HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-07-12, Page 1'Vol., XIXNo2 Buil ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 12, 1928. your own Community by;buying Goods in +4,4 144.+ . +++3-le8. rt '4i'f,. 44448+.4444444.14444+++4+3ri`444. ANCE Life sickness Accident Auto Insurance, Eto. esch Agent Zurich 4 44. 4I 4 4. 4 4 -*-++4+ 4�` ++4+4+4++-F4.4 +++++++4 3� 3 a�L'�"g'�.'g":'Q"�C'�'1•'Y't^a'i'71"+—c'+�s•-s-a - e • .40 I BARG. I .q Received a shipment of waterproof 1 Robes which 1 am retailing far 'be- low Catalogue prices, get your's at • ▪ Special Price $12.50 large' size BARGAINS • 3 3 FSE er�1� � r''• -e4e* esezteeree3 fiJ •00.ee•ee Oe.eteee.00.4t6r"00000000L"0�'2+s>o�@�i;ri 0.14100108110•111064805.811800010Ufee eesse6e d@selpeeee ts n Spring F136117681 BROWN'S Boot Shop WINDOWS rolT"E1LL AN IN- TERESTING tl±u- TERESTI G STORY OF NEW • SPRING FOOTWEAR .ASIIIO I3 THEY Alm AUTRIORATEVE AS ¶E IHEILAST ESS FEOF VOGUE THEY WILL FSS .YOU WITH AN ALT-OGETKIER NEW STANDARD OF2' VALUE AT TEE MGDERATE PRICES. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE ..Only the best el' Matedaiu used, Bring them tai Inc, and you .ase :ensured •mrf Satisfaction 1 tWENME s,OO- SELOES 'COST LESS.. • $ a • • rr e Y • 0 0 0 O s • • • 3 a 3 e es S'D 0 2. L ,SEEUR [will Zest n 0 NVINIMPW e1 9410001106000G'i d49d a INiso 40:0 F"000.0.0 i^ "i Maaq^n'ani''2,2, '90' C3Qfl0 `fli`0000400.44:4000.000,0044.+00• {a' • e' re • 0i 0 •44 And ready to, Show you, all the, N •ST . •off STYLES in TOP :COA.TS HOSIERY TIES CAMS amours Rfpm a The finest range of made- to.m ure sampleS ;ever'sho n .e •a ,4o 4 • Friday 7.30 P.M... Senier League The Herald will be very glad. if.° its readers and 'friends will let us have your summer visits away, as. well as yous summer visitors.: Call us up by phone, or send it in a one cent stamp will bring it in, and• you will do your friends a great favor, as well as help to make your week ly paper interesting and newsy. HAY COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Coun- cil of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich„ on Tues- day, July 3rd. Ail the members were. present. The minutes' of the meeting held in June 2nd, June 5th, June 13th and June 26th were ad- opted as read. • By -Law No. 8, 1928, authorizing the Reeve and. Treasurer to borrow certain sums of money from •the Bank of Montreal for current expen- ditures were read three times and fin ally passed. The following accounts covering Township Roads, Telephone and Gen eral Accounts were passed: rL. Kalbfleisch, pay list $5.25; T. Ayotte, pay list 6.62; A. ein tile 19.17; John Oesch pay list 199.05; ditto,, 9.bO; T. Ayotte pay list 71.00; Don. RoadMachinery Co., grader, etc., 231.30; ditto, scrapers 27.50;' M. Corriveau on culverts $50; J. Campbell, pay *list . 75.83; N.. Foster, - pay list Rd. 6,. 157.05;,ditto Rd. 15, 94.70; E. Gabel pay istr 751.17; E. J Walper pay list .$99; E. P. Datars pay list 7.30; G. E. Thompson pay list 73.84; A. Wein tile, 50.20; S. Hoffman pay list 171..70; R. Camer- on, pay list 32.10;, H. Krueger, pay list 280.80; C. Aldsworth, pay list,' 54.5; E. Wilds pay list $27.55; S. Rupp .pay list, 173.30; P. Schade pay list 78.40; H IL Neeb, Rd. Supt. $1.06; General Accounts—S. S. No. 11, delegate O.E.A., $10; Postage Black Creek Drain 2.30; Sep. S.S. No. 1, delegate O'.E.A., $10; H. Flax •bard, balance pay list, Talbot Drain, 202.41; by-laws, etc., Mud Creek Drain $60 ;. . . Telephone Accounts: Bell Co. Apr. 21 to 1VIay 20th tolls 91.70; Standord Underground Cable Co., cabel 397.31; Can. Telephone & Supply Co., materials 23.00; North- ern orthern Elec. Co., material $23; Strom - berg -Carlson Tel. Mfg. Co., 328.02; M. G. Deitz, salary $64; P. Mclsaac .salary $475; Tuckersmith Tle. Sy. ,rates 1927 35.61; E. R. Guenther, .cartage, 19.10; C. Kellerman board cable men, $20; The Council adjourned to meet a - ;gain on Juy 13th, at '7 o'clock p.m., to consider tenders for Black Creek Drain and for the regular meeting on .August 7th, at 1.30 o'clock, in the afternoon. A. F. Hess, Clerk. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - .ONT. 'Powerful Smiling. Smile when you wake, it gives worry .a shake Thefile -when you're beat, and youll soon get your feet. Smile when you're down, and you'll soon lose your frown. Srriile at your foes, and you'll not feeltheir blows. TSrn le at your friends, they'IT be true till we ends. Smile • all the while and you'll reach. the last mile. Save your sorrow till tomorrow, smile awile to -day. Werk is play to him who., hums, tomorrow never comes.: you cheer ttp, slcies'will clear up clouds 'will ass away: Save •your: sorrow till tomorrow, mutt awhile today. Tuesday eve., 7 p.m.—Jr. League 3llund -allay,. 8.' p m. -Prayer and Praise Friday 8.:30 pm—Choir Practice SUNDAY SE1tVICES .61 Worship 10 A. M. p Subject -The enduring World. 11 z�,.m•—'Bible School, 01 J. IL Ganeho, Superintendent. Worship: 7.30 P. M. ' Subject --The Big Business of Life. ROT, W. 32, »reieri :Palatal' ., 441' dASCROS OW. galagitt _ 0 • CaOter en1t14 P•io;; Taw to zwaiskit. $1,5U IN 10..RBJAR3, $2 112A1r OZOILARAHM she home town Mrs, E. Oesch is spending the we- ek with her mother at Dashwood.. M. Brady of Toronto, was a visitor at the home f Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. 3,. -Hey Jr., spent a most pleasant week -end at Toronto, where they took in the many ntar+rel- ous sights in that fine city. Mrs. W. C. Wagner and son Leon axd and Mrs. McLincher were to God etch on Monday. Messrs. C. Fritz and Wm. O'Brein are away to Kettle Point, on a black bass fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfeffer of Lis- towel, were week -end visitors with relatives in. this section, Mr. and Mrs. L. Kekoa, who spent th past week resting with Zurich friends, returned to their. home in - Detroit. - .,, j Mrs.-Ueiger and babe: of Pigeon, Mich., is spending the week at. the hone of her parents, Mr. and. Mrs.. A. Melick. Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier, mot- ored to Listowell, the past week to visit the latter's sister and Mother at that place. The mother is not enjoying good health. • Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kalbfleisch, of D�atroit, speant: a pleasant week's j 'aeation visiting relatives and fri- ends in. this vicinity the past week. Mrs. William O'Brein, worthy companion of our popular produce merchant, is enjoying a very restful week's vacation, the guest of Mrs. C. Fritz at "Dunwork'in" Cottage, at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weido, Mr. Jim Johnston and Mrs. Edighoffer Sr motored to Yale, Mich„ on Sunday, Mrs. Edighoffer, Mrs. Weido, and daughter Dorothy, are visiting the week at Yale. . Thursday of this week, is the day known as the Orange Walk Day, or a great manyff call it the 12th Or Ire land, the big celebration for this eec- tion will this year be held at Hen - sail, and it is looked for to be a. mon ster crowd on this day. We are pleased to report that Mr. Walter Schnurr, the new blacksmith, who opened up some months ago, and who was obliged to lay, off for a few -weeks, owing to sciatica, has rttfrned from his home at Mildmay, and resumed his work here, and is feeling much better. • • A ratherunique event was celebr- ated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Laporte, of the Blue Water Highway over the week -end, when their son of Detroit, accompanied by sixteen of his friends who are all mutes (deaf and dumb) had a most beauti- ful time, and enjoyed themselves very much. ' On Monday evening during the heavy thunder storm, the lightning killed 'a verry valuable cow belong- ing'to Mr. Hugh Thiel of the 14th con. The cow was out in the open in the middle of the field. A. bolt of lightning also entered a tree - near the house of Mr. Wm. Uttley of the vilage and it somewhat shattered the tree, but no other damage was done. - County Councillors. Hold .Picnic. The members of the Huron Co- unty Council of Huron and friends held their annual picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Wednesday after noon, last, The day was ideal for, the occasion •and there were about X00 present to take part in the pie- nic. The chief feature of the pro- gram• was the presentation of a beautiful Westrninister, chime clock to Warden Hayes, who was married to Mrs. Nellie Stafford, Goda;rieh, oil Monday last. A t en? suite`*lr' real- lu•,za. won ;WA by Councillor Il. 0, Cox, Goderieh Township, and the presentation was made by Council- lor 'l li4 , tudta, liowick ` oNvl tbip. zve a Kg 1 Diamond 12ing The most popular Line of Diam- ond Rings in Canada - WE HAVE THEM Nessy The Jeweller COAL NOW IN YARDS, EIGHT CAR LOADS OF HIGH 'GRADE FURL Scranton Anthracite, Minehead Alb -eras Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL ALSO POCAHONTAS HENSALL Q T2=: Phones—Office low. House 1 , The Business Built By Sarvacer • 1+K+++ +44+ ~++1+444.444+4.+444•4 ++ 1.4* -144 4+ 46 �4 .. . 4w h .3. 4. 4. 4. 4. z 4 4 4 Our Stock of Spring and Summer Foot- wear for Women, Men, Boys and Girls are now complete and we invite you Ford Sedan—In good mechanical condition, Rubber good $16O'„ 1923 Ford Coupe --4 new tires, Upholstering like new. .See iY Grey Dort Touring, ready for the road, only $25. 1924 Ford Coupe, Saloon Tires; a Real Bargain. • McLaughlin Touring, a real bargain at $25.00 O. TZ & SON FORD DEALERS Tires30x3i $5. to $6. Batteries. $9. SECOND HAND 'FORT) . PARTS AT HALF PRIOR , • ++++++++++++++++++++++4,++++++++++++++++44+4++4-i44.13' • 47, 4444+4444.444,0+01.4.Hifif • o' • •• • •.1.• w • • • • • • Spring and rumor Goons When you start out to do your spring and summer buying come Here 1 WE CARRY A, NICE ASSOR'1"ME NT P A.lt GINGH PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS., SHIISTINGS, CO'T7k'IIb-.€ H FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOES, AND RTJBBERS, HARDWARE, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING. HARNRSi5 REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. GENERA 4. ,'AERCT A IV' " PHONE 11 r. • 41, e'. 01 y au „� ua 1 tt..` re at 4"