HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-05-31, Page 8Stook o • a.t:_s' Dresses Ciu"` r a few Flat Crepe Dresses left. We offer tlx: n at very reasonable prices. Your choice for $10.00 each. ew Dra:nary Goods r OUR STOCK IS NOW ALMOST COMPLETE jEW CURTAIN PANELS IN, RAYON SILKS, CREAM AND 61 WHITE AT PRICES FROM $2.50 TO $3,75 EACH SCRIM NET PANELS AT $1,15 EACH SPECIAL IN PANELS AT 75e, EACH, VINE ASSORTMENT OF CURTAIN NETTS, MARC UESS.ETTES, S RIMMS IN TWO RANGE OF PATTERNS AND PRICES. Linoleum and Oilcloths $ PIECES4 YARDS WIDE LINOLEUMS TO CHOOSE FROM, ALSO !OILCLOTH 3 YARDS WIDE CONGOLEUM, AND A COMPLETE MANGE OF CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM RUGS, SIZES ;FROM 113x9 TO 12;ix15. OES Green Mountain Seed Pot. bag $2.25 No. 1 quality eating pot. bag $2.00 ULSO SEED CORN, MANGEL AND TURNIP. SEED, IN. ALL THE LEADING VARIETIES;, CHICK FEED, SCRA1CH FEED, MIL K MASH. $1 I2Y OUR GRANULATED OATMEAL FOR BA' 'BY CHICKS. •. PfoduLt Wanted Phone 59 �•'• �^:k�•g'•3E'§••�fi••k•�•�•d••P••t••4••��4•�••�•�••$••3•�••i••�'r�'b%•:+f•'r b'sry •t••x�3�•i••§••i'•3+3r•§'•�• :4 i+'r•.•',��• ANNOUNCEIVIENT We have been appointed Agents direct for ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF TRIM./ AND PROVEN PRODUCTS 0. WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. 7 ARISTOCRAT iTHE LOW PRI- y TAF OFPPET J' oU� C`ED Z'IELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; t�. COMPARE IT WITH PROVEN PRODUCT OFE I TRIEDCE. A QUALI°I'V WHIPPET L' 1 X THE MITT. AlocaL W ri A SOUND REPUTATION - 14. Will ys Knight TWO THE FAMOUR ELS PROVIDED VALVE h- MOTOR. IF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US k.` BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE, :A SATISFACTORY DEAL ASSURED, BESIDES: "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" IL Mousseau Zurich 4: 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4. 4. 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4. 4• 4' 4• a ®sass••eaeeseessoo•seses•0004400004•••••a•i•• 0 ing • • • • • • • • • • te Why pay fancy prices for your young Chicks is when with a few rainuter of spare time each day' you can hatch and raise I STRONG, HEALTHY ALL ABOUT OUR.. AT A BIG your own I CHICKS • SAVING IN MONEY. COME IN AND LEARN • 0 uI eye Incubators and Brooders WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. S1.aesmaar•Mr..rneeepam.sams _ ...... a • 1 If in need of new furniture, don't s • • forget; we have it! • • &WEIDcI ZURiCH CANT, 1 A pedals For this . Week ON Curtain eria s 36 INCH BLUE OR ROSE,, AT PER YARD .. 54 -IN. BLUE ROSE OR GOLD AT, Yd. .. .. CURTAIN NET, REG. 80c. AT ..35c HEAVY. PLAIN NET, REG. 60c. AT Sic SILK PANELS 43 -In., AT .... .. •. •.• 24c SILK PANNELS 36 -In. AT • . . COTTON PANNELS 36 -In. WIDE AT 59c AND .. .. 69c SWISS NET PANN]E:LS 45 -In. WIDE AT ...• .. ......$2.29 59c .• •..••89c • 0 •• ••... . •a• $1.49 YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 NER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Inspector E. J. Tom of Goderich, paid the public school at Zurich an official visit on Tuesday. Mr. Albert Hendrick of the Blue Water Highway, has sold one of his farms, being Lots 24 and 25, L.R. W., Concession, Hay, to his son, Mr. Samuel Hendrick, who has been liv- ing on the farm for some months. Immediate possession is given. John Orr Passes There passed to rest at the Co- unty Home, Clinton, on Friday, May 18th, John Orr, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orr • of Stanley Tp. The deceased was born en Oct. 25th, 1872 in Stanley at the nome in which he lived on the Sau-• ble Line until some five years ago He was well known in the surround- ing district, having for many years been agent for the Watkins Co., and later for the McKenzie Co. He is survived by two brothers and one sister, Robt. and George Orr of Hayfield and Mrs. Arthur Cooney of London. The funeral which was lar gely atended, was held from the home of his niece, Mrs. Walter Westlake, Bayfield, on Sunday after- noon last , Rev. R. M. Gale conduct ed the service at the house and graveside ,.and the pallbearers were P. Cleave, C. Houston, A. E. West- lake, Thos Snowden and Robt. Pen hale. A number of friends from a distance were present. A Grant Of $75,000 From Huron County On the eve of the campaign by the University of Western Ontario throughout Western Ontario to raise $1,000,000 toward the endowment fund which is necessary to the sur- vival of the institution, a, statement has been sent to the citizens of the counties within the university con- stituency, giving a general outline of the university needs and the project under way to meet them. Below is part of this statement: Some years ago the present buildings of the Un- iversity..of Western Ontario were er- ected, but no provision was madt then or subsequently for their main- tenance. Since that time the de- mands upon the University„ for its services have continued to increase to the extent that the student enrol- ment has doubled. As the result of this increased enrolment the indeb- tedness of the University has also increased from year to year. It is at present total of $425,000. As is well known, the student at any university pays far lessthan the equivient of the cost of his tution. In the case of the student at "Wet- tern" student's fees ni.eet less than one-half of the cost of their educa- tion. They must remain thus if "Western" is to. continue the `open door' policy of 'a higher education for every boy and girl in Western. Ontario. JUNE ROD AND GUN ... •-.. «' Taking the for; = of :t special Ont- ario Tourist nunibor, June i 3iue' of Rod and Gun and Canadian Sil ver Fox News, which is just out is of special interest not only to all residents of that Province but also. the rest of the Dominion and those of the United States with whom Canada is becoming popular vacat- ion grounds. A personal message of welcome from the Premier to tourists as the leading article tet- ters every encouragement to visit Canada and enjoy the delights the country offers. The contents in- clude a notable aggregation of art- icles on Bunting and fishing with two very good ones. One by S. H. Howard .deals with sport in the LOCAL MARKFTS- Live Hogs cwt . •............8.50 Butter, Ib. ....-:__ ..._. 40e Eggs •-- — _ .• . 24-31-31 •Dried •apples lls;, 9 Oats.... ....... .... .. 70: Wheat ..,, z _, ,.._. ». 1.40 Barley .. ...E ...>..: - S0. Buckwheat ._...., �: .._..-;.., 75. Flour Shorts per ...40.00 Bran per ton .....; , :. -.__ _ 42:00 ECorrected every Wednesday) Western Farriers' Mutual Weather insurance Co." OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. 31, 1927, $22,365,785. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years. E. F. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance i t OF iLLERY Fine Display WE HAVE A LIMITED NUM- BER OF TRAVELLER'S S AMP - LES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING TO THE ' PUBLIC AT REMARK- ABLE LOW PRICES (WILE THEY LAST,I ALSO A SPECIALLY PINE ASSORTMENT 5'0R YOUNG GIRLS IN THE' TEEN AGES. BE SURE AND LOOK FOR HATS .WITH BLUE !TICKETS; THESE ARE • THE SPECIAL VAL TIES. o a, CALL AT TIME HAT SHOPPE EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE GIVE U4 A CALL ` . V. SIEBERT Mattawa district while a very good', article by Alan N. Longstaff descri- bes fishing in the Pickerel River district. The regular departments and Canadian Silver Fox News contain the ustial list of entertain- ing and instructive5material.. Rod. and Gun and Canadian Silver Vox News is published ronthly by, W. .L Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Ont. seasonable Hardware Spring is here and we can. supply the Public with Seasonable Hard- ware at moderate prices + • A NUMBER OF GOOD CHEAP HAND STUV .VERY4• 4. We sell Ideal Incubators and Brooders FENCING A CARLOAD OF LUNDYS'LUCKY TIE ,WIRE, JUST ,AR- ± RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN COIL, BARB, BRACE AND ' STEEL POSTS. •, . TINES AND TUBES • A FULL LINE OF GUTTA PERCHA. TIRES. NONE BETTER 4. PAINTS AND VARNISH:ES • GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN,,SENOUR 100% 'PURE PAINT, & °1-• A FULL -LINE OR (•ixrTNAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO ENAMELS ti ALSO FULL LINE OF MURESCO, FTC,0 ; FURNITTJBE t Pill Line of Part Lure in Living Room, Suits, Dining Room Suits, Bed Rooin Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. Reed Rockers and + Chairs. A number of Rockers at Greatly "'"-Reduced Pcfees. Good Supply of famous SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS AND 'g' 4• MATTRESS. BEWARE OF. SUBSTITUTES. 4• BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRAN. .WE 4• PAY RIMIEST MARKET PRICES 4 I•- 4 irk 4fri 4r 4d 4 • I FULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER SMOKE CURE John$tQfl & Kalbileiscjj 4• ',• 4• ,s, Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 u 14••4•• -1.4+ 4••g•II•-3••I•+•F••I••l•4• •II+dl�"k^i;�3•+I•-i•4••t••F��•F••II••i••F4••F•I.•34•3.d.$••I+•k4••i4•.�lE Auto Iaasurance COLLISION SIXTEEN PRINCIPAL CAUSES ,OF AUTOMOBILE.. ACCID- ENTS-- , I • IN, SKIDDING, BACKING DRIVING OFF ROADWAY, CUTTING LEFIT CORNERS,,, ON WRONG SIDE OF ROAD, PASSING ON ,WRONG EIDE, PASSING OW CURVE OR lTr,L, DID NOT HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY, CAR RAN AWAY tWITHOUT DRIVER, ' BAILING TO SIGNAL, PARKED OR STAND- ING STILL, FAILURE TO STOP, DRIVING ITIMOUG GH SAFETY ZONE, PASSING STANDING STREHT CAR. THE ,CAREFUL DRI'V-E.RIS SELDOM THE CAUSE, BUT IS OFTEN THE VICTIM ,SPEEDING, CUTTING Before you Invest -----INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, Zurich 1527 MOTTO;—SIIRu'LCH AND t9APYWFY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? aerwornirenenettawameerommorominsorimmr JVI-MN WARD Drugless Praction eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 70 At this time of the year nearlyq everybody is about to renewthe papain or magazines. We •,wisslrtek advise the public that we are lin many case's sole ageints for dailly;, weekly papers and all •€saaggaanel and will give you, reductions ou en nrest of these '(that will eur•-W prise you. If you are about tax renew- year reading matter, qtr cane and sae ua, and be oonvin„aeo eel.—IIeraid. Office. * SUITS /To the man who regards a well dressed., iappearance, . we recommend you to come and look over our line range of NEW SPRING SUIT1NGS �6---+—ilr—•k^-4--qt*-^- t t 1 iWis H. HOFFMAN II�RCHANm' TAILQSt.. W, Ii .110FOMAN son, emBAb s IAN*y � Wi•h+t Fkti �NiiRA>4 Dlif��Tt3R& Ds WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Olt MONEY .GLAi3LV: REFUNDED. ALL OUR SUITS ARE. MADE AND TRIMMED WITH TEMP 'BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE X BEAD AGENT POR VIE WELL KNOWN MADE TO lr/Ah AS. , URE CLOTHES—CORNELL.