HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-06-07, Page 1URI ERAL Vol. XXVUI No 47 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE70 1928. Build up your own Oommunit, • :... �+++++ ,1▪ , + INSIRANOE._ lir 4 44 44 • • 4. 4. + 4* + 4.4. 4. 4, 41, -46 -414 4s • - E Oesch Agent Zurich -f 4 ++++++++++'g+'¢"++•g"II'JE+++"g+"<a' i + r•4.414404,44,444044••••••••••••• • ................441 11.01.11117 '® M1' Lie Sickness Accident Auto Insurance, Etc. 1 BARGAINS BARGAINS • • Receiver a shipment of waterproof Robes which 1 am retailing far be- '• low Catalogue prices, get t'our's at Special Price $12.50 large size FRED THIEL - ZURICH �"i••'+wo•••aa►+ •o_____ _ +oo+mooso•�o•+oeoo••000� l Newest.FashiOfl Thoughtsj In Spring Feetwear BROWN'S Boot Shop 'IYINDOW':'I 1g0 AN IN- TERESTING STORY OF NEW 1 SPRING FOOTWEAR F,p(•SOIONS • • • • • • • • • a • i THEY ARE AUTI WR-& IVE AS IKE LAST ISSUE 01? VOGUE •• THEY WILL INEMPES YOU WITH AN ALT0GETH R NEW • STANDARD' OF VAGUE AT THE MODERATE PRICES. • • REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Only the best of Materials is • • used. Bring them to nom, and you .ace nessred of Satisfaction Ial I i MUNE GOOD SHOES COST LESS. SEE OUR WINDOW, DISPLAY leemoseeeseseimmoseposoimoseneee••••••••••••ammtees ♦.••.•.•.••••Ir•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Brown's But Shop !SPRING Is Here' m 4 f And We are all ready to w Show you. all the NEWEST 1 j - STY�% 0 • • •SULTi! ( 1 1..: r 4. 4 ' P CATS P 4 S Y - a i 41111E 410 MATS 40 CAPS s o� 40 o '.3 sonesst • t, • 0 The (nest mange of Made to-rm - samples ever shown 4 r lirl w Jan N 4, • O • �►•; °A0C 2011'• .,# •• Mester it4: OW' tt-7.>R WV 0 Its 1 WNW. tl.5.IN ARREARS, 412 NAT BZ W buying Goods in the home town DRYSDALE ' Mr, and Mrs. John Dui'hiarme, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Corriveau motored to Bad Axe, Mich., last Tu- esday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Laporte and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corrive.u.left for Detroit last Wednesday to visit friends and relatives there. Mrs. Peter Ducharme is, spending a couple of weeks in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John Laporte at- tendedthe ordination of young priests at St. Peter's. Cathedrel, Lon- don, on Saturday: Sorry to report that Mr.:',T.oseph Rau is not very well at pretent. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rau, Mr:and Mrs. Chas: Laporte, aiso Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Laporte attended the cel- ebration of the first High 'Mass in Stratford of their nephew, Rev. Fr. Durand .and son of Mr. and Mrs. Remie Durand of that city. Mr. Joseph Ducharme, black- smith, of this place, is confined to his bed with a very sore "leg, inflicted while repairing a road grader. Mr. and Mrs. Regis A..Denomme, and Mr. and Mrs. Leans Durand, al- so Miss Gibbons, teacher ; of the north Separate School, attended the celebration of the First High Mass of the latter's brother, Rev. Father Gibbons of Wingham. Hewas or- dained at London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, aiso Mrs. Robert Douglas of Saskatoon, called on friends and retavives in this vicinity last Sunday. . New Barber Having opened up ',a barber Shop tin the Dominion ;*4''euse1, Zurich, I, ami in a position ti5`give entire ,satisfaction to the public. Our prices are;— Haircuts .. Children's haircu Shave ...... Massage ...... Shampoo, .Razors, Honed .. Head Rub Ladies Hair cuts Beginning May 10th every Thurs- day afternoon and evening a Julywill be here to marcelle, Phone appointments appreciated. Ladies Haircuts a Specialty NORVAL PRECIOUS 25c is 15 15 25 ...25 25 10 25 Evangelical Church' Notes ZURICH — ONT. UNCHURCHED MEN Allow me to name ten types of mien who seldom go to church but, need the church and would be great- ly benefitted by its ministry: 1 The cross materialist; absorbed in• the earthly, and making only a living but caring not how he builds his life; 2. The profane man, a bluffer; who 'thinks his cuss words add emphasis to his speech. 3. The . Sabbath Breaker; viho cares not for soul cul- ture and says he can worship God anywhere, but doesn't. 4. The Skeptic; who is trying his best to believe a lie, and disown the truth about rod. 5. The habitual liar. He can't stand truth and honesty and 'so he stays at home. 6. The hypocrite; And he is a 1000 times as numerous outside the church as in it. "'7. The immoral man; he's un- comfortable in church, because (God's word bites his soul. $. The thief and robber; who gambles, pays starvation wagesor loafs on his job; '9. The indifferent man; and his tribe is legion. ..The pleasure lover; He idolizes pleasure and dtgrades his finer qualities. The anto becomes a curse to him. He lives for fun. You are not in this group are you? God pity you if you are! Begin to -day to attend church and help us to set the world in order. Tuesday' eve., 7 p,ni.—Jr. League sday, S. pm. -Prayer and Pr'aiae Friday 7.30 p.m. --Senior League Friday 8.30 p.m.—Chohr 'Practice SUNDAY SERVICES Warship 10 A. M. Subject—The ministry of afflict- ion and adversity 11. a.m.--Bible School, . l�. Gatische, Superintendent. Warship; „7,30 1'. M. Subject -=All things work together for good to them that love God. 14v. l « 'li. Dre4iti PNIitor . Mr. Keith McLean, Editor of the SeaforthHuron Expositor, called on his Zurich friends on Friday Mr. Philip Beaver was a recent visitor to Crediton, and while there he attended the funeral of his bro- ther. Reeve E. F. Klopp is at Goderich this week, attending the June me- eting of the Huron County Co- uncil. Messrs. Garnet and Gordon Wal - per of Detroit, were week -end visit- ors with their parents here. Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Campbell and daughters Jean and Dorothy of Tor- onto, called on their, Zurich friends the past week. Mr. Milton Hey of Detroit, was a week -end visitor at his home here. His mother, Mrs. J. Hey Jr., who spent the past week in Detroit, re- turning with him. Mrs. D. S. Williams, of New Hamburg, Mrs. E. Herold and Mrs. E. Schmidt of Shakespeare, visited at the home of the former's niece, Mrs. C. L. Smith, the past week, also taking in• the W.M.S. Conven- tion at the Evangelical church. On Friday evening, May 25th the Luther League entertained all the German immigrants in the locality A programme consisting of Choruses instrumentals, readings and solos was , enjoyed,, The remainder of the evening was spent in playing in- teresting games, after which follow- ed a lunch consisting of ice cream, sandwiches, cake and coffee. A good time was reported by all pres- ent.- Dr. res- ent.Dr. H. H. Cowen, our popular dentist, is this week attending the Annual Dental Convention at Tor- onto. The Doctor believes in keep- ing well posted in all the newest methods in this profession, and by attending these annual meetings all these new findings are discussed. As a consequence, he will be absent from his Zurich and Dashwood offic- es this week, when they will be clos- ed. This Wednesday has ushered in a- gain the half -holiday for the three summer months, and people whe come to town on Wednesday afterns- noons to do their shopping will get badly left, unless they have a special date on. We do not know just where the most of the villagers will spend this first afternoon, as by the looks of the weather, it will be a downpouring of rain, and we pre- sume the rest will be enjoyed all the more as a result. Mr. Louis Kalbfleisch and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalbfleisch, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haberer were to London on Friday, when Convocation at the Western University took place, and which time the degree of B. A was inferred upon Mr. Herbert Kalb- fleisch, and son of Mr. Louis Kalb- fleisch, who has graduated at the Waterloo College, and who passed with honors, having obtained the second highest standing of any grad nate in Western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfeffer of Listowell visited with relatives and friends in Zurich and vicinity. Mrs. Pfeffer taking in the W.M.S. Conven tion, while Mr. Pfeffer is represent- ing an oil burner to attach to your furnacd, .or heating equipment, which does away with coal shoveling and , disposing of ashes, and if it is as represented, will prove -a great convenience in heating the home in the long winter months. Executive Meet. The Executive of the Huron. Presbyterial Women's Missionary So ciety . was held in Wesley Willis Ch- urch, Clinton, on !Monday, May 28th, with almost a full attendance. Much interest and prayerful consideration of plans for carrying on of the year's work was uppermost in the mind of each present. It was moved by Mrs. Lane and seconded by Mrs. Gardiner that all resignations be in the hands of the Nominating. Cont- mittee before January 31st, and that a list of vacant offices will be seat to each auxiliary ' who will be asked to make nominations and returns to the Norpiirtating Comniitte zr`veek before the Presbyterial. The roost popular Line of Diam- ond Rings in Canada WE .HAVE THEM Hess, The Jeweller Buy the Bes COAL DELAWARE & HUDSONI and D. L. & W. SCRANTON ' !° COKE SEMET SOLVAA SOFT , COAL MILLER'S CREEK t Arriving LAND GRADE A, WHITS 1POT-- ATOES. Phbnes—Office 10w. Holum 10.3:, .14 44 • Spring FOOTWEAR Our Stock of Spring and Summer Foot- wear for Women, Men, Boys and Girls are now complete and we invite you 1925 Ford, 4 -door sedan, looks as goocl as new, tires nes; front and rear bumpers. i926 Ford Coupe, upholstering and paint as good as new. Dam- pers front and rear and speedometer, 1923—Ford Sedan, upholstering and paint good and Ws ear can be bought for ,the price of a touring car.. Motor in A. 1. condition. t 1926 Ford Coach, equipped with bumpers and new license.. 0. FRITZ & SON FORD DEALERS Batteries $9.95, SECOND BAND FORD PARTS AT HALF MICR' 404 4• .3 • -6▪ 1 42, 4• 4 44* 4141 Spring and Summer GoOns When you start out to do your spring and summer buying come Here PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SEHITINGS, COTITONADE FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWA.RE; A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING. HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES AL.W.AVS OX RAND. R. N. DOUGLAS HONE 11 or t BLAME Dr 1,11 1,0 COg ug en Aks