HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-08-05, Page 4• learn erre Z U IR,;I, ,11. ,11E. R• A L. D 4 a 4 4 4 4 •• 4 4. 111444'14+++++++ ++^°+++ 0++14+nw+++++++++++`+ ^1*+++FSI' 4. .14 4 4. 4. 4 2 Days Special Surnmer SALE Of Dry Dods Groceries eic. Friday and Sat. August 3rd and 4th "Clothes Pins, 2 dozen for only .. « . .. 5c Pains Olive Soap 4 bars for only . , .. , . . , ... . , . ,, .... 29c Rize, 4 pounds for ........25c Corn Flakes per box .... .....,. .... . ..10c Soria Biscuits per pound .. ...15c Dish Pan and a big lot of soap, Reg. $2.20, on Sale at .... $1.48 .Jelto, 4 packages for .... ... • Lux, 2 boxes for Pork and Beans, 2 Tins for ........ ...... ..25c $6.50 ............ 25c 25c Red Path Sugar per cwt. t97 PIECE DINNER SETS .. a .only, Regular $35.00 Sale Price at $22.50 ot+ 3,00 Yards Black Duchess Satin, Reg. $1.75, S. Price, yord ..$1.29 +1• ALL SUMMER DRESS GOODS AT BIG REDUCTIONS. 1 only, Regular $26.50, Sale Price at $25.00 Broad Cloth, Values up to $1.00 yard, Sale Price only 35c 2 Pieces Curtain Scrims only per yard 10c 2 only Dress 'lengths, Specially Priced for this Sale, length $1.48 Ladies' Vests, Reg. 50c with and without sleeves, each at 25c A shipment of New Ginghams, Specially Priced for Sale, yd. —19c ALL LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM RUGS 20 PER CENT OF REGULAR PRICE -t SAVE YOUR COUPONS FOR OUR BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH DINNERWARE SCOTCH PATTERN. ALSO SILVERWARE 41. To the party bringing in the highest amount of Coupons by :September 1st, We will give free a beautiful Mantel Clock Value $15.90... Besides exchanging your Coupons for Dinnerware as well. , . Save your Coupons.. • MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, OVERALLS, NECK TIES, BRACES, ALL 4 s =11 a: REDUCED FOR THIS SALE. MEN'S AND LADIES' BATHING SUITS AT REDUCED PRICES T. L. WURM ";tee The Store of Service and Quality 414.1.4444+++++++++-:•+++++++++4 10i440•i•••••••••••••••••••••100•0®•s••0•e0•••••••••1• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • - • 1 aiP THE NEW SERIES Pontiac Six The low priced Six with Power and Speed as thrilling as its Rich New Beauty TiQUIPPED WITH LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS, FOUR WHEEL BRAKES, AND WITH ALL THE NEWEST , IM- PROVEMENTS MAKE IT THE BEST CAR VALUE FOR THE MONEY. ASK ALL THOSE WHO DRIVE A PONTIAC ! DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GIVEN GIDEONh KOEHLER, Zurich Agent for Pontiac and Buick Cars g • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • IIseopess•••••••••••••••S•'••••••••••••••••*•••1••+!•• • Electric Rangette Complete with Oven 24,To extra wiring. Hooks on any plug attachrlf>l't A PERFECT COOKER $30.00 Installed SEE IT AT H S RADIO EL ECTP IC 'STANLEY T`aW $Hi `Mrs. "Margaret' Eri+att,'beaediiess Hamilton, isspending t ,of n , endi p ng a ,,non h with her mother, Mrs. Robinson Sr. Mr, James Armstrong and. family who have been visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mt.s. Wilson Armstrong, returned last week to their home in Saskatchewan. Rev. Jas. Penrose of Varna, will be away on his, .holidays, for the next two weeks,: 'during his absence his .work will he ,taken by M. Alds- worth of Exeter. • Rev. W. O. Robinson has returned to his work at Antler, Sask., after spending the past month, with friends here. DRYSDALE Mr. Victor Denomme and Claude Rau of Detroit, were Sunday visitors with their parents here. Mrs. Alcide Honle of Big Point, is spending two weeks holidays with her mother, Mrs. Marie Bedard, Mrs. Edward Laporte arid fomily of St. Claire, is a holiday guest with parents and friends. Reverend Father Schroder of `Zur- ich and father Primean, Missionary of the sacred Heart College, of Sud- bury, spent the evening at the home of Mr. Joseph Gelinas, one night're- cently. Mr. Oliver Etue of Detroit, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and. Mrs John Etue. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Papineau, and' family also Mr. Omer Belange,' of Windsor, were week -end visitors at the home of Mrs. Papineau's mother, Mrs. Rachel Denomme. Miss Lucy Denomme, who has be- en in Bayfield for some time has re- turned to her home. Rev. Father Rondot of McGregor, also his nephew and neice, Mr. and Mrs. Chanvin and the Misses .Mariam and parents of Windsor, caller on friends here last week. Mrs. Wesley and daughter Miss Evelyn have returned to their home in Detroit, after spending a -week with Miss Mousseau. • Dashwood Mrs. J. Scharlock and Mrs. Julia Hagen and son Clarence and Mr. Ervin 'frillier, all of Kitchener, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz, 14th con. Mr. and Mrs. Sharbord of Seb- ringville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch, and at the Lutheran parsonage. - Mr. and Mrs. Adam Eisler and Mrs. J. Seamon, of Logan, Mrs. Rev. Lanskey of Pembrock, all spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Koch. x it% and Mrs Geo- Hess of Zurich spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Kraft. - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weseloh of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Ness of the vil- lage spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Geo. Koch. . Master Melvin Dale of Wilton Grove is holidaying with his grand- parents, and with Mr. and Mrs.:..E1- mer Thiel, Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dale spent Sun day with the former's parents at Dashwood. Miss Emma Tiernan of Landon, spent a few days with friends last week. Misss Ella and Rose Zimmer of Detroit, are visiting at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Witzel of Tor- onto are visiting the former's mother Mrs. Witzel. Mr. and Mrs. F. Watson of De- troit spent the week-nd, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins of De- troit spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. I. Witmer. Mr and Mrs. E. Sippel of Lan- sing, Mich., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Pfile and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A, Bills, Miss Rose Rader and friend of Detroit, are vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rader. Par. and Mrs. T. Peachy of De- troit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Birk. Miss Myrta Hoffman who spent her vacation with her parents here, has returned to Kitchener. Mr. Gordon Collfas of Sarnia, was a Sunday visitor in town. Messrs E. Kraft and Harry, Hoff- man made a business trip to Wind- sor on Tuesday. HENSALL. • • The Sunday School of the Hensel] United Church held their annual pic nic to Bayfield on. Wednesday. July 18th, the rain interfered with the aft ernoon's enjoyment to a certain ex- tent but all report a good time. Wm. Reynolds, of. Tillsonburg, and little niece of Pt. Dover, are' vis- iting with the former's sister. Mrs. Thos. Lindsay, of Clinton, ac- companied by her sister, Miss F. Murray of London, visited fora few' days with Miss Hattie Sutherland. The Sunday School of the Carmel Presbyterian Church held their an- nual picnic at Grand Bend' on Wed- nesday afternoon, and a large crowd were present and a good time en- joyed. 'Mrs, Peter Fisher has rented the dwelling of Mr. Pranger on S. Rich- mond and with her daughter, Elean- or, intends moving therein shortly. Mrs, T. C. Joynt, who lies been quote poorly the past few wee,, s, is at present in Seaforth Hospital, tak- n¢ what is termed a rest eui e, and will no doubt soon regain hetsnai Health, 40. ],liangtont lUbcan ial t'of Toronto,, Yl"Islt d fox 1lt;,, ew ;days in. town.: 'Florence Reynolds, of Calgary, Alta., is visiting for the summer months with her sister, here. A goodly number of our villagers are spending a few weeks, camping at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Hedden and family of Hamilton, visited over the week- end with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. Egglison visited at Buffalo, Niagara Falls, N. Y., Cryst al Beach and • Erie Beach. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Strat- ford, spent the week -and here with Mrs. Wilson's Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Goe. Brown. Our Hydro system is being rebuilt, Quite a number of men are in town doing the job. Owing to the large number of electrica stoves the syst- em has not been giving very good service at certain times during the, day, so the local commission thought it best to remodel the plant. When. the•` job is completed, there will be plenty of power., even if every house: in town has an electric stove. The Reeve has taken up the matter in a futher reduction of rates here :and has the promise of a substantial • re- duction within the near future. Pleased to report that Peter Stew- art, continues to improve from th effects of his somewhat recent oper- ations at .London Hospital. ANNUAL RE -UNION `ted;., 'ttie«7A'Ct.. ei s field...bag di loath Ina re`s *atinn to OOPtet ary of War at Washit to be- come viice-president of the newly for mer Transcontinental Air Transpoat- of which Colonel' A. Lindbergh Is chairman of the board. SThe home of IVfeIvin Trziquair, a few miles east of Hensel'', was Wt - ally destroyed 'isy fire on Friday af- ternoon last. The ;house winch was. of frame, •burned rapidly and as t1 fire had a good start before it was noticed, as Mr: and Mrs: Trapaair were out of the house at the tune, nothing could be •done to save ii.The Hensel/ The Brigade answered to a calf far assistance, but to no avail. The wind was in the opposite direct- ion and the barns and other build- ings were in no danger: l4uch Sym- pathy is felt for the #auxitg who saf fered the loss,. Of Three Pioneer Families: Pen - hales, Snowdens and Westlakes Hold Picnic at Grand Bend. The annual re -union of the three above mentioned families was held at Grand Bend, on Saturday, July 14 Although the weather was disagree- able, over one hundred gathered for the event, coming from Vancouver, B. C., California, Detroit, St. Thom as, Exeter, Goderich, Bayfield, Cen- tralia, London and Zurich. Lunch was served in the large dining hall at the beach. Afterwards:. the presi- dent called the gathering to order and speeches were given on family . history by Thos. Penhale, Vancouver B. C., John Penhale and George Pen - hale Exeter; Art ' Ford and Charles Lauff, Detroit; Mattew Penhale and R. A. Penhale, St. Thomas. This was followed by the election of offic- ers. The old officers were re-elect- ed as follows: President, R. A. Penhale, St. Thomas; Vice -Pres., T. Snowden, Zurich; secretary -treasur- er, Susie Westlake, Bayfield; advis- ory committee, Rose Snowden, Bay- field; Alf. Westlake, Bayfield; MYIrs. Frank Hobson, St. Thomas; pts Committee: Thomas Westlake, Robt Penhale of Bayfield; Edward Sow- ' erby and Aliired Hudie of Goderich, Clifford and Lawrence Talbot, of Zurich. , SAD DROWNING AT •, ..<< GRAND BEND William Lloyd Cooper, 12 -year-old son of Robert Cooper, or V.ippene was drowned while bathing at Grand Bend at 5 o'clock, Sunday afternoon. Of the hundreds of people woo were in the water and on the beach at the time of the accident, the boy's older brother was the only one who saw him go under. Witnesses state that the body did not come to the surface until searches succeeded in locating it about 15 minutes after the drowning. Dr. N. F. Schram and Dr. W. L. Denney., of London, and a Detroit physician, who were at the Bend, were called andworked on the body for some thne without suc- cess. The lad had been in the water only five minutes and was playing with his brother and another lad of about his own age. He was some distance from the two other boys when he disappeared under the water. His brother called for help and tried to lead the others to the spot where he saw the lad go under, but no trace of the victim could be found for seine time. When the body was eventually found it was in a spot where the water was about four feet deep and a considerable dis tance from where it went under. The accident took place almost direct in front of the large pavillion, in the roped -off portion of the beech. Many other bathers were close by but as the boy's brother was greatly excited at the time, few realized what had happened for sone time. Mr. Cooper, who is a farmer living near Kippen, had taken his six child- ren to the summer resort for the day and was on the beach near the spot when the boy- was drowned. The lad's mother died about four years ago. COUNTY NEWS The contract for the reconstruct- ion in concrete of the north pier at Goderich harbor has been awarded to the Jackson Construction Comp- any, of Sosel, Quebec. Russell Caldwill, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwill, of the London Road, north of Exeter, roe: with an unfortunate accident the other day, when his head was badi,r bettered d' and he narrowly escaped •with his life. He was riding a h a,:•nessed horse 'when the animal threw him over it's head. Russei's foot c;a-J.1ght in the martingale and he came down between the horse's front legs and was dragged for a di.tauce. Major Thomas G. Lanipidew , of Biddolph Tp., one of the outataneF.ng .figures in army aviation in ]h,, unit• ed States, and who has been eorrrrec- 1 ittlalYw . c 1928 41* 4,1 : 14 bcFuredton: 0u1y 2 i. pkroune Ataserr, •widow; of the later,. Miichael Sei;wanx, who passed away live mouths ago. She was taken ser- iously El about two weeks before her death and died at the home of her. son-in--awr, Ii. Warrant, Mill road, at Goderich.. Deceased was in her 81st year and was. the eldest daughter ods .the late J. G. Moser of Ellice Tp Perth County. , For 48 years shee. and her 'husband farmed in Colborne 'township, moving nine years ago, tee their s+esidenee in Goderich. Mrs,. •S'rhwanz was a member of Victoria street -United church and will be gre- atly hissed. She its survived by family of four sons and two daugh- ters: Jolts G. Schwanz, of Toronto, Samuel of Raconville, Sask.; WiII, of - Calgar,y Alb., and Daniel of Clintolri Mrs. - Chris l aist, ' Crediton ; Mrs. lIL Farrant, Goderich; and also two bro- tthem, Henry Moser, Aurora, Ili., and DUNLOP offers Top -Notch Value at "low-cost" prices It takes a good Lire to render efficient service. It requires a fir price to snake a good tire possible. When you get a good tire at a fair,"low-cost" price, as yen with Dunlop, youwillgetthe satisfaction you expect from i1 "DUNLOP" has been a household word the world over ever 'since Dunlop produced the world's first pneumatic tire. There is a wide range of Dunlop Tires to suit all needs and all conditions at right prices. We re r+= p . that you consider equipping a set of Dunlop Double-Stgth Tires .made of high-tension, resilient, rubber.encaseal cords. We'll fit them at no extra cost. tains Dunlop Presuure ured joint, Long - Life T Li, a T,k .. . ; . Louis Prang Zurich «� i�tti-a^�^�+*+!•!^r^>N�tiFi^3 r ^tri f.3+1•44+++.14-144++++++ 4 ^3 444 r • a 4; 4' 4'1:, Oommerciai Garage ie• 1 We are now in a. position to do first class �: Repair Work OM any make of Car and HAVING: INSTALLED, ALL THE LATEST AND MODERN EQ- 1' UIPMENT,. WE ARE DOING THE VERY BEST OF WORK. +1' LET US • Do, YOUR, NEXT OVERHAUL JOB. Gooderich Sil-verto•wn THE TIRE FOR SERVICE .AND LONG LIFE WHITE. STAR: AND 4. S.T..ROLEUYI.; MOTOR OIL, SECOND TO NONE ON THE MAR- •E- Tires AR Tires 4.1 STAROLENE GASOLINE IN TWO GRADES +la.'-: 4. XET TO -DAY. 4 . Dennis O'Brein ._... ._ 4- Gas Oils Greases Tires Accessories 3, ++44.14+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++a'+++++++*++++++++4W 1 •••i•la!•1••••.•#:•Y•.•St•••1 •6610®•••••••••••SP111iA•1 0e s Coal Coal ALBERTA ANTERACITE WE ARE NOW . TAKING ORDERS FOR NEXT.. W INT.E.R'S SUPPLY OF COAL, AND SOLICIT YOUR ORDERWE WILL HAVE TWO CARLOADS OF ALBERTA COAL IN IN A. FEW DAYS, AND ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO PUT Ia1a THEIR SUPPLY AT THIS TIME WHILE THE SUPPLY' IS GOOD. LET US TAKE YOUR ORDER FOR ANTHHRACTI-E COALNOW. , c; k lw... ,41. A 1 {p Fu•?t•`: zr A s•egotimikeir See Us aboutSeed Corm Quaker's Full -of -Pep Chick starter' Continental Stock Food for HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP' and POULTRY L. Schilbe & Son Ai�Mt�•ttdlel][ININ�dIg�N1�•Rt'tNlll��riwdl�NFr�1I•f�dltl��lf�dil/1it 12