HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-07-19, Page 1. . • 'tfoL )(XIX No 3 4 ro vuuutouxus++•••....••• uzi•Zustoztzuw,.... UJuuttu'uomuuounumuoun• ZUrflcF THURSbAY MORNINGJULY19, 1928, .43:0-111. ‘tf e • U........*Lurrenuuhuuumuomom "4*".11.4.7,-+++++.0•1444414-.**4.f.1-2441-44* " • ;.1; • Life Sickness of.a liCeldiellt Auto NO Insurance to ° 4f• 41. • E Oesch Agert Zurich 4. + .70 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + 141,-+++++++4E4--444:144+44.4-4.4 44444+ "--,1-4-4••§4--2--f44++++-1.-14+ '44 44•4, 04.4-4241**45: 04444 0.4•00. 4# 411.0.400.4444WW041KOREEr BARGAINS BARGAINS Received, a. shipment of waterproof t Robes which it Sill retailing far begi Catalogue prices, get your's a/ • 012.501 large size - =s*. ; ,••• ,00•010,20/3.0 04.80.4"4,k?it ZURir lanauraty by buyi NOTICE Someone has taken my mito id* s\VX‘It11 • ,Ods 111 PV,IPutuf,o,,r1.^." /.1.1.14:41...1/4.77., :7;104,44 11,19.....xt1,Uives...M.YoU • ••;:"•';.„ •-.1 • 5 re .• • . from tho Evangelical Church The 'party : known and it t...ok•.71 long tr.' .• out and is •**' '4'. ed ; it at once saveJu ther cesls. ° 011" 1-1A.DIKS • Mr, and l',I!•s, C J. ,-..s.je; ...1 gleb. t'.? .. sistances re'id ec..: ':';:"' '.ir .“F';',•,.%1 greatly fir ,.): ' I 4, 21,-;*.a.t.,:i,,,:".: ends for tl.e o. ,.1„:7 '•:.-1.14,-*:eg kl 1 d q:1,-- 4 vement. ...1:: .;, V114- -CJI(1.:- and PubPc ':;',...1.1o7 Sdrollars .f.n.• '.•!!;'-i':''. tokens of kin:h.t..ss. STANLEY TOW__ Mr. and Wm. l'altnee daughters or iiton .-:pern days with fri ent;;,. in this 1-10:2,itv; aietsttar c•-tc'''•41•P•4";..!, tu6 4 fttve 01.,,salnAltILI;LA 02.434‘•:".(44' rrs NOW IN YARDS. EIGHT CAR LOADS OF GR PK44 c.11411 ent the past With h -r -.1.141..•vori of ls. •„:.;.; •.1. L. SV, .:PAY.alliOnd Rin nIly „ MILLER CREEK SOFT Mrs. E. Lowd...n ofliar;aw .• are t' '. -y weeks. The most populai• Line of Dj m -ALSO POC.4.iSK..;"..•.:::, Line. returned to the old home op, •;,,,.,.;-4,-.,„,i. '.v. •.• ::.:.•:•. h..I ,..1.,•.. ...- .•.;.s......o Sr. • : ...;,.., .,,,d :.;,',..:;;; -;:,....,1.•,.-•,,.,,, wild Mr. and Rings in 1..-7r.;.....a..i;. Mer. and A1rs; Gilman Si4ev. .;4.0 •••"''' •• 7,'";.ii'•.•: L-:il, i......:.1t„.. intore:-/.• Lonclo.n, spent Sunday at the I-.:04nt. i.',-;' ,..: ' ,,.• .::-.;•J.'': :41 C-:,ci!':•:,:: WE "11.1":"F; l'IlL,"Vf. I H E N SA LL Otri' of Mr. aCnd Nirs. D. J, St,..-ol,..)k:,yr. ”' .,''......": 7.:.:;;•-:.;;..vi,,1)-•?.i,;.;.7..;„ -...!:;.• ... PliOnea----0ffie'e 1.0w. House r.6.7). ,4r he Business Built F., 377,-,P.••"77.•i+ Mrs. Oacar Wright and ramilyj of r.; Kennelworth, are spending a., 4ef:te, 1er T witli her mother, Mrs. G. Dovvson. •"'•. Mr.Sunday. Olive Erratt, 'visited at Auburn Ili. " '''`10 - and Al N. Russel ;Naafi:. am) ..i.•-fs..(.1;' at the how. •-' : •-• ...;•..."'`. ... ,, .. . .... .. , .+4,H,,4,4,..:.4÷,,+++4,44,.i ,,,i4,44,t1.44+41. N1'). John t.oN•bo I., . :„:•-•• ;.• • 4 - , J., Mr. and Mrs. T. Penrose and Mr, .1 '411:-'010neo of his h;lt,... .• ,:, ,, ..„ : ... E. Penrose of Hanniton, •ipent the j '''.1. 'LI. Paint , -•rF. ; -week-end with the!r .parents Rev. ''';';'. n'-'-/,':* 1:1117, 9r f'...--°.: ;:-, Entrance Results „, ....-, ,ri.•„ m.c.re •o',.i... ( oq! a.u; ,vith Z. "•:,- r'•-•(.1, 111 rs, A.::::;:i '..., ,t. -4, ; and Mrs. Penrose at the parsonage, Po..4 ;•,91.1 ti.eg tc; • Varna. •.tr;.ots *iv , 1r:it:rids at Kitch;•:-.•,... anc, -..;"- ...AD°. 1... k Total marks obtainable, , :750 c' 11- • ..' 0 i Mr ,. Win. and 7,1- marks necessary to pass 450,• ""th ' ' .'. 17-; ....-,• '-' ' !;1,- ;•'•;,;••,4:`'..v -. Y . it. ,•?.,„ 1.-fa.,4:•,,,,,, "S. 6 , ci•e• leaSt 40 per cent. ih each subject. f,;',-- '-'. i•:', '••••• le ..•'' ,...1•• \Cm. La- *" .61? I First Cla•ss honors require 50c; •,, :. , ... • -...., 'A' ' + + !..c. f/t110936-184.4s...-•••PR-tv ;3•V•;jttteefoll .:,..,i .:',P.•,.; 1.'EREST.E'Re- S'Ll'agY 0/P.- NEW ;-,.. ' ii..PRING. FOC/Vrii'llLE, TY..t.S1FriONS •(;" i L ,3../1 4, In ''' • '''' . ''' • RE A r-",g,r1RVrIXTI2 AS 'IRE LAST ISSUE OP VOGUE 6 - - .. 4 '...inpling 95 i E). liistory .---114. Naftel 94 (G) ; M. i i heir et..;;;;-, • f•-• ' , • . ;; a!, 1 .: - ''' ' '• - ... theit' tsoil •:;l. ): : : . - , .: '':'• •-•::: TREY WILL Erk":1=-1132:414 YOU ciVITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW 9 t ; Innmar—MaoKin loy- Ramagu 98 .elonel '-' 'e ,•• •'' In Sphg -",?•71 r? A g 4!'.' v..' • aro wiNDows POST.:XEILYA 11 c9 e (A). Second Clan I If- 1•..' .:t.:•••••:. •:.I.. ,611 tres are (E) and Goderich - centr'e,...• , n• Ko•111 ; will rill " 4nve n new honors are marli.cd (B). Exeter een;:- ' to -.,, nt :.,..; Osila.w., •-•., •-:•••-•:..-..:,:.,:tand (G). The highest totals ih. are as follows: I1acling--4-A Burke, 48 (G); E. Skinner, 44 (E). 410 sewseikaasseeasioe den each subj4t Spelling—D. Middleton, 49 (G); Et .1C;la. Ginger/eh, 50 (E). I Writi9g—A Carrick, 42 (G); A.:. e Stunt.: 49 (E). CI ' ! IltnratD. Middleton 08 (G); compiin 91 (E). J ,i--ort..0(0tion--T. Carrick and P. 47 I Moore 73 (G) ; M. Taman 85 (T.:1).• • • 1,og.raphy—E. Farrier 98 (G). :.......1(..:6;;:j.r..tard and Erwin ( IVIich., on Sunday. and was ace-?.,.. 0 wit Gingerich, 100 (E). I Arithmeti c—B. Seeds, ,Tho. Cur- Pardod home bY . '.41 d- 1r•it, ‘., Martirr, 1:1, Nart -..1 1.00 (G);: ughter Dorothy. ae ". ...;-. , .2 •:;•:,..;;•...; ••• *:•:,...-1 !'-• •' .1 ?I. Cann, M. Coward, M. Dick, Er- : who had bot -n rt. - ). •:: :. • c.7: ': . '',. "!:' 1 1 Mr. and '" ..... " • ,,,, ..,,, ;„ ni,/s. 41 1 E, t„...,, 98 nedald allCi Rob" . -.1 •••:.r.i- •,..,,,vj :c; -•.T.,.•-•,. -•,. :,. . ,. , • . . . 1 t' a 4 lOt1.11S-- 11,1;:.11,14vit, • '' 1 '' ' • m. c ItIrfl and daudter of f ur toe of iSorin )Sandasky, Mich., were Ntonday vwt. ...„ 4. *Weber. ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. i + • 1... and Sumner Fooi., .. I + The Misses ZilnurPrman of t Tavistock weye weelt-nd visitor's at" 4- wear. for Womenf, Athnenha,ome of Mrs. 0. fl.ss and Miss I ..t.. it.. Men, By and Girls iting with trinds in Mi%.115,1. . I Mr. Jacob Brow, accompanied !).v- + his brother, Rev t; F. Mildmay, aro spending !hc week vis- 4: ra f'r'.- ''',3 '•'• *':" compg.ece 4ingerich, i Mr, Ear' IN f ' id() ln Ot 01%41 to i'al;-. 1 :;: %ri.i.kii '1,4 '''.: W. '. • STANDARD OF VI, AT TINE MODERATZ' PRIC.13S. ..;•• REPAIRING ESA.71-Y INt1.1.1E Only the beg, at .,,•! osed, Bring, 1-,,..„,saer„, rge, Srke.A a4411/4.1Pfte. $7-t.cfs0:;(.1-1 t +1' COOK; • :1E0E8 COSI' LZ. SEE OUR ift sen r WINDOW DISPLAY 4'.941P2Illetteedivamatetworgimoodrecedwg,=.94*.ilkmtgNWRIPROMOVO.Zata Jae sar0.41,41,141,04‘103,-;•40,44,-00.4,414i-r • • t5.:1 1'11-11t: 1.:111V:"1 flt 6 t 'ZURICH - Olkt ,„,.. ol, 1 And w7,, e ,,,,,, . kv4• '" are ail ready to t Show' 1011 all the NE EST . STILES in V.S. 1 vtio : TP COATS '04 .?'.0SIERY VAS ilia• • • ...10 RATS.4t. ,(s) CAPS 4ik /.2t SHIRTS -RTC •It.$ The finest range of made- to-na: 441. are sa pies' ever shown Id. 10. * 77-4' 4hZ6•4 414,20 re ag • *04.4,....***10.440,04m$,404,..44.-.44.04404.440,11,4,400,0,440,(;,040664t, 4 ). • Pessimism and Opposition two quantios ofton go Ivan IT, • • The pessinr7s1. iN obsti Qi•tt..e;, tr... St' of pro i •!,', •'114' • '.',, fl(▪ '(* • 1;". • er, .;`• it•.•,...:owl•.•••••,•11ili"t• ,.• ,mileo -i,ii flit . r. li' 1.n.i. k ; 0 , f) and ii..-:.' ;.:r'., i Z1 7.0 ti; t'' ; ...11 L. 3:; hop ' .11,1: • I .n.,e.ig• , .n .•-••,.-..;1•Ic sid 1.;,,, . re.............,s .,-• ++ v1+ +. •-1: ' .ci +,.‘ , (1)1.-n his s.;ii; ,..,..; pessim- IT.k.:.s born ..)). ,-.0.., pp..; the '....,.-11.:.t.r fail,: ic g, ti-. 1.)0,4a.i.,;; tnd he .„, „•„-,t r• 3t1q--:o )7.. : 7. ;',ettel- h,,, tb, , oiginlizif will, ,I.ot...iti5,., he is agg I.; ;„.;.... v•e, .,..;••1.. eor 1r.1 s' It' 1 :tv and lmt.: or fi1,1, 1., 14,• t. :tt. L:0.1. ChriSt W •,.' aliu'l (.201111 aerab, • anti conquer - trio optimist in the face of formid- uk..-.J hostility. . I 1 • • 1 1 ,41 • ; tnit. 1,1! ' ' 4.EF1;0 d ", 0: i4irt,v; 1);•••, ,;• , -• • 61,„• :;1•1 •, • • ; . • ; . ,'•,, • t 010, , :rie:'•• • ‘,.‘. * • , .1;14 • • , : , • e r tith: ' 4 nirtg order in a roll- 1;0;1 People c. litiri • " f complain i•-• tt:•• ar, as wh.•:; e corartry z; • "'; c of grain i ,''.• 011.3 ;-;* t • : 1),! thankral '20;. ,,• ing in a land o, A very • befell Mr. 1.;:ma., Town Vito. Stal;. home from Zuric, card le turn at the Z.e.1...e Rai„.1 Linv corner y „. into ftive'h 14. of the :WI .1;tgi?..,, and who v•114 ing from Ilum•all, and was also lei- f. lowing .Juotbey £O,1, hence Mr. Sch- ilbe .could not see the horse and rig until he was practically upon it, but by giving a quick short turn, the car hit only the roar wheel of the rig with the result that it threw Mr. Reich( -r 'and family out on the road and in .Calling Mr. Reichert su.tained a bro' • z, ..ollar bone, and also a few frncturecl, -as well as many tri bruises. The other the rig were only seyersly hat.en i.p ••••ith minor injuries. Mr. Zoichot was at once attended to by A. J. M.-.1....1c.innen, who, under considered it most advis- ble Witt, tht; patient to St. Jos- ph's 10,ital, London, where he is a el faJcondition, ruesrla.y eve,1 7 p,n1.—..Tr. League Thu slay, p m. -Prayer and Praloe firiday 7,30 p.m.—Senior League Friday 8.30 p.m.—Choir Practice SLINDAy SERVICES 10 A. M, c4"•• S'ubject' The True, Vine: A 114. 4.; lesson from nature. I/ am--.Biblo School, Gaacho, Superintendent, "worship: 7.'80 P. M. • M =.10 '4ubject---The TranHfiguring and VOD.W4transforming love of God. ReAr. W. Y. •Dreiar, Pastor c 5 D c a it • r,7and nn,••.:chanical condition, Rubber Itotti new .fres, Upholstering the road, only $25. fir'-: a Real Bargain, .;• a real 1,,,ur,44tra 825.00 ,**l"1,,!,„ D D S Z.,Q.114. Batteries $!) iY3 :c.fD FIORD AT HALF •: r-- !"•-= - - 1-4*. • . .1: ,.. ,• i;...‘-,.,.„.,,.-„ ,.. ,/ r ,, 4 . C --T 14 VO 01 1" • ‘+.•; +.1. • • 7.; 11 - tart out to do your ummer buying come ere WE CARRY A NICE ASSORTME Ni.` OF GING/HARM, 0:: PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SE1RTINGS, COVIONADE FLANNELETTES, ETC - SHOES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE; A PULL ASSORTMENV OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING. rIOUSECLEIANING. HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTT. FRESH GROCERIES ATiwAYS ON HAND, GENEPAL M ER OH ANT iqaLAKE 4 • • .e h a. - ft to A I • .k. 'es to he he .nd ow are to up. to He eye my He and n I fully gain one ,s if rked told him. her. yell inent o ot Vhen bodY d re- am% 'play- 1.:rwith runs 4