HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-05-31, Page 1• ZUR Vol. XXVIII No 46 1 - HER ZURICH THURSDAY 11,101iNIKG, MAY81. 1928. • Chester L Smiths PlOffildhalt: 10/145 a YON, 41.50 LW AitHEATIS, $2 IdAlt BE MARCUM B1111(1.14 your own Oommunity by buying Goods in the horne town +++. 4.444.44444144•44.44444444444444441444. AN CE Life Sickness . Accident Auto Insurance, Etc. E Oesch Agent Zurich *44.4040.0404,4 44/44.0.41441 OGG* • 4, - • • BA GAINS 4 0 4.044 0.474444044.4944144,1131igiev 4 4 ARGAIN S 4? • Received a shipment of waterproof Robes which 1 ain retailing far be - 40 low Catalogue prices, get your's at • • Special Price. $1,2.50 large size I FRED THIEL - ZURICH 4.4 4041.• 44 44.44 .•=4?4.404*444 44 G.G G40 4 >4 Ge G 4,4, 4 44.4 G 44* 404 00.116414064M4UgESSOZ4itefteiMe.2619.4304511;680441 STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the Township 4..)f Stephen convened in the TeWn Hall, Crediton, on Saturday, May 26th at 2p. rn. All members we, re present. The minutes of the pre- vions meeting were read and adopt- ed. By-law No. 369, being a By law to •enter into contract with Broderick Bros. of Welland,, for the construction of The Mud Creek and The Dietrich Municipal Drains, Ytgy- ing been read three times be pased and signed by the reeve and Clerk and the seal of the Corporation 4t- tached thereto. • The assessor's report of the eqUal- ization of the assessment of Union Public School Section 17 and 18.4d Union Separate School Section No. '6 be accepted as filed and the Township assessor be paid his fee. That whereas the initiating rauti'de ipalities of The Black Creek Lewis Drains have not passed' the By-laws for the construction '05; these Drains, that the time te,r printing -and serving the By-laws to passed by this municipality be extended to August 6, 1928. That pay -sheet No. 3 amounting ot $127.80 be paid. fie 0004146.686@i ....; e bug1)15.1... IIn Spring Footwear ALT BROWN'S Boa Shop WINDOWS FORETELL AN IN- TERESTING STORY OF NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR FASHIONS THEY ARE AITEEORATIVE AS THE LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE THEY WILL. IMPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETIFIER NEW STANDARD' OF VA,17-11E AT THE MODERATE PRICES. REPAIRING NEATLY 1,1102,,TE Only the best of Mathrials is used. Bring them, to mer, and you are assured of Satisfaction I WHEME' GOOD SHOES COST LESS. town s kt Shop wINDON DISPLAY SEE OUR *006.02430084104011,1401M80004.11 iflitiatt90434414084f600333011fee330 ...,,t,.4,44114.-0.“••••1..0.04-4.41444.4.41. 44.4 4. 0.0.4 4 4..44C4 40,044 4, 3 And is are •all ere ready to 46 a, Show 7011 all the NEWEST STYLES in 10 • suns i 1 * it. TOP COATS 44. -• HOSIERY .te) TEES <IP 4 HATS 4 • * CAPS 4 &HURTS -4 ,ETC. s .4 . 4 4 The finest range ,of made- to -meas- . 4 AO ltre samples ,ever shown .0, 4410 a a 9 41 a 9 a 83 0 a a a • a 9 • a OE9 a The following orders were passed,; R. Culbert, charity -$4.60; Con- troller Revenue, hall license 3.60; Jos, Gulhan, Assessor, e aualizatiOn of Union Schools 15.00; M.. Slea. mon, charity 6.62; Pay sheet No. 3: Geo. Mawson 42.50, livxn. Baker 16.05;A. Webb, 7,00, ditto 58.05, 4.20; J. W. Bowman 6.00, total 127- .80. The Council adjourned to meet 'a- gain on Tuesday, July 3, at '1 p.m. Henry Eilber, Clerk Ineromormeir Mr. Wm. Lamont was on a busin- ess trip to Crediton on. Tuesday. Miss Helen Thiel is spending the week with friends at Auburn: Dr: A„3. MacKinnon took a pat- ient from Bayfield to London Hos- pital on Monday. Mr, Leonard Rau of Detroit vis- ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'P. Rau. Pleased to report that Mrs. G. K. Farwell, who has been quite ill, is improving nicely. Mr. Harry Rose has moved his household effects here iron Windsor and will reside in Zurich. Mr:. and Mrs Herb. Kraft of Detroit, are visiting at the home of the former's father, Mr. Louis Kraft. Rev. and Mrs. S. R. Knechtel, of St. Jacobs are spending a few days at the latter's home, Mrs. S. Rennie this week. . Don't forget that beginning next week the weekly half holiday on Wednesday afternoon will begin, and will be observed through . the summer months - May 24th, last Thursday passed off very quietly in the village, as there were no attractions, and only for the fire crackers that were ex- • ploded, we would hardly have known there was a holiday. . A goodly number of citizens attended the rac- es at Mitchell, while others found other places to while away• the day. New' Barber Word was received here , on -:r-,..tTaestlay morning of the death ef Robert McKinley who lived on the Having opened up a Shop :in the Doniiniion Zurich, I ani in a position entire satisfaction to the Our prices are; - Haircuts Chi!clren's haircuts ... Shave Massage ...... ... Shampoo Razors Honed Head Rub Ladies Hair cuts Beginning May l'Oth every Thurs- day afternoon and evening a lady will be here to m,arcelle. Phone appointments appreciated. Ladies Haircuts a Specialty NORVAL PRECIOUS barber House, to give public. 25c _15 15 . 25 25 -25 . 10 25 eEvattg lical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. The Church when its membership is meekly gentle and suhrnisive to God's will, is the bosom and dwell- ing place of our heavenly father. But God will not abide in an un- clean unwilling and unyielded heart or in a church that is impure, un- hallowed and refractory. He de- signs to fully occupy, possess, per- vade and animate us before he can greatly and powerfully work in and with the corporate church. The church is the greatest of all institut- ions. It outlives every storm, monarchs, kingdoms and nations de- part and dissolve but the church a- bides, , and vanguishes , every foe. Do you count the church to be yours, with all its priviliges and re- * • sponsibilities? • Some net like spec - 4,,s; tators and visitors in their own church 'and feel hurt. when we don't show them the courtesies due to vis- itors. They are onlookers, critics, • brakesmen, kickers, or drifters inst- ead 'of shareholders, co-operators and drive wheels. Put your shoul- der to the works and make the church a: living pulsing, saving, re- fining power in your community. SUNDAY SERVICES Worship 10 A. M. Holy Communion. Subjecthe Christ of Calvary. 11 ia.m.-Biblo School, B. Ga,elio, Superintendent. Worship; '7.3Q P. M.Stibjecte-The Supreteest need of cef the ttorch. MeV. w. Drier, Polito 4 , A • ' I, 0 Fr flt 4 • GASCRO'lli QUA SUMO • ;4.104•41.1.41,00.#40,4"se4twoktoote***0***401.4141.0.4110.04!**••••eakaaie.*44.4 ti .0 , 4. , WOWS 11 4 I Goshen Line, Stanley, he passed a- way on Tuesday morning, the rem- ains were brought home from Lon- -don on Tuesday and the funeral is being held from his late residence, 'to the. Bayfield cemetery on Thurs- day afternoon at 2 o'ciock. Mr. Walter Schnurr, blacksmith, _left last Thursday for his home in • Mildmay, for a week, and while there he expects to have his tonsils removed, .as he has not enjoyed just the best of health the last few we- eks, and thinks this medium will improve his health. Mr. William Rarig of town is taking charge of Mr. Schnurr's shop during his ab- sence. The most popular Line of Diam- ond Rings in Canada •WE HAVE THEM Frederick Eisenbach Passes Frederick Eisenbach, son of the late George and Sophia (Stein) Eis enbach was born in Stephen ip, on August 6, 1857 and died at his home May 26, 1928, aged 68 years 9 .months and 20 days. He had liv- ed here for a period of 40 years. In 1888 he married Anna Hahn, 2 sons and four daughters were born to them,. Mother's death in 1922 was the first break in the family. A month ago he went to the hospital in the hope of finding relief and restoration, but alas it was im- possible. Thi4 was indeed a pain full dissapointment to the patient and to the family and friends, but he was resigned to the will of God and roady to meet his Lord. The departed was Very faithful in his at- tendance at church worship and S. School in storm or calm, in rain or shine. He was ailing for i number of years, but his 1.m.aina grevious about five months ago. He was a brother beloved. A good .nei ghbor, a kind and devoted father. He will be missed in tho home, the *neighborhood and the &urea. He leaves two sons, Philip at home, Robert in Kitchener; four daughters Elizabeth at hoine; Clara and Mrs. John Ebelt and Mary in Detroit. Two brothers, Peter of Detroit and George of Grand Bend. Two sisters Elizabeth and Mrs. Frank Each of. Detroit. • Three grand children and other friends and relatives. The :funeral services was held from his late home on 'Tuesday afternoon, in- ternient at the •Union Cemetery on .the ,Pabylon line, and •a memorial service at the Evangelical Church in charge of l.ev. W. Y. Dreier. The Mourning family have the heart felt symnathy of their •numerous friends in the community. ftWaY Weight, said he wouldn't light the aeparture to the tinnieu ILyvety• him Ile was qutte within his rights. of a portion of dur Canadian popu- above picture st 0q the aerop Eut they told Mtn rhe Prince of Wales from Toronto to Windsor. 'Wien. WILMA% 'toe" tilmtvi • • Hess, The Jeweller uy the Best GOAL DELAWARE & HDDSONt - and D. L. 4 W. SCRANTON. • COKE SEMET SOLVAY SOFT COAL. MILLER'S CREEK Arriving A CAR OF PRINCE EDWARD Mi. - LAND GRADE A, WHIT& POT- ATOES. rariteiorL H ENSALL orkrr. Phones -Office 10w. Hausa MI, sowsmoolAPORMO121, /+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4÷ 4: + . 1' 4. 4. 5. 3 Our Stock of Spring and Summer Foot- wear for Women, 1.:4. Men, Boys and Girls 1...+4. are. now complete and we invite you j 1.925 Ford, 4 -door Sedan, looks as good as front and rear bumpers. 4. 111: new, tires /re 4. 4. + 4. SECOND HAND FORD PARTS AT HALF PRIM . 4▪ . ....., ++++++++++++++++++++++4 4444++++++++++ +++++ 44-4-2444 44. 4, 4 414 • t; 45, 4 • .2'7^ • • ," • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .144 1.926 Ford Coupe, upholstering and paint as good as new. Bum- 4, • pens front and rear and speedometer. 1.923-Pord Sedan, upholstering can be bought for ,the price .A. and paint good and this ear of a touring ear. Motor in 1, condition. 4 45, 1.926 Ford Coach, equipped with bunipors and new license., 4 C. FRITZ & SON FORD° DEALERS Tires 3Ox3i $5. to $6. Batteries $9.9-5 3; Spring and Summer CT When you start out to do your spring and sumer buying come Here WE CARRY A NICE ASSORTME NT OF GINGHAMS,, PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SIURTINGS, COTITONA.DE FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOES, AND RUBBERS, FIARDWARE, A FULL ASSORTATENT OF PAINTS, _FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING. HARIPTZS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND, R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 1197 BLAKE crk r- ps ,o- n" e'S er, yet .ed tO he- one - body Aral, t the