HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-04-26, Page 8The Store with the Stock iee r sses Only a few Flat Crepe Dresses left. We offer the II at very reasonable prices. Your choice for $10.00 each. New Drapery Goods OUR STOCK IS NOW ALMOST COMPLETE NEW CURTAIN PANELS IN; RAYON SILKS, CREAM AND E WHITE AT PRICES FROM $2,50 TO $3,75 EACH SCRIM NET PANELS AT $1.45 EACH 1 SPECIAL IN PANELS AT 75c. EACH, lit FINE ASSORTMENT OF CURTAIN NETTS, MARQUESSETTES, ' ti 'E1MMS IN TWO RANGE OF PATTERNS AND PRICES. Linoleum and Oilcloths PIECES 4 YARDS WIDE LINOLEUMS TO CHOOSE FROM, ALSO OILCLOTH 3 YARDS WIDE CONGOLEUM, AND A COMPLETE t ANGE OF CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM RUGS, SIZES ;FROM tx9 TO 12x15+ Wall Paper !WE CARRY WATSON, FOSTERS' AND BOXERS WALLPAPERS tN STOCK, AND INVITE YOU TO LOOK THROUGH 0 U R SAMPLE BOOKS. SUITABLE PAPERS FOR EVERY, ROOM IUF YOUR HOME AT RIGHT PRICES. Have you paid your 1927 Account? If not we would appreciate a settlement J. =_'ASCHO &. SOTS P odUL: Wanted Phone 59 r R1. : +g++;.4 ; ,.4+4++3 -4-÷4-,r .-2.+ +4+i++i“.1.4`4•1444.+0e i c < ++; +++II +++°i+++II++i;++l++ :,4 Por 4 rl• 4. p. ;,.,o ;.g.4+4.+;.+1.+!+4+3 .i..l.,g :+4.4. +A -: d+ 1-.:-44 4.+++++'r F+++, .- iAMCUNCE 1ENT 4. We have been appointed Agents direct for I ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF TBIDI) AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OE +moi+ 4. 4. 4. 4. +P +€+ W'tLLYS OVERLAND LTD. �1 ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI - TT -TIPPET 1' oun CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; COMPARE IT WITH PRICE. TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCT OFQUA IT THE LOWEST PRICE'S L;iX ON WHIPPET S I `i THE MARKET. A CAS: WITH A SOUND REPUTATION Wi j i y Mni TWO MODELS, THE FAMOUR PROVIDED VALVU MOTOR. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. ,A SATISFACTORY DEAL ASSURED, BESIDES: "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" 33, Moasseau Zurich ZURICH HRPALD GOODS NEW PATTERNS Iu Plain and Printed Cloths Georgette, Fugi Silks, shades 4,++++4s4.+++44+. 4. etc. in many fi CURTAIN NETS, SIDE HANGING MATERIALS, PARICLS. CONG. AND LINOLEUM RUGS AT LOWEST PRICES. WE HAVE A PIECE OF BLACK SATIN GOOD WEIGHT, TRA SPECIAL AT $1.39 YARD. ••wo •e6110064••••••••••M0•Aa034DOI ea•A•••MNM•• HatehingSeason. Why pay .fancy 2 prices for your young Chicks when with a few minister of spare time each d ay you can hatch and raise your own STRONG, HEALTHY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • ia S g CHICKS LEARN STAGE &WEIDOI AT A BIG SAVING IN MONEY. COME IN AND ALL ABOUT OUR.. Buckeye Incubators and Brooders WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. ANIMMOMMISO If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! 4114410040. ZURICH ONT. 1 YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 J. W. MERNER EX - A pail of water costs nothing in Canada as a rule but the tro- uble of dipping it up. Putout your 'camp fire and help save Canada's diminishing forests. COU Perth County is almost compl- etely organized as a restricted area for tuberculosis -free cattle. Only one or two townships now remain unorganized and they are expected to /fall in line ,shortly. What is (Huron County doing i a- bout this -very vital question ? Dog poisoning has been rife in Exeter, and ha,f-a-dozen canines have succumbed. Dr. and Mrs. A. Newton -Brady of Bayfield left by motor to Bal- timore, where the doctor is taking a post graduate course for a month Herbert McGreggor of Bayfield had the misfortune recently tahave his foot badly cut at Geo, Lindsay's bush, while he and Lloyd :Davison were engaged cuttin gwood, Dav- ison's axe slipped with the above results. IIt took only an hour and fifteen minutes for Mr. Justice Kelp. to dispose of the six cases in thelist for the Supreme Court sittings in Goderich last week. Court opened at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon and concluded at 3.15. At a special meeting of the Goderich town council recently a grant of $400,00 to the Agricultural Society was passed. The Direct ors asked 'for a grant of $500.00 but this was cut to $ 00. The directors are finding it difficult to finance this year and talked of discontinu- ing the annual fair, but an effort is being mlade to keep it going. 'Bhet honor of bringing the first vessel into Goderich harbor this ,season belongs to Capt. Al Corn- wall, 'of Toledo, Ohio, who on,Fri day mlorning last arrived withthe tug Florida to tow the steamier Charles Hubbard. to Toledo for repairs. Capt Cornwall was duly ;summoned to the town hall,where according to custom(, he was pre- sented by Mayor MacEwan with a fine new hat in the presence of Members of town council and other citizens, A shadow of gloom was east o;v•- er the community the oth" day when Mrs. Wm, Oke of Ccntsa'i:r At prices that are right had passed away very suddenly at Lam, a ;tttAIRICETT Live Hogs cwt. .._._. Butter, lb. ___ __.. Eggs ... y Dried apple. H Oats Wheat .__ .__. _- Barley..... Buckwheat -._.- __ ..._.�_.t3.50 40c - 24-31-31 -' - 1.40 _..+.80 _._..;_ ...._ 75 Flour._.._ Shorts per ton___. ._.... _..40.00 Bran per ton._._. .. _.. .. 42.00 cCorrecte ,ry Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Feather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- Ainoant of Insurance at Risk on Dec, 31, 1927, $22,355,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 Rates -$4.50 ,per $1,000 for 3 years. O. Holtzman — Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Whining Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Spring MILLINERY Fine Display All the leading Styles and Shades the., Exeter Hospital. She had un-! rN1+ VER HAS A SPRING BRO- derwent an operation about nine ? o'clock in the morning for the re- moval of her tonsils. She had come through the anesthetic and apparently was herself again when in the afternoon she quietly :slip- ped ,away{ She was in her 53rd year, Mrs, John Johnston' of Brneefi- eld, who sustained a fractured leg and who was taken to Clinton Hos- pital, passed away. on Tuesdaylst the funeral taking place to Baird's cemietery+ She is 'survived by 2 sons, Alton and Eldon, the former lives on the Tuckersmith side of the road, and the latter at home. Her husband died twa years ago. John Simpson, of Ashfield T,, took his life at the Village of p1, Albert( +t{ie otic.. e'';')`. shooting himself in the head til a revol ver, committing the act in an or- chard, and when found by friends was ,still alive but did not regain' conseienceness. He was in his 72nd year and is •survived by two sis- ters and was unmarried. Por many years he conducted :t ge ,- 'work and ear store and was poetniaister at TIGHT FORTH SUCH. A BEAU,TI- FULL LINE OF SMART HATS AS WB HAVE A WONDERFUL LINE OF LARGE HEADSIZES IN BLACK AND COLOR. OUR LINE OF EXTRA SMALL IiEADSIZEX IS COMPLETE AND ANYONE RE- QUIRING SMALL SIZES SHO- ULD CALL AT THE HAT SHfPPE EAR t • .a. Thursday, AprR ' 6tb;,11211 Seasonable Hardware Spring is here and we can supply the Public with Seasonable Hard Z ware at moderate prices A NUMBER OF „ GOOD SECOND HAND STUVES VERYSt We sell Ideal Incubators and Brooders I FENCING •• i►; TIRES AND TUBES A FULL LINE OP GUTTA PERCHA TIRES. NONE BETTER .t +t' PAINTS AND VARNISHES GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN iSENOUR 100% PURE PAINT, & A FL -LINE •OF CHINAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO ENAMELS 4, UL ALSO FULL LINE OR MURESCO, Eros Fill Line of Furniture in Living Rooni+ Sults, Dining Room Suits, Bed Room Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. Reed Rockers and it Chairs. A number of Rockers at Greatly Reduced yPrices. t Good Supply of famous SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS .AND MATTRESS. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES. BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRAN. WE. t PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. • FULL SUPPLY OP KRAUSER SMOKE CURE 'a • Johnston 8C lialbfleisch • CHEAP A CARLOAD OF LLTNDYS'LUCKY TIE WIRE, JUST AR- RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN, COIL, BARB, BRACE AND STEEL POSTS. FURNITURE Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 11 Auto Insurance PUBLIO LIABILITY YOUR 'LIABILITY TO THE PUBLIC IS ONE OF T'HE PORTANT MATTERS TO CONSIDER WHEN THINKING OF AUTO INSURANCE. THE RESPONSIBILITY IS NEARLY ALWAYS PLACED ON THE OWNER OF THE CAR. AND THE DAMAGES,COST OF LEGAL ADVISE AND DEFENCE, MAY AMOUNT TO HUNDREDS AND OFTEN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, W1IY TARE THE RISK? FOR A FEW DOLLARS YOU CAN PURCHASE A POLICY WHICH PROTECTS YOU FUL- LY -$5000 ONE PERSON, Moog ONE ACCIDENT, ON AN UNLIMITED COVERAGE. Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO;--SERVaCS AND RAJ ETY Have You MADE YOUR W 1 LL? 11 Here's a Chance At OUR risk, use Mrs. Sybilla Spahra Toneilitia, for Cough, Bron- chitis, Croup, Cattarrh, Whooping cough, Quinsy, Sore throats and Tonsil troubles. Results good or money) back;. AT WAGNER'S STORE JOHN WARD Drugless Praetion- eer eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 70 A fi To the man who regards a wel l dressed )appearance, we recommend you to soils SU:Ts 40 LY AND GET FIRST CHOICE come and look over our fine range o We haven't forgotten the babies and small children. Our line in Silk Bonnets in pink and white and Bonnet Slats in Silk and Straw. Never was better. GIVE US A CALL V. V. SIEBERT was his proceeding on bis Shepparton. retiring' twn t•eirsi ono 1 bi 'cls tOY home for lunch Warn, J, IFiay of Goderich was;fat when he was struck ;ey Lee's car ally injured. the iothcr dav,When he he Was rtlahed to the oHspital 'wh- was struck by a" car driven by ere he passed away from head itn- Chas. 0, Lee, of Goderich. The.Ittries,.wao in hits 514t year and had Accident happened at noon hour at 'Peen eniployed. At the Western. (the foot of the Harbor L'ilill, in Catihda (Floor nlnlls for the pad trent of the `lve_atern Cab..F"ltiotir :six ybark W. alt born in Goderle1 ming plant, Ally' had Indquit T'ow.ns1*ily + + T fi NEW SPRING SUITINGS WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Olt MONEY «LADL9T REFUNDED. ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH tram BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE HEAD AGENT EOR TUE WELL KNOWN MADE TO 311EAR.4 TYRE CLOT11RS-CORNELL,, 4VL . HOF TA.1L01t. W: S, HOF" PNAN & Sob, 1EUi1 Sot It IA/41) d'i<TN1106tdI, itir;{IIIIltltB�, Day lad 16'l�u#. Okay* !�