HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-06-28, Page 3German Battle Cruiser Moltke 1 New Constitution Raised and Towed to Dry Dock. for British Guiana -- to Mont Legislative Council to Be Monster Vessel, 610 Feet Long, 90 Broad, to Be Broken Up► Established on Lines of Was Floated Upside Down for 250 Miles, , Other Crown Colonies From Scapa Flow to Rosyth London. -•A new constitution Per rained in a King's Leith, Scotland..—After lying under Orkney Flow, O Y Scapa to • o f , the wa tea. s Isles,' where she sank after being scut- tled in 1918, em and Two Big Swims Honor Is Paid "Little Ju x' Hood The Henchman of Robin tC.N.E. This Year Visitors to Exhibtiion .Will Be Thrilled by Aquatic Events', Surpassing Anything Anywhere fully, had its anxious mo>rlents: British Guiana is eon TWO SEPARATE DAYS'. T`irth seas were order -in -council whictl was• laid' on Thousands of .people .visit this cup_ ing, tide victor aeras, Little John, sr ears, i toi x P tl d this s Y Y are few morn who, after carrying g Little Jelin, famous henchman ot walking through. Sherwood Forest, the. Robin Hood, will be honored on June scone ofi Most of the later activities of the pair, they metnot at. a stream' 24 by the Ancient Order of Foresters bridged mere y et Hathersage, a little village in Derbyshire, England, where he le thought to have been born and hurled. 1 by a sing le log. Neither was willing to let the other e cross first and .decided to fight it outs the loser paying the penalty of carry-. Crossing the en an d grave e ship to roll 1. % caused the upturned the table" indtwilllb some operative The second Wrigley Marathon; em- Posed all History there slop to roll 13x/a g { 21 da s except in the unlikely romantic. characters than• Robin Hood stream, nicknamed the winner Little th ouster German bat- circumstances this wguld pass unrr I event of its being challenged. The , swimming championship, h and Little John. Whether they. really John, Moltke but the floating power of the I id s for' abolition feature of the Canadian National. Ex tie cruiser Moltke has been raised I � reserve- royal decree Prov e � „, i estyear, to be the lived or were • wholly°'legendary is not Another version runs much the towed 260 miles•to the depended upon the p pf the "court of policy and loco- hibit on 1 provedwasever known, though some > lot too skeptical same,.except that in it Robin Hood successfullynoorecY tion of the air lock within Every boy t" the legislative body greatest sporting event that persons. have been convinced by the was victorious. Little John then ear -- Firth of Forth, She is now i brood dour , Admiralty dr dock at Rosyth toying with an inverted glass over throw h, which the colony has hitherto .staged anywhere, The third Wiiglex discovery ^,;seome huge bones in Little tied Robin Hood to.the middle o near therefo y for convenience in breaking water has ]maimed a havele of this , been governed, and establishes a new Marathon will be greater. A gigs y tion the log and there dumped him into hereJohn's gr'w"`:, History's ;first men once up.theory and most boys raised or I legislative council similar to those ex -entry list—mole thrills—more people. , Of Robin Hood was in the "Piers Plow- the stream, upon which they I Profiting o the experiences of last The journey was begun on a recent tilted such a diving bell to watch how Iwhich in the latter more Fought this time Little Friday afternoon and by Monday at 'far they may do so without the ware the year, the C.N.E. are experiences g f E fo rteenth century. winning. th o the details of this gigantic athletic , I r isting in other crown colonies, man,:' w c appearedl John w organizing As - a result of this fight Under the present constitution zing {hal o the u er-'the most popular account of the each became a great admirer of the the same time, when two divers came up to report that no loose chains or tackings were fouling the lock gates, she found, herself safely inclosed, with the Forth Beidge was also an an rushing in- control is divided between e g• AN ANXIOUS TIMEnor and the combined court, which effort and a special department has ins fit: menta for the swim exclusively. John Little or John Nailer and Robin consisted of Friar Tuck, A a One o Jus dial Hood runs roughly this year. A 10 -mile event fo e rack Inchgarvie) updvn which e � members in such proportion. thatit +women to be swum off on kiting between Little John, whose other and Little John joined fax Getting her between the piers of has a majority of elected members been created fo deal with the arrange right name is said • to have been either { with Robin Hood, whose band then 1 n -a -Dale 1 isiatuae w •docking tobe-done. The fel-I f thetugst touched the Wednesday, The new eg m wave v and nominated as well as elected! Two distinct races are on the card when -the spring tide gave th ti the for ► s the calculated 41 feet of water in the central pier stands but no damage was latter will no longer have a major y' I August 29th, and a 16 mils race for h normal 38 rising tide the, Governoris also given power I water. Additions alt, however, on andabout two hourshe cone r 6th. only the ec ing one, tine lowing day,p as follows; While I and the Maid Marian. Timmy - `Ted for another canary when we caught dry iodic, as against the done. On the now The sight of yours." feet, the Moltke also lay 41 feet in the Moltke was floated through, broadside over-riding the Legislature whenever men, which will take place over the "Oh, I know," said Nelson. "The 1 was � b t more saw her considers it essential same course on Wednesday, Septem- { By MARION EVERETT HAYN ten -dollar -reward. canary, :wasn't it? l pumped to raise her the few inches safelymoored in Rosyth Dockyard. The reason for the change lies in be saw the notice in the •paper." Iship the persistent complaints of colonies It is stated by authorities that these I For a whole week Nelson Wrigat's When .the bays had gone Nelson necessary to carry her aver the dock The raising of the was Denies, , then bypulling, pushing and pushed by Messrs. Cox , 8c Danks, about the financial situation and the I are ideal distances for the different ;bird cage had stoop empty by the turned gleefully to the nage. "`Timmy! sill; asses, entailing no gruelling results I pen window of his 'bedroom. Ever : coaxing she was brought successfully Limited, London, who, with the difficulty of attracting capital for de- Ion the performers if they are properly You scamp!" he cried. "You've grown 1 A liamentarY I since the ninining when he had care - I Yat as a seal towh is and conning tower many of the scuttled vo cpmlesely left the dear :open ora „ commission sent to investigate in 192ti'I Conditioned, and it is feltthatsuch and so given the canary a chance I an arrangement will transform the ent ere she now lies on her own tut I utmost patience and skill, have salved 1 ent purposes par re fleet at Scapa, h f mom { The bird hopped over to a iritis A REMARKABLE FEAT. I Flow,. To bring_up' and run ashore an' upheld the complaints and the British endurance contests of last year and to fly away he had watched for His dish of water, As he tilted his head The marvelous character of this ordinary torpedo boat h become to G ent has accepted their esti- door -.d -oran, to drink he showed a ring of black feat is not appreciated until it is , them, a mere common understood that the great vessel came raising f theMoltke however strenuous opposition If the wanderer all these miles floating bottom upward t and in charge of the three most pow- 1 probably is a world record in ship erful tugs obtainable. Fitted on her saivage. towing was done by a German upturned keel were two temporary "deck" houses, one of which contain- . firm, one of whose vessels, Seefalke, is ed an air compressing plant which put said to be the most powerful tug afloat in several hours' duty each day .mak-; and whose Diesel engines can develop ing up the air which was being con-' 4;000 horsepower. A Landon tug also stantly lost through her strained and assisted. sDoubtless the crew of eight, includ- Therusty seams.1 two divers, who manned this passing of this once mighty ing thing 610 feet long by 90 feet across, I unique craft on her last voyage,. have and looking more like the carcass of now found more comfortable quarters some monstrous whale than a ship,, than the "deck" house on the very un - attracted much interest on both shores attractive, shell -encrusted; and rusty as she came up the Firth of Forth. 1 keel where escaping air made every The voyage, though ending success- little pool of water seem to boil. as , overunm place event. The I late of the situation despite the. ---- —' return. He kept the wide feathers round his neck. Nelson has of the elected :.;. j and all the little dishes filled with : started. Timmy didn't have a black seed or fresh water. feather on w whole o o , far been their greatest featandmajority of the "combined court; fail which sent :a special deputation to London to resist the proposed changes. It is hoped that the new constitution will give the colony a new economic start, especially in connection with its huge resources of timber and min- erals in the undeveloped hinterland. • hies. h 1 body. Looking toshould came back he wouldnotharder, the boy saw that one of the - to receive a hearty welcome. bi'rd's toenails was broken. Timmy Meanwhile Nelson studied ca In the i had no broken toenail. True, the the "Lost and Found" column In the I black ring on the ygellow feathers daily paper, particularly the column t might possibly be soot, and the toe - headed "Found." There were many nail might have been lately broken; different things mentioned in that 'but a dreadful suspicion had came to:, list; dogs, cats, horses, fel cnn :Nelson. He determined to make- a arise. beaks—everything except can final test. Thrusting his flinger be- earc But he would not give up the tween the bars o fthe cage be whistl- search. ed softly. Timmy, he knew, would One morning he cams to file bot instantly hop to the proffered linger '' tom of the "found' oalamn with a and give a sharp little 'Stweet" that sigh, NothinS to reward him xhis meant, "How do you do?" either; he wished that he had Also, the bird merely looked up foe the money to advertise for Timmy. instant then y,.lot ed drink - time for Then he began to read the "est„ darn dotes Marketing. Young Cockerels Many egg farmers at this season of the year are confronted with the ques- tion as to what they are to do with the cockerels in their crop of chick- ens. The pullets will go in to the laying pens next autumn but the cock- erels have to be taken care of in some other way. Even with the lighter breeds such as the Leghorns, many find it profitable to dispose of the cockerels as broilers, but un- fortunately it turns out that great quantities of these are marketed in a thin unfinished condition. The Live Stock Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa is taking steps to increase the ;market for broiler chicks and find that they could readily do so if the birds were well finished. They find, however, 1n, their investiga- tions that the market is suffering from a surplus of thin scrawny birds that dealers find it difficult to place. The -'officer in charge of this special work, Mr, E. D. Bonyman, urges the advisability of ,properly -finishing the broilers not only for the general effect this has on market condition%, but because it results in a price which makes the extra trouble well worth while. A Rooster Day British Welcome American Admiral Earl Jellicoe Refers to the "Bond of Friendship" Binding the Two Nations London.—"The bond of friendship handed down from 191'T when the Am- erican naval forces joined the British fleet will never be loosened," declared Earl Jellicoe at the Pilgrims' dinner at the Hotel Victoria, in honor of Vice -Admiral Burrage, commander of the United States naval forces p Europe and the officers of the United States flagship Detroit, now paying a short visit to London. Those who had served together dfir- Jllicon- tinued n tinued, always for the thin unfinished birds. Poultry raisers who wish to market large j numbers of young cockerels can un-' doubtedly increase their profits. and! also increase the demand for poultry meats by finishing 'their birds to a plump condition. The Live Stock Branch is taking steps to develop a better market for broilers but they have already discovered that they can make but little progress unless the poultry raiser himself takes the pro- per steps to finish the birds before disposing of them to the poultry trade. The male bird in an egg producing flock is regarded by those who under- ated into the larger or planting size stand, to be as utterly useless as a and smaller ones to be planted out fifth wheel on a waggon or a second in the nursery row. At the Van - tall on a dog. Many poultry raisers, couver Isla a d Experimental l Sty timetion articularly owners of small flocks the b en upaa stored p from July.1 to September have ,learned that the male •bird is f not only useless but an expensive ad- `in a shed shielded from the direct dition to their stock. The editor of I rays of the suu, there they may be the Renfrew "Mercury", a paper that' keep at least moderately warm. The is taking` an interest in the upbuild- bulbs. wile then be in good oondttion Ing of the poultry industry, recom- for planting out in October. meads the establishing of a "Rooster Day" in every neighborhood, to be re- garded as the time of year when the male birds should go to make pot Pies, on the sante land year after year Farm flocks that hatchl their own without any rotation, is very poor chickens Could very well have disc practice. To make a test of this posed o•f the roosters when the last system as compared with farming batch of eggs was set. To keep them with a crop rotation, wheat was lodger is to incur losses by the de -grown on two of the Experimental preciatiotl of the fertilized eggs. A Farms in the Western Provinces con - leaflet of the Department ot Agricul- tinuously year after year, without an tura at Ottawa, ou the subject of the application of any manure or fertili- removal of male birds from the flock, zein; on the same land or fifteen points out that the best trade in many years. At the Experimental Station cities in Canada offer a premium of at Scott, Saskatchewan, the average from One to five cents per dozen for yield during this period was 14.8 non -fertilized eggs. This advantage bushels to the acre, while at the added to the saving of feed that• Lethbridge, Alberta Station, it was 13.1 bushelsra While fair, yields have been secured in :favorable seasons by this system ot •cropping, dry seasons have resulted in failures. A very serous objection to colttillitotis wheat growing is that weeds ultimately' be- come so abundant that finally ft be - comae impossible to prodetce at pro- iitabie crop of wheat. ^*'Without a sunrmelufall+ow or 511 in'tertllied crop to provide an opportunity for thorough cultivation, or without a bay crop in the rotation, the weeds steadily in- criease annct �cholke out the grain& rmore inch a system. makes. �+rirthe � no provision for distributing labor throughout the season, the rush co1n- ing.all in the spring and mall months, (issued by the Director of Publicity, Dorn. Dept, o>� Agriculture, Ottawar;t' in Ont,) : . BULBS THAT HAVE BLOOMED Tulips, daffodils and other flower - Ing bulbs that are to be left in the naval service. He had reached flag ground year after year, should not be rank at a very early age and had made closely `cut. Whether the bloom ie to a name Admiralr himself in important mport responding, sts. be cut for bouquet purposes or allow- ed to die on the stem, a ew leaves that in the American navy they had should remain on the plant until the foliage has died down to a yellowed condition. The flowers of next year must come from new bulbs that are produced by the plant earlyin the sea- son. If the tops or foliage are cut to the ground the bulbs do not form properly and will not bloom next sea- son. Bulletin No. 95 of the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa, en- titled "Some Flowering Bulbs", ex- Labor Member Suggests Fro - presses the view that tulips may re- secution of Iri<termedi� Pro - main in the ground several years if the tops are out off after the leaves aries in Case mature. This practice may be follow- London.—Sir William Joynson- ed for two or three years when the Hicks, the Home Secretary, in a long bulbs should be taken up and aepar statement in the House of Commons, disclosed that for the nine months ending April, $139,500 was disbursed to communists here through the Soviet Embassy in London. 3. H. Thomas (Labor, Derby), suggested prosecu- tion of intermediaries if their action is illegal. Satlatyalla, Communist, suggested that the money came from the International Communist Organ- ization which has a Inetitbership of 1,700,000 1 column— aimlessly, for that seemed{`�"mg' Nelson knew then that it was not his canary. rather a useless thing to do. His He sat down in a ,chair and began Iforefinger moved slowly down to think. The ten -dollar reward came through the advert:remei►ts. A tam into his mind. How much that person and -white terrier, a red cow; a lady's must love his pet to offer such a large I hand bag. a pearl pin—he was about reward! Presently he rose and pick GEORGE YOUNG to throw the paper asFide when all at ed up the sage. The very latest photograph of Cate 'once his traveling finger came to a "Well, one thing is certain, old line's victor, who will make a strong halt' alt chap, he said "You've got bid for the return o the "T to , f crown a here!" he cried. "Ten dollars• back where you belong." has lost. reward for the return of a yellow Nelson went into the next room canary," he read aloud!. That was and looked again at the advertise. • the previous year into speed events, 1 strange! Could some one have been went. He found that the address was ing the Great War, Lord Jellicoe so _ in which it is reasonably expected kind enough to insert an advertiss only a few blocks away -210 Allen alwa retain for each other new world's records will be oatab- I went far hint? He was hurrying on Street. "They must be rich people," lished. to read the rest when a 1amillar Etat he thought, "to offer ten dollars Par a feelings of admiration and respect. , Both of these races will be swum Ito sound in the next room at- bird," Admiral Burrage, he said, was one Statesof over a new course that will permit a (tering his attention. next threw aside Putting on his cap and taking a the shining lights of the United practically unbroken view ot the =the paper and rushed into the bed firm hold on the cage he went trudg- tire race to the teeming thousands room. Sure enough, Inst as he hail ing off on his errand. who will throng the lawns and water -1 hoped, a little patch of yellow was ,Ing his surprise 210 Alien Street front of the spacious Exhibition i shining in ' the cage! The patch be- � proved -to be a plain, weather-beaten Grounds. It almost parallel the water- gan to bob up and down, and Nelso little Hausa set back in a gloomy front for almost its entire distance cried out joyfully: I looking yard. "So you're ready far your dinner, at i `•I don't wander the canary flew last,you time!"le truant! Well, I think 1 away," Nelson said aloud as he went it's- high � up the walk. He hurried to the cage and quickly 1 A little old woman opened the door shut and Fastened the door. and peered out. When she saw the Then he turned to the window and I bird she gave a cry of pleasure, was about to lower it when he noticed . "I knew I should get him back!" tried to carry on the high tradition and a new system of identification will which the British navy had handed allow the interested spectator to dis- down to them. Their success had been tinguish the leaders from almost any due to following the Brush navy's distance at a glance. apt example. Already the entries are pouring in, and present indications are that last Disclose Big Sum Given Communists • CONTINUOUS WHEAT GROWING., The growing of wheat continuously roosters need justifies the marketing of the roosters in the farm flocks of the country, Broilers Need To Be Weil Finished Broiler .chickens make up a large . part of the market poultry at this sea-. son of the year. When well ,finished these young birds oominamd a good price, but according to reports that reach the Live Stock Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa, many of the young birds coming to ' market are in a poor and unfinished •condition, havingthe effect of not only bringing a poor ;price themselves -but lowering the value of even the better class of broilers. Indeed the oiilcers of the Branch lave learned that wine retail dealers are booming, indifferent towards this 41ass of stock because them &.s reel demand year's record manlier will be entirely • eclipsed. Many new names will be in-, I she Dried. Nelson banded her the eluded and most of the best of last Bey were looking up atot of boys. down on him, pavement, hima cage, and a moment later the canary was in her hands. "Hie name is Ted." she exclaimed to Nelson, "and this is the first time he ever went away. I'll take hint back to his care," she ad- ded, "You wait a minus_." She came hack fumbling in the pocket of her apron. "It's worth ten dollars to have him again," she said. Nelson bad to admit to himself than the folded hill looked very attractive; nevertheless he turned away. "No," he said. "I couldn't take money for finding your bird—and I didn't find him anyway.. Some other boys chased him into my window. Besides, I know what it feels like to lose a canary." - The old lady looked up quickly "You do?" she said. "Have You lost ,one yourself?" Then she added abruptly, "Come into my sitting room." Wondering, Nelson turned hark to follow her down the dark little hall, As he did so there was a burst of song in the roam beyond. - , Nelso sternest he his tracks. "That's not your bird singing;' he said. "It's mine --any Timmy, I can't mistake his voice." The old lady threw open the door of the. room. "It's the little strauge bird that a ratan found and brought bene this morning," she said, "When I told him it wasn't my bird he asked ine to take care of It, and so I put it by the window in Ted's cage." Nelson rushed into the room. There, singing in the bright sunshine, was Timmy, safe and Bound. Nelson Went straight up to the cage and thrust' his finger through the ,bars. In- stantly the little. runaway .stopped singing and perched upon the prof. . fored linger. .,,. "Tweet!" he said clearly, year's performers will return—for money prizes totalling $60,000 are not to be lightly iguored. Local interest again centres round George Young, who is reported to be flew in. He gnat loose last week, and going great guns in a very sincere he's just come back." effort to stage a come -back. His "Oh so sobo ss ylourkbird,thydisappointed.said. "We found him in a tree in the next block," one of thein explained. "When we tried to catch him he flew into a tree across the street, and then into this window." "I probably would have never seen him again," Nelso said, "if you hadn't shooed him over this way. Thank you." As he turned to go. "It's funny," one of them said. "We were looking "Did a canary fly into your house? one of the boys asked. "Yes," said Nelson. "My own bird training camp at Port Credit is replete in every way, and he has a large fol- lowing who are conftdeut of his suc- cess. The Right Place For it. Teacher—"What is the difference between a rhinoceros. and a hippo- potamus?" Johnnie (who had recently been to the circus)—"I know, teacher, the rhinoceros has a radiator cap!" ±(sentieainan Cadets On Review �MreaN• } �trt� Imo' � t4W���lieslr,Pr��r N !. InPSseeesn nn, le r!rq! Vests Neap0:1ii601NY`rllhililure�eilsi niis� iiiiuti ie�ifY ti MI MWY'�Y r, Old it `riitiYraate►'i'in alwrro:ar *WO* IOW HIS MAJESTY VISITS THE MILI't'AC1Y e -r LLi=G1w, SANDHURST tip, *13 l Birdwood Matic the Iiiiuister of 'War (Sit L. .e i e.l, Nioltliingiatrblvavr. Licit (,ens ge and Gelie�ra acts Vcigiaitd's future officers at completion of their training. "You reseal!" Nelson said, "Get out of that borrowed cage and come back where Irl belo„j: l think 1 shall oat you Tiinnia-Ted after titin." And Timmy" ed the canary remain' ed tor :the rest of his days. For my part 1 think it a less evil that some 0rianlna.le should esctaapl )k hat) than that the Government should pla7• an, ignoble part.•- Vir, d'uattoo 1iottueo