HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-05-24, Page 8The Store with the Stock Crepe O&y a few Flat Crepe Dresses left. We offer then at very reasonable prices. Your choice for $10.00 each. ew Drapery Goods OUR STOCK IS NOW ALMOST COMPLETE EW CURTAIN PANELS IN( RAYON SILKS, CREAM AND 1141 WHITE AT PRICES FROM $2.50 TO $3.75 EACH ara SCRIM NET PANELS AT $1.45 EACH ! SPECIAL IN PANELS AT 75c. EACH. Ilk TINE ASSORTMENT OF CURTAIN NETTS, MARQUESSETTES, :S:CEIMMS IN TWO RANGE OF PATTERNS AND PRICES. Linoleum and Oilcloths R PIECES 4 YARDS WIDE LTNOLEUMS TO OILCLOTH 3 YARDS WIDE CONGOLEUM, 'RANGE OF CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM 6x9 TO 12%x15. CHOOSE FROM, ALSO AND A COMPLETE RUGS, SIZES ;FROM OTAT i' ES Green Mountain Seed Pot. bag $2.25 No. 1 quality eating pot. bag $2.00 (ALSO SEED CORN, MANGEL AND TURNIP. SEED, IN. ALL THE LEADING VARIETIES;. CHICK FEED, SCRA1CH FEED, MIL K MASH. XRT' OUR GRANULATED OATMEAL FOR BAPBY CHICKS. Pi'odi.iLv Wanted NS Phone 59 "3':i'"�"'�"''x"i'•1•°1'•1••i o`••1'•4'^: i"g"g°'¢"g•'�"�"¢"¢°'p'•g�dt't'I' f.'�"i'•i' F..it' �'i• i .� i .aq.�s..i•.a'.�R..ti'.g•.•i' �.:•.j.'F' �' ANNOUNCEMENT We have been appointed Agents direct for ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF WLLLY'S OVERLAND LTD. T7 ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI- .°3. • "y HIPPET CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; ,'11, COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED + AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY THE LOWEST PRICED ;::: ON$1. WHIPPET HIPPET 1 - THE MARKET. A C Alt WITH A 4. SOUND REPUTATION TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF, .a4 .NVillys Knight THE FAMOUR PROVIDED VALVE MOTOR. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US 4. BRFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE, A SATISFACTORY' DEAL ,g, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4- .;.1t.;..;.q.{ .. ^r i 3 & r . .3 :,...;.¢ i <: i -s► #4.444.44++++++.1.4-144,44.4.444+ ASSURED, BESIDES; "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" lit, IIs Moaseau Zurioh yyL Vii+wato seeing ealaaasso*,**6f64 116 106t.6 JQii'C i+iiilails-(,40x.9 00 3 ri Hatehing •Why `pay fancy prices for your young Ci i c ks when with a few . m. i t u t e i' of s t are tail:'!?:90090a 6, • • Season , time each d ay e j; ,„ you can hatch and raise your own STRONG, HEALTHY CHICKS AT A BIG SAVING IN MONEY. COME IN AND LEARN ALL ABOUT OUR.. Buckeye Incubators and Brooders WE RAVE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. Ii in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! STADE & WEID10 ZURiCH - ONT. $ • • • ae bs 4 • • • • 1 1 *cu .TIE; tlA +l A dew Specials For this Week ON Curtain materials 3,5 ITCH BLUE OR ROSE,, AT PER YARD . . 54 -IN. BLUE ROSE OR GOLD AT, Yd. .. .. CURTAIN NET, REG. 50c. AT , . .. .. . . HEAVY PLAIN NET, REG. 60c. AT .. SILK PANELS 43 -In., AT ..' ..... .. .. ... ......24e,a SILK PANNELS 36 -In. AT' , . .. .. .... ...... $1.49 COTTON PANNELS 36 -In. WIDE AT 59c AND - . .. 69c SWISS NET PANNELS 45 -In. WIDE AT ... .. ... .. ..... $2.29 59c .... 89c 35c 3yc' YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 J. W. M RNER ITEMS OF URAL itITEREST ROAD -MAPS -The 1928 Official Ontario Motor League Road Maps can be purchased at the office of A. P. Hess, Zurich, Price ,50 cents. Mr. and Mrs. `Bender and son of near .Dash'wood called at the home.of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Battleron Sunday., Ni ..e3 Lylyan Rader and Lylyan Rose were week -end visitors .to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Damrow ,and son Dick, of Kindle, Mich.,/ visited 'at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Simon Greb over the week -end. < Mrs. Greb and daughter, Miss Edith, Accompanying them to Kindle.. BORN • ,Hartman -At Bronson Line, Hay Township, on May 1.8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hartman, a son. Sehiibe-At Zurich, on May 18th, to Mr4 and Mrs. Milford Sehilbe a son.' Hess -At Crediton, on May 21st, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry G. Hess, a son.. ' Dashwood Miss Rose Rader and friend of Detroit spent the week -end with her parents. , Miss Fraser who had charge of the millinery department for 3. C. Reid S*. Co., has left for her home. in London. ' . Mr. Raymond Callfas of Detroit, is visiting his father. Inspector Tom of Goderich, paid a visit to our school last Friday. , Mr. and Mrs, L. Edighoffer of Mitchell visited in town on Sun- day. Mrs. E R. Guenther spent Tues- day in London. COUNTY NEWS , At a recent meeting Vf the board of dIrectm.+s of the prod- erich Agricultural Society held the other evening it was decided to continue the three -clay fa'1 fair as in the past,- The dates will be two weeks later than in recent ye- ars and will be in the week foll- owing the London fair. Commi,t- tee, were appointed and other 'details were under. oonsidrratinn. Mrs. Robt•' Pinney, of `. SIan Township, -had the misfortune to 'fall through the barn, landing on her back in a wagon box, which was below. Fortunately there were no bones broken, but Mrs. Tiniaey was very badly bruised. •She is doing as well as can bees: petted, Her. miother, Mrs D. Russell, of Exeter is with her. The front of the Ford garage Exeter, was partly wrecked the other day when an oil .truck i n iattempting to back through the door missed the opening and st- ruck the ,side of the wall. A large pane of glass .in the 'doer Was • broken and a brick pillar t was nearly knocked out, ; The Perth County Connell is asking the Provincial Dept. of Highways to take over the ;pres- ent County road from Mitchell to a point east of Elginfield as a Pru- vincial highway. This; would con tinue the present Provincial high- way from Palmerston, Listowel and Monkton through Mitchell to connect with the Stratford - St, Marys -London highway at anoint just east of EIglnfield on :high- way No, 7, The annual Samaner School 'rut- tier the auspiees of the United Church wall he held. in • Gederic1Y;, J'*11 'lath t2*i'oq-31.4( This S+ia'rr , A., • 5 s • A, • s 0 LOCAL MARKETS, Live Hogs cwt, ....... �.._ _.- __.S.bO Butter, 1IA. 40e Eggs _ -, .- 24-31-34 Dried apples Ili, .., -- .-., 9 Oats...... ..:-_. .�..._ _._ 70 Wheat 1.40 Barley _ ; , .r .� ........._...SO Buckwheat ._. , ...._ 75 Flour ..;... .-. x._......3.50-4.50 Shorts per ton_._.. __. _.40.00 Bran per ton__.,_; 42.00 (porrectec£ every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- Amoant of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 31, 1927, $22,365,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150;579,88 Rates `$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years. E. F. Klopp-Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in f,i htnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance LL Fine Display OF WE HAVE A . LIMITED NUM- BER" OF TRAVELLER'S S AMP - LES WHICH !WE ARE OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC AT REMARK- ABLE LOW PRICES ;WHILE THEY LAST. • • ALSO A SPECIALLY FINE ASSORTMENT FOR YOUNG GIRLS IN THE TEEN AGES. BE SURE AND LOOK FOR HATS WITH BLUE (TICKETS;, THESE ARE THE SPECIAL VAL UES;° 1 'ea... CALI' AT THE •. HAT SHOPPE EARLY AND GET FIRST CHO,IOE GIVE U'3 A CALL ,.. V.V. SIEBERT (Dong those who will take part, in the programa from day to dayare Rev. H. T. Ferguson, of Leaming- ton; Rev, Frank Langford, of Tor- onto, Foreign missions will beret- uclied under Rev. +i•. A. Walilierldef Dungannon, returned from China, Rev,. 3. E. Lloyd, of Angola,, W,. Africa and Rev„ W{ A. lkionald ttfa7iN'dT>s IXOroa. T210! WV, $f[sj 21% :4•4444+044+++44+++++44+4+1.144-114++++++++++++44.4+1 eason-ab1e 1 I Spring .is here and we can supply • the Public with Seasonable Hard- ware '.al ,moderate prices . 4. •s A NUMBER O 000D SECQND HAND STUVES VEEP : 'F CHEAP, 40, .4. , We sell Ideal Incubators and Brooders . 1 FENCING A CARLOAD OF LUNDYS' LUCKY TIB'WIRE, JEST ,Ali -i• r' a+ RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN COIL, BARB, BRACE AND. STEEL POSTS. $ TIRES AND TUBES • A• . PULL LINE OF GUTTA PERCHA TIRES. NONEBETTER 4. 4 PAINTS AND VARNISHES �; GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN -SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT & ,'11• • A FULL -LINE OP CHINAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO -ENAMELS 4. 4.FULL ALSO LINE '11OF MURESCO, E,TC.f -- .-.- FURNITURE •1• + Fi1l.Line of Furniture in Living Rooms Suits, Dining • Suit Bed Rooms Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. Room +Reed Rockers and •, Chairs. A number of Rockers at Greatly Reduced Places. .7y. Geed Supply of famous SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS AND * MATTRESS. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES. .3. ]BRING US + • , ... ... OhnS® aalbfleisChi ... •I• I Hardware Furniture. Phone 6 ••• •ifer L .. 11. 4 4 YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRAN. WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. a▪ . 4. FULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSEB SMOKE CURE ,'b,. to Insurance COLLISION SIXTEEN PRINCIPAL CAUSES ,OF AUTOMOBILE ACCID-. ENT5-, ! ! (a Lr 1 SPEEDING, CUTTING IN, SKIDDING, BACKING .DRIVING OFF ROADWAY, CUTTING LEFT CORNERS,a ON WRONG SIDE OF ROAD, PASSING QM WRONG SIDE, PASSING ON CITRVE OR 1ITr.r., DID NOT HAVE' THE RIGHT OF WAY, CAR RAN AWAY tWITHOUT DRIVER, ' FAILING TO. SIGNAL, PARKED OR STAND- ING STILL, FAILURE TO STOP, DRIVING `1RROU G GB SAFETY ZONE, PASSING STANDING STREET CAR THE --CAREFUL DBIFERIS SELDOM(: THE CAUSE, BUT IS OFTEN TIM VICTIM: ° Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! .ire m ess urk MY MOTTO ;-S • R V 1,CIi AND ° A Wi Y Have You °MADE YOUR WILL? `°° 2.6Mcsmr.._,ate, LICKMA VISIVATM.,,trIte..,...•..a,iPlt Wae.{...40.(1,..M1RM.^Y3[111CMC C W.44,VA 3.11.:mir.71, IYILIrwa.l.n_W. _. iSCISYSMtl61.3163 VENOP Here's a Chance At OUR risk, use Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis, for Cough, Bron- chitis, Croup, Cattarrh, Whooping cough, Quinsy, Sore throats and Tonsil troubles(. Results good or money back. AT ,WAGNER'S STORE JOL1N WARD Drugless P'ractio-c eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 70 "--l'�1--!II`-•-'�--s�'-�'-.•s�..•--'I�_'�:-'�'_..I.-.x.�,....�D�-�+C,.�.rl(,-..,�a-..r,I,....,,�1,..�.,,.�ir.�g,....,.wi_._ �;'M?if. tTo the man who, regards a well dressed. appearance, we recommend you tak come and look over our fine range of .NgW SPRIN:G-SUITINGS tWE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OS MONEY 'GLADLY' ; f ' , IMPENDED. - ,ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH MEM BEST OP LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE L HEAD AGENT FOR TIIE WELL KNOWN MADE TO =AE- I URE CLOTHES-COENELL, . jW HOFFMAN AIRRCRANV irAIaLOR, W. R.IiOPP AN' 41 ken„ mitsia 14ND FUNERAL` DIRECTGRE, Day sod Eight P10e*. liq, Sir