed
cross?" "Step on its tail." •
HE Firestone
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tifically designed to
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emergencies. You
can have this extra
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Ask your local Fire-
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Always put a Firestone steam -
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Builds the Only
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