Zurich Herald, 1928-05-03, Page 3DANT THE P4AN
In i8•G9,, when Durrant' was thirty-
one years oicl, the forces of Sardinia
tindez' Victor Emanuel, with the allied
army of France under Napoleon III„
sought to 'throw off of Northern Italy
the yoke of Auustrian supremacy. The
young S'wiee, traveling ae a tourist,,
1 bat ,doubtless burning with zeal to
aid the many suffering wounded, wit-
nessed . one of the great and terrible
battles of blistery. Party thousand
kilned and wounded was the deadly
harvest of Solferino. No treaty then
rrrptected the anedical services of the land dusty road jolted the merciless
a nice, That of the defeated Anew- arts with their pitiful burdens,
1:rlana retreated with their force's, ,
while with the pursuing allies went Many died by the way their bodies
nearly .all of the French 'and Italian being cast out along the roadside. Into
surgeons, leaving almost deserted of the city poured this endless procee-
medical care the victims of this ap- Mon of misery, and the whole plane
palling slaughter, was soon one hospital. Churches, bar-
Durant, in his "Souvenir de Soifer- racks, convents, the private homes+
ino," pictures the battle, the awful were all filled with wounded, they
scenes of suffering and of death as overflowed into the open streets and
only a man can do who has lived lay upon the stone pavements of the
through the horrors of such an ex- piazzas, where straw has been hastily
perience. scattered.
"The morning of June 24th dawns . DunTant gathered a number of the
with the sound of battle. Three hum- good women of the city into a volun-
dred thousand men are face to face. teer corps, whose tireless, if unskilled
GAS ATTACK TO SCSDUE SEASICKNESS Fifteen miles long stretches the battle services, brought relief. Noticing
line. The bugle notes and the roll of that he made no ,distinction of nation
It Is claimed +that this apparatus, invented by Dr. Dammart of Munich, the drums resound the 'charge. At elity, they followed his work, giving
will offset the worst attacks of mal de neer after oue or two inhalations. It three in live morning the allied army rthe same care to all, and went from
1s to be installed on German steamship lines.
etruggie. Back of dark Hires,` nin;g
clouds, the sun is dost, A temrpat of
wind and lightning arises; icy rains
sweep ae+rees the fleld. As the aha,.
dows of the night begin to fall the
tumult of the battle dies away. Ex-
hausted men sink down to sleep
where they stand or search for some
mussing comrade. The silent dark-
ness is broken by the groans and cries
for help of the wounded men,"
Hastily improvised hospitals were
established in nearby villages, but the
greater part of the wounded were
taken to Castiglione. On the rough
From Wilderness to Wheat. "Belt
Is Western Australia's Triumph
Coining Centenary Celebrations Mark a Period of Rapid
Growth in Territory That Bids Fair to Become
Empire's Leading Agricultural Country
Perth, W. Aust.—In September of Australia, and this year it will prob-one upon the other.. Piled high, 1
corps are marching on Solferimo and, one to another, repeating with cwn
Oavrianna. By six o'clock the fire passion, "tutti fratelli" (all are bee-
becomes more furious. In .the warm titers).
June morning the Austrian troops in' Read seene after scene from Dun -
compact masses march along the open t an+t's "Souvenir de Solferino," and
roads under the fluttering banners of wonder if nations must continue to
black and red. The brilliant Italian. settle their differences or protect their
sun glitters on the polished armor of so-called honor at such a price. Dun -
the French dragoon's and cuirassiers. ant asks: "Why have we thought well
In the burning lnid-day heat still to recall these scenes of grief and
more furiously the battle rages. Col- desolation, to recount such lamentable
um after column fling themselves and gruesome details and to draw
ie such vivid pictures of despair?" He
answers this question by another:
"Would it not be possible to found
and organize in all civilized countries
permanent societies of volunteers
which in time of war would render
succor to the wounded without die-
stinction of nationality?" Here had
the Treaty of Geneva its first incep-
tion, and the spirit of the Red Cross
began to quicken into life.—"Under
the Red Cross Flag," by Mabel T.
next , year (1929) Western Australia ; ably export 30,000,000 bushels of the
will celebrate the hundredth, year of grain.
Less than 15 years back a.blgepor-
her existence as a cavilled community! tion of Western Australia was label-
and already elaborate preparations 'ed in big type on the maps of the
are being made for the occasion. The' world, "Great Victoria Desert." To-
Governmeut and all sections of the day that so -caned desert is known as
stale are combining to arrange cele-
brations worthy o fthe event.
All sorts of entertainments and ex- lauds were despised even by its own
hihitions are being arranged and the people who did not know their value.
=promoters expect to attract competi- Now those lands are being taken up
tors and sightseers from alI parts of • and worked by settlers from all parts
the world. - 1 of Australia and from Europe. ,
Next to New South. Wales, Western In another 10 years, at the present
Australia is the oldest settlement in • rate of agricultural progress, West
.Australia. It has about a third of the ern Australia should be, the leading
area of the Commonwealth and is agricultural country of the British
about a quarter of the size of the Empire It extends about 2000 miles
United States. For about 60 years it from north to south and about -1000
was managed, or mismanaged, from' miles from east to west, and In that
Downing Street, London, and it slum- area it has almost every known variety
bered in consequence. Then it secur ! of climate; soil, minerals and surface
ed the control of its own affairs, sub -1 conditions, So far it has rapctically
jest . only to the almost nominal veto given its land away to settlers; the
of a Governor apointed by the au i rices asked by the Government for
tbcent es in England, and almost virgin territory ranging from 5s. to
simultaneously some rich gold dis- 17s. 6d. an acre for freehold.
townies, were made within its borders.
7t boomed for a while, and then as the
mining communities settled down it
the wheat belt and is dotted over
with farms and towns. For long its
Films and Public Policy
seemed destined to sink into the New York Times,—(The film "Dawn"
eiough in which it bad wallowed for has finally been approved by the
more than half a century, .American authorities). International
Fortutvately .someone discovered relations are more easily disturbed
teat its seemingly useless lands were than careless people think. An offen-
useful for agriculture, when treats
by methods differing entirely from
those employed in older farming coun-
tries, and after that it started to forge !church ecissaries have spent months
ahead on a flan basis. Twenty years I In trying to build up. It is largely
ago it did not produce enough wheat 1 from this point of view- that the dis-
to feed its own people. Now it is the 'play of "Dawn" seems to many to be
biggest wheat -producing state - in unwise and harmful.
sive sign or cinema may undo in a
week what diplomats and bankers and
travelers and exchange scholars and
0.111 TO Fat IN 'FLORIDA
Scene on Beads at iV iatni, Florida, in February.
the dead, on hills and in ravines.
Austrians and Allies trample the
wounded under foot, kill each other
and fall upon their bleeding comrades.
Drunk or mad with blood, the butch-
ery . goes on. On the field` of slaugh-
ter dashes the wild cavalry charge,
the horses' iron hoofs beating down
the wretched men. Back and forth
the conflict rages. Villages are taken
and retaken—every house, every
farm, the scene of `battle -and of Boardman.
Higher. Education
Boston Transcript,—American col-
leges are exercising a much increased
selectivity in the admission of. appli-
cants. The question whether a given
candidate does or does not seem like-
ly to turn four years of higher educa-
tion to useful account, is being much
more closely examined than ever be-
fore. And in making the choice many
factors are taken into account of a
sortt not easily capable of exact mea-
surement, but which in sum may indi-
cate the promise, or lack of promise,
of the candidate's whole personality.
"Someone told my Pat that he could
get his trousers pressed by allowing
a steam -roller to run over them," said
Bridget, weepingly. "Well, what of
it?" "Pat forgot to take the trousers
Evans of the "Broke"
Intrepid captain has been promoted
to flag rank, and at the age of 47 be-
comes the youngest rear-adutimral in
the British navy.
Rufus R
bbit and the Hyacinths
Rufus Rabbit lived with his mother
and four little brothers and sisters in
a very fashionable neighborhood. But
neither Rufus nor any of the fancily
was a bit set up about it; because
they had no Idea what a fashionable
place it was.
Once, as they all went hopping
through the great iron gateway, Rufus.
asked his mother about the beautiful
Letters on the arch above. "Lakeside
Country Club" the shining words
looked very pretty to him. But his
mother never having been to school,
and the rest of them ninon too young
even for kindergarten, they were not
able to figure it out. So they thought
no more about the matter, and al-
though the sign plainly said, "For
members only," they went in and out
whenever they wished,
Outside the Gate.
Mrs, Rabbit had told them all never
to go out the big gate without her.,
But she would have been quite sur-
prised if she had known how often
Rufus had been outside and all up and
down the quiet road when she thought
he was°'over by the green hedge.
There were some very nice things
to, eat in that quiet road and Rufus
wase always hungry. But one morning,
nibbling, nibbling away busily, he did
not hear the big car coning down the
road until it was 'close beside him.
Their he took to his heels in a, hurry!
The gate was too far away, but there
in^the wall right in front of him wag
a hole, just large enough for hint to
hop through nicely. You may be sure
he hopped through!.
Safely on tiie other side, he looked
about; then a smile spread over his
face. As far as he could see, rows
and 'rows of green things were peep-
ing above the ground. They looked se
fresh and tender that his mouth
twitched just at, sight of them.
Rufus was late 'home that day. In
' fast; Rufgs was late home for a good
many. days. And though he atte lose
than any of his family "he was very
Pat and sleek, '%Vhen his another Ash -
ed trim why he did not eat snore Rufus
saki he was not hungry ---which was
quite true!
one evening Rufus was so very late
and as she stopped to peer up and
down the quiet road, suddenly, from
close by, carte a great disturbance.
Someone was throwing stones, and
shouting in the crassest sort of voice,
"Get out of here! Get out, you little
scoundrel! I'll teach you to eat my
Rufus Learns a Lesson.
Then out through the hole in the
wall beyend, peIl-mell, came Rufus.
Mrs. Rabbit understood at once
what he had been doing, and she knew
now why he had been late so many
Rufus was led hone in tears,
"A well-behaved rabbit does not eat
hyacinths,' his mother told hint stern-
ly, although her own mouth watered
at thought of the tender, green buds.
For long ago, just once, she had done
exactly such a thing as Rufus bad
done to -day. The remembrance of it
made her voice softer as she gathered
then. all about her with Rufus close
beside her knee.
"One and all, listen and remember,"
she said, "Well-behaved rabbits do
not eat hyacinths. A bit of lettuce,
here and there, is all right. A few
leaves, perhaps; front the pea vines
and beans, if feu find any. No gar-
dener would object to that. I think,
ifayou are careful and not too greedy.
But not hyacinths! Flowers are not
to be eaten!"
Rufus went back, some days later,
to the hole in the wall, merely to peep
through, But it was stuffed with
.straw He found another hole, how-
ever, a • very small one, and he
squeezed through just to see if fie
could do R.
Trow astonished he was at what he
found inside. Rows and rows of
bloom, pink and white and lavender
and yellow! They were so lovely that
Rutile went hopping, hopping about
among them in great delight,
Suuddeiily, before he was half ready
to go, someone was, shouting "Get out
of Here! Got out!
He had to be 'Very nimble indeed,
did Rufus, but he got outsldo safely.
Thele he smoothed his ruffled fur acid
set off leotue with great dignity, say-
ing to himself, "That man is very
"Which WayNow?"
These two little cub bears find the Mount Babson sign post in Brittsh
Colurmbia a oomfo,rbable perch and hos looking at it they may discover where
mamma ins.
Smoke -Belching Chimneys to Cease
Pouring Soot on North English Town
Hull, Eng.—The Corporation of Hull
has begun a drastic practical experi-
ment to make it a "smokeless town"
in conection with the housing scheme
on a large new estate in East Hull,
where 2600 houses have been erected
or planned.
Despite the Englishman's love of a
blazing grate with its volumes of
black smoke belching from every do-
mestic chimney and shutting out the
sunlight in the open, the Hull authori-
ties are building these new houses
minus raw coal burning appliances
and substituting for them cooking and
heating facilities, stoves burning solid
smokeless fuel such as coke and
atmosphere but greatly reduces do -
mastic Tabor and accomplishes cook-
ing and heating with a third of the
fuel required by bituminous ranges
with open fires.
Aerial photographs, in confirmation
of the claims of the national smoke
abatement conference, reveal the
marked contrast between the clear at-
mospheric conditions over the East
Hull estate and the surrounding dis-
tricts. Hull, notwithstanding its many
factories and its shipping, is steadily
improving In smoke abatement.
The total solids In tons per square
mile deposited is seven tons in the
past year. Figures show that Burnley
leads with 893 tons. Newcastle is
The system is said not only to aid next with 876, London 479, and Hull
internal cleanliness and a smoke-free 437.
that his mother set out to find hire. much mistaken. 'Cell -behaved rabbits
She even Went so far as the big gate, 0 0 0
Financial Men Samoans Unlikely
Form New Combine To Cause Trouble
Sir Alfred Mond to Head Big Natives Take Little Interest in
Department of Ad-
International Or-
London—Sir Alfred Mond, head of
the Imperial Chemical Inrlustries, an-
nounces the formation of a big com-
bine of financial interests in Engiaud
and the United States. A new com-
pany to be called the Finance Com ' Zealand. Officials predicted that the
pony of Great Britain and. America s%tutaion would remain quiet until the
has been formed by the Special Oltenia new Administrator, Col. Allen, arrives.
cal Industries Ltd., and a number of
leading industrials and financiers' of 1` Col. Alien is not expected here un -
America, with a capital of $10,200,200. 111 early in May and in tile, meantime
The ordinary shares will be held in
Col. H'utchin. is acting as Administra-
equal proportion by the imperial tor.
Chemical Industries and the Chase The "Mau," organiation of natives
Security Corporation of New York. : that :has been on the verge of insur-
Sir Alfred Mond will be chairman rection because of alleged high taxes
of the new company. He said the imposed by New Zealand, wlhich. gov-
Uuited States committee would prob- erns the .islands by a League of Na -
ably be unique in the history of tions mandate, made on public demon
financial corporation as it includes stration over the departure of Ae-
tna most important leaders of finance minis,tra.tor Richardson,'
and industry in the United States. Local officials. of the New Zealand
The inception of the corporation,
he added, had been a necessity, felt
for some time by leading men of
business in both countries, for closer
Apia, British Sanaa--Natives of
British Samoa took but little interest
in the quiet departure of the retir-
ing Administrator, Sir George Rich-
ardson, who sailed recently for New
Government stated that they expect
the situation to remain quiet and the
Man to make no further overtures to-
ward repeal of the tax ordinance un -
and more intimate co-operation in the til the arrival of Col. Allen.
world of industry and - commerce in --_ -
America and Great Britain. If an ostrich can run at sixty miles
"I 'ear Bill's been run in ter takin' an hour, figuratively it is flying. This
a few photos at Belhani," "Well, I recalls the Indian's ' description of a
never! And they calls this a free frog: What a queer bird a frog are;
country." ''Yns- 'E forgot to take the when he stand he sit --almost; when
silver frames off of 'em!" he run he fly --almost.
Women Watch Your Jobs
The r t,edical health authorities of Old London instructing fatter how it
mi7rd t'he babiv. Dolls, need to dernnonstrate to daddy how, the baby shout
be taken care of. London tnothe'rs aunt be allowed out at 'lights.