HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-06-07, Page 411, w. ti* �'Aa 4 a .` I.Ellltlflllilh''►. ty1444 wjl-,a y/ / Why should you always be having trouble? OTHER fellows use the same tires, run the same distance, cover the same roads—and have no trouble at all. Test your tire pressure every week. Don't guess it — gauge it. Run round to a Dominion Tire Depot and have the pressure checked and your tires inspected. Let an expert search for cuts and bruises. A slight repair in time may prevent a blowout, and add a few thousand miles to the life of your tires. You are never far away from a. DOMINION TIRE DEPOT H MOUSSEAU Westinghouse Canada's Finest Electric Range ;f rua.I iii i a Use Hydro for Convenience and Saving HESS RADIO ELECTRIC SIM•l�••.•.•.•.•+MM 11 •••••••1�•N••••••••••91•M•••••• fl • • Coal Goal ALBERTA ANTHRACITE WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR NEXT.. WINTER'S SUPPLY OF COAL, AND SOLICIT YOUR ORDER. WE WILL HAVE TWO CARLOADS OF ALBERTA COAL IN IN A FEW DAYS, AND ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS TO PUT IN THEIR SUPPLY AT THIS TIME WHILE THE SUPPLY IS GOOD. LET US TAKE YOUR ORDER FOR ANTHRACITE II COAL NOW. See Us about Seed Corn Quaker's Full -of -Pep Pep Chick starter I Continental Stock Food for HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS i 7 SHEER and POULTRY L. Schilbe & Son i •!•sr•••M.NRA.N, A►•••••••••••••••`111n••••• STANLEY TOWNSHIP Wt. Art. Keys and family and Ella Dowson spent the week - di at Kennelworth, Mich., the mks of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar 'Wright Rev. Jas. Penrose of Varna and x John A. Manson have been at - ailing Conference at Walkerville. L t. Wm. Johnston of Flint has sposed of his 100 -acres faun on ihylon Line, Stanley to Mr. Geo. eClinchey of Varna for $6,000.00, %session given March, 1st 1929. Wrn. Johnston, John Reid, Ernie Clincliey and Jas. Reid of Flint, cls., spent a few days last' wt;rk their friends here, Miss Olive Erratt was taken with a severe attack of appendicitis"�t Saturday, she was taken to Seaforth Memorial Hospital, where she was operated- on, since the operation an attack of pneumonia has developed, and her condition at time of writing is serious. The death occured at. St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday, May 29th of Robert McKinley, of Stanley Township, ownship, in his 64th year: Mr, McKinley had gone to London three weeks previous and underwent an operation, but it did not prove suc- cessful and he gradually became weaker till tiro end carne. He was born on June 18th 1864 on the frim: 04 the ti.YJu.awi :4;410, vriivyi ail hiej life was spent. 17 years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Jean Campbell of McKillop, who with a daughter (Margaret) and a son (Campbell) survive him and will sadly miss the loving companion ship of a faithful husband and a loving father, Two sister, also survive him, Mrs. W. Clark of Varna and Mrs. W. Baker of Sask., who with his wife were with him in his last illness, Mr. McKinley was loved and respected by all who en- joyed his acquaintance, .and by his kind and unselfish manner won a place in the hearts of all who knew him. His death is very much regretted, and a deep sense of loss is felt by friends and neighbors, but especially in the home will the loss be felt. The funeral was held on Thursday to Bayfield cemetery, and was very largely attended. Rev. Penrose, his pastor, conducted the service and spoke fitting words of his faithful christian life and his trustful resignation in the hour of death. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Fred Eisenbach wish to extend their sin- cere thanks to the neighbors and friends for their kind help and sym- pathy `in their recent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Robert McKinley, son and daughter wish to thank their neigh- bors and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent berevement, also for the beautiful floral tributes, and those who so kindly loaned their cars. LOST A claw hammer between my place Goshen 1in<•: and Zurich. Finder please return to Herb. Bender. ' HENSALL The many friends of John Elder are sorry to learn that he has been confined to his home through illness. Mrs. Wm. McDougall is confined to her room and is seriously i11, her health has not been so good the past few months. Pleased to report that Mrs Thos. Welsh, who has been quite poorly, is improving nicely. Mrs. (Dr.) Smith and babe, who have been visiting for a time at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Petty, returned to St. Marys. Our Orangemen are making great preparations for a big celebration to be held in Hensall on the 12th of July and the committees in charge are doing all in their power to make this event a great success. Anniversary services were obser- ved in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday, June 3rd., Rev. Mr. Mc- Culloch, of Kincardine was the an- niversary sPeaker for the day, and large crowds turned out 'to hear him Special music was also renaered. Miss Hattie McQueen, R. N.., of Albany, N. Y. who has been visiting relatives and friends here, for a few weeks, left the latter part of last week to visit friends in London, and Hanover, also Toronto, after which she will resume her position in the Albany Hospital. Our builders and contractors are looking forward to a busy season, which always means improvement and employment. Dr. Russell MacKay has been vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. MacKak, the past week. The locol Council hopes to have the streets in good order before the 12th of July, when there will be a big celebration. The many friends of Mrs. Lee Hedden are sorry- to learn that she is on the sick list, and her place in the post office is being filled by Miss Ethel Murdock. Thos, Palmer Sr., is visiting for a few months with his son here. Wm. Sangster is improving the appearance of his property by the ad dition of a new verandah. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, of Ed- dy's Mills, are visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Dougall. Mrs. Bertha Bell accompanied Dr. and Mrs. Crawthorpe to Tavistock. after their visit here, and also went with them to Toronto and attended the oratorical contest there, where some ten thousand people were in at tendance. Dr. and Mrs. 13. Campbell and two daughters of Toronto, visited at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murdock. A Court of Revision on the Ass- essment roll was held in the Council Chamber the other evening, when the Reeve and Councilors acted as the Revising Board. A number of appeals against the assessment were entered and delt with. An entertainment was given in the United Church on. Monday even- ing last by Rev. Morley of Toronto, to a large crowd of attendive listen- ers. He is a talentedelocutionist, and nave a number of readings, which kept the audience in Iaughter most of the time. Solos were also rend- ered by W. O. Goodwin and Sam. Rennie. COUNTY NEWS. Wingham Horticultural Society has opened the year's work with an increase in membership of 80. Wednesday, June 27th, has been let as the date for the South Bruce election, to fill thevacancy caused by the unseating of M. A. McCallum. Walter Statton of Grand Bend hub 1?Ulxcaaou. t:1e P,htxe bird Inn araci� Wog,' has taken possession. It will be under the management of his son Gilbert, Dr. and Mrs, Newton -Brady, of Bayfield, have returned from Balti- more, where the doctor spent five weeks in John Hopkin's Hospitals , taking a post graduate course. sergery. The Seaforth Highlanders Band retu have been very fortunate in securing services of N. Novak, of Mine Hat, as their new band lead t ed- ict er. Many friends of the ,Goderichnits will regret to learn of the death ath f Mrs.LeTouzel, widow of the O late J. ich o geS, Bermuda. She was about mn B ety 0 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Johnstonid and al couple, of Stanley Tp., who ar Ham- ilton, in a motor accident ne am- ilton, while on their weddi trip, receiving and were badly shaken up, r ing almost cuts and bruises, are now ear wholly recovered. Their was re Iu badly smashed and they we cky to escape with so little inju Under the auspices of th ons Club, Goderich, an address on"The Aspects Economic and National of the St. Lawrence Deep W ity Project" will be given by am rotes Wollace Goforth, assistant professor scien of economics, and practical ce at McGill University, Mcal onts on June 7th, at the Sunset hate od'- erich. Capt. and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson, 'ergu of e oth Bayfield went to London th er day, where the former, who h en nd'er ill for the past month, will u go treatments in Victoria Hospit is many friends hope he will' return greatly improved. C. LeTouzel of Goderich, wh ccured May 11th at St. Geos ne years of age. on, brid e Li •erwa Willi , I, G as be Hospital. H Grey N Pharmacy; meeting' business encs I'unc A qretty little kitten was fo on the Exeter dump ground by Ge Ford, the kitten had by some who did not want it, placed and an old pail and a stone laid thereo t was in an almost starved cond on, and the finder is taking care the same. , Fred Kerr, of Crediton, tied econd place at the Hespler gu lub shoot on May 24th, when h cored 195 out of a. possible 200'. Gammage of Ridgetown was fir ith 197. Fire the other evening destroye t. he back barn of Thos. Mawhinne n the 12th concession of Stephe ownship, between 11 and 12 o'cloc he origin of the fire is a myster he barn was partly filled with ha and the. reflection was seen man iles, a large; crowdsoon gathere n the scene but nothing could b one to save the building. An auto driven by Mr: Coutts, elgrave, was badly. damaged th they day at Exeter; when the drive ulled off the Main • street pave m. • in order to avoid the runnin ver of little, Darwin Jones, 4 -yea ld son of Rev: and Mrs. Jones. H as, on one side of the road' and hi lder brother on the other side o he road and in running across cam contact with the car, which kno ked the little fellow down', but:h. erious harm befell him. The drive f the car steered for the ditch wit ie result that. the occupants' wer everely shaken u.p: A special meeting of the Goderic wn council was held the other eve g when the by-law to provide fo e erection of a new grandstand gricultural Park was given firs d second reading and passed over the ratepayers for their approve otherwise, the vote will be taken Friday, June 22nd. The G;od- ich Trotting and Pacing Associat- e sent in a marked cheque for $1- 0, as the Association's • contriliut- n towards the new structure. The -law provides for the issuance of bentures to the amount of $7,900, be paid in fifteen years.. Gerald Fitton, , son of Mr. and rs. S. Fitton, of Exeter; arrived' that place on May 24th by aero- ne, having come from London, ere he is employed as pilot with a ge company. He was at Hensall r the celebration and carried up sengers, doing a good business, retired to Exeter for the night. d left the following morning. Mr. Fit learned to fly in Detroit and ew weeks ago took out Canadian nse and secured a positio,re with London Company. There passed away at her benne the Bayfield line, Goderich Tp. May 22nd, Mary Peck, beloved fe of Peter Cole, and daughter of late John and Nancy Peck of Sta • township. Mrs. Cole retired usual and passed away the'follow morning. She was born at Nia- a on Sept. 1849, later coming to nley township with her parents, re she continued to reside until marriage with her now sorely eft husband. meeting for Huron county far - s interested in the Ontario Whe ool was held at Clinton the other , which was well attended .Mr. ' son, a member of the executive the Western Wheat Pool and Mr. oy of Alvinston, last year presi- t of the U.F.O. Co -Operative pany�, were present and each sp- giving very instructive address - ✓ working out of the Wheat both in'the west ,and in'Ont- which is affiliated with. the tern Pool. The druggists of Bruce, G'r and' Huron Counties, forming districto. 12 of Ontario Council of Pha y; held their annual district at Goderich"-blast week. The b ss meeting being held at the Meneset- ung Canoe Club rooms; and p- eon at Bedford Hotel.. and o. one er n, it - of for n e C. st d y n k. y. y d e o e r m g e s f e 0 r th e h n r a t i s c s w 0 t T T 0 d B 0 p e 0 0 e in c s 0 tl s to in th A an to or on er io 00 io by de to M in pia wh lar fo pas but An Fi of lice the on on wif as ing gar Sta whe her ber A frier at P day Wes of Gilr den Conn oke, es or thek Pool ario, • ASSETS Cash on. hand' . . . , Deposits with and'notesand cheques of other Banks Deposit in Central' Gold Reserves . Calland Short loansomBioiads;.n tures and Stocks . _ . . . Dominion and Provincial' Government Securities Canadian. Municipal Securities and British, Foreign: and Colonial Pubes Securities other than Canadian . . Railway, and other Bonds,.Deben ares and Stocks $• 9T.=11;461743' ' ¶:y=3,14a.33 ist000,000.00 m58.073.980.67 84E42.720.9T 42 .311736.04 6.929:569,35 Bank Premises Liabilities of customers underlettersi f credit (as per contra) Total Assets . - $868,187,61.544 El.1 9;000.ocT 14,869:901.4S - . LIAB'ILIT ER TO THE PUBLIC Notes in circulation Deposits - Letters of credit outstanding Other liabilities . . . Total Liabilities to Public Excess of Assets over Liabilities to Public . . ' .. $ 62,493,756.89 . $805.693.859165 A Hands, ; �� ia klet don. Home Co .sitruction, Containing valuable suggestions** home planning Walk GYproc, Rodioard and Iasulez. Waite for it. CANADA GYPSUM AND iii LIMITED Pans'Canada 42 �rooal boor ForSale By Fred C. Ka p .. ,. ZIII'1Ch, Ont• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• +N•••••••••••••••••••••• z THE NEW SERIES • • • • •• Pontiac Six 1.. • • • • The low priced Six with Power 1 and Speed as thrilling as its Rich New Beauty • • • • • • s EQUIPPED WITS LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS, POUR WHEEL BRAKES, AND WITH ALL THE, NEWEST , IM- PROVEMENTS TS MAKE. IT THE MOT CAR VALUE EOR ' THE MONEY. ASK ALL mon WHO DRiV`1i A PONTIAC'i: • DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GIVEN' GID.EON EOERLER Zurich , •• L1I'Ct w Agent for Pontiac and Buick Call • p• ■au tatt samIf3l sram t• ateteit+TJI3•to •?te'le "ottoopot4t a