HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-05-24, Page 4Here's how you pay for neglect N under -inflated tire soon gets into real trouble — broken side walls, a punctured inner tube •-- often a blowout. Under -inflation is one of the chief causes of ' premature tire failure. Tests have proven that every 10% drop from the cor- rect inflation causes a 205 drop in mile- age. Call at a Dominion Tire Depot and have your tires examined. You are never far away from a L1OM TPt H. MO �.J SSEA'W • ed"and .a.Coxar�t• •of R�bi�inli .b�,'the •,��sfern CaSn�sex�v�htiva' �Asso� xpax ha'..e" � � • .' . a ti 1i... oP1' �. a .. 1„i ett and but saved � itlia#.1dad � • 1 Ih � htsst� ''aa a sripf held in the To'vvn Sall 'on 'Tuesday, Matron and heard alt.' enn wxsrkin o big celebration i~; in Ream - ;of 3rd, at.3 P,m/ far: the purpose4, Conservative lead there been a. proper " ;of hearing appeals. By-law No, 366 being a 13y -law for repairing, the Mud Creek Drain having •been read three times . be passed land signed. by the Reeve and Clerk and the real of the Cor- poration attached thereto. By-law No. 367 being a By-law for construct ng the D'etr'ch Muni- cipal Drain, having been read 3 times be passed and •signed by the Reeve and /Clerk and the seal of the Corporation attachedlthere to. Westinghouse ` anada's Finest Electric Range CI 110 ,1111111111111 gran Use Hydro for Convenience and Saving HESS RADIO ELECTRIC a Whereas Ernest McPherson has asked the Council for permission to •sign the petition of N. Sitter and (others for the construction of a Municipal Drain on the Sauble.'Mr. and'. Mrs, George Gram. 1 H: G. Moore, of Toronto, sp- Joke:here in the town hall on shr- ubs and perennials in the interest of the Horticultural Society, and received a good hearing. , A • very interesting baseballg a - ens lFergusson,' ens give addressee. raxtg'emae»xt mitts the Twt+elcex4smith' taarl3 on alfa, 24th under the amp.. Council the house would The many; friends of Miss Barb- ars Forest, regret to learn she was taken ill with appendicitis, and' ;was talon to Clinton Hospital and operated on: • , Ur • and Mrs, Earl Palmer of Windsor, week., r, vieited his parents here trepaid. sEI& organization is un- In the evennng Duncan Cowan adtil' the paMilton Ortwein of London, vis- der the leadership of lWr. Milne his troop from Toronto, will give. ited his parents, r. an M d Mrs J Rennie, a former Hensel' bury, and a concert in the town hall, folicesc• iz ld have sees rot the Bunsen, Firemen. TherN. been saved. I will be a children's parade, dee- Tine Seaforth lVIblet-rela put on 'orated autos, floats, bicycles, calif their show here rust Monday even- ifpfane, baseball teams, headed" rug. on behalf of the Baseball Club by the Kittle Brass Band. The house was ere -waded to the , Strutinerls chana,pi.,„fin horse shoe doors and those Present were well players of 'Sarnia will be tpresent W. Ortwoin, they gave an +c xi4biti on of singing i ed by • dance. VIr. and Mrs. Fred Bonthrorl of New Tork, are visiting for , the summer -`months with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Bonthron. William Gram and lister , , Ada Gramm, visited with their parents, conneccion, we grant his request and the clerk is instructed to not- ify the engineer to that effect. The assessment Roll of 1928 as prepared by Jos. Giunan be acc- epted :and the Assessor be ,paid his laniary.. nye twas held here the other even - By -law No. 308, being aurrenv in when the Exeter Juniors were to borrow, money to meet current o er ,,and played the locals, / the expenses until the taxes of 1928 latter winning, score 10-9'. have been collected, having been The anniversary of the Hensall read ithree times be passed and United church will be held an May signed. 27th,Rev. Manleyof Toronto Eli Lawson and Placid Disjard- > • ine were appointed as Cow Tag will be the speaker for the day. I Inspectors.. The choir will render special imusie The C t f Revison for hear for the occasions Mr. Manley twill • • • •• •• • • • • +e • • • • • • • • • • s • ••••fitosee4temosoosocoseos +�►e our o r i deaI s against the Assesism-i also -speak on Monday night. , I • rag ap ent Roll be held in •the Town'IIalil The home of Wm. Deitz, north Srediton, on Saturday, May 26th. of Kippen, was destroyed by fire Tenders were opened for . the : on Monday last, the cause of the construction and repair of The 'fire is unknown.; A call was put Mud Creek Drain and the Dietrich in ,for the Hensall Fire Brigade,. Drain and on motion of Goetz & but as the. Tuckersnith Council' Tetreau the contracts were award does not compensate anything. for •oloosoo sa•arias•,s•••••••O••••s••*ax+s•ra•••emestss••••• SEED POTATOES1 We have a supply of nice seed pot- 1 3 atoes on hand and invite the public to get your supply here See Us about Seed Corn. I 1 Quaker's Full -of -Pep Chick. starter 1 1 4 Continental Stock Food for HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, ° SHEEP'' and POULTRY 1 • s • • • • • ed to Broderick Bros. of Welland such /calls, it took consi derable • The price for The Mud Creek Drain, time before the Hensall council got • together And finally instructed the • is $10,872.00 and the Diets:eh Drain g' r y• $1200. • engine ;to go, but arrived .a few • •IID•••••• The Clerk was instructed to. write Geo. A. McCubbin, Esq. 0+ L. S. to prepare plans for two bridges across the Mud Creek -Dr- .ain ; , A large number of orders were ordered passed. The council 'adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall,' Crediton, on Saturday, May 26th .at 1 p.m. Henry Eilber, Clerk. ova 0 0000000000080000 •.. O. s.. • •• : •• • THE NEW SERIES Pontiac Six The low priced Six with Power and Speed as thrilling as its Rich New Beauty EQUIPPED WITH LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS, FOUR WHEEL ,BRAKES, AND WITH ALL THE NEWEST t IM- PROVEMENTS MAKE IT THE BEST CAR VALUE ,poR THE MONEY. ASK ALL THOSE WHO DRIVE A PONTIAC! DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GrVEN GIDEON KOEHL1 R, Zurich EXETER 1'Vml. Pomfret, who for the past five years has had charge of the C. N. express office, here, has received word of his' appoint-, rant as manager of the Barrie of- fice., The serious illness of J. S. Har- vey has been causing .considerable anxiety to the members of his family and -many friends. The death tookplace of Mrs. Thos. Sweet, she was born near Whitby in 1855, her mother passing away when quite young, hse was raised by her aunt Mrs. Wm. Hant- ]in on the 2nd, con. of Stephen. The other day while a .• God- erich truck was standing in front of Dr. Fletcher's office, one of the rear tires blew out . and the loud ,report was heard for (blocks away A small piece of )tire pas- sed under the truck and •struck a pan eof glass in Dr. Fletcher's of- fice making a hole large enough for a football to go through. A -well attended meeting of the Exeter Baseball Club was held in S, G. Bawden's Rooms the other evening, when the treasurer's fin- ancial report showed a 'balance on hand of $51.65, and the wofolling officers were elected; Hon. Pres, W. G .Medd,; Pres. M. R. Comp - lin; Vice-pres. H. 0. •Seuthcott; Sec.-Treas. J. Morley; asst-see.trs, H. C. Rivers and F. M. Boyle; man ager, Dr. E. S. Steiner,. , L. SOH e & ion .040000000000000000000 A•00*••••0•• STEPHEN COUNCIL ',She council of the Tc.ternship Stephen eonvened in the Town trli, Crediton, on Monday, May „ at 1 p,ri; All members pres- tent. The minutes of the preV- lions meeting were read and adopt - Whereas the 'Council of the 'hip of McGillivray serve.) John Cayes, saeeve of the Township of Stephen •with a Drainage Report ? it pared by G, ,A. McCubbin, Es-;, ; .L;3. and known a'4 The ,Lewis ')rain on April 9, 1028, Ile St resol- ved e +ol-v d (that they ;Same be accepted *and that the .clerk have the -sarr., y rIntetl inp aml,hlet form IA r- " redd on an . into, e,,ted parties a. provided by loec, 2.4 of The Mun- icipal Drainage,Act. The By-law having been read the firlat ;time ' was provisionally adopted, and it was ordered that a Court ot. Re-. vision be held in the .Town Hall on 'Tuesday, July 3ed, at 1 p.m Whereas John Hayes„ Reeve o the Township of Stephen was rerve.l with a plan, profile and report of The Black Creek Drain on .April 20, 1928 no prepared by 1. T. Patterson, Bei., Engineer, that the isame be received kind that the fly -law be Tnintel ( end on ail the interested OW e ail}, l;ro vi lett r.,y t i.e Aci ala! that the fly—;at ha in 1 ee,k iea,t'., the fia.;st tuna ad HENSALL Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Consitt were in London, where they attended Agent for Pontiac and Buick Cars 1 •• • t 41, Comp in and See These Tires The heavy side bars give extra protection against gnawing curbs and grinding ruts—they pull you out of heavy going—quickly, easily. Marmon, Peerless and Stearns -Knight are equipped by their makers with Seiberling "All Treads." Can you do better than be guided by the judgment of the makers of these fine cars—especially when "All - Treads" costuo more than ordinaryt ices? Come in and see how promptly and courteously we will attend to your tire requirements whether purchases or repairs. H.S. WEIN, Dealer - Dahwood You will find Onus: Service Department prompt, courteout ; and modernly _. equipped, -3 * t It Pays to use 100% PURE PAINT AN VARNI of special product for everypurpose-- for every surface MO % PURE PAINT for exfcrior or inferior MARBLE -ITE for hardwood floors forSakby JOHNST`N &KALB ZURICH, ONT. t NEU-TONE ?he,f/afwash- able paint VARNOL,WUM for Odklo &"linoleum, BCH WOOD -LAC stain Or kors andfrla,i#ure