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Zurich Herald, 1928-06-14, Page 4
5 COUNTY NEWS., 'WM* Woods of ,liullett recently lootd A Male S northern, eleven man- like odd, to Wilson of' State of illUolee for the sum of $5,500. /he people of Goderich were plea sea to see of the appointmene to the Ling's Counsel of Robert. Cockburn 'illayes of that place. Mr. 'Hayes is %he dean of the legal fraternity in 4.derieh ,and is held in high esteem. The Ontario Government announc a s the appointment of a number of anew* King's Counsel, amongst them ;sang Clinton's popular barrister, W 'dtrdone. A ybig attraction is being secured for G ,derich's Dominion Day celeb- waHsn; in snatched games of base- Lali between the equally renown Ritcons of Detroit and the famous {aalers of Toronto for a prize of $100.q' These teams, it will be rem- •tnbered,, played before a big crowd Goderich during Centenial week, %net Year. z - . Natty' Improvements are being 'wade !.at .Grand Bend this summer. ;Several new cottages are being er- ected, and with considerable remod- •cng.and painting the oider cottag- es are putting on a new appearance. Seaforth races are being held on Wednesday, June 13th, when $1200. i; being offered in purses. The s;tbles+;of Seaforth races are usu- ally full and a large turnout is being looked for. A happy event took place on Sat- unelay last in the Anglican church, St. Marys, when Mrs. Fanny Kenn, of St. Marys became the bride of .d'oseph. Oliver of Grand Bend. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Varney of St. Marys. The couple left by motor to Niagara Falls and other points. On returning they -tail reside in Grand Bend, - The Hurondale Womens' Institute Reid their annual picnic at ,Spring- *ank Park, London, on Saturday June 2nd. A good crowd gathered ttlespite the inclement weather. At 12.30 a chicken diner was served, alter which, a variety of sports were Conducted. To get off to a good st- art everybody played pump, pump, Wnll••away. WON boiler; was tub; several lamps 6 dozen sealers; ntaantitY dished kettles, pans, etc,,hoes, spades; sho- vels; garden rakes and many other articles: Everything goes with- out reserve, 'Perms ---$5, and un- der, cash, over that amount 5 mon- ths credit on approved notes. Wm. Miller, Proprietor. . + • • Oscar Klapp, .Auctioneer Immediately after the above. sale a Joint Auctfl n Sale Will be : held at Wni Wagner's Confectionery ;of the severalarticles listed below: Iron bed with spring and mattress lawn mower, wooden bed and spring 4 kitchen chairs; cupboard;, sink; 2 burner oil stove, quantity dishes; smell table,. steel: -gas drum; • 1921 Overland ecar in A. 1, condition; 2 Ford tonrings with 1928 license; Ford coupe 1922 model with 1928 license in. good running; order; horse bgr©ke single and double; single har- ness; top buggy, half• do'en safety razors; • Cleveland• bicydle'• almost new, . Bring along anyttiang you have for sale, . will aeil,eanyth ng from a tooth pick to' au elephaiit. Terms ---Same as above. AUCTION IS' ACTIbiN HENSALL Mrs. Fred Smallaceinbe and dau- ater, Jean, of Guelph, are visiting pith Miss M. Ellis. Nelle Boyle of London is visiting for a few weeks at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis, of Tor - tato, are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. W. C. Davis, and sister W. Hemphill. . Alex.' McMurtie of Toronto, visit 9d with- his mother here. An b teresting game., of ball was heaped the other evening here be- •twen coderich and the locals, the lat winning out by thescore of 10- 1, a large crowd was present. . 1gtlit/e; McEwen of eKitchejier visit - Rd eve; 'the holidays ;with her brother Rod sister on the Iiondon Road. W. 1 Goodwin has ben confined to his room the past week with ill- enem J. W, Ortwein was in Walker- ville the past week as a delegate at the Conference of the United Ch- urch of 'Canada, representing the log ad church here, Miss Irma Higgins, of Detroit.is spending a couple of weeks here -with hex parents; Mr. and Mrs. Cobt. Higgins:, , The '-iriany friends of Mrs. Lee ileddenC are pleased to see her able to be out again after her recent ill - mess.. Reeve Higgins alst week attended the meeting of the County Council at Godeeich, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith and fam- ily of Windsor, visited with Mr. Sirs. Wm. Consitt. Janette Forrest, - who underwent Au operation for appendicitis in the Clinton Hospital, has improved to the 'extent that she can be brought to her home. Mrs. J. Keys has returned from spending several weeks visiting • on the old homestead farm at Blake. Master Roy Patterson is visiting lith relatives in Chicago for a few 'Weeks. Mrs. Wison Berry of Windsor, is 'visiting for a few weeks with Mrs. T. Berry. Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Case are spend Sag some vacations at ,Detroit. . Dur- ing their absence Mr. T. Mills of Centralia is relieving Mr. Case. Mrs. T. Berry, who has been vis- iting for some time with her sons in ;Windsor, has returned to her home. Miss , Greta ' Lanniie, A.T.C,M. 'twIli present her pupils m a recital in the Town Hall on Friday evening .June 15t1>;. Interesting features of the program will be one movement of Gurlitts' Toy Sympathy,, perform- eed by 16 pieces novelty orchestra. .Also a musical playlet,,, "A Scene AVM the childhood", of Frederick flhoppi-n" will be giben. AucriON 'SALE 40 Household ,Eff cte. Autos, Etc., ...At, ZURICH On SATURDAY, JtiNE 16th, 1928 At 1.30 o'clock sharp ii'arlor suite, 2''bedebam suite: a; complete ' wth dressers and wash - ends; lounge; roekrtig;ehair; 12 din :fang room chairs; dini"a room stove al 'atxost new, bed spthltg';• 2 mirrors; .lass cupboard; kitehcn` table, side - 'board; electric plates, *selling ma - ,a , W .. W a ' elect eneen With :,1 -stand aid ai :14 44 f. contpi lir, XAtiti M. 4 v ANNOUNCE:MO 41 have decided to open up a Gari' age In Zurich, in the Building known as the Commercial Hotel 1 Earn. On MONDAY, JUNE 18th AND WILL BE OPEN TO; THE 'PUBLIC TO DO ALL. KINDS OF AUTO REPAIRING AND SUPPLIES, GAS OILS, ETC. AND - 4 soma' 'THE PATRONAGE 110F"THE PUBLIC. 1 Innis ,Vftreiii Gas Oils ,Greases"' . Tires Accessories.t 1:, :.1"t'9l.9.>N'I•.'8q1l"1'•11'•;'g••1'•3••p`I"! 1+k+i»t•=?!4••yI•'1'•3'd"I.'l.°Ig.;.'ry.I•.I'.g4'8•k4434. EC!t is now two '.years since we started business in Zurich So we are again going to reduce' everything in the Dry Gods • F celebrate it.er to liner : n•orcl _ 1 It will surelybe a Bargain SALE A few of the bargains iven be- low. But this is not all we have to offer. Come and .See!-•.. AJ� E A ANTHRACITE i NTHRACIT - f Alta tow IfAILMGP:.ORDERS *OR NEXT.. WINTER'S SUPPLY OF ►AT,,, AND SOLICIT ' 'rOUR ORDER. WE WILL IRAVE'. TWO) CARLOADS OADS OI= ALBERTA ,COAL:' IN IN A FEW X r. AND ADVISE OUR CUSTOME*S `TO' PUT IN THEIR SUPPLY' AT THIS TIME .WHILE ?HE SUPPLY IS WOO. LET US TAKE 'U1R OBDEIt FOR ANTHRACITE. COAL See. Vs about Seed Oath akerlk Full -of -Pep .Chic , starter °Million:.ithFord for L HORSES,' CATTLE,H®GS, P(IJLTRY e , Son ale STARTS .F. June I6th Ends July 7th, 1928 t. STATS :June .-16th Ends 7th►,'1928Y • Regulsr 30c. Lfi .at' ' ` `.'Yaisi" whirl at 32c. .{ Yt. ♦. .a; {.M1 t Ln. 1. .; ;. i?;, • .{,• MEN'S HgAV`Y :WEIGHT OVER,, ;s WOMEN,S GINGHAMS - ALLS At 5148. ' House Dresses at....1 . r.... Wove Stripa, at MEN'S KHAKI PANTS At $1.98 ' MEN'S WORK SHIRTS • ' Regular $1.50 for .. $1.29 Regular; $1.00 iaow MEN'S FANCY NEGLIGEE Shirts in all`tsizes at .. MEN'S COTTON WORK SOCKS •' 15C -77 191.., • - ., FANCY ART SILK SOCKS - At 49c. BOY'SKHAKI PANTS At $1.39 - MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATER COATS AND PULLOVERS . VERY CHEAP. MEN'S CAPS. BOYS' CAPS At .. .. .. 89c 8 -Oz. BLACK DENIM 39c, STRIPED COTTONADE 396. Lingerie Rayon Silk, Self Stripe Peach Shade Geg. 65c. At 49c. • 79c. c ; B'1;.EECHED -, COTTONS Below to=day's 'Wholesale • Prices At 19c. 'and 2Sc. FACTORY' COTTONS At the Same Low Prices, 19c and 2.5e yd. wide We have a real Cotton, • 40 -in. wide at 20c. yd. (SILK WINDOW PANNELS 45 -in. Wide at .. ..$2.49 36 -in. Wide at .. .. . , .. 51.49 SWISS NET PANNELS 45 -in. Wide at .. . . ..$2.29 Curtain Net by the Yard Regular. 50c. at .. .. .. ,..35c. SILK MADRAS 54 -in. Wide at , , .. .. 89c. 36 -in. Wide, ` at, yd. • e We have .these in Biue,, Rose and Gold ' • ANOTHER PEW EXTRA SPECIAL LINES Black Satin, of Extra Good, Quality at $1,29 PLAIN GEORGET 1 k. at Yd. $1.19 Plain Crepe at .... •.. . $1.19 A i!Ipmber of Colors in Inroad 'Cloth at per; ' Yd. 29c. • Silk Broad Cloth at, Yd. : ' 59c Ladies,:Slips,, Bloomers' HOSIERY; , ETC,. Slaps, 41egular $1:0Q fpr t,.1..79c 'Night 'gowns', Reg: , $1 b9 =:4 i J. 79c Bloomers,..Reg.. 50c. for .. ... .39c Vests,. reg. 50c. now .-• 39c Vests, reg. 25c. for `... • ...,,.,.1 CHILDREN'S VESTS, At 1Se. to 25c. LADIES HOSE Hose, reg. $1.00 #or Hose, reg. 75c: ...59c - for .. «.. ..., Hose, reg. 56. for .. .. Hose, reg. 25c. at y Obit T9c Children's Hose all at dos 'sow =Aft of Reduction •, . EXTRA 'SPECIAL. DRESS ENDS Fiintexl , Crepe, .leg 15 QD,•gf►i»g; a*: x 3.75. Dress'L. engtk Pure:, -Linnen--. . TABLE COVERS 54x54 inches, at *1.29 'CRINKLE' BED 'SPREADS Pink Striped, at .... .. «31.98 • BATH TO1W E S 000a, elt;Rgtr. « ::+ 39c TABLE Old CLOTftt, 1% .aide at .. GINGHAMS Regi4or 30c. at Regtllsr 25e. at F;- . - 1 . .:.. .. 25e = 19c: IOCK FAST DRILL !SIORT1NG At per yard r: . .. .. 29c: Siziadard Shirtini at .., FANCY ,PRIMED CLOTHS Mercerised 'Taffeta, . Peter Pan, Diens icy Wier atad an Summer Drees Materials at Greatly Reduced Prices. Reg. -75e and 65e, at Regular SD; at' .. ... •. 35.-. FANCY FLANNELETTES,: At 14c, 19e, and 25c. Yd Mosquito Wetting at yd.... 7ce. HEMMED PILLOW CASES at 49e. per pair. GLASS TOWELLING GOLD CHECK At per ,scat 22c: litlitEN ROLLER TOWELLING'' At per. yard 15c. y prices .:.to�day'sl wholesale pricer., These ��°we have gy�en o�u above are in some cases' below a And at the - regular price are as cheap as you can buy anywhere, Including:: the mail order ' houses. So after the reduction weare giving you, why not pick up what you need. Our .. g and . � •you can bank on it being Vires stock large as some�merchants carry,but xsnot�. of everythingwe sell. 'you,bring clean, and if �t is not.as we tell ' a a�n, we; stand bac ..',. it back and we will refund your money or replace goods. We are here to eta � aynd it will be of mutual benefit if you give us 'a call. We solicit your patronage THE YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 14$ General J. l ria �-....Yrte.... _. m �.