HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-06-07, Page 8f MOP The Store with the Stock Ladies' Dresses Only a few Flat Crepe Dresses left.' We offer 'them at very reasonable prices. Your choice for $10.00 each. ilk New Drapery Goods OUR STOCK IS NOW ALMOST COMPLETE FEW CURTAIN PANELS IN RAYONSILKS, CREAM AND ®, WIIITE AT PRICES FROM $2.50 TO $3.75 EACH as SCRIM NET PANELS AT $1.45 EACH SPECIAL IN PANELS AT 75c. EACH. 'A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CURTAIN NETTS, MARQUESSETTES, ;SCRIMMS IN TWO RANGE OF PATTERNS AND PRICES. Linoleum and Oilcloths S PIECES 4 YARDS WIDE .LINOLEUMS TO CHOOSE FROM, ALSO OILCLOTH 3 YARDS WIDE CONGOLEUM, AND A COMPLETE RANGE OF CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM RUGS, SIZES :FROM I6 x0 TO 12jix15, I t MIS POTATOES Green Mountain Seed Pot. bag $2.25 No. 1 quality eating pot. bag $2.00 'ALSO SEED CORN, MANGEL AND TURNIP. SEED, IN. ALL THE LEADING VARIETIES;., CHICK FEED, SCRATCH FEND, MIL K 1. MASH. i3SRY OUR GRANULATED OATMEAL FOR BAK"BY CHICKS. J. GASCHO & SONS ProduLt Wanted Phone 59 0......+++.÷.,.....++.0,................i. .y. ANNOUNCEMENT .g. We have been appointed Agents direct for Z.U.RICU AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF + TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF, + WLLLYS OVERLAND LTD. 4. FOUR ARISTOCRAT OF VEER LOW PRI - VV!! WHIPPET CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; ,d, COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A (TRIED + AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY WHIPPET S y X THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON .g THE MARKET. A CAR WITH A + dr.(• ei-j SOUND REPUTATION �, Nilly. Knight TTHE FAMOUR WO MODELS, PROVIDED VALVE + to MOTOR.. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US d - BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. ,A SATISFACTORY DEAL ,'tE, ASSURED, BESIDES: ,1. 4. "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" 4. ... H. Mou.sseau Zurich 4' a� :�.g .; ;. ;. e d I �•II -II- & •F § F •fl S 3 fi d• :-^§f 4.+++.144.4.444-14÷444-1- 4. + •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11401111•••• i Hatching 1 I Why pay fancy prices for your young Chicks when with a few minutes of spare time each d ay you can hatch and raise STRONG, HEALTHY 1 : ! ALL ABOUT OUR:: your own • • • • • • • • • • • • CHICKS s AT A BIG SAVING IN MONEY. COME IN AND LEARN Buckeye Incubators and Brooders • WE ;HAVE EVERYTHING • IN BI.RDWIR>I; i If in need of new furniture don't forget; we have it! ' SAD WIDE U R.iCH ONT. ',ZURICH al!tRAL. 1: A Few Specials For. this Week ON Curtain Materials 3,6 INCH BLUE OR ROSE, AT PER YARD 54 -IN. BLUE ROSE OR GOLD AT. Yd. ... . CURTAIN NET, REG. 50c. AT .. .. ....... HEAVY PLAIN :NET„ REG, 60c. AT .. .., .... SILK PANELS 43 -In., AT .. .. , , . . SILK PANNELS 36-1n. AT COTTON PANNELS 36-1n. WIDE AT 59c AND .. SWISS NET PANNELS 45 -In. WIDE AT .-. 59c ._...89c 35c ...3'Jc 24c $1.49 69c ... $2.29 YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 J. W. MERNER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. Orphan Weber and Mr. Cressman, of New Hamburg, were in the village during the past week and while here Mr. Christ. Zirk of the Bronson Line, purchased from Mr. Weber, the 50 acre farm that Mr. Weber owned on the Parr Line, Hay Township. Mr. Zirk will likely use this for a grass farm DASHWOOD Miss Selma Rader spent the week- end with her sister in Detriot. Mr. and Mrs. Ogden visited with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Nadiger on Sun- day. Mr. Lorne Tiernan, who is attend ing London University is hone for his holidays. Quite a number from here attend- ed the W.M.S. Convention held in Zurich last week. Among those who attended the funeral of the late Edward Restem eyer last week were Mr. and Mrs. E. Schroeder, Rev. and Mrs. Eifert and daughter Selma and Mr. and Mrs. C. Wildfong of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs J. Eidt and Miss Diechert of New Hamburg; Mrs. H. Eidt and son Lloyd of Ingersoll. Mr. R. Gates is attending County Council at Goderich this week. Rev. and Mrs. Meyer motored to Kitchener on Monday. Miss Nola Gaiser is off duty for a few days this week suffering from the flue. EVANGELICAL W. M. S. CONVENTION At Zurich, Ont. The Canada Branch of the Evan • gelical Women's Missionary Society held its annual Convention in the Emanuel Evangelical Church, Zur- ich from May 29th to 31st. The program proved to be one of great inspiration and enthusiasm, and should continue to live in the hearts of all who were privileged to at- tend. Among the guests of honor, and who also participated in the program were Mrs, Jno. Hobson, General Cor- responding Secretary, New Spring- field, Ohio; Mrs. G. E. Forbes, West- on, Ontario, and Miss Vera SchWeit zer, of Waterloo, Ont., who is a re turned missionary from China and Japan. Miss Schweitzer spoke on the theme "Launch Out". We should especially launch out to meet the great need of the immigrants who come to our shores. Have we not up to the present failed to meet that need? We are so busy look- ing across the ocean that we cannot see across the street. We should meet the need of these immigrants by creating an interest in them, giving them fair play and a .chance to work out their possibilities. Only as we meet their need shall we real - ize the great contribution which they have to give to us -in art, lit- erature, philosophy, etc. Every immigrant brings to this shore a lonely heart, a longing for conunon kindness. -He longs for the same. gospel which has made us happy. Are we going to meet his need? In her second r,ddress she, gave a very interesting deco...1-.1ther trip up the Yangntze River, China, in going to her station 'Tung -Ren, telt- ing of ,her encounter with the bon- dits, the capture and release of five of . the missionary party, and many humorous incidents' connected with a bandit attack. Mrs. G. E. Forbes delighted all with her illustrated address on `The Triumph of the Gospel during, GO Years in Trinidad." !'rhe pictures were very educative and proved that missionary work is indeed a worth while investment of life. -"Whoso- ever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it." LOCAL MARKETS Live Hoge cwt. ..:.._8.50 Butter, lb. ... _, _ 40c Eggs .. ..� :.., 1.», ,..22-24-28 Dried apples lb: 70 Flour Wheat ,..... �, «, .,. . ...1.50 «.....1-00 ..45.00 Barley . _ ... Buckwheat .. .,, Shorts per ton .,. Bran per ton ,_. ._. 43.00 (Corrected every Wednesday) 0.0 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. SI, 1927, $22,365,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 - Rates -24.50 per U00o for 3 yeses. E. F. Klopp--Zurjcl, Agent, Also Dealer in Liiktaini Rods and all kinds of Fire Insarance Sale! i- , 1 OF MILLINERY Fine Display WE HAVE A LIMITED NUM- BER OF TRAVELLER'S 5 AMP - I LES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC AT REMARK- ABLE. LOW PRICES iW,HILE THEY LAST, , I t , ALSO A SPECIALLY FINE ASSORTMENT FOR YOUNG GIRLS IN THE TEEN AGES. BE SURE AND LOOK FOR FIATS WITH BLUE iTICKETS; THESE ARE THE SPECIAL VAL UES, b•►.. CALL AT TRH HAT SHOPPE EARLY AND ERT FIRSTCHOICE GIVE US A CALL V. V. SIEBERT Mrs. Bobsou brought the conven- tion two very inspiring messages; One of the many thoughts in her addresses well worth remembering is: Jesus mast predominate. Ile is the .outstanding lure of ; history and thinking inen is -day realize that nothing will save this -world . ekeept A practical application of the prin- ciples of this saran, Jes*At nure tit• scute N,- lin -40, *. . a� .�.� -,° ..•4.14444+1. 444411444, Seasonable HartJwave lispring is here and we can supply f, Ppb" 4 ware at moderate prices it • I the Public with I �. Seasonable Hard- .I • A NUMBER OF. GOOD SECOND 1LtND BTUVES VERY i 4. CHEAP .. : l; We sell Ideal Incubators and Brooders t FENCING A. CARLOAD OF LII n-uci-LIICKY TI EG, STEEL POSTS, RIVED INCLUDIN WOVI?�.'N • COIL, BARB R' BRACE AAND •�*et 4- , AND f 4. + A PULL LINE '1- 4 + 4 + 8 + PMLine of Furniture in Living Roam Suite Dia• Site, Bed Room Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. "ug Berard Chairs. A Humber of Rockers at Reed Rockers and 'Good Supply of famous SIMMONS Reduced Prams. N 11i3FON8 BEDS, SPRINGS AND 4. • MATTRESS. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES.. 4. 4. 4. BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRON, 4-4. PAY HI4IIEST MARKET 14. 4. FULL PRICES_ d- SUPPLY OF KIIAUSER SMOKE CZ7gg 4. 4. ohnston SC Kalb4. ▪ H• ardware & Furniture. ph© • TIRES AND TUBES OF GUTTA PERCHA TIRES. NONE BETTER PAINTS AND VARNISHES 'GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN ,SENOUR 100%,, PURE PAINT, & A F J LLLINE OF OHINA.iIEL VARNIS.IIES, AUTO ENAMELS ALSO FULL LINE OF MURESCO, BEI'C. - FURNITURE Auto Iflsurauj COLLISION SIXTEEN PRINCIPAL CAUSES ,OF AUTOMOBILE ACCID- ENTS-I ! ' SPEEDING, CUTTING IN SKIDDING, BACKING DRIVING OFF' ROADWAY, CUTTING LEFT CORNERS,, ON WRONG SIDE OF ROAD, PASSING ON WRONG SIDE, PASSING ON CURVE OR HILL„ DID NOT HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY, CAR RAN AWAY !WITHOUT DRIVER, ' FAILING. TO SIGNAL, PARKED OR STAND.. ING STILL, FAIJ,IF$E TO STOP, DRIVING ? ITG GH SAFETY ZONE, PASSING STANDING STREET CA$ TIIE 'CAREFUL DRIVER'S SELDOM TEF CAUSE, BUT IS OFTEN THE VICTIM. Before you Invest INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. HessZur�' cb MY MOTTO; -SERVICE AND SA7WFY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? MEN vrAina) Drugless Praction- eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 70 11 At thin time of the year ase everybody is about to reuew.tlin papern or magazines. We ,wish tcrl advise the public that we are inn many cases sole agents for dailyi weekly papers and all magazine* and will give you reduction% om on ino'at of ;llbese I.at will a•4 prise you. If you are about to, renew your reading matter, first conte and see us, awl be e^crntt+iA 0111 ed.-Serald Offices -:1:---4.---*!._*_... _. _$,_.._- , sorra soils fTo the man who regards a well dressed: !appearance, we recommend you. to s• come and look over our fine range of NEW SPRING S ITINGS WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR MONEY Oi LAALv REFUNDED. ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH firlI r BEST OF LININGS AND fnumMINQS CALLED GRADE t BEAD AGENT FOB TUE WELL KNOWN MADE TO MEA ;IRE CLOTHES-CORNELL, H. HOFFMAN T 'VAILO W. 41. HOFF$$N • San, EMU NBIAlt D1* loid [Boot 1[141, . •