HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-05-03, Page 8The Store with the Stock 9 ses Only a few Flat Crepe Dresses left. We offer *heal at very reasonable prices. Your choice for $10.00 each. ew Drapery ery oo s OUR STOCK IS NOW ALMOST COMPLETE MEW CURTAIN PANELS IN; RAYON SILKS,, CREAM AND WHITE AT PRICES FROM $2,50 TO $3.75 EACH SCRIM NET PANELS AT $1.45 .EACH Ir SPECIAL IN PANELS AT 75c. EACH, t . A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CURTAIN NETTS, MARQUESSETTES, ' SCEIMIIS IN TWO RANGE OF PATTERNS AND PRICES. Linoleum and Oilcloths 6 PIECES 4 YARDS WIDE LINOLEUMS TO CHOOSE FROM, ALSO OILCLOTH 3 YARDS WIDE CONGOLEUM, AND A COMPLETE RANGE OF CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM RUGS, SIZES FROM Clx0 TO 12yx15. Wall (WE CARRY WATSON, FOSTERS' AND BOXERS WALLPAPERS IN STOCK, AND INVITE. YOU TO LOOK THROUGH SAMPLE BOOKS. SUITABLE PAPERS FOR EVERY OF YOUR HOME AT RIGHT PRICES. 0 U R ROOM Have you paid your 1927 Account? If not we would appreciate a settlement GSCHO - SONS Phone 59 PfodLt.; Wanted F:'. .-4 .•: rr r:...- • 4 r .4.4.4. F4.rya 4- - 4. 4 4 4.•a M4.4-4•÷4 F r <+:'.k•b A J v NOEM E T We have been appointed Agents direct for k.t. ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF WiLLYS OVERLAND LTD. 7 g�1 ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI - WHIPPET FOUR CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON ,g WHIPPET b I . THE MARKET. A CAP, 1\ _iH A + SOUND REPUTATION Fs• Willys Knigaz A TWO MODELS, WIT.T. THE FAMOUR PROVIDEDSLEEVEVALVE 4' • MOTOR. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US .II BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. A SATISFACTORY DEAL I ASSURED, BESIDES: + a "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE"4. 4. 11:, 14. . 1.ll: o sseau Zurich 4, 4, 4. 4. i1.>..1. 4. ;.++4.++++++3 +++.:..:. 43++++++4+4+4.4 ++++ +++++++. ,,. Hatching season STI.., ,,...., F„v..,:. Why pay fancy prices for your young Chicks when with a few minuter of spare time each d ay 4r A s • you can hatch and raise your own I STRONG, HEALTHY CHICKS AT A BIG SAVING IN MONEY. COME IN AND LEARN si ALL ABOUT OUR.. Buckeye incubators and Brooders 1 WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE If in need of new furniture, don't = ST®r E & WEIDO forget; we have it! ZURICH ON ■ . 00001 Si•NSSSS0SaS*$ 0•1110004.000600 z,. GOODS NEW PATTERNS In Plain and Printed Cloths Georgette, Fugi Silks, etc. in many shades CURTAIN NETS, SIDE HANGING MATERIALS, PARICLS. CONG. AND LINOLEUM RUGS AT LOWEST PRICES. WE HAVE A PIECE OF BLACK SATIN GOOD WEIGHT, EX- TRA SPECIAL AT $1.39 YARD. YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 J. W. MERNER LOCAL NEWS HURON PRESBYTERIAL A largeg athering of women and. girls .attended the second annual meeting of the Huron Presbyterial of 'the Woman's Miss. Society •ref the United Church of Canada, wh- was held in Wingham, United Ch urch last week, Mrs. J. E. Hogg of Clinton, President, presided at both sessions. Mosg gratifying reports of the work done during the nine months ending December 1927 were presewnted by the var sous secretaries whiwh were in- deed gratifying, itshowed 02 aux- iliaries with 2,455 members. MAY ROD AND GUN Another interesting article in the peac:c:cal planting of trout fry by John Gail ui Tuzonto, .is one of the feaiu.es oi. the May issitie ofRocl and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News which is just publishes. Be- sides this there is the usual full compliment of fishing and. hunt- ing articles and stories by pop - i ular authors of , the magazine. and gling, !guns and ammunition, out- door stalk and kennel. Bonny castle Dale, well-known outdoor writer, contributed an interesting +article on wh1ere to fish in the maritime provinces this year. The approach of the fishing season a1 - so occasioned the appearance of much interesting material in G. P. Siaden's department. The con- servation campaign of the maga- zine is supplemented this month by a worthy article on fish and game conditions in Alberta by C. A. Hayden of Calgary. The Can- adian Silver Fox News section al- so. contains several practical artic- les. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News is published monthly by W. J. Taylor Limited Woodstock, Ont. S.,Ci"1OOL REPORT Of S.S. No. 8, Hay, for the month of April. • Sr. IV-Normian Walper 78% Jr. IV-Emelia Rader 75, ,Pearl Wiegand 6M Sr. III -Otto Becker 70, Melton ,Walper 65. Jr. Ill -Edward Gackstetter 8t, Jean V4reber 72, Dorothy Rader- 68 Harold Rader 64, Elmore Gackstet ter 56, Sr, II -Lorne Rader 61, Emile Becker 58 Jr. II A -Elgin 'Rader 82, Her- bert Miler 80, Vernon Schwartzen- truber 65, Harold Schwartzentru- ber 63, Hildegard Miler 60, Vernon Becker. 54 Jr. IE B -Donald Oestreicher86 Elfri:1a Becker 60, Glen Walper63 Delton Schwartzentruber 58. Jr. I -Funic Oestreicher, Carl Oestreichc'r, Elmore Rader. Jr. Primer -Kenneth Weber, N. on Roll 26. Average attendance 24.5. Pi W Brokenshire, Teacher ;tASi-4Wt q.1y Mr. Ivan Lippert left for Bur nips, Mich., where he will ®pend the summer. Mr. and Mrs F. Watson of De- troit spent the w eer -rnd with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wet Snell. Mr. Robert Hayter is all smiles this week, owing to the arrival of a young son, .Miss Ida Goetz, who spent the past week with her mother, (return ed to Chicago on ,Friday. iMss Selma Genttner of London, spent the week -end with her pare en ts. .The many friends of Milford Merner will be sorry to ilearn that he is confined to his .room 'suffer -t ing from, pneumonia. Mr, Heideman of Seattle is 'Nissl-' iting his sister Mrs, Schenk, LOCAL MARKETh. Live Hogs cwt..... ........8.50 Butter, lb. ....-...... 40e Eggs ._..� ::- .- _ 24-31-31 Dried apples lb, -- -- 9 Wheat ..:..I , .. :..; ;. ,..^ 1.40 Barley --• - - -- ;.. ....80 Buckwheat -> ___..;... __._ 75 Flour . Shorts per ton......, Bran per ton- _. -- 42.00 Corrected every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mntnal Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 31,1927, $22,365,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579;88 Rates -$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years. E. F. Klopp-Zurich Adent, Also Dealer in Lidktnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Spring MILLINERY Fine a Display All the leading Styles and Shades At prices that are right NEVER HAS A SPRING BRO- UGHT FORTH SUCH A BEAUTI- FULL LINE OF SMART HATS AS WE HAVE A WONDERFUL LINE OR LARGE HEADSIZES IN BLACK AND COLOR. OUR LINE OF EXTRA SMALL HEADSIZEX IS COMPLETE AND ANYONE RE- QUIRING SMALL SIZES SHO- ULD CALL AT THE HAT SHOPPE EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE We haven't forgotten the babies and small children. Our line in Silk Bonnets in pink and white and Bonnet Sats in Silk and Straw. Never was better. GIVE US A CALL • V. V. SIEBERT Millions and milliontiaf. dollar`s worth of wealth belonging to the people of Canada have been lost hecausee •nren thought camp fires would burn out by then3selvea.- Sometimes rthey' do. But if they dontt iwe pay dear forf.it. ThUrsdny, N'ey 1s'a, 1,20 1 1:14144.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44 ++++++++++++++++++++mar~ 4. 4. 4. 4 Seasonable hardware Spring is here and we can supply t, the Public with Seasonable Hard- f • ware at moderate prices A NUMBER OF GOOD SECOND HAND STUVES VERY CHEAP We sell Ideal Incubators and Brooders FENCING - is A CARLOAD OF LLTNDYS' LUCKY TIE WIRE, JUST Alt 4, RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN, COIL, BARB, BRACE AND 1 ' STEEL POSTS. TIRES AND TU73E S .% ,* A FULL LINE OP GUTTA PERCHA TIRES. NONE BETTER :it PAINTS AND VARNISHES • X GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN 1SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT, &' '�g", A FULL LS tLINE OF CHINAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO ENAMELS 4'. ALSO FULL LINE OF, MURESCO, RTC., .g. .g. 4. * Fill Line of Furniture in Living Room Suits, Dining Room : .Suits, Bed Room Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. Reed Rockers and rit 4. Chairs. A number of Rockers at Greatly Reduced .- prA'ces, + 'Good Supply of famous SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS AND FURNITURE MATTRESS. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES. WER PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. 4- 1 , PULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER SMOKE CURE 46 Johnston 80 Kalbilelsch BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRON. 44* H41, ardware & Furniture. Phone 63 +3•••1•++d+++++F+++++++di't'+'1'+*t •1•.II• +.+++•II•+3+f+++++p.. Auto Insurance PUSLIC LIAIrITY YOUR ,LIABILITY TO THE PUBLIC IS ONE OF THE IM- PORTANT MATTERS TO CONSIDER WHEN THINKING OF AUTO INSURANCE. THE RESPONSIBILITY IS NEARLY ALWAYS PLACED ON THE OWNER OF THE CAR. AND THE DAMAGES,COST OF'LEGAL ADVISE AND DEFENCE, MAY AMOUNT TO HUNDREDS AND OFTEN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. WHY TAKE THE RISK? FOR A FEW DOLLARS YOU CAN PURCHASE A POLICY WHICH PROTECTS YOU FUL- LY -$5000 ONE PERSON, $10,009 ONE ACCIDENT, ON AN UNLIMITED COVERAGE. Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO; ---BER GCE AND 9AFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Here's a Chance At OUR risk, use Mrs. Sybilla Spahra Tonsilitis, for Cough, Bron- chitis, Croup, Cattarrh, Whooping cough, Quinsy, Sore throats and Tonsil troubles. Results good or money back• AT WAGNER'S STORE • JOHN WARD Drugless Practioa- eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 7O SUITS .SUITS , i To the man who regards a well dressed appearance, we recommend you to • f i come and look over our fine range of NEW SPRING SUITING1 WE GUARANTEE SATISsFACTION OR MONEY GLADLY REFUNDED. ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH mHa BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE I _HEAD AGENT FOR THE WELL KNOWN MADE TO MEAS- URE CLOTRsS-CORNELL. Z. H. HOFFMAN fAIFEROHANT `rAlLOIft, W. 15., HO?FAIAN 8 Son, MOAN 1AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Day wed Night Phono Re.