HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-04-26, Page 7Seo the New
Models at your
dealers. Have your
oar equipped now
and save the run -
nine board.
Ask Your Automobile Dealer to show
you the New Models or write for list.
Sully Brass Foundry Ltd. 2388 Dundas St. West
Toronto, Canada.
New Edmonton Map
Ftnaects Increasing Demand
For Maps in Canada
.According to the To•pog'aphical
113urvey, Department of the Interior,
our Dominion 1s becoming more and
ilnore a nation o3 map users. This is
1reflected in the increasing demand
'requiring suoceselve editions of some
of the more popular map sheets is-
sued by this organization. The Ed-
anonton sheet of the Sectional Map of
Canada, for instance, has already
gone through ten editions since it was
SW published thirty-seven years ago.
The latest edition, which has just
been issued, dhows in seven colors all
topographical features, both natural
and artificial, possible for the scale
employed—three miles • to an inch. A
*Ludy of the successive editions, of
this map would afford a ready means
of tracing the progress of settlement
to this district. When he first ediion
was issued the Calgary and Edmon-
ton branch was the only railroad in
Alberta north of the C.P.R. main line.
To -day, as the present edition shows,
the area is served by a network of
main and branch railwapr lines and le
also filled with, other features result-
ing from the works of man, such as
towns,, villages, farmhouses, schools,
chunehes, elevators, telephone lines,
post offices, and so on.
Another interesting feature record-
ed upon the latest edition is that in
the 104 townships covered there are
some 280 miles of trunk road's, 493
miles of secondary roads, and 2350
miles of local roads in fair condition.
Oil Well 'Gives
Great Returns
In England
Owing to Legal Technicalities
Its Commercial Working
Is Not Feasible
London Dir. Arthur Wade, speak-
ing at the Institution. of Petroleum
Techtiiologiste, quotes Dr. A, C.
Veatch, an American. oil expert, as
saying that "the petroleum ,possibili-
ties -1n the Midlands of England are
of the most amazing and striking
character." The lecturer referred to
the oil well at Hardetoft in Derby-
Few people, he said, realized that
between May and December, 1927, the
well produced some 2500 'Mons of oil,
an average of. six barrels daily, which
comiparee favorably with the official
statement of the average wield of
producing wells in the United States.
He felt certain that aoclumulationa of
petroleum, possibly of comparatively
large dimensions• remain to be d seov-
ered in England.
Dr. Wade concluded by saying that
although the was sure accumulations
of oil did exist in the English Mid-
lands, he was also quite sure that it
was not at present oommmeroially
feasible to look for them. Owing to
the fact that the lands were minutely
subdivided, it was a complicated task
to block up an area such as a com-
pany would require, for drilling. Even
in the case of coal leases, he had
ttbrese are shown, respectively, in red, known the average time between. the
In buff and in black.
The site of old Fort Augustus,
shown upon the map as located on
the north side of the Saskatchewan
below Fort Saskatchewan provides a
link with the past. Alex,ancler Henry,
the younger, tells in his journal of
cutting barley at this place on the 3rd
of September in 1810 some time after
the tort itself had been abandoned.
Edmonton, a city of over 65,000 is
built on the site of "New" Fort
Augustus, erected in the latter part
of he 18th century and sometimes
designated Upper Fort des Prairies
bis early explorers and traders. "New"
Fort Augustus was maintained by the
North West Company until their
fusion with the Hudson's Bay Com-
pany in 1821. Later the name was
changed to Fort Edmonton.
The Edmonton sheet may be, obtain-
ed from the Surveyor General, Topo-
graphical Survey, Department of the
Interior, Ottawa, upon application for
the nominal sum of 25 cents in sheet
form or 50 cents when linen -backed
or in folder form.
A German psychologist says that
perfume has played an important part
in the growth of kindliness in this
world of ours, but, then, he may be
just an old sentimentalist.
agreement for a lease and the signing
of the oontract'to be eight years.
Further than that, he most favor-
able oil disriets are in he coal fields
where fuel resources of a competitive
Character were• not kindly regarded.
Again, if the bore -holes went through
the coal seams, the coal owners must
be •compensated, wbichactually oc-
curred at Hardstaft. Such obstacles
have thrown a cold douolie over any
optimist oil seeker.
Woman's Sphere
Manchester Guardian (Lib.) : (The
Manchester City Council decided that
marriage should not be made a reason
for the dismissal of women teachers).
Efficiency is the only matter that
should be taken into account when a
woman or a man is employed or dis-
missed. Any other attitude leads to
hopeles sconfusion, frequent injustice,
and sometimes to ludicrous interfer-
ence with the private lives of individ-
ual teachers.... Marriage, as such,
has no more to do with the matter in
the case of a woman than a mltin. To
argue that no woman should be mar-
ried unless her husband is able to sup-
port her is not only to show oneself
hopelessly out of touch with modern
conditions, but also to introduce con-
siderations which are irrelevant to
A professor finds that a girl babythe general issue and impertinent
when discussed in relation to particu-
triples herr weight during her first lar cases.
year. And tries to halve it during s
hem fortieth.
Assam, the native home of
the tea bush, produces teas
which are famed the world
over for their strength, rich-
ness and flavor.
The superior and distinc-
tive quality of Red Rose
Orange Pekoe is largely due
to /these fine quality Assam
teas, of which it is chiefly
composed. Every package
guaranteed. Tat
sciiwzattns `TMO 4 B ED' E owe
Our breeders are bred for high
egg production. White, Broavrl
and Bug Leghorne, Barred and
White Rocks, R. I. Reda, An-
conae, Buff Orpingtone. White
Wyandottee.l2cand up. r00°�
live delivery guaranteed. Waste
tod:iv for FREE CHICK }OOK+
rGtwEGLER'S fdATCHERle,2 fl l osrsaurraa. BUFFALO.®,Y.
German Clock Announces
Midnight by Striking 24
Berlin—Whena clock strikes as high
ae thirteen it Is' or'dinan•ily assumed
that there is something wrong with it.
Ths is no longer so in Freienwalde,
Brandenburg. The clock in the tow-
er of St, George's Church there not
only has been equipped with a dial
running up to twenty-four, but the
striking mechanism has been altered
so that the clock strikes, up to twenty:-
four—twenty-four Imes a .midnigtht+i
The twenty -four-hour system was
introduced for the German railways
and post office, but Freienwalde is the
first place to accept all the consequ-
ences of it.
We would' suggest that, before com-
panionate marriage be tried, the
couple experiment with a few sessions
of companionate bridge -playing.
estw to
.e 4%,
due to Acid
t•,ASaS • NAUSKA:...,;
When Pain
Whitt many people call indigestion
very often means excess acid in the
stomach. The stomach nerves have
been over -stimulated, and food sours,
Tho corrective is an alkali, which
n eutralizes acids instantly, And the
best alkali known to medical science
is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, It has
remained the standard with physicians
In the 60 years since its invention.
One spoonful of this harmless, taste.
less alkali In water Willneutralize in.
etantly many times as much acid, and
the symptoms disappear at once. Yon
will never use crude methods when
once you learn the efficiency of this,
Go get a sinall bottle to try,
Be sure to get the genuine Phillip&
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
clans for 60 years in correcting excess
acids. Each bottle contains full direc,
tiotl8—any drugstore.
A Gerr-naa View
Berlin Court Rules Lipsticks
Necessities; Orders Month's
Pay to Discharged Girl
Berlin—Lipsticks are no longer
luxury articles which women may use
or not, according to their desire, but
monetized companents of milady's
toilet, the same as dress, hat and
shoes, a Berlin court ruled recently.
Further, the court decreed that om=
pioyere are not privileged to dis-.
charge girls merely because they use
office curtains' for renewing exoess
carmine. The fault lies with the boss
if he does not pay large enough sal-
aries to enable the daughters of Eve
to buy quality co -emetics which will
not rub off, the Judge solemnly stat-
In defense the employer in this case
said the red daubs on curtains In his
office caused his wife to become sue-
picious of his fidelity, and she ac-
cused him of allowing stenographers
to kiss his bald head and later remov-
ing the' marks of hie treachery with
curtains. He therefore sumwarily
dismissed Fraulein Bibi, who was
guilty of making the marks in ques-
tion, but the Count made him paly her
a month's salary, as' the girl was not
An Empire Settlement Board
Toronto Globe (Lib.) : All interested
parties are agreed that British coun-
ountries should he peopled by British.
stock, not only for the sake of the peo-
ple and the Empire, but for the bene-
fits it would bring to Empire trade.
The Empire Marketing Board le bend-
ing its efforts in the direction of
trade. Its functions • are partly of a
publicity nature, but it also proposes
to assist in Empire development by
studying potentialities and by ft;rtlier-
ing research. If it is worth while to
devote money, time and enrgy to this
end for the sake of the Empire, it is
even more important that effort
should be made and money should he
spent to distribute the human intelli-
gence and man -power of the Empire
in a way to bring the best results.
Baby's Own Tablets Have Many
Uses and Are Absolutely
To have in the house a simple,
blamable for the inferior quality of harmless remedy for the minor ills of
her lipsticks. babies and little children is a great
boon to young mothers, and this is
EDexactly why Baby's Own Tablets have
been found in thousands of house-
holds. The Tablets regulate the stom-
MFach and bowels, break up colds and
i simple . fevers, allay the Irritation of
cutting teeth, yet they have no drug
taste and the children like them.
Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Ruth-
ven Crommiller, Ruthven, Ont., writes:
—"Kindly send me your little book on
the Care of the Baby. I have two
children, one four years of age and
the other a year and a half. Both
are in excellent health and the only
medicine they have had is Baby's Own
Tablets. I always keep the Tablets
in the house and am happy to recom-
mend them to other mothers."
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all
medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts.
a box from . The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a
Blood Improving, Health -
Restoring Tonle.
Every man, woman and child needs
new, rich, red blood at this time of
the year. That is a scientific fact. A.11
doctors know it. The blood grows
thin and poor in the winter; there is
not enotigh of it, and spring shows
the offal'. "Tare notice" and- see how
many people are pale and sallow at
this time of the year. They complain
of being easily tired, their appetite is.
poor, and they are often depressed
and low spirited. That is Mather Na-
ture urging them to improve their
blood supply; but often their diges-
tion is weakened so that they cannot
turn food .into blood without help.
Here is where modern medical science
comes to the rescue. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills have a direct action on the
blood and enable you to get full 'use.
of the blood -making elements in; your
meals. You soon feel their effect-
your appetite improves, your nerves
are steadier, color returns to the
cheeks and lips, you have more vim
and energy, and can work with less
The value of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills to all who are in what is known
as a run-down condition of health is'
proved by the experience of Mr. John
A. O'Neil, Port Hood, N.S., who: says:
—"It is not possible for me to recom-
mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too
highly. I had been gradually growing
weaker, and found it hard to do my
work. I suffered from severe head-
aches and pains in the back. I was
nervous and easily irritated, and alto-
gether my condition was deplorable.
A friend urged me to take Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, and I got a half
dozen boxes. I had only taken them
a short time when I found them help-
ing me, and by the time I had taken
the supply I got, I was again enjoying
good health. Headaches and pains
had disappeared, my nerves were
strengthened and I had good reason
to be thankful that I had followed the
advice of my friend."
Whether you are seriously ill or
merely feel easily tired and out -of -
sorts, you should try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills this spring. They are sold
by medicine dealers everywhere, or
will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box
by writing The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
If I was sad, think only that a thought
Brushed me a moment, from the raven
Of that dim prince
Where proserpine
If I was 'sad, think
Trailing companion
Cooled the clear
Darkness to be
who holds his ebon
grows old, remem-
that a careless
shadows on the
sun, and for a space
where radiance had
It was not sorrow blew; so light a
wind '
Could not shake clown the apples from
the trees
Which love, the gardener, planted in
my mind
To bear me harvest` of Hesperides,
It was not sorrow—but a little pride
'1'hat fickered suddenly, before it died.
—Viola Gerard.
For Better Programs
Ottawa Citizen (Lib.): Canada bas
tried the polity of government regula-
tion of private radio enterprise. It
fir suooee
sl^t1I so far, has been a
the pi'obleme, such as the aueation
raised by the International Bible
Students, are just beginning. An in-
tolerable situation is plainly bound to
develop unlese g'overnnient centre) of
broadcasting is extended to govern -
Invent ownership and operation of the
broadcasting statloas as it Is in Great
Use Minard's Llnllrient for 'Corns.
She—"What part of speech is a wo-
man ?"
Hee—"An indefinite article."
CIemenceau Gets NewCar
But His Money Is Refused
Paris—Georges Clemenceau, "the
grand old man of Gaul," who uses an
automobile instead of the train for
traveling about France, tried to buy a
new car the other day and couldn't.
The company insisted on. giving it to
For several years the "Tiger" bad
traveled about in a big, but old, car.
I-fe decided it was about time to get a
new model, and went to the sales of-
f'ce to see how much he would be al -
towed, on the old machine.
"Monsieur le President," the sales
manager said, "France owes .you too
mach. Let me pay my 'part of the
debt." And he refused to accept a
sou from the Tiger.
Clemenoeau, on returning to his
apartment, sent a cheek for 10,000
hones--$400—to the automobile plant
to be distributed among workmen
whose circumsances were the most
to oro e1
Over 3 blocks long--
5 stories highs
Luxuriously appointed, de-
pendable, unsurpassed in
cuisine and service, comfort-
able as tho finest hotels.
icalum% waretr, Cabin $290 un
',tourist Third Cabin $184,50
up. Third Class 'visa.
Daybreak Sailings
embark evening before.
Consult our travel ex-
ports. No obligation;
Cell, phone or write:
es Sing St. Dant
Mot#111 a#tnficling
rittocalS.a. Agetfte
2J 0
If you welt the very best, risk
for Red Rose Orae Pekoe
Ir¢ clean, bright Aluminum
India's Reasons I Classified Advertisements
. O3
i tel. Demanding � I�E4Sarn big bonuses. Write
! btandal d Corlpany, Box 501, Toronto.
"Ever since Leek Birkenhead took
the important and extraordinary de-
cision in 1924 to eummon Lord Read-
ing, then Viceroy to India, to private
conferences in Whitehall the demand
has been gaining ground that the
future of India should be decided upon
after consultations between British
nd Indian statesmen," says D. N,
Bannerjea, member of the Committee
of Itel1lcetuai Co-operation of the
League of Netione, in an article in
April "Current History" Magazine.
,India to -day is no Longer content
with petty reforms. She asks for
self-government as her inalienable
right and is prepared during the
transition to Ieave control over the
army and relations with foreign pow-
ers in the hands of the British Gov-
ernment. India asks for self-govern-
ment for fundamentally sound rea-
sons,. , . The arrival of the members
of the Royal Oammiselo on Indian
Constitutional Reforms on Feb 3 was
marked by closing of shops. and sus-
pension of business in Bombay and by
'dramatic triumphs' in Calcutta. It
must not be understood that the boy-
cott applies only to the commission.
It will continue until either by Parlia-
mentary pronouncement or by means
of a round table conference of pleni-
potentiaries of England and India the
future Constitution of India is deter-
mined upon and accepted. Sir TO
Bahadur Sapru proposes the appoint-
ment of an Indian commission to. tour
the oountry and conduct an investiga-
tion into the working of the Constitu-
tion. The British Parliament, no
doubt, takes longer views and is more
sympathetic. . . . The question of In-
dian self-government finally does not
resp on the merits or .demerits of the
present Government. Campbell -Ban-
nerman decided it long ago by his
dictum that good government Is no
proper substitute for self-govern-
Minard's Liniment for Backache.
J) farming opportunities offered here
'unsurpassed anywhere. Another fact,
cheapest good farms on earth still here.
Burley's free bargain catalog ready.
Alfred Burley Co., Limited, St. John.
,7 flowers. Glads fifty, Dahlias 6 or
roses 9, delivered, $2.00. Catalog free.
M. & O. Dodds, Sorrento, B.C.
Settling the Settler
Toronto Mail and Empire (Cons.):
inducing people to come here is one
thing. Making them glad they came
here is another. Both are matters for
which: the government must be re-
sponsible. Vpon immigration policy
the government might vainly spend
immense sums every year, for, unless
a very liberal part of the outlay is ap-
plied to the service of getting the poo -1
ple comfortably established on the
soil and well introduced into the Cana-
dian way of living, the newcomers
must find the struggle a disheartening
Corrugated Iron
"Council Standard"
A thick, even, heavy spread of
galvanizing over every inch of sur-
face. Deep corrugations. Agencies
still open in some localities.
Write ue, stating size of
• barn you want to cover. •
Dept. W, 10* George
naovxNt•1'AND sxoazLGE.
TANCE movers of Canada. Largest
speedy padded vena. New Equipment,
latest methods. Two experienced men
every trip. A11 loads insured. Beyond
compare for skill and care. Before you '%
move, write us or wire and reverse the
charges. Head office Hamilton. Ontario,
Canada. Hill the Mover.
From healthy heavy layers of large eggs,
S.C'. English White Legliorns, Anconas,
Rocks, Reds and Assorted chicks at
reasonable prices. Also pullets. No
money down. Pay full amount ten days
before chicks are shipped or C.O.D.
Special discounts. 100 per cent. live de-
livery postpaid. Catalogue free.
nos Hatchery, Zeeland, Mich., n. No. 2C.
uiictra Talcum
Exquisitely Scented
Mix Minard's Liniment with
Molasses and pour over a bran
mash. Brings quick results.
Do You Get Up
Tired, ro38
Look out.
It may be kidneys. Try
Safe Kidney and Liver
"Tea" says the izl i ll} ,lnrtor. "ty"ft
need a stimulant ti:,. t e i• • ' i for tn••re
than 6o years the 1.t•>1 known i
this eine lilt bee, \. , s n•> 's til.• , ifl-
ney Find l.i(el !:.-!1 d�. ,'a[itall.y a
physician's prescripri,-r•, nit:,t, • r Na-
ture's Herbs. 1
Safe of t•ntu•ee. But l.el`er 1h:Ir ii:at,
it helps ti, preserve 1 no•s' p' 's
asset, your health. gently it vl]ln lia;ea
kidneys and liter to do their (v,rii kyr
cleaning out body yit nor. G"111 y,• it
blood-streain cleansed. 111„1 a:1 •"•tis
func•tion:Jig as they ehu,,tfi. y1.•t ::v:,,tt8
trots) a wand night's s:e" r `„.:,.•rl,
'Invigorated. tlrmg. 1 Ile
Your eye '4car5. Y„•= ', n gains
a. healthy (alit. Yt"t t<'t71k with
once. You display an air a l' a•+ `n•:•ity
and sirl eFs,
Evert druggist knows pi"tt, t a' ',a,s'Ing
Vtatret c Safe ?iirlti,y.t'u1 11 fir tt�m-
edy. Tt costs little, 1,111 it i. (\• '. i
tt11 11 11s014 10 t71' r( tt•l r Y v tris
heir, it giveS. 11u} r 1• t I 1•:Iti.y.
Get nook to health. \\ i n •1 .' :,., r. Rear
ether t'u.. 'Toronto. fit arta'
Warner's SafA idr'ey' and
Liver Remedy
St, Toronto 2� , MOD
Ailing Men and
Women Need
This To 1c
Poets sing of Spring, but practical -
minded people, everywhere, turn at this
time to the Doctor and the Druggist for
help to build up run-down constitutions.
And no better remedy can be taken than
Buckley's TRU-BLOOD.
TRU-BLOOD, as its name implies, is a
true blood tonic and a safe, sure, power-
ful corrective for all blood disorders, and
rheumatic conditions as well.
But " TRU - BLOOD " is more than a
blood purifier—its use eradicates the out-
ward evidences of impoverished blood,
such as pimples, boils, eczema, blotches
and all other skin affections,
Buckley's OINTMENT, used in con-
junction with Buckley's TRU - BLOOD,
heals magically and leaves the skin smooth
and soft,
Especially during the sdoieseent age, pimples
end variousform, of skin eruptions aro likely to
appear, They mar the Complexion And cause
untold anguish. The combined TRU-BLO01) and
Buckley's OINTMENT treatment prondlycur•
recta the condition 4nd leaves the skin clear,
smooth and colorful.
'l+ioit Cru gists can. 'supply yen stint these
proven Buckley products.
?"ores MeBlood
we el
Mrs. Wilson's Experience a
Guide to Woxnen Passing
through the Change of Life
Hamilton, Ontario.— "I have taken
several bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable C o m-
pound and I can-
not speak too
highly of it as It
was at the Change
of Life and wa$.
all run-down and
had no appetite.
I was very weak
and sick, and th.a
pains in myba
�r a c
weso ad
I got very sad a ,
times and thought I had not a frien'
n earth. I did not care if I lived Q-
led. I was very nervous, too an
id not go out very much.. ,A frien
advised me to try abottle of Lyd}`aIii.' rinkhatn's Vegetable Compound tip•_
1 did. X am a far pier's ife, pact 144 •-
ways worked hard usltl ate l ', old'"
was in bed for two mon its. Ibegan
to feel like a new woman a
first bottlo and Iger is.
ec m en it w
great success also Lydia P
lraln's Liver i.'il1s. I �am willing
answer letters from *creek asin to
about your mediclees, ss
speak too highly of their . '. .
l MlVMA WILSON, 471 Wagon Street,
Hamilton, Ontario.
Sold by' druggists everywhere. tl
IS5iJE No. lee -JO r �'