HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-06-28, Page 511/1dre„alhr, .Tae 28th, 1928, DuDLE y F :.1.iD LME S 8.0.1U, LISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT IARC! PUBLIC; ETC, OFl;:ICE-Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. f3peeial attention to Couneel and Court , z oris W C y" dr, Holmes may be eorasi lted at x erieh by Phone, and Phoue, charges reversed, Dr. P. II. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOCE—ZURICII a fiery Thursday,] Friday, Saturday At IBAR.TLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday* MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK COMPLETE PROTECTION LIBERAL DIVIDENDS P HESS - Local Agent The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada BEAD OFFICE - TORONTO E. E. Wuerth-Agent ZURICH Phone 11-31 Onarantee and Accident Insurance. %indult. and Strongest Co. in Canada .U-CTI-O-N-E•E-R OSCAR KLO?P . Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat-- Salad at-Sanai School .of Auctioneer g. Try til' .tor Registered Live Stock, t$lI Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prig. Choice Warms for sale. Will 'aeii'anything Anywhere. 3P!one 18-93 or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer t,F.OR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON - dna any auction Sale, regardless nu t,a lsize or article to well. I nelicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no chargea for Services. Arthur Weber - Dashwood. Phone 13-57 i Zurich Muni s MARKET 1 Fresh and Salt Meats t Bologna Sausages, etc s Highest Cash Prier for Wool CASH .FOR SKINS &'HIDES Tumgialut &I Deicb ert 20•440.400KliiiMi•••MN•• LIVI POU LT R Y WANTED Taken every day till 3 o'eloek,p.m. 11•0 not feed Fowl same,: n pining when brought in. Highest Cask Prices -CASH FOR- C:am and Eggs W. O'Brien' 7 i " Pbo a 'Zurich fleaktiorfors FOR TIRES TUBES AND Storage Batteries 1 - tri. S. WEIN, -.3344300Qop lu10 ., t. PUT YO1M Hy y�.lv�g);;"l��v� �'.'1Ett•s�Csla± oil in td ifq,1 DIRT T1s ICOL95:a.1►I FOR SALE, A limited number of young Pig or sale, apply to. -Sol. Gingericha FOR SALE An outbuilding, suitable for a, small chicken house' or smoke house Also the old house just south of the Dominion Hotel. Apply to: JL Voisin, Prop. FOR SALE A new Quebec Sulky Plow $55. A good used 18-aise drill very cheap • at $25. L. A. Prang, Zurich., NOTICE I hereby wish to advise the pub- lic that I have been appointed for this district, salesman for new mach- inery and repairs of the well known Cockshutt farm Implements, and sol- icit part of your patronage. Also keep in stock plow points for most generally used plows, and will ap- preciate your business. ' Walter Schnnrr, Zurich FARM FOR SALE Consisting' of 240 acres with good bush, plenty of running water, big bank barn water in barn, large brick house with furnace, all in A. 1. shape One mile from church and school. Aanyone looking for a farm, this is a real bargain at $10,000.. $4000. cash and the balance on a mortgage at 5 per cent interest. If interested see: T. L. Warm, Zurich, Ont. `FARM FOR SALE ;f111'. X11 it U 3, i Mr. Harry Angel was on business to London on Tuesday. Mr.., Russell Sparks and Miss Gert- rude Weber were Friday visitors to Ben'miller. The various pupils throughout his section are writing their exams for the °Entrance into high school. Mr. Armand Denomme of the Blue Water Highway, has purchased from C. Fritz • & Son .of the village Mrs. Peter Koehler was a visitor with Stratford relatives on Saturday last. Mrs. Allan Martin and children of near fflmira, are spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S:tecIde, Stanley. , , .. a new Chevrolet sedan. Mr. and Mrs. Garhet J'acobe and san Laird, Mrs. B. Pfile and Miss Pearl Pfile, and Mrs. S. Jacobe, sp- ent Wednesday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Prem., Rummel and son, Mr. and. Mrs. Wilmer Rummel of Eitchenerr Were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. Jacob Weido_ The Zurich Womens' Institute' will entertain the Crediton Instit- ute on Thursday afternoon, June 28, Miss M. V. Powell, of Whitby, Ont., Government speaker, will be pres- ent and address the meeting. Our streets in the village have re- ceived their annual baptism of stre- et oil and are anything but inviting to go thereon. ,. The county road go- ing east and west through town has receiven an extra heavy dose, and by al appearance there wil be no or little dust from this street. ]Che annual Camp Meeting of the Evangelical church of the Hanover Districh will take place on the 'fine Carrick Camp Grounds this week, beginning on Tuesday, over Sunday. Rev, A. E. Hanger', the associate Editor from CIeveIand, Ohio, is the outstanding speaker. The editor of the. Herald and family are contem- plating of going a few days. Word has been received by Mrs. Ann Hagan and son Frank and dau- ghter Doly of the Parr Line, of the passing of their son and brother Mr, Edward Hagen, of Welliston, . North, -I Dakota. • Mr. Hagen was well and, favorably known by many in Zuric1 . I and . vicinity, as he was raised on the Consisting of 50 acre grass farm Parr Line, .on. the Hagen homestead on Towne Line, Hay and. Stanley, and was. -a former _principal of. Zurich, In Stanley . Township, good well public school. He passed,., away on with, windmill thereon. For fur- June 20th, and only a telegram is all ther particulars apply to the particulars thus far received at I Oscar Koehler, Zurich. his; home on the Parr Line. Mr. Jul Block, accompanied by I. Mr. Alex. Mousseau, transported - a Jew from this section, who vas do- ing a pedlar business without a lice- nse. The Hebrew Child was before Magistrate Reid and was found guil- ty and was fined, which sum run up into around thirty dollars and was advised to either get the neces- sary license or vacate from the co- unty. This is however not the first such case, as Constable Bloch, the previous week also took one of these chaps to Goderich, who receiv- ed the same treatment. The public are asked to co-operate with the pol- ice force to round up these invaders who so often swindle and misrepres- ent the public. FOR SALE 1 Axminister Rug size 9x12. 1 Tapestry rug 9x6{%. 1 roll 7 yards 22 -in. wide light oak pat- tern floor oilcloth. Apply to H. Hallman. FOR SALE A 5 -Tube Adralo Radio,Set in A. 1. condition at a bargain • for quick cage. -G. Koehler. COAL 1928 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR GENUINE , Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahantas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO 1 Case • & Son PHONE 35 HENSALL Ducharme—Bedard A very happy matrominal event took place in St. Peter's R. C. church Drysdale, on June 26th, when Rev, Father Jos. E. Gerard united in Hely Wedlock Dorothy Bedard, dau- ghter, of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. S. Bed- ard and Willard Ducharme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseqph Ducharmo, both families living at Drysdale.The Herald joins their many friends in extending congratulations. Geofffeh--Bedard, A very happy and interesting mat- rimonial event took place in St. Pet- er's R. C. Church, Drysdale, when Rev. Father J. E. Gerard united in Holy. Bonds of Weddlock, Gertrude Bedard, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard of St. Joseph and Mr. Nelson Geoffrey, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Geoffrey, of the 16th concession, Hay Township, on June 24th, They have the best wishes of a large circle of friends. It Costs No More To Fireproof Tour Building WN you build a new house or vv repair an old one be sure to use pyptoc. Gyproc also gives quick COnatructioii insulation against cold and heat—and fuel: economy: Write for free book, "Walls That Reflect Good judgment," containing interesting infor- mation en home Rimming with Gyprac,, Roc- beta Zsittird,,,,segetem,...trApme CAttiiii-amos11 x310 illatialiatattETED' IPiaui 43 ,reparoo Wel O Mkt W. Iht board Zurich eN,z4 <Y o� al 1 Mr. and Mrs. Tho ; .l'ob.n r)n aro. are . visiting friends in Kitchener, LOST --Ari auto iic iise, lawny return to Louis r , hilbe in iVFCrvst,o{nt.o,ITJoy is visiting friends Mr, E F. Meaner, of Bayfield was a visisor in town one day last week, xa -. and Mrs. Geo. Hess and fam- ily were Sunday 'visitors to Dash- wood. C. Elliott of London, crl1,0d at the home of Mr. S. Martin on Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.. Stelck and son Mervyn, Mr. and Mrs. Regis Den- nomme spent a pleasant week in De- troit and Windsor, visiting their re- latives and friends. A number from the village atten- ded the 'big Liberal Convention at Hensall last Wednesday afternoon. Mr, F. J. Wickwire of Exeter, cal lweek,ed the Herald office one day last at Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ehnes of De- troit were week -end visitors at the Wiliams family home. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sippel of Milverton entertained a number of their relatives to, a picnic at the Grand Bend on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schiele' of Sebringvile were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Eng- land. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Link of Dash-- wood ash=wood were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Eng- land. ngland. Mr. Elias Wideman of Pigeon, Mich., Mr andMrs. E. Schaff and family of Emily City, visited at the home of S. Martin on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Q. Taggart, of South Bend, Ind., called on friends in the village on Tuesday, they have rented a cottage at the Bend for a few weeks holidays. Miss Lylian Rader, who has been for some time engaged in the local telephone central office, has discon- tinued her services, and Miss Marg- aret Schilbe is her successor. Mr. Walter Miller of the 14th con. •whose barn was recently destroyed by fire, has let the order for.. a new barn to . Mr.- Samuel . Deite of the village. The building will have a steel trus framework. . The annual Anniversary Services S^j. Au.` and Au, .. 'b W.B CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO At."t.i SSORI S 0 .AND SUPPLIJ3 S, AND CAN SA VEYOU MOAT EY ON `411.8S4' • VARIOUS LIN. CORD TIRES 30x.3;4 , AT ONLY ,. TUBES 30x3] AT ONLY .• $1.40 �' GOOD RUBBER CASE _SA I:B.1 ES AT •• •• •»'11'1.40 1 SECOND IIAND ij; H, P. GAS kNC IN,E+'A VEIIY CHEAP„ s 2 FORD TOURING' CARS • 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR, t 1 GOOD TRAILER, ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. 1., � I o WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING • ` RE-BI7ILDING BATTERIES. • • •FARM IMPJLEMENTS, AND l I1 1 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND 0• CARRY JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE • YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICE' FOR YOUR MONEY O PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR PUMPS. • • Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases • L. A. Prang - Zurich • •4.4 441441ss4,•.s•sos•••••s••*••••••••s•ss••••4••••ss44. mistos.e.tota, Auto Tops, Buggy Topp; Wagon Repairing .Painting Etc' Second Handed Buggies HESS UBI011 held in the Blake church will take . place on Sunday,. July 8th, this wilt f be followed by a lawn social on the .lawn of Mr. J. A. Manson, on Wed- nesday evening Juy 11th. The Public School Picnic held at Grand Bend last Wednesday after- noon was largely attended, and was in every way a decided success, as the day was ideal for the occasion, the sports were interesting and keen- ly contested and everybody turned in and contributed their share in rnaknig the event. A very interest- ing number was the liberality of Mr. Q. Taggart, of South Bend, Ind., who is camping at the Bend, and is also well known in Zurich, Mr. Tag- gert had treat for every one of the pupils who were present. Dominion Day At Goderich There is great' interest in the in- ternational baseball match to be play ed on Monday, July 2nd, at Goder- ich, between Osiers of Toronto, the Ontario champions, and Risdons of Detroit, champions of Michigan, for a purse of $700. Game called at 2.30. This match is part of Goder- ich's Dominion Day program, includ- ing field sports, tug of war for Hur- on Old Boys' cup, and other events. Street Carnival at night. A pleasantly varied bill of fare dealing with some more unusual phases of life in Canada's outdoor features the July issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News which has just been published. While Ozark Ripley contrijiutes one of his splendid fishing stories, Bonnycastle Dae, in view of a great recent discus sion, this month deals with natural phenomena in Canada which have been mistaken for the fabled sea serpent—s. Robert James contin- ues his interesting series of "Tales from the Wardroom Mess' with sketches of life in the north and Swampy Crees. Other articles deal —with many subjects from song birds to wild cats and jack rabbits and fish, dogs and guns. The Can- adian Silver 'Fox News section, cap- ably edited by J. R. Barr, contains a usual quantity of interesting and instructive articles relative to the industry. Rod and gun and Canad- ian Silver Fox News is published monthly by W. J. Taylor, Ltd., Woe adstock, Ont. , FARM FOR SALE 100 acres on County Highway, ad- joining villake of Varna. Good buildings, well drained and fenced, plenty of good water and wood on the farm. Will sell with or with- out crop. Apply to: John E. Barnwell, Varna. WANTF Ail it poi Qi" liperintendent' for Huron County Children'c Aid Society in. place of Mr. G. M. Elliott resigned. Applications in. writing, stating qualifications and salary ex- pected will be received by the under- signed up to July, 19th, 1928, duties to begin as soon as possible. Full particulars as to duties expected, etc., will be given by the Clerk on application. Geo, W. Holman, Clerka Tilton. Dated at Goderich, the 25th day of 64+++++++4444+++++++++4++ a'ip'p' Itf .4++$'Z"i; + !+++111 USE CEDAR SHINGLES + For new and old Roofs al AS WIRY MAKE THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST ROOF 4- WITiHOUT ANY PAINTINGOR REPAIRING AND WtILL. OUT a LAST ANY OTHER F. -1 SHINGL S A E NOW SEKINLLING AOF T THE REMARKABLE LOW a PRICE OF - 5X !Red Cedar $1.50 Per Bunch 4. 3X Red Cedar $,1.35 Per Bunch a WE WILL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS A CARLOAD OF 34T_ + CEDAR POSTS AND 9�FT, LARGE ANCHOR POSTS. Y� CALL FOR YOUR SUPPLY. P. C. KALBILEISC 1, PHONE 69 - ZURICH rffiliiiWAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWalail Zurich Drug Store Stationer_ We Specialize in fine Stationery and have writing tablets of all sizes, fine boxed stationery, Cor - re sprnd en ce or-resprndence Cards, Greeting Cards and:Birthday Cards. We also have a large Stock of bulk Perfumes; Toilet Prepet at ons of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams, Tooth Pastes, Etc.,' Etc, �y SCHOOL SUPPLI SA OF ALL KINDS AI�1C AN FILIMS" KODAKS or Drr A. tJ "j". MacKiitnon,Zurich: Ammiymv-wwwwm, wm.wrimentii*