HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-06-28, Page 1VOL XXV I I I No 50 Buil ZURICH.. THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE28, 1928. p your own Community b 1L' ienlker IL Annul,, > .. 11,21 • 1 Advo elm INARREARS,$2NAY BIC O AR buying Goods in the home town °4A�" 'r"', ' 1� 3Et Lm P" !4 ;; r . ' i Lffe Sickness Accident Auto immranoe, E a e�+�ch Agent uric . 4' 4' „l. 4. 4. +• 4. ,l, 4' 4. 4' 4' I+ ••- •yy y q� �p p, 51.++++++++ in.l i rli4 i, ti.i' -4 •i�+i E 4 Y4 +y;..Y'•4 ++..+'c4+ ++'1:'Y " J•_c+"ice 4' 4 C i• rmee�iQce•aee ka•So�SO4v�L6 04:440'0(141k (4• x7).000-.. i4a`f`a b ei4.!+ §F�. vairde ® 41 BARGAINB BARG TANS :4,41' Received a shipment of waterproof : Robes which I am retailing far be- 3� , t0Nw C .tal.ogue prices, get yours at 2 Special Price , � 1150 large size 4. 'L. Zen•r .;e4e4eCbeetne secateneaec Q•eK.Ci`fi:'r1 ineek;+et$rPene4d7.+b440aeneeniti kaeN 4-4484)selft• NOTICE After June 25th we will do Chap-,. ping and Rolling on -Tuesday, Thurs' day and Saturday afternoons only: Zurich Flour Mills Annual denting The Annual Meeting of the 7.IBERAL CONSERVATIVES SOUTH HURON Will be held in the ' TOWN HALL, FIENSALL, On FRIDAY JUNE 29, At '2 o'clock, pan. Executive Meeting at 1.30. Officers will be elected for the com- ing year. As important business is coming up at this meeting as malty as possible are requested to attenc • Mrs. Howard Fallis, Peterborough Dr. btorteith, :ti. P. 1'. Prov. Trerts., Mr. A. A. Ingram, St. Thomas, Pes. Western Ontario Conservative Assoc iation, and other well known. Con- servatives will be present and' ad - 4.. dress the gathering. The Ladies of South Huron: •ere' especialy requested to attend, and h -ear Mrs, Falls, who is one of the best known lady speakers in Canada a1 480.80 4 dnos-Eti?a BJbf 'A.r:©ieFape 6608•6001 scnoinntiee In Spring Foshrear se et BROWN'S Boot Shop WINDOM'S PORB,TELL AN IN - TEP.ESTINS STORM 04 .NEW SPRING S'OOTWEAR WASH THEY ARE AUTHORATIVE THEY WILL IMPRESS YOU STANDARD O 'AJ -TIE &T REPAIRING N' 'A.`s:3L.5s L'i iNE IONS AS THE LAST ISS OF VOGUE WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW THE MODERATE PRICES: Only the best ora Materials rials is used, Bring them teal mie, and you ars assured 01 Satsefaction W El, GOOD SHOES COST LESS. raw 1 p� SED our. W IND JAW VISE -LAY iBC iIOSCOnf nealCtaQ6rWBQ'r960066w'I itIn'NAage®ence ti4�� �. mAacr4ltlrn+✓x*4.i*44'4444Q31440.4,..B..0•44,-O 040•0,.404t4e' 4 430 lctb len •aa vA s 1 Is 6e01)06SONm®O 4' t' Cif 4' 8 on • ••r 4' 4' ¢a ca 4' 4' en 1 ndr 4 ` ` are allz{a ; ,d v you. ,.. the NEWEST STILES S IT , , 5:2 'COATS HOSIERY ti SIA air ATS CAPS WIRT'S4+ The, finest range of e4 'o rn . tire s plc.ever sh o 3;. 4. 4. • 4 Jr, 4+ An. , 11 God Save The King WM. Consitf` !grandson Harold; of Detroit, spent Mrs. Win. Ruby is visiting in. De- troit for a. few weeks ' Mi and Mrs. Jos Brenner of Grand Lend, visited with; friends in town on Monday. ' Mi. and Mr. s:: Mn. F. Braun of Forest, were Sunday visitors atthe home of Mr. Wm, Lamont. . Miss Victoria Deichert. of Strat- ford, speut the yeelt-oncL at her Home on the Blind Line. • ond Mr, and Mrs. Urban Pfile, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb' were week -end vis- The most popular Line of Diam- itors with friends in Miehigan. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel and and Rings in Canada son Milford Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thiel spent! the week -end with rel WE HAVE THEM atives at Kitchener. fia, '1 Mos. W. H. Hoffman .,'. • and i , le daughter Mildred, i4ti. and Mrs, L. ]l � I. fir ,J,irman, were Sunday, visitors in Stta ior(l. ' Mi: and Mrs. Bearnan'anci family and Mrs. • Chas. Kalbfleisch of De trolt,' spent the week -end with relati- ves and friends in Zurich. ea • Me, Stl' Aiti e. ,T ,;r,+rill J. Schwartz. and little daughter Eahicc of Detroit, :» spent the week -end at the home of 't' Mrs, Schwartz's parents, Mr. and a Mrs. John. ,Fuss. • Mr, and Mrs, Harvey CoIosky ai m OAL NOW IN• YARDS FIGHT CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRADE FUEI.,, Scranton Anthraci Minehead Albertw Solvay . Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAD; ALSO POCAHO'•j'? ASs arlte nENSALi. Te ?hones Office' lOw. fitTun, tot, The Business $Hilt: 13y Sieg. Robert Higgins, Secretary, Troyer "Re=(Inion. Mr. Stephen Troyer, of Hay Town ship, on Wednesday last celebrated his £0th birthday and together with friends and relatives numbering a- bout S0, .spent a most pleasant day along the shores of Lake Huron, at Rayfield. As the water was too rough for boating the afternoon was spent in games and sports of all kinds. Mr. Troyer was the reclep lent of many good wishes and var- ious gifts of all kinds. The tinny friends and relatives trust that he may be spared to see more anniver- saries. There was also a very keen- ly contested game of baseball; which caused a great deal of interest. Mr. 'Troyer, the guest of the day, was presented with a nicely decorated birthday cake by Mr. and Mrs Pat- ters -on of London. Pres ;h, : I tj,e week -end .with the forrner's par tats, Me. and 11?re. Cyris Colosky. 1 Mr. and. Mrs. Patricle.,Sellivan • Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. The Essential Touch of God. Human life need a divine contact and adjustment. As trees are root ed in the fruitful soil they develop majestic and stately treehood. As man blends, fuses and harmonize hie life with the creator he becomes superlatively great. I do not be- come an honest -to -goodness christian by going to charrch in a formal way and more than 1 am healed bodily by going into the ho;l ital. To be made whole in body I muse comply with the law' of nature and • of me dicta! science, and for religious weii being t 1• T . n toGod's dive la X must conform 4! t .r 1) and will. God's touch spells bea- uty synletry and power. He puts color into the. rainbow; blue into the bluebells; fragrance into theroses; gold into the buttercups; . sparkle in- to the dewdrops. He gilds the morning with splendor acrd the even- ing with glory. He puts Majesty into the mountains. He loves most of all to touch human personality into Celestial ha ., tt•e. Surely - we will not obstruct the Divine artist! Priesday eve., .7 .p.m, -Jr. League T iax's;lay, S. p th.-Pr,ayerand Praise 1• riday 1nf .30 p,. --Senior League Friday 8.30 p.m.--•Choiir Practice ' SUNDAY SERVICES Worship 10 A. M. Subject -She hath done what she could. 19. .tt.n1,-13ihie School, or. E. Geseha, Superintendent, Worship: '7.30 P. M. S,uhpect---Joshua, the mighty eon- gueror. :111 00044 NVn 'VDreiint, Nan* for and daughter .Miss Ella ° d 'Detroit, spent the past week at the home of the tatter's sister and brother, Ed. and Annie Zimmerman. There was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert, Mr. Henry Siebert and grandson, Nor- man Siebert of Canada, Kansas, and daughter Mabel of Kansas City. A Sad Death. Morley Salmon,- the bright and genial 11 year old. son of Mr. arid Mrs. Chester Salmon of Zurich was .,. born., July 17, 1917. On Monday he met death with a tragically pain- :a ful accident which proved, fatal in 'Y° the course of about five hours. He + was starting the fire in the kitchen 4' stove and as the fire was not burn -1 ing very well he added coal oil to It a ; and as a result the can exploded and in a moment his clothes were flam- ing. The boy ran out doors and soon the flames were burning two feet high above his head and afflict- ing the body with very serious burns. The report of the exploding oil can as well as the cry for help rallied the neighbors for assistance. Morley was hurried to the doctor and to the Hospital at London, but alas, it was impossible to save the boy's life. He _lied 45 minutes latex. Morley is oiue of five childrod of the family ranging from the ages of three to thirteen. Hubert, the younges t, is three years old; Jeanette is five; Homer is nine, Morley would have men eleven in July, and, Clifford is thirteen. h .. b 'lee ants si'+ dist].':? •:.l ?n+' t 0:t'} 21ri • '»•' ropes, . u •.,+, 4' 4'. Our* Stock of Spring and Summer Foot- wear for Women, Men, Boys and Girls are now complete and we invite you Ford Sedan -In good mechanical condition, Rubber good; $150.. 1923 Ford Coupe -4 new tires, Upholstering like new .See it`'•' Grey Dort Touring, ready for the road, only. $25. 1924 Ford Coupe, Saloon Tires; a Real -Bargain. McLaughlin Touring, a real bargain at $25.00 0. i 111Z 'tL74r SO FORD DEALE-TS Tires 30x32 $5. to $ci. batteries $0.95 SECOND HAND FORT) FARTS AT HALF': PRICE ete 4 is . ++4•x+++++4++4+.+++4++44+ : +i -'i±l' ,+++ 4++++++•i4.-: <+4' ' as are their friends Mal •noighbees and acquaitht<nces, as well as the ,tout chin, end playmate.; of 'Iorb'y, n'bo w a e geed mai obed- ient and loveable lr:d. Ife decided definately to live the Jesus way at our Evangelical Church last win- ter and a real chatage'wee noticeable in his life. }Toted his mother rep- eatedly that he loves Jesus dearly, as death was doing its work in tlih lad. I+'useral services was held on Wed- nesday June 27th. Memorial Ser°e- ces at. tl, a .117vant.•1ia41 ' l.ur •7a, where he was a member, though at that time only a little more than 10 ,eats .old. ilut+ial took place at the Bronson Line cemetery, Rev, W. Y. Dreier in charge. The hearts of the people of the: .community are bleeding because•. of the sad and heartrendering tragedy. He is sur- vived by parents, three brothers, one sister, grandparents . and many other relatives and friends. "Death leaves our hearts all desolate Ile plucks our .fairest, sweetee t flower :Nut planted into blissfta;l heaven lee 4�1a�! ti iit+tnortial borers." "The smallest children are nearest to Good,' as " the smallest planets are nearest to the sun." . 1► prin Smi.r!, ti and B When you start out to do your spring and summer buying come ere ap eAt WE CARRY A NICE ASSORTME NT OF Q I:h. BEA,. 4'S,p Tat PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS,. SI•i1RT hi'QS, CO' 1TOhi I.»ii, FLANNELETTES, TSTC. SHOTES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE, A ,FULL ASSORTMENT N1 OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING. IIARN'ISS RE"PAIRS A SPECIALTY. 'R11SH GROCERMIS ALWMrS ON .11AI T . DOUGLA QAi+A I AL +% M+'+n re0W"r.'A ij 7R. HONE 11 er 1 10