Zurich Herald, 1928-08-05, Page 1ZURIC ERAL 'Vol, XXX No1 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5, 1928, 441.,41•ei, , Chester E Sadtht Faith r" Ws 4 reiSO lAVONSSE. OM IN ARRE ARS, $2 MAY OE 0111010111) Build up your own Community by buying Goods in the home town Dreer-Werner ***+++++.14444+44444•44+44•41+4444.41.44+14,14444+4•111411+++ On the evening of June 12th, a 4. fit 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4,44+14+++++4-114444•++4++++14.444+++++++++++++4-1-1-1-1-14++ ".* INSURANCE Life Sickness Accident Auto Insurance, Etc. E Oesch Agent Zurich 9►404444040140.414411•44/440.44140 4 44444444441444:6444014111111, BARGAINS BARGAINS 1 Received a shipment of waterproof • 4' Robes which 1 ani retailingfar be- • 10W Catalogue prices, get youtr's at Special Price „ 12.M large size 1 FRED THIEL - ZURICH ',440441•4444144404440444 -004440.•11404444444404. • ee•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Newest Fashion Thoughts I In Spring Footwear AM iBROWN'S Boot Shop WINDOWS FOHETELL .AN IN- ,.. TERESTING . EMILY OF, NEW, 7 1 SPRING FOOTWEAR FASHIONS 7.! • • • s • • s • • • THEY ARE AUTIEWEAfrivE AS TELE LAST ISSUROP VOGUE THEY WILL IMPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTVGETFIER NEW STANDARD Or VALUE AT THE MODERATE P1.. , • REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Only, the hest or liesterialp is : visd. Bring Sent tiii nie, and you Are oaeured of Satlefeetion I i , • IMMO GOOD SHOES COST LESS., BrOWRIS Int Shop lynineSur D:YEILyr 1 • •••••••••easesectroweiseesesseeseesseeowsosose•••• 44•••••••***0********••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • I :1 • , 4. SPRING Is Here And We are all ready to Show you all the NEWEST STYLES in SUITS 'TOP COATS HOSIERY VIES IIATS OAPS SHIRTS ETC: The fineange of made- to -mea , titre maniples ever shown -0* * oAsemys (mammal * 4.********************. owo.0•••••••••••• 111116M0 • 1 4 !at 4. 4 !. * 4 4 • J. 0 1 • 1 • i • 0! O ' • 41 41. 1 *; * ' *****4404* very pretty wedding was solemnized at the Congregational Church, at Lisle, •Illinoise, when Miss Marie Werner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Werner, of Naperville, 111., be- came the bride of Rev. Nelson C. Dreier, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier, of Zurich, Ontario. The church aiditorium was beautiful'dec- orated for the occasion. A central arch, back of which the pulpit with two tall white tapiers softly glowing in glass candle sticks, was plainly vis ible, was banked on either side with ferns, foliage and baskets of pink and white peonies along a white lat- tice. Promptly at 8 o'clock, Mrs. (Rev.) Lawrence Weiner , sister of the bride, sang, "0 Promise Me". Then to the strains of Mendelsohn's Wedding March, played by Miss Catherine Finkbeiner with violin ac- companiment by Mrs: Wilbur Ros- encranz, another sister of the bride, the bridal party entered and took their plata beneath the arch. The bride was given in marriage by her father. The impressive double ring ceremony was used. Rev. Law- rence Weinert, Ph. M. B. D., officiat- ing. At the close of the service Mrs. Rosencranz sang "I Love You Truly. The bride was charming in a gown of white georgettte trimmed in lace, her veil caught up in a wreath of orange blossoms. She carried a beautiful shower bouquet of white rose buds and lily of the valley. Her only attendant was Miss Erma Stor- aner of Washington, Ill. and was gowned in maize color georgette and carried a bouquet of pink roses, sweet peas and daisies. The ''oToorn was attended by Mr. Carl Werner, a brother of the 'bride. Mr. Wilbur Resecranz and Mr. Horner Pletch,' acted as ushers: Immediately foll- owing the ceremony the bridal party relatives and friends repaired to the church parlors where a reception was given them by the members of the church, of which Rev. Dreier is the pastor. Rev. and Mrs. Dreier left on a motor trip to Tower Hill Camp, Sawyer, Mich., where they will spend their honeymoon. Upon their return they will make their home a Lisle., 111. file bride and groom are both graduates of North Central College, Naperville. Mrs. Dreier has been a successful teacher in the High School at Chatsworth, 111., the past two years. Her charm- ing ways and sweet disposition have won for her a host of friends. Rev. Dreier has been pastor of the Lisle Co-ngregational church for two years at the same time pursuing his studies -at Chicago Theological Seminary, Chicago. He is a promising young minister of sterling qualities. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - -ONT. Truth .Nuggets He is happiest -who gives more sun shine than shadow. Happiness was born twin; to have it you must share it. When you play hard.When you work, don't.' play at all. Our day is noted for obedient parents. In the old Jewish days disobedience and rebellious children were not deemed fit or safe to live, so they were stoned to death. Success won by injuring others isn't success, its sin. You have the true measure of raatzan when -you 'know his ideal of a woman, 'bachelors excepted. Be. sure you zre right then go ahead. Be ;sure you are wrong before you quit. Earning your way makes the way all the better. No way is good without him who is "The way, the truth, and life. SUNDAY SERVICES Worship 10 A. M. Will be omitted on August 15th and 12th„ 11 a.m.-Bibi*! School, ; J. E. Gascho, Superintendent, Worthip: 7..30 P. M. 'The evening Service next Sunday and in a 'week from hod Sunday will be in charge of Rev. G. Scbrag and 'Mr. Newell Geiger respectively. 07... Y. Dreier, PaStor • '''''Plittr- *4e--efl7-4C/1 jel.,1 1 I '..."- " .,,,,.%..":•-•.. :„. ":". \Z•fj. . 11 •Mr. and Mrs. E. Bender of Blyth, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Lydia. Pfile one day last week. .Mr. Albert Hess is improving the appearance of his block with a new coat of paint. Miss Agnes Kaercher of Bad Axe, Mich., renewed old Zurich friends the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Schwartz have returned to Detroit, after spending their vacation here. Mr. Harry G. Hess is attending the Fourth Annual Westinghouse Radio Convention at Kitchener on Wednes- day of this week. Mr. Chas. Makins of New York City and Mr. Chas Makins of Hamil- ton, called on their cousin, Mr. Wm. Lamont, on Monday. Mrs, D, Gascho and daughter Beat rice, who spent a few weeks visiting in Detroit, have returned to their home here. Mr. Walter Schnurr was a week- end visitor at Toronto and Mildmay, his father having underwent an oper atkn at Toronto, and is improving nicely. Mr. Bruce Klopp, who has been taking the special short course in Art, at the Toronto University, for the past four weeks, returned home on Tuesday evening. The call extended to Rev. Tueck- heinn of Sullivan Tp., by the congre- gation of St. Peter's Lutheran chu`-qh has been accepted and expected that the new pastor will be inducted here about September 2nd. Mr. Ed. Bossenberry, who has been living near Bayfield the past while, has now made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koehler, of the village. Monday, August 6th, will again be observed as Civic Soliday in Zurich, this has beep the general motto for the past number of years that the first Monday in August be observed thus. So we are just in line with other towns and cities, and we would ask the public to bear in mind that all places of business will be closed on Monday next. While returning home from the picnic at Grand Bend, last Wednes- day evening, the car of Mr. Lennis O'Brein took fire and the blaze was surging out from the motor and up to the top Which had also started, for tunately the gas tank did not ig- nite, and with ready help the flames were subdued and put out, but the car suffered much damage, and it is a question whether' it can be fixed up again for good service. What might have proven an even more serious accident took place at the Drysdale corner the other even- ing when Mr. Orville Smith and, fam- ily of the Parr Line, Hay, was corn- ing from the lake onto the Blue Water Highway, and at the same time Mr. E. Epps from Varna hap- pened along and the two care col- lided, with the result that. the occup- ants werebadly shaken up, and a small child of Mr. Smith's suffered a bad cut in the face which required several stitches to close. Ari interesting auto wreck took place on the Blue Water Highway on Thursday evening last, when Mr. Gordon Turnbull of Parkhill was go- ing north in his car, having a trailer attached and loaded with bags, and at the same time Mr. W. H. Bender of Detroit, 'accompanied by two men of Zurich, were - going in the same direction, and travelling at a very fast speed. tr. Turnbull was not aware that a car was approaching, and consequently did not allow part of the road which the fast oncom- ing car required, and as a result Mr Bender first. took the ditch and in coming back on the road he hit Mr. Turnbull's car and turned it over, on its side, but fortunately no one was injured to any extent. 'While the men hear by were straightening up things, the car of Mr. Albert Hen- drick was standing on the road side, when a travelling man from Toronto happened along and bumped into the Hendrick car. with the result that it was also smashed up considerable, but fortunately ue one wfrig injUred, Diamond Rin The Most popular Line of Diam- ond Rings in Canada WE HAVE TEM COAL NOW IN YARDS „AA EIGHT CAR LOADS 1; OF HIGH GRADE ELME; Scranton Anthracite Minehead Alberta, Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL ALSO POCAHONTA% rm...6...cara.te2.orL HENSALL ONT, Phenee-Office 10w. House le.r, Hess, The Jeweller The Business Built By Serviirm * • Spring FOOTWEAR 44: 44. 4: +4. 4. 4. 4. Our Stock of Spring and Summer Foot - Iwear for Women, Men,, Boys and Girls T. are now complete and we invite you Ford Sedan -1n good xnechanical condition, Rubber good 4 1923 Ford Coupe --4 new tires, Upholstering like new- .See Grey Dort Touring, ready for the road, only $25., 4. 1924 Ford Coupe, Baloon Tires; a Real Bargain. 4. McLaughlin Touring, a real bargain at $2.5.00 4. + 4. 4. 4. 4. C. FRITZ 'St SON FORD DEALERS Tires 30x3 $5. to $6. Batteries $9.95 SECOND HAND FORD PARTS AT .HALF PRICE 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 ••••••••ornentonftecoarmars,••••••••• 44.1110.1011.* Spring and Bummer GOODS When you start out to do your spring and summer buying cornet Here WE CARRY A NICE ASSORTME NT GX' • GINGHAM% PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SRiRTINGS, COTTONADE FLANNELETTES, WC, SHOES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING. HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY, FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON Re Ns DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE11 97 3413LAKE • • ‘,7