HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-05-31, Page 5„� .. ISO CARDS DUDLEY E,HoLmEs, ISKERISTER, SOL/ 0T04t, NOVt IARY PUBLIC, ETC. , FFIOE..-Hamilton . Street, Just off 'ens Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special attention to Counsel and Court Work. ' Holmes may be consulted at 4131oderich e Charg�re Phone, and Phone Dr. II. II. GOWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL. SURGEON t DEITZ 33LOCK--ZuRigH very Thursday,: Friday, Saturday At EARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DAs1r1WOOD :Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 1V1UTTJAL LIFE BOE NEW YORK COMPLETE PROTECTION LIBERAL DIVIDENDS Focal Agent A., 7, HESS —' ��_ The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OFFICE -- TORONTO ZURICH Phone 11-81 -Guarantee and Accident Insurance. ooeet and Strongest Co. in Canada OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of Aactioneering. Try .me for Registered Live Stock, tA'l1 Breeden Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice 'armms or sale. Will 'sell anything 133y -where. write. Zurich.. Phone 18-93 or Licensed Auctioneer TOR HURON & MIDDLESEX. AM IN A_ POSITION TOa CON - 'duet any auction s so to ybusiness, aicle nd if not ai sfit youres for �`Ssfied will make no charges Services. Arthur Weber — Dashwood. Phone 13-57 Zurich ET Fresh and Salt TMeats 3 BelAegna Sausages, etc S ;lei„ ;Gest CCsh 'Price lost Weot • CASH' FOR SKINS & I31DES 3 Taxiglikat� �uJ ,irlu�ed,,t LIVE POU L ~ RY WANTED '"Taken every day till 3 o'clock,p.re. not feed Fowl !same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR— Cream OR—Creach and Eggs W. 07 k Tien Phone 94 Zurich )Eeadqurters _. II FOR RE8 TUBES AND Storage -tries S. WIN, Prop. •AD1 . :.:•t?t), hitarC4l1T lama! PUT TOME Wants, For Sale, Lost, Fouad, Notice, Etc. Ads. IN TfflS COMM NOTICE. T Will be in Zurich on TUESDAY JUNE Sth And will Represent my permanent Heave cure for Horses, at the DOMINION HOTEL J. H. Maurer r,.» . NOTICE. I hereby wish to advise the pub- lic that I have been appointed for this district, salesman for new mach- inery and repairs of the well known Coekshutt farm Implements, and sol- icit part of your patronage. Also keep in stock plow points for most generally used plows, and will ap- preciate your business. Walter Schnurr, Zurich MEETING OF \ I7URON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will me- et in the Council Chamber, God- erich, at 2.30 o'clock in the aft- ernoon of Tuesday, the 5th day of .Tune 1928: :All accounts ag- ainst the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceeding the meeting of Council. • GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich, May 21, 1928. _- ..-.1�TOTICE COURT OF REVISION Township Of Hay ; The Council of the Township of Hay will meet as a Court. of Revision of . like 1928 Assessment Roll at the Township Hall, Zurich Zon Saturday, June 2nd, 1928; at 2 o'clock, p.m. A.- F. HESS, Township Clerk. FARM FOR,. SALE Consisting of 240 acres with good bush, plenty of running water, big bank barn water in barn, large brick house with furnace, all in A. 1. shape One mile from church and school. Aanyone looking for a farm, this is a real bargain at $10,000. 840O0. cash and the balance on a ,mortgage at 5 per cent interest. If interested see: T. L. Wurm, Zurich, Ont. • FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 50 acre grass farm on Town Line, Hay and Stanley, In Stanley Township, good well with windmill thereon. For fur- ther particulars apply to Oscar Koehler, Zurich. iGGS FOR HATCHING CHINO White Pecki.n Duck Eggs, foe sale. Apply to Melvin Smith, Zurich, Phone 10-82. LOST A string of Pearl, Beads, be- tween South end of Town and the Lutheran Church. Pinder kindly return to Herald Office. FOR SALE Five fresh cows; Holsteins and Durharoa; also some alfalfa seed. Aaron Oestreieher, Phone, 57 r 10. Dashwood FOR SALE 1 Axminster Rug size 9x12. 1 Tapestry rug 9x63. 1 roll 7 yards 22 -in. wide light oak pat- tern floor oilcloth. Apply to Ili. Gall'nean. FOR SALE A 5 -Tube Adralo Radio, Set in. A. 1. condition at -a bargain for quick sane.—G, Koehler, COAL 1928 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS .i'0'O;R 'GENUINE i Soranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke P'oc ahantas and Soft Coal. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOiJR O.ItTERS EARLY TO Son I1NSALt/ *UR NERAL NE'NS Miss Helen Foster spent a few days at Detroit. Miss Matilda Johnson is visiting friends in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener, spent the holiday in town. Mr. Jacob Meyer, Sr. of Kitchener is spending a time visiting with his daughter, Mrs. David Gingerich of the village. The monthly meeting of the Co- uncil of Hay Township will be held on Saturday of this week, instead of Monday, •as would be the order: Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich, was a Sunday visitor with his bro- ther, Mr. Thos. Johnson, of the vil- lage. The engagement is announced of Miss Lillian, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Weseloh os !Zurich to Mr. Arthur Maininger of Detroit, formerly of Hastings, Neb- raska. The wedding, which takes place in June, will be a quiet affair owing to the recent death of Mr. Meininger's brother. The monthly meeting of the Zur- ich Branch of the Wornens' Institute will be held in the Council Chamber. on Monday evening June 4th, at 8 o'clock. Business will be transact- ed, also Vocal Instructions will be given by Miss E. Rennie, L.L.C.M., end as usual, all ladies af"e cordially invited to attend these meetings. Miss olive O'Brein conveneer of the Sympathy and Service Comnvtte had charge of the E. L. C. E. meet- ing on Friday evening. Miss Eliza- beth Rennie read the scripture les - sensor'. After this Miss O'Brein read a paper on "Our Empire" Thsi was followed by the 'topic "Cleaning up the con:nennity" by Miss Mildred Hoffman. It was very much en- joyed. Therewill be no League meeting this Friday evening An interesting matrimonial event took place in St. Boniface R. C. church on Tuesday morning, whet. Cev. Father Stroeder united • e Hoiy Martimony Mrs. Mary Overholt of Goderich, and Mr. William Miller of Zurich The newly wed. couple will reside in the groom's homehere. Tile Herald joins their many ;friends in extending congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kalbfloisch and darghter Mildred, Mr. and Mie: Bert. Klopp and Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Haberer motored to Waterloo oil Sunday to take in the Baccalanreatr. Service in St. Matthews church, Kit- chener This sermon is given in honor to the Waterloo College grad- uating class. The Union church at Blake will celebrate a very admirable• event on Sunday J my 8th, when they will hold anniversary service,and Revd. Duncan McTavish oft the Jame: St. United church, Exeter, wiil be the anniversary speaker. A lawn social will -also be held following the anniversary, the date and announce- ments will be made later, • Mr. Arthur Henning of Detroit, the :.c.arh;ls baseball catcher of the Zurich baseball team of _ 1:)21, the year when our boys won the Sort. Wellington Cup, and at this time tilt. Brien. brill teare ens i•:roe: a ere near and far, "Art" as we an Kee ,Binh, called on iii: old Zurich pal the other day and they were indeed glad to shake his hand once more. Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich of the village; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gingerich. of Stanley Tp and Rev. C. Sehrag of the Goshen Line north, attended the funeral of Rev. and Mrs. Noah Stauffer, at Kitthenee. .last week. A remarkable factor of this departure is that the honorable old couple, who had lived so -long together, died only a number of ho- urs ours apart; both falling asleep of old age. Baseball League Formed A baseball meeting was held in Hensall on Thursday, May 17th for the purpose of organizing e league. The following ball teams were rep- resented Exeter, Hensel], Goder- ich, Clinton and Crediton, each team having three or more representatives It was decided that a league be for- med and that towns not represented, but which received an invitation to this meeting, be given consideration to either affiliate with the league, or to give players a chance to qlay with other teams, the latter to expire on the 24th of May, After some discus Sion on name for the league it was decided to leave the matter with the executive. Two delegates were ap- pointed from each club, Nettie Brokeirishire Passes. Mr. Whitney Brokenshire of the village received the sad intelligence the past week of the departure of his sister, Nettie (Mrs, G. L. Clappison) of I3oston, Mass. Her former home was at Stratford, Ont., moving to Boston., four years ago, and was in her 28th year. ,She was born and raised at Dashwood, and is survived by the husband, three small children, one sister, Mrs. Peachey of Detroit, one brother, Mr Whitney Broken - shire of Zurich, also her father, Mr. Ed. Brokenshire of Detroit and far- racrly of Dashwood. LOOAL Mr. W, C. Pearce of Exeter, cal- led on Zurich friends on Monday. lv(essre. Chas. Fritz and son Ward were visitors to Detroit on the 24th: Mr. Milton Rey of Detroit was a week -end visitor with his parents in the village. kr. and Mrs. Dan. MeI sac of Crediton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick Mrs, J. Hey, Jr. is spending the week visiting in Detroit. Mr. John Spath of Cleveland is visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Peter Koehler. Mrs. J. Kellerman, of Dashwood, was a Saturday visitor with her sis- ter, Mrs. C. Fritz. 114r. Ernie Gross and Lorne Dreier of Cheslcy, were week -end visitors with their relatives here. Miss Pearl Dreier and friend from Buffalo, visited over -the week -end at the home of the former's parents, Rev, and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Bechler of the Bronson Line, accompanied by a few of their children, are spending a few 'days in different points in Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess and family were Sunday visitors at the home of the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. G. 'Wilson at Centralia. Messrs. Wrn. Strang, Clerk of Is - borne Township, and Wm. Caldwell, of Hensall and a former resident of Hay, Township, called on friends in the village on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau, Mr. Floyd Fink, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Oesch were on a motor trip on Sun- day to Formosa, Mildmay and God- erich. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abbott of Hamilton are spending a few days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn Broderick of the Parr Line. The United ,States has no* no less than. 10,000,000 acres set :apart,as a sanctuary for protection of vriid fowl life. Fowl.,game,•and fish alike are under,thefostering care of the Government. We are ' 11 nleaser' to len-en that Mrs. J. K. Ehlers, who was recently taken to i _ e,-...i.esr and ope,r..t a for removal of tumor, is melting wonderful progress towards recov- 0:7, and is expecting to leave the hospital this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith of De troit were week -end visitors at the hem) of Mr. and Mra. A. Melick, as well as other relatives and friends. is Smith advises us that at present i ::tions in the very industn ii city of Detroit, things point tow•arcl.i v,ery brisk and prosperous tines. Mr. 0. Ginn, of Goderich, inspec- tor ander the Corn Borer Act for Huron County, was in the village the her day and while here he ap- pointed Mr. J. P. Rau as his assist- ant in Hay Township Mr. Rau has beeng very active the past week in looking after , this very, important measure. The W. M. S. and Aid Society of the 'Canada Conference of the Evangelical church are holding their anrnal cony' ntion in Emanuel Chu- rls.!. Zurich this v, ec k, and there re are :vat many of yep nge ladies in ',:.•e, and we all t: st they will en - o}' the few days in our nne little erre. Special addresses are being given . en at .every evening session, to whie-h the public are invited. John Torrance Passes The death oecured at Clinton on Sunday last of John A. Torrance, af- ter an illness of several months, who was widely known throughout the community. He was in his 76th year, and took an escentionelly act- ive part in the life of the community He served as warden of Huron Co - ratty in 1892 and for six years, be- ginning in 1896, he served on the County council. He was president of the South Huron Conservative Association for 11 years, and he was also president of the South Huron Farmer's Insurance Co. In 1906 he was appointed license inspector of South Huron from which post he re- signed in 1920. 1n 1926 Mr. and Mrs. Torrence celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. For a number of years he lived on the fine -farm just east of Zurich, now owned by Mr. Henry Neeb. Be- sides his Widow he is survived by four eons: John of Lethbridge; MI. and A. P., of Toronto; and A. P. of Sudbury; also three daughters, Mrs. V. L. Cranston, of Port Arthur;Mrs. Geo. Foote; of Montreal and Miss Moude at home, WEEKLY .PAYMENTS FOR CREAM EXI7TE1,,, CEEAMm CO„ LIMITED, commencing with Jane this year, will, pay weekly fon cream To get best returns have our (ream Collectors call for your cream. nigh - est. market . prices' are paid by us; throughout the whole year. ,40,0,' EXETER CEV IV.r7ny Co.„ _•• �" Lzrndted, '4". 'DX eter, Onto •4••••••••••••••••••••••40,•••••••••••••••••••••••ow • , -Autos and Auto Supplies •• • i • • • • • i • • • • 4 a e • • • • • m a • s 9 6•44••4.9•40•44.04s+Ps,44o94a•z,0 ca,�s���� �ye«�amar��ya�•^aa _f.® WE ANDSUPARRY A PLIES, UTE L AUTO ACCESSORIES,'. AND CANSAVE YOU MONEY ON TH'ESII VARIOUS LINES CORD TIRES 30x3% AT ONLY TUBES 30x3% AT ONLY $8.50 :". .. ., 1.40 GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT $15,00 r 1 SECOND HAND 1;3 H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP. • .2 FORD TOURING CARS 1 FORD ROADSTER CAit. 1 GOOD TRAILER. , .ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. FARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND CARRY JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICs FOR YOUR MONEY 4 4 • N 0 4 4 4 PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL O'1.'E PUMPS. Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases L. A. F rang 0 Zurich 40 N 46 s Auto Tops, Bi]ggy Tops Wagon Repairthg Fairitftg - i Ete" is Second 1Tai dcci Buggies HESS ZURICH USE CEDAR SHINGT1ES For n e ;stir and old Roofs AS THEY MAKE TrIE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST ROOF WITHOUT ANY PAINTING pfd REPAIRING AND WILL OUT LAST ANY OTHER KIND OP ROOF. SHINGLES A.RE NOW SELLING AT TIE REMARKABLE LOW. PR 10E OF— n 5X Red Cedar $1:e0 Per Buch 3X Red Cedar $1.35 Per Bunch WE WILL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS A CARLOAD OF 8 -FT. CEDAR 'POSTS AND 9 FT. LARGE ANCHOR POSTS. CALL FOR YOUR SUPPLY. • •KALBFLEISC PHONE 69 U R C ii i••Y•t~d•3•ir 3• § •3•+k•3 'riff• i •i••P••#••4••t�+ I• z. .i. •H•#••F• •�f�'°?�•F• ••F�ro•G••i••ir++++•2 •E•A•a ,i_ ,,,,w,....,,,,m,,...,,t„,,,., Stoie We Specialize in fine Stationery and have writing tablets of all sizes, fine boxed stationery, Corm resprndence Cards, Greeting Cards and ,Birthday Cards. We also have a large Stock of bulk. Perfumes; Toilet Preperations of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams, Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS KOPA S AND MIMS MIC otc toc OK MSC 04 r• OK Or OK air 06 00 * r fi nnan ' n ob ;