HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-05-03, Page 4aw'M: tri ZO'RICI itANALri YOU get moremiles,, more trouble-free miles, more economical miles with Seib- erling All -Treads, but the first cost is no more andthe final cost much less, thanfor ordinary tires. You get more rubber, strong- er cords, more actual tire for every dollar you spend on Seiberling All -Treads. It will pay you to investigate these unusual tires. A Seiberling.built 29 x 4.40 costs only $1 SEIBERLING ALL -TREADS E. S. WEIN, Dealer - Dahwood 40soe Isoerse•seee soseeese•s eseasesessseme•eosese•o lb • • THE NEW SERIES • • • • Y ••• • • ••0 • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • S • • • • 2 2 i I i .16 osqq�. al!seess esa s pg! AA s eeys • Pontiac Six The low priced Six with Power and Speed as thrilling as its Rich New Beauty EQUIPPED WITH LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS, FOUR WHEEL BRAKES, AND WITH ALL THE NEWEST , IM- PROVEMENTS MAKE IT THE BEST CAR VALUE .}FOR' THE MONEY. I• : , 1 , [; ASS ALL THOSE WHO DRIVE A PONTIAC! DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GIVEN GIDEON KOEHLER, Zurich Agent for Pontiac and Buick Cars Westinghouse Batteryless Radio • ` 'VOU HAVE NOT HEARD THIS NEW (LOW PITCH) RECE1V- R AND LOUD SPEAKERS YOU HAVE NOT HEARD A REAL SET SEE AND HEAR IT AT HESS RADIO ELECTRIC HENSALL. Wit: and Mrs, Archie Rycitiman aBi family, of Moose Jaw are via- -Sling is--S ng With their friends here. ?tatty May locate here in thc*near Miture. Fred Simmons and. Jos, Hagan mile a 1nr;'mess trill t'r) 'I.7oront.). 2141.4on Rickard hats ta1ren the i agency for the Huron Wind and Weather Insurance for Huron Co- unty and has purchased a car to use in the business. Anna Tiernan of Dashwood, was a rec'ent visitor with Mildred Mc - Don 01, }� Ma r. L Ja Simpson, \Vio analaea critic nag v1 i.iV�L 'vlsii.e.1 withi p�rN�lw�r ^t °I•Vr44. rvi•canry."444 1.3"1 #.44.4.04,444• i'44,44 4 44.44.444 z 4 8 4 4 i 4 •k + 4 t 4 4' 4 4. 4 4. 1L 4. 4. 4. 4. 4' 46. 4 10412134o0a0Offit0.20*4 *e0* 0•Is1►$2140g26•I11.a•E0i10a6®•fet 1 SEEDS. We Are. Now Selling THE NEW WHIPPET WITH 1'EW LOW PRICES In Fours and Sixes with more actual per dollar value than any other low priced car. The Famous Willy's-Knight Sixes in Three different Sizes WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GENERAL GARAGE REPAIR WORK, WHICH WE MAKE A tSPECIAL- TY OF. LET US DO YOUR NEXT OVERHAUL JOB. SATISFACTION, OUR MOTTO t 4 + 4 41• 4 1 t 4 4r 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 A 4 4 4 •NGEL, Prop. 4 Gas Oils Greases Tires Accessories 1 Now is the time` to select your seed s for Spring. Be sure and call on us 1 for your supply as we have it. QUANTITY OD CHOICE SEED BARLEY FOR SALE 1 Quaker's Full -of -Pep Chick starter I 1s continental Stock Food for HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP, and POULTRY Louis Schilbe - Zurich relateves ism town. T, C Joynt wag oma businoss trip .tri Toronto. many triennia .of Il'lirs. Geo Dm -Wiese, are starry to learn that she still continues quite poorly; Thelma Tludson, of Seafatrthn visited for a few days• with ,her parents here. Margaret iHohlrirk,, who under- went an •operation in the Clintow Hospital sa<nae weeks age, has re- turned home and is improved. The many friends of Mrs, Thos Welsh are sorry 'to learn that she continues quite ill. Dr. J A. Spellman, of Kitchener visited over the week -end with Miss Elva Bolton, Edith McKwan, who spent a we- ,ekwith. relatives, has returned to Kitchneer .to resnmle her teaching Mrs. A Roggarth, of Norwich, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mfrs. Thos Murdoch. +Mrs. lletherinton of Tc 'onto; visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs T. Drummond Win. Reynolds of Tillsonburg, visited with his sisters • here. Tiftwaday, Mar 3rdi, 19iiN Oaten. The funeral wag held 1c Exeter cemetery oil Wriday, Mrs. g, N. Rowe ,who has been Aute IR for some time has had Id- • ood transfusion made to her in or-. der to endeavour to ,save her life. After the doctors had examined the blood of several mien it was. finally decided that Rev. D. Mc- Tavish as the most 'suitable, ' An artery in. the arm of Mr. McTavish was opened and 'with a silver tube was conneeted to an artery in the, arm of Mrs. Rowe and in this man- .. ner the blood flowed.' from oue body to the other until a "little over a pint of blood )was trans- fused. Mrs. Rowe has tsinceshown eon.siderable improvement while Mr. McTavish suffered no all effects other than being somewhat-: weak for a time, COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. D. Prentice has left Fortier - home in Toronto, after having sp- ent several weeks with her parents . Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stinson, of Bay - field. Mr. Stinson, who has been oza the sick list, for some time., is Gasoline is selling in town at now able to be out and around- • 22. cents a gallon with 14 gas, gain. - pumps in operation or in course Albert Carter, who was !turn- • of construction, and others are key at the county jail, .Goderich, . talked of. It is rumored that an- for several years, has etired from; other gas station will be built at that position and is leaving with his family for Lucknow. His place as turnkey, has been taken . by Kerwood White,, on resom,mend-. atian of Sherif Middleton, the new turnkey was formerly of Clin- • ton. the London Road corner, and Mr. Arthur Dick is building a gas station on his property on the London Road,- two miles • south sof Hensall, so this section will be well served with gas -stations. AUCTION SALE Of DWELLING PROPERTY and H OUSEHOLD EFFECTS at DASHWOOD, on , SATURDAY, MAY 5th, 1928 At 1.30 o'clock, ip.nv. PROPERTY —Containing a quarter acre of land more or less, tired, has been granted the rank good frame house and newly bri-,of lieutenant -colonel. The pro - eked kitchen, woodshed, barn, motion is rewgarded as well des- - plenty of hard water, soft water erved, as he had a ..most credit- - in house with cistern in cellar, and able career. He inlisted in the plenty of fruit trees. 'TERMS — 33rd Battalion .as a private and 10% on day of sale and balance in has worked his way up through 30 days. !all the non-commissioned and com- - HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Kit- missioned stages to his present chen stove, heater, glass cupboard rank. He was one of the organ - sideboard, organ, dining roorntable izers of the Huron battalion and. 3 bedsteads, springs and mattress went overseas during the war. 2 couches, rocking chair, 6 dining- Margaret McLaren of Hensall room chairs, 10 kitchen chairs, ,el continuation school is one of the • ock, bench, washing machine, duan district winners and therefore one tity of carpets, linoleums, Iadder, of the competitors for the 'Ontario pots, pans, dishes; knives, forks, championship in the Canadian and pails, hoes, •shovels, spades, 3- International Oratorical Contest, to burner oil stove with oven, i x -cut be held in Massey Hall on May 2 0.0.14111404041041011160410001141006111141104411,40' 4144411106000006A4e80444 ' Robt. McaKy received notice of ' his appointment as keeper of the Gaderich lighthouse and has taken .charge of the same( Since the de- ath of Capt. Wm. Robinson, the . formerl ightkeeper, about a year • ago, the light had been in charge - eof Bert McDonald, Major R. S, Hays, Seaforth, re- . hhreproof Wallboard For Sale By Fred C. Kalbfleisch �D' - - - - Zurich, Ont. + aminomr saw, big pantry cupboard, dres- ser and stand, heavy clothes,chest, lamps, hanging lamp, quantity of sealers, and numerous other artic- les. Sugar kettle, and sewing machine. TERMS — CASH. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. J. Graybiel, CIerk. ' Nich. Stire, Proprietor. aE-3 E.l David Mack died at his home here last week, aged 73 years. The deceased was born. in Hay Town- ship west of Hensall, where ,he far need for many years, later moving to the 2nd con. north of Exeter Cemetery till he moved to Exeter 25 years age. :He leaves his wid- ow, one son, Wilfred D., of Cred- iton, and three daughters all mar- ried. .Qne sister and four broth- ers also survive. The funeral was held to the Exeter cemetery on Thursday afternoon, eRv. Foot_of- ficiating. The death took place in London Hospital of A. J. Rollins, in his 65th year, had been suffering fromljaun- dice for a few; weeks, ,and with ot- her complications setting in he grew worse. He was born in Bidulph Tp., •• and lived a: long time on the London Road south. A few years ago retiring to Exeter Mrs. J. Vale .of Wni. St, died on 'Tuesday last, after a lingering illness, aged an years. She is sur- vired by two sons and one dan- a ;she is the only daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren, {wing; near Hensall, her father being a • farmer. The Goderich fall fair still lives Iso it w!as decreed by ay a public IInnen'the other evening, the co - uneia chamber being packed to the limit Thos. Gundry, presi- dent of the Society for the past year, occupied the chair for the first part of the proceedings, and he and Dr. W. F.'Clark, sec-treas, ' explained the situation, especially with reference to finances. The grnat of $400 from the town coun- ! cil would more than cover i the payment of one-half the prize ,money of last year, Letters ,had been sent to all the prize -winners and the great majority of then had signified their willingness to accept one-half the 'amount due them. Two fires occured at Goderie!i on Saturday, when the house of F. W. Corbett. Mi,ll road. The house was completely destroyed` but the greater part of the furn- iture was saved. The firemen won, re handicaped as they could not reach it with the hose, as the house was too far out from the hydrant:,. Then a second fire broke :out at midnight when the fire was gat the Blue Water G-olf and Country Club property, Bayfield road, where some brush and lumber were dis- covered on fire. There was no serious damage. - i !00% PURE PINT ANS VARNlSHE d special pmducf� for every purpose- for every surface 100% PURE. PANT k r oxfzrior or inferior MARBLE-1TE for hardwood floors JbrSaleby JOHNSTON & KALBFI.EISCH NEU -'ONE the Rafuesh- a6le pa;nf VARNOLEUM for 4iltlomi 6i -linoleum 4 ZURICH, ONT. WOOD.tAC Ptak /rtloors andfbmfure • 1