HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-07-12, Page 5„assausgszlemsaler NamaniMing SUSIDIMSS CARDS DupLuY E 11 TviE liARBISTER, SOLICITOR, NO1` NARY PUBLIC, ETC. lliFFICE--liarnilton Street, dist off the Sanaro, ec)DEVICH, Ontario. Special attention to Counsel and Court Vtrorkl,' 7,61tr, Holmes may be consulted at 'tloderich by Phone, and Pliouo chargee reversed. 11. 11 COWEN. L. D. S. DD, S, DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Myna, Thursday,t Feiday, SteturdaY At HARTLE1B'S BLOCK, DASI1WOOD Every Moaday, Tuesday and WednesdaY • MUTUAL LIFE OF 'NEW YORK COMPLETE PROTECTION ',LIBERAL DIVIDENDS HESS Local Agent L IFftwsmsnecauzun.........monospand. The Imperial Lie Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E. Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Phone 11-81 Guarantee and Accident Oldest and Strongest Co. in Canada • • OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- oal School of Auctioneerbag. Try me for Registered Live Stock, till 'Breeds). Terms in keeping viatla prevailing prices. Choice Iffarmis for sale. Will e1 anything Anywhere. Plato i8-93 or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer OMR HURON Sr. MIDDLESEX 4 Aid IN A POSITION TO CON - any auction. Sale, regardlesa no toitM or article to sell. I *elicit your busineas, arid it not natisfied will make no charges for Services. • • Arthur Weber — Dashwood. 1Plb1ine 13-57 IZurich Meet MARKET t ---------------Fresh and Salt Meats i Bologna Sausages, etc: e • lagglaest Cask Price for Wont CASH FOR SKINS &HIDES 1 TO33gbillt & Dekb.Ort seetooseivossetreeimmosessai L I VE POU LT R WANTED 'Taken every day till 3o'clock,p.roi, leo not feed Fow1 same g.nrniriz when. brought in. Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien' 1 laNIMO111••• Pieles 04 • r -i Zurieti Headquarters FOR " r a Want a, For Sale, Lovt, Found,NotioesEto.,Ads I1! True COLO FOR SALE 40 -foot steel derrick, windmill, en gine, complete and in good condition L. A. Prang. FOR SALE A good kitchen range burns coal or wood, apply to W. L. Siebert. • FARM FOR SALE 160 acres on County Highway, ad- joining villake of Varna. Good buildings, well drained and fenced, plenty of good water and wood on the farm. Will sell with or with- out crop. Apply to: John E. Harnwell, Varna. WANTED • An Inspector or Superintendent for Huron County Children'c Aid Society in place of Mr. G. M. Elliott resigned. Applications in writing, stating qualifications and salary ex- Pected will be received by the under- signed up to July 19th, 1928, duties to begin as soon as possible. Full particulars as to duties expected, etc., will be given by the Clerk on application. 'Geo. W. Holman, • Clerk, Huron. Dated at Goderieh, the 25th day of June, 1928. FOR SALE A limited number of young • Pigs for sale, apply to.—Sol. Gingeriche - FOR SALE . A new Quebec Sulky Plow $55. A good used 13 -disc drill very cheap at $25. L. A. Prang, Zurich. NOTICE. I hereby wish to advise .the pub- lic that I have been appointed for this district, salesman for new mach- inery and repairs of the -well known Cockshutt farm Implements, and sol- icit part of your patronage. Also keep in stock plow points for most generally used plows, and will ap- preciate your business. Walter Schnurr, Zurich • FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 240 acres with good bush, plenty of running water, big bank barn water in barn, Large brick house with furnace, all in A. 1. shape One male frem church and school. Aanyone looking for a farm, this is a real • bargain at *10,000. WOE. cash and the balance en a mortgage at 5 per cent interest- If interested see: T. L. Wurm, Zurich, Ont.' FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 50 acre grass farm on, Town Line, Hay and Stanley, In Stanley Township, good well with windmill thereon. For fur- ther. particulars apply to Oscar Koehler, Zurich. , TIRES -TUBES 1 - --,....,............, y Per annum paya hal - 1 yearly upon MOO and over. issuccityaniestiturtien which is "Older than the Dominion of Canada." - • , FOR SALE A 5 -Tube Adralo RadioSetin A. 1. condition at a bargain for quick salk—G. Koehler. COAL 1928 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR 'GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahantas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO .1 Case, & Son PRONE 91 KIMBALL Itirort&Erk,Debenturegi Voir, •AND Store Batteries IApplicatious thre accepted ),yIL S. WEIN, Prop. A, F. gie. A groin., smistwoon Karon, Immo" . - ... - ........... • Vo717,15, LOC NE%YS Miss Susie Johnson, is visiting fri- ends in Kitchener"Ind Brantford. Peter Koehler is visiting for a few weeks at Port Huron and other point.• - LOT—An, auto marker 806e670, Finder please leave at Herald Offiee. Miss Anna Seim of 'Stratford, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Hy. Rupp - Mrs. Dan. Gascho and daughter, Beatrice, are spending a few weeke, •visiting friends at Detroit. e Kr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of his bro- ther, Mr. Thomas Johnson. ' Mr, and Mrs. Richard Mathews, and baby Dick, of Loudon, called on Mr. and Mrs. Will, Wein oralVfonday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Burnett, of Lis towell ore rvisiting for a few day$ at the home df Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf and Mrs. W. Cairnes of Kitchener, visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Johnson on Sunday. Any, person wishing to donate a special prize towards the Zurieh Fall Foir, are requested to noaify A. F. Hess, Secretary Treasurer ateorice Real fine rains visited this section on Monday, which broke up the al- most unbearable hot wave that greet ed this section over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Witmer, Mr. and Mrs. S. Witmer and Mis. Jas. Allan, spent a few days at Preston, and Kitchener last week. Mrs. G. Sureeus and Mrs. W. B. Battler, visited for a few days .last week with their sister, Mrs. L. Pfeffer, of Listowel. r. Edward McDougall and sister Miss Belle, of Hurondale, were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams. Mr. Lorne Dreier and Ernie Gross of Chesley, and Miss.Pearl Dreier of Hanover, were Sunday visitors at the Evangelical parsonage. Mr. Fred. Raegels, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pepper, and son of Strat- ford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Wein, Babylon Line. Mr. M. Ohler of Goderich, Mr. and MrCs. Ross McPhee of Auburn, Mrs. G. Sercombe and little son Gordan of Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John England. Notice—All parties who are bag- ging or harboring bee swarms, are warned to have such swarms register ed with the Prov. Apiarist, 0. A. C. Guelph withinten days or they are liable to the government penalty. Rev. and Mrs. Ashton andefani- dly of Parkhill, visited during the past week, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith, of the Blue Water Highway. Mr. Thompson, who was appoint- ed as teller in the Bank of Montreal, .1,at Zurich, has left for good, and is being replaced by Mr. Walker who has his home in Walkerton. Mr. Harry Angel is away to Wind- sor to bring home two new Crysler autos, one of them he has already sold, while the other he purposes to keep as a demonstrator. This firm is advertising a new car, which is very low priced called the Imperial. High Constable A. Whitesides ac- companied by two other officials of Goderich, were quite busy last Th- ursday evening in this section, they attended an after -midnight party at the Blue Water Highway, and also made a few searches in the village, but were unable to prove any in- fringements of the new liquor laws. and MCI's. T. L. Williams had a most pleasant outing the past week. They took the train at Sea - forth and went to Toronto, and frorn there they took the boat to Niagara, and took in al those wonderful sights as well as Buffalo, th'e large Peace Bridge af Bridgeburg, as well as many other places of great import- ance. With last week's issue we have a- , gain pased another milestone and be- gan a new year. The herald is now twenty-nineyears old, and we can only say that we have enjoyed an- other year of fine business relations with our many patrons and hope t6 be favored with many more such ye- ars. This eVent has usually been celebrated with a week of holidays, but last year we found the week of holidays more suitable in August, and we have again decided to have this restful week in August this sum- mer. Children's Day Childreti's Da/ was observed at the Evangelical Church, Zurich, last Sunday and was a very happy fest- ivity., In the morning the Pastor brought an interesting object lesson Message te the pleaszm and profit yOnng and old. At theevening sittviO's aid lioyg and girls occupied 1�t and sang beautifully anti rendered a variagated and Much enjoyed program, consisting of exercises, dialogues, recitations and chorusus to a full house. Mr. J. E. Gaseho,' Superintendent of the llible Scheel was in the chair and presided very ably. Theoffering for Foreign Missions was nearly $70.00. The next event will be the &m1.14 rale Scheel Mout. „. LO.oAL bTEWB Mr. arid Mrs. C. L. Smith, and dau ghter Mae, and Mrs. W. C. Wagner motored to London on Saturday. Mn T. L. Williams is renewing the outside of his house with a fresh coat of paint. Miss Olive O'Brein is spending a iew week's vacation with friends in Michigan, Mr, George Pee of Hensel], aisit•- ed with hea mother, Hy. Lipp- hardt the past week. Mr. and Mn Lloyd Schiefle and family of Detroit, were we-nd visitors at the home of Mrs, Schiefies parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Gellman Mr. and Mrs. Merrier Filhe5. and .Family of Dtroit, visited for a few days at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Jos. Routledge. Mr. and airs. Samuel 0.e4ele) ere this week moving to Harristen, where they have purchased a ]age grocery • business. Their effects ]eft by auto truck on Wednesday, and they will get possession of their business this week. The many Zurich friends regret very much to see there leaving, and wish them much success in their new business venture. Mr. C. Schrag & Sons, Proprietors of our popular Hillcrest Dairy, have had, during the past week a DeLaval mil king eie lie • led, which 16 proving o a great asset to their fine- r,nuipment. The machine lia.; a capacity of two cows at a time, alio itjos tile work very efficiently as wen as rapidly. The outfit was sold and installed through Mr. Louis Prang, the local DeLaval agent. SCHOOL REPORT Promotion Exams. held at S. S. No 15, Hay: Sr. III to Jr. IV—Elva Turnbull, 84,Ivan Sharrow, 78; Harry Willert 7e16 5;. Luella8Walper 75; Arletta Wal- pl Sr. II to Jr. III—Jack Turnbull 71 Lillian Wilson 68. Jr, II to Jr. HI—Frieda Rades 74; Lloyd Willert 71; Anna Patterson 70 Jr. II to Sr. II—Irene Stebbins 68 Retained in Jr, II—Billie Sharrow, 41. Sr. II to Jr. II—Warren Sharrow 86; Erma Keller 84. Jr. II -to Sr. I—Merle Walper 92; Eva Baker 90; Ruth Sharrow 89; Florence Truemner 80. No. on Roll 19. Alice Hoffman, Teacher. Dashwood Mrs. Thiel of Zurich, and Mrs. Consitt of Hensall, called on Miss L. Hertleib ogne da Y last week. Miss Mary Zimmer of Tavistock is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoff- man. Quite a number of delegates are attending the convention held in the Evangelical church this week. Death of Wm. Snider. The death occured on Friday July 6th of Wm. Snider at the age of 80 years, 5 months and 16 days. Mr. Snider has been ailing for some time and leaves to mourn his loss one da- ughter, Mrs. Hy. Schroeder and one son Duncan on the homestead. The funeral was held on Saturday after- noon, interment in Exeter cemetery. Death of Emanuel Wilds. Mr. Emanuel Wildspassed away at his home on the 16th con., Hay, on Sunday morning July 8th, follow- ing an illness of about two months, when he developed pneumonia. He reached the age of 45 years, 5 mon- ths and 21 days. • Besides his widow he leaves one adopted daughter,- his mother, two brothers and two sisters The funeral was held on Tuesday af- ternoon to Grand Bead cemetery, Rev. Coiling officiating. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr. Richard Robinson and family Miss Ruby Erratt and Rev. William Robinson, ,arrived by motor from Carlyle, Sask., last week, and will remain fora time in Ontario. There passed away on Monday, July 9th, Mrs. Chas. Pilgrim, of Var- na. Mrs. Pilgrim has been confined to her bed for some time, having suf- fered a fractured leg and some days ago she had a fall which fractured her other leg and hastened her death Sad Accideat. A. sad fatality occured last Thurs- day night just west of Brucefield, when a car driven by Harold Taylor, who was accompanied by William Anderson, collided with E. Epps' truck, which was standing on the •side of the road. The car struck thge.truck with such great force that Anderson was instantly' killed, being thrown against the corner Post of the sedan which crushed in his skull:. Taylor was rendered uncons cious. but escaped death by being be- hind the steering wheel of the car, he was taken to Clinton Hospital where he is improaing and 'ip en the way to. .raoveiy. Wrn. Anderson was the youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. David Anderson of Parr Line, and the remains after being brought to Clinton, were brought to his home fromthere the funeral took place on Sunday, July 8th. 11e was al- MOst 21 years of age and he with Harold Taylor had been working in Detroit,. Mich and were home for the holiday. The accident has cast gloom over the entire community and Much sympathy is felt for the beratQtiilazo,vai Ana irip4d2, I Autos and Auto Supplies • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OP AUTO ACCESSORIES, • 4 AND SUPPLIES AND CAN SAVE yop MONEY ON TZE$A • VAIllOUS LINBS 4 • CORD TIRES 3043 AT ONLY , • 40 TV -BBS 30x314 AT ONLY ... $8.50 $1.40 GOOD RUBE.R CASE BATTERdieS AT B 1 SECOND HAND it; EL, P. GAS ENGINE VIWy C11.8AP!"(4 4 2 FORD TOURING CARS * 1 FORD .ROADSTER • 1 GOOD TRAILER. 4 • ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN 000D RUNNING ORDER. WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND • RE -BUILDING BA r l'ERIES, FARM 1MPLEMNTS TT - • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS att Vailal IMPLEMENTS AND s CARRY JUST THE KIND Or :5,11A(1-5°NEiZY TUAT WILL GIVE' 0> O YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST iatnri"rl FOE YOUI; MON'tY pUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUla UIVIPS. • f Tires, Tulles, Gas, rfr'Js ad Srenes L. A. Frang Zurich 44• 4440404.0444,00,&4*004649,,,o9* .o040504,t"b<pt-ti•4>0.04•04,0*.04, 4'00, • 3 0 0 4 0 4, vp; . kj )1$ ,01 Auto Tops, Buggy Wagon Repairing Pahtirg Etoi Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH S ill -1+++++++++++++++++++++4444 e+++++444.4.44***4-1.4.+4+4111 1 a a AS THEY MAKE THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST ROOF . WITHOUT ANY PAINTINGOR REPAIRING AND WILL OUT • • LAST ANY OTHER KIND OF ROOF. •• ▪ SHINGLES ARE NOW SELLING AT THE REMARKABLE LOW; OF - 5X Iled Cedar s1.50 PRPleCrEBuneh 3X Red Cedar $1.35 Per Bunch at • WE WILL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS A CARLOAD OF g-ETe • CEDAR POSTS AND 9FT. LARGE ANCHOR POSTS. CALL FOR YOUR SUPPLY. USE CEDAR SHINGLES For new and old Roofs *FC. KALBFLEISC . 11 PHONE 69 - ZURICH ++++.4++ 4444++ ++4. 4•4•4++++ 44+ +++44+4 +it++_+++ riWiliWINWIINAMAANAMWANWWWWW1Wil Zurich Drug Store z tale Stationery We Specialize in fine Stationery and have writing tablets of all sizes, fine boxed stationery, Cor- resprndence Cards, Greeting Cards and:Birthday Cards. We also have a large Stock of bulk Perfumes; .Toilet Preperations of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams, Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS KODAKS AND MIMS MIL olt INC INC Or ar Or or Dr, A, J. MacKinnon, oh Zuri Px‘ •