HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-07-12, Page 4• "In 'October and Noven i a•r., about °' .bOO,ttOO hnnters set oat to slain Qgb.t r the gave birds and intima1,1 s t 1 , 'Am n 1 i la this Cant` n �1' the T t e ane t from Tele:: of Texas to the northern XAhe of Alberta. The game in the " tiitrd States i s jut about two ;Tern tent of what it was sixty years ztf';o. Canada has need to watch 'Zattefully lest her priceless heritage tai ° become so lnapoveii, .u'd as to ;be well-nigh worthies. SCHOOL REPORT 1I-'roinotion exams. for S. S. N. 7, Manley. Zr. IV to Sr, '!V --Pace 435; 'Hon. ,5415 ---Annie Taylor 569; Glady Col - email '538 Alvin Reichert 522. , '..Sr. In to Jr. 1V—Pass 435, Mon 545--Heli,>n Ander: on 6'13; Ir- nr Tarsier 587. Sr, II to Jr. 11: 4'es-1 ?•t-,, Ines 417O—Annie Carlii, ;il s , Jeanette ' ticAllister 491; Doreen Reichert 463 iteo, Stephenson 431; Wilmer, Turn- er 401. "first Class—Allah" Love, Stewart 'Turner, Billie Reid., .Primer--Julene Stephenson, Mur - `Mu Johnston, Margaret Reichert. M. Howald, Teacher. WOOB s is . of rand Mrs. CArnold Mernee Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr, and <Mrs, Geo. Merner. Miss Mildred McDonald of Hensall as .visiting .with friends in town. Aire. J Zeller of Kitirhener, vleited in town last '}eek. Mr. Bruer visited her on a few days last week. Miss 'Flossie 'Kleinstiver 'oaf Strat- • ford spent the week-cnd with her par exits. • i1'Ir. Percy I.leinstiver ',returned to, Chic•::;^o after a pleasant visit with' his paireiits. Miss Marjorie Gibson of Detroit; Mr, W. t _Alt Mrs. 'bleating' = :t l.:ti1 l, .. is Slit. nc a.. Rev. E. Miller will be ordained in the Lutheran church next Sunday af- ternoon. Rev. v. Kiliinger of ]Lindon will conduct the services which will commence at 3 o'clock in the after- noon. Mrs. Simon Thon and Mr. Ed. Thon of Grand Rapids, visited at Mr. J. Hartieib on Sunday. ' sl® 1f••••(••00^0, >00J0 0000ta®00000O00000 0 • • • •e 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 • • •• EQUIPPED WITH LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS 'FOUR . WHEEL BRAKES, AND WITH ALL THE .NEWEST i.'IM- •� PROVEMENTS MAKE IT THE BEST CAR VALUE :FOR w THE MONEY. i ] ; - .ASK •ALL THOSE WHO DRIVE A PONTIA'! i '111r-ri3 (11-17.) TT? CI ontiacSix The low priced Six with Power and Speed as th iiiii g as its Bich New Beauty DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GIVEN :2 GIDEON KOEHLER, Zurich Agent for Pontiac and Buick Cars I trts•ee•ere•eseezaoeo0a®seees•e•m•®an•s•s••t••e •eess� Electric Rangette Complete with Cavern o extra wiring. Hooks on any plug attacinng A PERFECT COOKER $30.00 Installed SEE IT AT HESS RADIO ELECTRIC 114.14+61+14.14.1.+++.4.144,141“14,o7,1-4•+ it.+++++++++++...+41644 + + + + + HERALD OFFICE Do You Know?q17 THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE`FOR GOOD PRINTING THx, WB CAN SUPPLY 'Tort WITH PRINTED WEDDINI INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, STICH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND THATWE STATEMENTS ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFA,OT UBERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS • THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING RAPERS, ENVEIa- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c, L,Ah4- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUOTION9 THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- TE.RSx 'MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERA 1 PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY *10I• • :•Irl^ "1". 015-0V1** ***.t.ik•r*t.rv+ 1i'Ir. and Mrs, J. Smith and family of Winth or, are spending the ,vac- ,atiei in this vicinity.. ir, And ,Mrs, McClure of Maisie Were Sunday visit hsvithMiss .L, Hartleib.. SCHOOL REPORT Promotion Exainivations of Dash- wood S. . S. No, 1.6, Stephen, Room II; . ' . From Sr. III to Jr. IV-Arnctta Eveland 9?' per cent; Laura Witmer. 89; Thelma Fisher 84; Sheldon Wein 82;4hosio Willert 81; Ella Witmer • 80; Hubert Restemeyer 79;; Lorna Kraft 75; CTladys Maier 75, Froin Jr. III to Sr. in --Evangel- ine Held 116; Milton- Willert 87; Ella En—eland �,Howard -1cnJl 85; r ary ilt,;ier 81; Regina Miller 78, Albert Goetz 77; Phyllis Reid 71, Harold Kraft 69; Lorne Genttnee 68; Margaret Restemeyer 60; (Re- tained in Sr. III --Leonard Resti th- Byer 43; Melvin 'Mason 40; Melvin Schlundt 39. Ffom Sr. II to Jr. III—Beta Fas- sold 83; John Meyer 74; Carl Maier 61; Leonard Schenck 52. ,(Retain- ed to Jr. III-14lervyn Willert 42. No. on Roll 29. L. R. Guenther, teacher. Room I e n o t. from Jr.Il to Sr. TI tYitlr ','1 w „ t3e Carnet. .�Veiberg ' � 1; Paul Ness 71;Edna Maier 65; Douglas Shenk 60; Mabel Bender. i''rera Sr. 1 to Jr. 1I E yr.•t1e Gain- er 64; Murray Wolfe 92; Irma Wein 88; Eileen Willert 82; Alvin Willert 80; Lloyd Gue ither 73; Ward 'Kraft 51; Verda Rinker 45. Jr. 1 to Sr. I—Hilda Maier 74; Roy Bender 71; Herbert Nees "67. i r. Pruner—Mary Dodge 56; Jean MoCulton 52; Goorge Mathers- 43. Pr. A—Harry Hayter, Lois Geiser Dorothy Kraft; Donald Restemeyer, Lorne_ ,Kleinstiver, Leona: Fisher: Pr. B.—Evelyn Baynham, Harold Maier, Francis Eveland, Ross Guen- ther, Willis, Mclsaac; Sigfred Hede- gard. ` Pr. C.—Wilfred Grigg, Milford Mason, Carl Wein, Lester Shenck, Ivan Grigg. No. on. Roll 37. Average attendance 34. N. K. Gaiser, teacher. Room 11I From Jr. to Sr. IV—(Hone.) Har- ry Miler 82; Stuart Wolfe 81; Ruth 'Tiernan 81; Earl Zimmer 80; Amelia Willert 77. Pass—Kathleen Merner 73; Ralph Genttner 72; Melvin, Stadei,61;, Io,Iv- ard fShenck 64; Retained in IV—Verda Kraft.. .Peter B, Moffott, Principal. HENSALL aVIr, rand Mrs. Lorne Scott, of Tor- onto and Dr. and Mrs. Smith and babe :of St,. Marys were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pet- ty. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith and family of Windsor, are spending two weeks vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consist. 'Irma "Higgins left for Kitchener, where she has secured a good posit- ion with the . Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Waterloo. Edith McEwen of Kitchener, is spending the summer holidays with her sister and brother here. Mrs. A. Coxworth, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. Scr- trton, here, has returnedto her home in,'Strathroy. • Miss Jean Campbell of Toronto, is spending her holidays at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Thos. Murdock: Mrs. Geo. CHedden and family of St. Catharines, have moved back to. Hensall and are taking up residence on 'Brock st., in part of the Wilson house. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden have also returned. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelious Cook, :ac- companied by their son, Harry, left last week by motor for Los Angles; Calif., where they intend remaining with relatives for a couple of mon- ths.* vacation. W. E. Houston was here . the past week making preparations • to take his family to Cornwall, where they will reside in; future. At a joint meeting of the school trustees and the Village Council the other evening, Wm. McKay, who has resigned as principal of the Hensel] Public School, a position that he has held for the last 33 years, was in- vited to be present and a presentot- ion was made ' by both the Trustees and the Village Council, On behalf' of the Trustees, WM. McLaren read the addressand the presentation was a beautiful gold headed cane and a purse of gold. On behalf of the Co- uncil the address was read by Reeve Liggins • and the presentation of a club bag and a check for ;100.00 was inade by Councillor .Petty. Word has been received 'here that the body of Leslie Allen, assistant manager of the •. 'T. Eaton Co., at Moncton, N. B., and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Drom ond, of Ilensall, had been found. Last fall Mr, Allen accompanied by friends went on a fishing trip into the wilds Of New Brunswick. `One evening he wandered away from thecamp ands as Inst With the above mentioned esuts. w EXETER W, In Cress and pride recently returned to Exete: from their honey Moon and have taken residence on Huron St. Mr, Cress, who is ac- countant at the Canadian Bank of Commerce is a son of I�!1'r, and Mrs,' A, Cress, of Harriston. Jean Love, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs- L. Love of Andrew St., left on ,Monday last for Telora, Peru, where she will teach the Childreai of Imp- erial Oil employees. She is to be coegraatulated on the appointment as it carries with it a salary of a- bout $2,000 with all expenses paid and. a maid to keep house for her in her new home. Jas. Lawson has disposed of his • ,r st.F. •-• bt.la..s ae. i11a1u to 'ewcllei � t J Rabethge, of Neustadt. Who comes highly recommended having spent seven years in the business. He has already taken posseession. Southcott Bros. have rented their vacant store north of post office to Mr. Walker of Winghain, who inten- ds opening up a furniture store and undertaking business in Exeter. Snell Bros., Ford agents, have re- ceived their first four -door sedan Which has ben delivered to J. Hitz- el, of Stephen. At a special meeting of the Coun- cil th other evening it was decided to submit a thy -law to the ratepay- ers .of Exeter asking for 320,000 to erect a new four room high school. Dr. H. J. Browning and Mr. J. G. Stanbury representing the school bo- ard presented the' resolution. adopted at the last meeting of the Board of Education. The repuest to grana. 320,000 for a new public school was recently turned down by the ratepay ers and the ratepayers are now ask- ed to grant the money for new high -school. • The vote will be taken on July 23rd. COUNTY NEWS. The Thirty-first annual Conven- tion of the Huron County Women's Christian Temperance Union is be- ing held in Ontario St United Chur- ch, Clinton, on Tuesday, July 10th, Mrs. A: A. Gearge cif London, will address 'afternoon and evening ses- sions. ) A motorcycle was delivered to•the Enron County Connell' at God eri'th, the other day, which: will be used by the County policeman, in Patrolling the caunty roan; this; year. Th machine has the appearance. of giving good service,, and. speed; It will be piit, hate service at. once. On unpackinghi's, straw hat the other day, a Port Elgin man found that the mice had built a cosy nest therein. The little rascals probably thought they wouldhe undisturbed for the rest ofthe summer. Goderich seems to hay teo., many dogs, particularly of the• destructive kind, the other morning several of them got fighting in the memorial. plot in the square, and before any- one could stop them, the beautiful geranium bed was practically destr- oyed. r The contract for the concrete re- construction work onthe south pier, Goderich„ has, been. awarded. by the Federal Department of Public Works to James. A. Vance, of Woods tock, the figureis approximately $18,500. James McNal,, star pitcher• of. the Kincardine baseball team-, sustained a) fractured. skull .thin other. day, when he was struck on the head by a pitched 'ball during a game. His injuries were not considered serious at the time, but an. x-ray examinat- ion taken followed his removal to the hospital proved a. severefractured skull. 1His condition 'isserious. Dominion Day was: the• 94th an- niversary of W iiia Campbell • Gbder- ieh, who was born on July rat 1834, and has lived in that place.; bar 89 years. He is still alert and; active. Prompt action on the part of W. H. Bishop, of .Stratford, savetil the life of Miss Leslie at BIyth, at Bay- field the other day, when he rushed into the lake, after hearing the, cries of the girl struggling in the 'tinder - current. When he reached her..he found that he could not reach shore and called for help. A number' of men "present formed a chain and pul- led them both to safety. Several` of the Stratford boys rendered first aid to the girl, whe did not recover for fifteen . minutes. R. G. McFarlane, Listowel!, and formerly a lawyer ofthat town, was sentenced to six months hi the re- formatory when lie appeared before Judge 3. L.. Killoran in special court at Stratford. He was recently con- victed on two charges of— misappropr-iation of money intrusted to, bfm, by clients. John Hepburn, a former resident of Centralia died at his home the other day fithis 78th year, He was for years section foreman at Cen-7 trali'a and later farmed in Stephen 1owaasraip an the Jam now occupied i( by his sot n <Ynnri;rr. and is survi,vr�rY by his widow, whose aaaawiden ammo was Mary O1cc>, aslso, three: sons and four,ai hte d 1 rS. 1`[yatc. On. On Tuesday -7 J•uire 26th,. at 5 o' clock, the hydro power was turned on from Clinton to Bayfield and tho- se houses whine were wired and con- nected onnecie ( were brightly illuminated. but this was not the only: illulninot- ion. tAbout 9 o'clock, a torchlight procession headed by two tr•ucks and heralded by a Targe bell commenced to parade over the streets, lasting for over an hour. Those an the par ade car4ed banners and by the light of t f1e. tnrches :might be seen the following. inscriptions: "Aand the Lord said, Let there be Light"; "We're 4 the Boys t lat make . no No - Ise, ase, but we get our Lights after Lot of Fights;" '"Hurray! Now we have Lights after Fifty Years of Darkness." The lights are not as yet on the streets. It is generally understood that a vote of the rate.- = sveis must first be taken and if ibis vote be adverse., it may result in another period of darkness. Not for many years has Well hilarity be- en manifested in the streets of :I3ay- fiead, at nig at. It reminds 0110 . of the old-time election celebrations. �M�+ire+•9*+•�9•�?°^A••�•9•+9•Y,'r•9•�r•� r �••�••4 I• 4 4. °curt fl a. C .4.4.4144-^:-.4,441,44.40.14÷+++++++4.4. 1,A Garage We are now in a posi'tticnto dna first class'. Repair Work on any make of Car and HAVING INSTALLED ALL THE LATEST AND MODERN EQ- UIPMENT, WE ARE DOING THE VERY BEST OF WORK. * . LET US' DO YOUR NEXT OVERHAUL JOB. Gooderich Siiveriown Tires THE TIRE FOR SERVICE . AND LO1IG LIFE t. WIIITE STAR AND STAROL E1li.4 GASOLINE IN TWO GRADES yA STAROLEUM MOTOR OR,. SECOND TO NONE ON THE MAR- , 4 4. s' stein Accessories t II 4.4.4-.1 4++ :Ty+S"+++ a+ � +++++++++++++++++++++44*- . i* KET TO -DAY. Gas' Oils Greases Tires eaeoa cease/moosoeoesoo er:atItABO aOaMOSIt®e•t Coal Coal • x s • • • . INIEFACIUE WE .ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR NEXT.. WINTER'S SUPPLY OF COAL, AND SOLICIT YOUR ORDER. WE WILL HAVE TWO CARLOADS OF ALBERTA COAL IN IN A FEW DAYS, AND ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO PUT IN THEIR SUPPLY AT THIS TIME WHILE THE SUPPLY IS GOOD. LET US TAKE •YOUR ORDER FOR ANTHRACITE COAL NOW, See Us about .geed Corn Quaker's Full -of -Pep Chick starter Continental Stock Food for HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS,. STT E.Pr and POULTRY L. Schllbe & Son NemliNmM00.*••se0ee•••am 0.000••se•ee•eeeeesees.0 Imummeimminor ti "Give me ten 1minutes a week • and I''li knock dollars off your tire bills" SET a day every week --preferably any one but ;Saturday or Sunday—and let ane look over your tires. It'll mean doflara off your tire bill. Maybe they need- more air. Two or threeounce so under pressure will take miles oil" the life of tire.. Maybe there's a nail or a flint just waiting to work: through and make trouble. Maybe they're O.K.: and you -tan drive away in comfort. Ten minutes! But isn't it worth it to feel sure of your 'tires Car owners spend inany a half --ho i ur an the side of the toad because .they won't take the ordinary tion. And that's saying nothing • of th extra snfleage they might get and the money theyDOMINIONQTIRE DEPOT rmi H. MOUSSEAU