HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-07-12, Page 8..ore.w:jth.the:Stpc. Moor �over�ngs At•Reduced Friaao Our Stock of Cong,oleum and Linoleum Bugs must be reduced, so are offering same at Special low prices to clear. Two pieces only in 4 yds. wide linol,- gums to clear at 53.45 per yd. !M••weeseeeosee.Deeso sees•••••a••••••••••••••••••••••• Housedresses ',A, clew Supply of Ladies Housedresses arrived in pretty patterns of G.inghars, Victorian Cloths and Broadcloths; Priced from $1.4.5 to $2.25 each. Wooos.••••••a••••‘e®®®situs•eeee®•ateeCi®e n.08•a0®o®••• Ix ect a1ns Gran. Sugar, cwt. 6.50 Redpathis Golden Yellow sugar $6.20 Dominion Gran. pure cane cwt. $6.25 Asc i-od.:,t' Wanted Phone 59. �.,i.:, .,..yy.aF.rr q�•�✓t•':i0r•I..l..�. ;r��✓r'l'•�34`3"'s'�:+�✓r s✓r F~c F� � � ��~; �4>��i•�•4'�i• i•d••A�F •� ANNOUNCEMENT We have been appointed Agents direct for :.;:RIC1t • AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OE. WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI - IPP _ FOUR CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE, A TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY S r THE LOWEST PRICED ST:i ON t wEI:I' 'E'�' S i X THE MARSET. A CAP. WITH A SOUND REPUTATION TWO MODELS, PROVIDED WITH W.�l1yS�� THE FAMOUR SLEEVE VALVE MOTOR. BUYING ELSEWHERE. A SATISFACTORY DEALOTOR. IF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US ASSURED, BESIDES: "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" H, Rousseau Zurich 4. 4 4. fi ,.4q.;.a.•:•+++•l••4 +44+++.1 s s r✓:..,;.✓a4.'4"l'+++++•E•+'l•+• +`444.4.4e Harvest Time • • Will son be here again and we would urge the farmers in making these preparations not to ne- glect to leave your order for binder twine with us as we have the old and reliable GOLD MEDAL 1.0_:!:././ift _-°` . AND WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU WITH ANY QUAN- TITY. ALSO A GOOD SUPPLY OF PLYMOUTH ROPES . IN MOST • • • • • • O • • • CALLED FOR SIZES. BE SURE AND SEE OUR SLING ROPES. r1 ALSO THE FAMOUS LOUD:N TRACKS AND CARRIERS. GOOD -YEAR Tires for long and durable I Service • If of new furniture, forget; we have it! • Fo_ t u ZURICH ONT. Of Fr�,� Dinnerware FROM NOW ON UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. WE ARE GIVING WITH EVERY CASH PURCTHASE IN OUR STORE A PREMWM CARD TO THE VALUE. OF THE GOODS PURCHASED. THESE PREMIUM CARDS ARE REDEEMABLE AT FACE VAL- UE TO BE EXCHANGED FOR BEAUTIFUL PIECES OF DINNER- WARE,. SAMPLES OF THE FREE • DINNERWARE ARE NOW IN OUR STORE. YOU ARE INVITED 10 CALL AND SEE THEM. SUMMER DRESS MA'.ERiAL.S WILL BE SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES UNTIL SOLD. YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE N O. 145 mP • MB 'NER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST A goodly number from the village attended the large circus at London, on Thursday of last week. Miss Merle Rau of Detroit, is Sp- ending a month with her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. P. Rau. Mrs. Lennis Callfas and family of Kitchener, are staying the week with the former's 'parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. A: ' Melick: ! • • Pleased to see• Mr. Roland Geiger of the Ilrolson• Line,. able to be, out again after his attack, of .rheumatic fever for the past. few, weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Q. N.' Taggart and niece, Miss M. Raabe, who have been visiting relatives here and camping at Grand fend, have returned to thei mome at Grand Bend,. HILLSGREEN LOCAL MARKET , Live Hogs cwt. Butter, lb. • a • 40c Eggs .. Dried apples alb, ..z-. .::� __ 9 Oats.....: ...w.... .. --_: .. fi0 Floor Wheat .. Barley.. . _'S`D Buckwheat .. .7..OD Sherts per ton •. Bran:.per ton.. U110' (;Corrected every Wednesday) (Minot Daily News, Minot, N. D.) Dr. Hagen was born. near Hills - green, and attended Clinton Colleg- iate Institute: Dr. E. 3. Hagen, WO' linston's pioneer physician, died June 20th, after sickness extending over a period of years. Edward Jordan Hagenwas born in Zurich, April 8th, 1971,and was the son of Mr, and Mrs James Hagan. He was educated in Ontario, being a grad- uate with high honors of Trinity Medical School and later Toronto University, and later doing gradu- ate work at Chicago University, and in New York and London. He came to Williston in 1905 and was married to Joan Garvey in 1913, this union was blessed with four children who are all living. He was a man of energy and an incessant worker, he bultt up a very fine practice, which he handled alone until three yeasr ago when it was necestry for him to adopt a partner, owing to failing health. A few months ago ganger- ine set in his left foot, and after am- putation of the leg, it still proved serious, and influenza set in which. caused death. Dr. Hagan was pro- minent in civic as well as medical affairs. In addition to his immed- iate family he is survived by five brothers and five sisters: Peter Hagan of Portland, Oreg; Margaret Hagan of Seattle; John and Lorry Hagan, of Chicago; Kathleen Hagan of Detroit; Oolly, Mary, Frank and and James Hagan all living in Ont- ario, and Sister Angelus, of Chatham • CREDITON Aaron Wein and Eli ' Lawson made a business trip to St. Marys on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edwards and family, of Ingersoll, spent the week- end with relatives here. i New sidewalks have been placed all around the premises •of the Evan- gelical church: Parsonage .sidewalks also 'been repaired. The old side walks stood up for a long time. Mrs. Arthur Benedick and two sons, Herb and Harvey and daugh- ter A1m.odo, all of Kitchener,visised over the week -end with Mrs. Chris. Hoffman and family. Misses Aieen and Nola Geiser are -Laking an 'extended tour starting at Taronto enroote on a great tourist .:.topnolri• or Muskoka and surro- unding iblands. A trip suited for hard working school teachers after the sch:ooi year cloaPs. . Mr. and Mrs. John 'K. Schroeder and .sou► O Detroit. spent • few Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business In Ontario - Amount of Insuranee at Risk on Dee. 31,1927, $,22,365,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 Rates -$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years. E. F. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lightning gods and all kinds of Fire Insurance MILLINERY Fine Displayeit Hats cflotsasot Mel*, na le I Spring is here and we can supply t the Public with Seasonable Hard=' ware at moderate prices • 4. A NUMBED OF, GOOD SECOND HAND STUVES VERY 4. CHEAP, , t• . We sell Ideal Incubators and Brooders 4. - FENCING - *o • I A CARLOAD OF LUNDYS'LUCKY TIB ,WIRE, JUST . AR» t t g. RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN COIL, BARB„ BRACE AND : ,4STEEL POSTS.. -• .. ..r_.�. 4. TIRES AND TUBES . fg 4 A FULL LINE OF GUTTA PERQHA TIRES. NONE BETTER •~ 4. 4. PAINTS AND VARNISHES -1.• • GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN ISENOi7R 100% PURE PAINT, & A FULL LINE. OF CD.TNAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO ENAMELS, 4.4. ALSO iNH'LL LINE OF, MURESCO, E.r JUST ARRIVED AND WE ASIC ALL LADIES TO GET YOUR'S WHILE THE SUPPLY AND CHOICE IS GOOD. T1iE• PRICES' .;ARE RIGHT WE CAN ASSURE YOU, AND THE QUALITY GOOD. ALSO A SPECIALLY FINE ASSORTMENT FOR YOUNG GIRLS IN THE TIEN AGES. bib.* CALL AT THE ..- HAT SHO.PPE EARLY AND GET •FIRST CHOICE GIVE 'US A CALL V. y. SIEBERT days with Mr. and Mrs; J. F. Wein and friends. Daniel Truemner and Wilson Arid erson spent hoidays with . the form- er's son Dr. Otts Truemner, at Strathroy. • Gladys Wilson,, Rhoda Rogers and John Fern and Wm. Oaks, all of Pet - mica, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Win. 'Metz„ Kenneth Sippelf is attending the 0. R. E. C. Boy's Camp ' at Grand ]Send. The envioronments of the camp are in keeping with, very FURNITURE • Fill Line of Furniture in Living Room( Suite, Dining Room! Suits, Bed Roos Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. Reed Rockers and Z Chairs. -`A number' of Rockers t- Greatly "Redoed Good Supply of famous SIMMONS BEDS,' SPRINGS AND MATTRESS. BEWARE .OF SUBSTITUTES. t BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRON. WH Z PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. ` ge FULL SUPPLY OF I£RAUSER SMOKE CURE . • Johnston. 80 Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 +++ 4•'i••4•+•4• lid','i4 4rI '++++•E•,+'F'•€•++ 44 11 Auto FI YAM insuranc� . • AN S TEFT TO PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT YOU SHOULD INSURE (OUR CAR AGAINST FIRE AND THEFT. YOU INSURE FOUR BUILDINGS, THEN WHY NOT YOUR CAR WHICH •S MORE LIABLE TO BE DESTROYED. Oi ' tr 'R11'H3 bio. SG.I Fi3PW AS $3.00 AND TI-IEPT AT $2.50. "DO IT NOW!" Before you Invest ---INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO;-.SIIIRVICH AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? JOLIN WARD Drugless Fraction eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 70 At this time .of the year nearly - everybody is about to renew their papers or magazines. We wish to advise the public that we are In many eases sole -agents for r&a%Iy., weekly papers and all areagasineer and will give you reductions on: on most of 30..rese Ithat wilt nun - prise you(. If you are about • lbw renew your reading matter, : fir' come and nee ue, and be eo names ted.—Herald Offices. t#F—:6"-!A'�pA!'_ 'B,-•i5��. fir•--lh-- 3—$---4t-..$-. SUITS SUITS tTo the man who regards a.well. dresses appearance, we recommend you to come and look over our fine range of 1 NEW SPRING SUITINGS WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR MONEY GLADLY REFUNDED. ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH frau BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE I READ AGENT FOR 'MB WELL -KNOWN MADE TO MBAS- • URE CLOTHES CORNELL: MERCHANT TAILOR( W. IL HOFFMAN *1 Son, :ANDFUNERAL DIRIlORS Day. gain Phos; Nat N+ r .� , . •' '�' � .-,Jd1+i.a M+V+` a+! J+ r .:• r • 1{,:iiG tvY''• 7. •