HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-05-24, Page 1.este7-1'n'' • 'Vol• XXVIII No'45 ZURICH THURSDAY MP-RN1NG, MAY 24, 1928. Build p your o T1 n Community • 7 ezei▪ -+-1.-144-1-04-1-1-4-14+44.4.3e1+1.4-04riei4- et. tir 4. 4. 4. 4. -4; ef• 47t. 4. 74.• zcz.. 440044 4•000.440044.04.4004.40 0***************044/91,11111111ff att • BARGAI S ARGAINS 111 • 1Received a shipment of waterproof • • • Robes which I an retailing far .be - .4, INSURANCE Life Sickness Accident Auto Insurance, Etc. E Oesch Agent Zurich low Catalogue prices, get your's at . . : Special Price $12.50 large size i t, ,s0 . . I 1EL, - ZURICH 4 FRED T ;4-,0•4104444.4.4401.44044.04.4.004, 004444404. 0-4-04000004.44.4000,ttE • eeesees ooecooseeeeeeeeeteeeeseaveme sees .0. 0 0 0 0 3 a IN Spring Folmar T. BROWN'S Boot, Shop WINDOWS FORETELL, All' IN- TERESTING STORY OtF NEW SPRING poorivRAR FASHIONS THEY ARE AITIMORATIVE AS THE LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE THEY WILL IMPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW STANDARD OE V.A.7 UR AT THE MODERATE PRICES. REPAIRING NEATLY D014,1E Only the best of Matedals is 0 0 • 0 0 0 a 0 0 •,t4 • • 00 • used. Bring tIlene, to me„ and you are aissured of Satis' faction • WE E C-lOOD SHOES COST TASS. eat Skop • . _W DISPLAY SOLI OUR iiltollitalbeitit244,446408.11W141411410091)0. 04000151 604.41141e#Si 00 0 0 0 0 efota 14 .040 4440 t 4.4,46, 404. 400'044 0 00 40 00 0 44 04 .4 41. 0 4 0 4.4 0 4 4 40 ,0 • 3 1r .,,. ,4, Pr 1.D ,o, . . ,,,„, . 1And-0 -0 are ,all r-ady t ••• • • Show y . all the NEWEST • • • • :SWIM I TOP COATS AO -et flOSIERY •90, ,e4 • TIES 4/10 ..• :SMITS EXC. STYLES in 10A1 44* 44, '411* OASCS04cu EteASIM ,.11141!**4-• tr• 0 0 .0 . 7,y buying Goods the home town Cheater 14 Blank Puldiklitilt 03,025 e; Tem AWirealla ez.se A,RREARS. xis az aisraksia • PRESENTATION On Monday evening last the Choir of St, Peters' Lutheran ,Ch- urch assembled at the home 1 of Mr .and Mrs. John Rader, to con- gratulate them on <heir , recent; marriage. The evening was .p. ent in 133,11,Sie and games., after -which gin address was readby Mrs.. E. F. Klopp and Miss ;Vera Kalb- fleisch presented them with ea beautiftd Silver Bread. Tray. Mrs, Bader thanked the Choir it; as very able madner, after which a dainty punch was served. The members then returned to thie re- spective homee feeling that every pleasant evening had been epent, Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Williams:we- re Sunday visitors at -Seaforth. Mr. "C, Colosky .is in care o,f Mrs. M. Schilbe, who. is confined to • ,her bed. 'Mr. Milton Deitz-• and femily, and Mrs, Roy Merner spent ethe,' Following is the ,addrelea,... •- week -end in Daroit. Dear Mrs. Rader- Wethe Members of - • Mrs. E. Tin:tem:ler, who epent i eSt. Peter's Lutheran Choir, have the past winter in Detroit, . has, •aa- returned to her home here for sembled here in your home, forthe the summer, ( . purpose I of celebrating with Y°11 apon your recent marriage, and in ' Mr, 01iver Surerus of *he Bron - eine tangible way givee xPi"- Metz & San, a Chev.4-door sedan teen Line, has purchased 1,irom C. hi s, shim to aur love. and e.steenay, wh- re ich we cherish for ryou, and reeog- Pleased to see Mr, josiah Gei- Tilden of your services i'D .041. h- to able to come ; down town in oir, you have been interested' de-: the auto the other- day, after his eply in the work ;of our choir. For prolonged attack of rheumatic. a :number of years you haVe el- fever since about the beginning, of ways been willing to give ,freely. the year, • , of your time and •services for' its 'welfare. We have appreciated Mr. Chas. Bedard of the Blue your efforts and in view thereof ;Water Ihighway has, treated . his we ask you to aceetpt thiS .gift ! family with a new Pontiacsedan, May .it remind.,you ;of the pleasant purchased ifroml Mr. G. Eoehler, hours of practice which were sp-Ilocal dealer, ent together, the anthems which ,The Luther League ief St. Pet - were rendered, which contributed ,Lutheran Church is giving a greaflY to the beauty of our dire i e'''s. meth ,es ening on .Friday evening inc services. We wish YOU to which all German.. Immigrants1appineSS, baPPinaa'st 1°7 'and PrcvaPeritY i'l are cordially invited, your wedded life, and hc,pa. that,. frequent u. esn'itsitas•ndtotholtrt ;10111.113r.ch bel Mr. and Mrs. Wes. ;Wolfe • and interest 'family, and Mr. Samibn Colosky ai esver.rernain warm in our 13,01-, Dashwood, were, Sunday visit-. o,ved .Choir. . ,•,ors at the home of Xr. and Mri. Signed in behalf of the choir. I John Albrecht4 New Barber Having opened up a mrs ay evening. Over a hun- Shop 'in the Dominion Housei, .; , . wed delegates and visitors are Zurich, I am in a position to give expected to be present, and some. entire satisfaction to the public, very worthy and :tbYe speakers Our prices are;- Haircu•ts be pro ...25c , .. tvvill sent and deliver suit- , ahle addresses from. time to tirrv‘,. •• Chf.dren's haircuts ... _15 '. are now complete barber Beginning next Tuesday even- ing Emanuel Evangelical church, Zurich, there will be held thean- veal W. M. S. and JAW Society Cod- VentiOn which will convene until The most popular Line of Diam- ond Rings in Canada WE HAVE THEM Hess, The Jeweller Buy the Best COAL DELAWARE & HUDS0.51 said D. L. & W. SCRANTON COKE SEMET SOLVAY ' SOFT COAL MILLER'S CRETerr Arriving A CAR OF PRINCE EDW RfIS- LAND GRADE A, WHIT r0T-- ATOES. C H E, N SALL Phones -Office 10w. HMOS MLA 4.++++++++++++++++++4441.4.4+++0+++++++++++++++4.4444-0-1 41: -e 4. 4. 4. 4. 001 Our Stock of Spring and Summer Foot- wear for Women, Men, Boys and Girls Shave 15 There is a ruthless and useless + Massage 25 amount of firecrackers and. bombs + .1.. and we invite you _25 • being exploded around the busin- Shampoo Razors Honed 25 .ess s,ection these erninegs, we ,do Head. :Rub not know it is in honor of May T.,7-liTair 25 24th, or just to exerom cise !se un- : .▪ 4-• Tcute fron Beginn'ng Mty 1.0th eve. y Thur- comfortable pranks. Anyway, 1.925 Ford, 1 -door sedan, Looks ''rk4 4. 4. 4. .5. '•,•f."‘• as good as new, tires t and rear bumpers. day afternoon and evening a lady' better place to explode these wo- • 1926 Ford Coupe, upholstering an will be here to marcelle. iuld be on the back t'itreets, or pars front and Pitons. appolnt mentnen. even agth tiip to .the fair grounds Ladleairceta Specialty un l'would be a &eat deal ;le1923-Ford Sedan, upholstering nd paiet ooci and is Ca"! ss anzely-! s Hs can be bought for ,the price of a. touring car. Mater I ;Once, 1:flay Council had a rather leng-I 1:: A. 1. condltiea. thy. session on Tuesday afternoon 41, when they met in order to hear 4.4. 1926 rtord Coach, equipped with 'bumpers and new license„ s Ireciatecl a paint as good as new. Beene rearepeedometer. p NORVAL. PRECIOUS Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH ONT, Tuesday eve., 7 p.m., -Jr. Leagu Tlurs flay, 8. p m.-Praycr and Preis Rev, W.•Y. Dreier, leader Friday. .7.30 p.m -Senior League Friday 8 30 p.m. -Chola. Practice 4. 4. 4. 41 the appeals and complaints in re- + * ÷ gard to the Black Creek Drain as- 3: C. FRITZ & noon s 'session listening to alithese sessments, etc. After an after- 4+SON . complaints' the Council adjourned e- F-0 R D DEIA e 1 LER S + 1 Tires 80x3?; $5. to 86. Batteries $9.95, i ..-. .1. ,, .5- SECOND HAND FORD PA -RTS AT HALE PRICE t. . ae ..*:. +++++++++++++++++++++44-e-e4.eee-e+++4..e.e.eeee4.4.+4+411- l' -let HOW DO 'YOU TAKE N OUR MEDICINE'? Enman neterts at flews is ill OA ;; esrovoltct, one anothel• to aeger, 3,„vhen we should rage one ,anotheie to love and Arindness and good '4,11OrkS. Isreal provoked God in the wilderness, Little Mary, was ell; mother said take tiles ineclic-! Anse; bu tthe stuff smelled bad and tasted hoertd and Mary fought it. 'When .adverse experiences come: to' „you, permitted by a ' wise God for ,your •soul's heelth, do you take it - .smilingly and lick thle spoon or, .do you .sputter and pout and sp-I .out and the bottle as Mary it nrlid2 A ehristians life is a part '4 I God's plan and the steps and 44, ztops of a good man are order by 1 tie Lord and work together for le 1 *good. 4 . to meet again at some future date, when the. Engineer, Mr. Patterson, is expected to be present ,and ex- pound .some of the statutory con- aitions and laws referring tothis kind of vol Last Thtuday afternoon the WaS ini,uied with a lwntl of Gy1). Jos, iNnflsti r th, in.eo alp1 qestir an:i. about ;i 1..L1 Ti,; wee also followed 1.,y a constable from _Exeter, where they were want, ed ,for doing some foul work in taking some honey from a Mall. The Exeter man was then brought over but could not identify the woman that he was in contact with In .the mean time Prov. Constable Whiteeides of Goderich was noti- fied and be found the Gyrisie band later in the evening ,and made a. thorough search, and after going hrough or removing from a car ghat teeemed Vice an eedless em taunt of bedding, and luggage, he °mid .the woman hiding in . the bolteme. But •lafter goinng back o• Exeter, they made setthment or •this. offence; and the Constable varnedt hem to leave this part of he eoentry, While their care we - being held here by constables lock and 1 'Daher, the women and hi'dren furn'Shed entertainment to large number of the more in- ukitive but it was"no. rent benefit te. pay %them a vise t, as the invaders .svere of the owest, arid , direieet Claes of pee,- le that could prbbly ;be found a o The &last Tca e ,of made- to -meas-- 4 ure salt pies ever shown 4 t • SUNDAY SERVICES Worship '1 10 Subject -The Ascended Lord. 11 e.m.-13ible School, J. E. Gascho, Superintendent. f t Worship: 7.30 P. M. If! Subject-ThiS is the fourth and F concluding ineesage in our mediteel. ( ationt in the Shepherd Psaltni 1.` e Rev. Wo. Y. Dreier, liege* eufghie ItA their ckwn releMS. e • • ettotamettottattomormargustvamt..**.nirsetratatempt.tawoorcrtatt0.0t grolottottltuamtottrametrmtattuatemovacttte=0.*Immtwettretemxtt=mtv?,==-......-...... Ling GOO 11. ii r When you start out to do your spring. and summer buying come Here WE CARRY A NICE ASSORT= NT OF GINGRANette PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RA.YONS, SHIRTINGOTITONADR FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOES, AND RUBBERS, IFIARDWARE, A POLL ASSORTMENT' OP PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING, HARNESI, REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON TIAICD. R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 w. 97 'BLAKE: •wvaxelernit.300.01.10ammetemm,0,4......'7' • I sre iny t»r yeti •tlec. six , I 1,,,atched iseetie. and th ma on..rl [Ions, e 'dares r, e real